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A. Q. Shipley traded

Marcio James

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Well, I don't see this as a big deal, really. Shipley really wasn't good... He seemed better than Satele because he was an "underdog" kind of player.

I think this means we have a lot of confidence in Holmes. (I think he's gonna be a pretty good center, fwiw)

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Poor inside blockers? They both had poor inside blockers

Not disputing that just saying there were multiple reasons perhaps that affected his play. Looking at the whole picture it is hard to say that Shipley was an pro-bowl and Satele was Arena league. The guy can't consistently do his most basic job hiking the ball and that's a fact Jack.

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Get him gone - if he's not in the future plans then see you - hope it works out for you elsewhere. I'm focused on the immediate future - not the past.


I also cant disagree with the guys that have access to every snap Shipley played last year & still drafted a Center this year.

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just curious where you got that fact?? because the way i see it is, there is no guaranteed starter for center on this team and that spot is up for grabs. 

Holmes is a much better player then Satele talent always prevail. Holmes was considered a late 1st early 2nd round pick in 2011 when he was healthy. Barkley had a unbelievable year in 2011 and had lots of time to step up in climb the pocket. The injuries is what made Holmes fall to us in the 4th but when healthy, Holmes is a early round talent.

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Well, at least Grigson likes to get value for the players he doesn't see making the team.  We all knew something had to give with three centers on the roster, so at least he got something for one of them.  We all would have rather seen Satele go, but I guess it has something to do with Grigson's vision of how these guys will fit the new offensive system...

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Not a huge deal, honestly. Shipley was better than Satele, and probably will be solid, and probably better than a 6th rounder (guessing at this round)that we get for him. But that remains to be seen, plus if Holmes is worthy of starting, at least we got something for an UDFA.

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Best of luck to AQ in Baltimore! 


The writing on the wall was there when we picked Holmes in the 4th. Not surprisingly, we shopped the guy who had some value as opposed to cutting him or Satele and getting nothing back. Holmes is going to be given every chance to earn a day 1 starting position so he can develop with Luck, and they weren't about to split those practice reps 3 ways.


Holmes can play, so I'm not too upset over the move, but I like AQ and wish him the best (as long as he's not playing against us that week lol).

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Well I don't know more than the coaches, and I don't get paid to make decisions. Lets hope this works out. I would like to see Satele with a decent supporting cast, and not battling injuries.

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Think you are looking at this all wrong.  With the trade it becomes clear he did not fit in the Colts plans, in other words, he was likely going to be cut anyway.  That is giving away something for nothing.  Not sure of the terms of the trade, but my guess is that the Colts will get something back regardless if he makes the Ravens roster or not.



finally a voice of reasn

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The fact that 1 of the best G.M.'s and talent evaluators in the league in Ozzie Newsome wanted Shipley tells me this was a bad move for us, Newsome continues to make brilliant moves this offseason...

trading Boldin for a sixth was brilliant?

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The fact that 1 of the best G.M.'s and talent evaluators in the league in Ozzie Newsome wanted Shipley tells me this was a bad move for us, Newsome continues to make brilliant moves this offseason...


Not every player is on the team to be a star. Especially in this situation. Shipley might be able to fill a need for BAL that he cant fill for us. That doesnt make Ozzie a genius or that he sees something in Shipley we missed.


Ravens probably didn't want to pay Satele's salary, which is much higher then Shipley's.  I still don't understand dumping Shipley for a conditional pick though.  If he doesn't meet the conditions then they gave him away for free.  


Allow me to clear it up for you based on the info we have. I assume the pick we get for him is a 6th at best even though id take ANY pick for him. Whatever pick we get will be more value to us than him.


He was traded for something we dont even know what it will be yet? That means he was gonna get cut. So all the ppl acknowledging how "well" he played last year - it equalled a conditional pick moving forward.


Last year OL effort is no longer the accepted standard so to me this sends the message to everyone on the OL to get on board or get gone.  

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I came to see all of the end of the world posts. haha.

It's crazy, AQ Shipley was not some all pro Center who we just tossed by the way side. He was just the best option we had behind Satele.

Getting rid of a center was inevitable and nobody was going to take Samson's contract. Im just glad we can get something and not just cut the dude. Score 1 for Grigson.

Barring injury, Satele will start. Holmes will get the reps with the 2nd team and play spot duty. He might even be our long snapper this year and compete to start next season.

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Didn't know the backup center was such a coveted position

When your backup should have been the starter it is, I still dont hear any logical argument as to why some like Satele and his alligator arms and his tendency to lean to far forward off the snap of the ball leaving D Linemen to blow right by him

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@TribStarTJames: One thing to consider with the Shipley trade to Baltimore is that Indy has a new OL coach. Each OL coach has their style of guys.

@TribStarTJames: The point about about OL coach style was easy to see when Pete Metzelaars took over for Howard Mudd. Pete played guys that Howard wouldn't.

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I liked AQ but I'm not sure he was that great first off he was better then Satele and I'm sure nobody wanted him every d linemen owns him every snap and I think Holmes will be good so I'm not to upset I wanted Holmes to start anyway so this will help

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When your backup should have been the starter it is, I still dont hear any logical argument as to why some like Satele and his alligator arms and his tendency to lean to far forward off the snap of the ball leaving D Linemen to blow right by him

Well he had his chance to take the starting job and the staff felt like he didn't do enough to take the job from Satele.
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Man, I understand Grigson is a ex lineman so maybe he saw something we didn't.

But from a fan's perspective, the offensive line as a whole seemed to get better whenever Shipley was in.


I see this alot. People seem to like Shipleys effort last year. I just assume by the fact he's gone that he wasnt good enough moving forward.

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I see this alot. People seem to like Shipleys effort last year. I just assume by the fact he's gone that he wasnt good enough moving forward.

I mean from our perspective Shipley was the man when he got in. But like I said, Grigson is the offensive lineman so he'd know more than I would so just gotta trust his decisions. Don't have to like them, but it is what it is

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