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get us a left tackle before luck gets killed. casto blocks a man who someone else is blocking to the right and matthews goes around on the left. , he is a left tackle watch to the left not to the right, he is slow footed and confused about to block, luck is going to get hurt , another polian bust

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get us a left tackle before luck gets killed. casto blocks a man who someone else is blocking to the right and matthews goes around on the left. , he is a left tackle watch to the left not to the right, he is slow footed and confused about to block, luck is going to get hurt , another polian bust

my bad. luck can play without an offensive line , he can move. what a talent
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It is imbecilic posts like this that has made it remarkably hard for me to read this forum here lately. I have read the incredibly stupid statement (so and so) "is going to get Luck killed" so many times since the beginning of preseason its ridiculous, and yet, Luck is still alive and kicking week in and week out. Sorry if this comes off as harsh but I'm so sick of reading nonsense like this I could puke. Every little mistake made by a player and people completely over react and start making silly threads that have been repeated thousands of times.

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Hold up here....the guy's already faced Peppers, Allen, and Matthews in 4 games.

I don't know what more people are looking for out of a dude who didn't even play all of his rookie season. I think Castonzo's been fine, and he's still going to improve. LT is the last spot we need to worry about on the line.

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Hold up here....the guy's already faced Peppers, Allen, and Matthews in 4 games.

I don't know what more people are looking for out of a dude who didn't even play all of his rookie season. I think Castonzo's been fine, and he's still going to improve. LT is the last spot we need to worry about on the line.

I agree

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get us a left tackle before luck gets killed. casto blocks a man who someone else is blocking to the right and matthews goes around on the left. , he is a left tackle watch to the left not to the right, he is slow footed and confused about to block, luck is going to get hurt , another polian bust

Gonna be nice and say this is the most craziest and uninformed post I've read today.

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Hold up here....the guy's already faced Peppers, Allen, and Matthews in 4 games.

I don't know what more people are looking for out of a dude who didn't even play all of his rookie season. I think Castonzo's been fine, and he's still going to improve. LT is the last spot we need to worry about on the line.

lt is our weak spot on the line, we need a great one to protect luck, we have to face reality
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lt is our weak spot on the line, we need a great one to protect luck, we have to face reality

This is a joke. do you watch the line play? or you just see Luck leaving the pocket so its all coming from the LT. might want to re-watch all the games again

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Once he settled down Cas did pretty good the second half the O line protected okay. I believe it just took them a little time to adjust. I don't want to see luck get hit like that. Cas will be okay, Clay Matthews gives season vets fits. Good win for Chuck and the team, Go Colts.

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lt is our weak spot on the line, we need a great one to protect luck, we have to face reality

So far he has been our strong spot on the line. He is still pretty much a rookie with the amount of games and practices he has been in the last 2 seasons. Pretty much no camp or off season last year then got injured.
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Castonzo gets a B from me today, and a B+ so far this season. I think maybe we should find someone else to complain about. Heaven knows this team has a number of holes. But left tackle isn't one of them. We're set at left tackle. Look around the league at offensive line play, and you'll realize that a) we don't have the worst line in the league (even though it seems that way sometimes, like today's first half), and b) we have a top 7 left tackle.

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Get us a new LT?!? That's a joke.

Castonzo is our best O-lineman and guess how many sacks he's given up to Jared Allen, Julius Peppers and Matthews? 1. Can't say that about 80% of the guys out there. His run blocking has been great too, I remember one play in today's game at the end of the 1st half, he pushed Matthews to the ground and ran up field and made another big block. The big hits that happened today were on the right side, which is Justice's side. That's another story.

He's having a great year and is turning into one of the better young tackles in the game. Don't replace him, reward him if anything.

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We need Ben Ijalana healthy or another bookend tackle on the opposite side of Castanzo for the long term in next year's draft.

The O-line made good adjustments and so did Luck and Arians in the second half, quite the opposite of other games.

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Get us a new LT?!? That's a joke.

Castonzo is our best O-lineman and guess how many sacks he's given up to Jared Allen, Julius Peppers and Matthews? 1. Can't say that about 80% of the guys out there. His run blocking has been great too, I remember one play in today's game at the end of the 1st half, he pushed Matthews to the ground and ran up field and made another big block. The big hits that happened today were on the right side, which is Justice's side. That's another story.

He's having a great year and is turning into one of the better young tackles in the game. Don't replace him, reward him if anything.

He's been very solid for sure. After the game, guys on the radio were complimenting him for how well he fared against Matthews. One of those guys was "Big Joe" Staysniak, former NFL and Colt O lineman, who probably knows more about how AC is playing than most posters on this forum.

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The one sack that AC gave up wasn't his fault. They completely overloaded that side of the line and he played it exactly like he should have. Inside out. He took the inside guy in which Matthews was the outside guy so "technically" speaking AC should have let him go. I'm sure Luck seen the line on that side, but just didn't get rid of the ball fast enough. AC gives up ONE sack and people are calling him out. I may be an arm chair guy like most of us here, but common sense doesn't seem to be a quality trait of a "few" around here.

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The one sack the AC gave up wasn't his fault. They completely overloaded that side of the line and he played it exactly like he should have. Inside out. He took the inside guy in which Matthews was the outside guy so "technically" speaking AC should have let him go. I'm sure Luck seen the line on that side, but just didn't get rid of the ball fast enough. AC gives up ONE sack and people are calling him out. I may be an arm chair guy like most of us here, but common sense doesn't seem to be a quality trait of a "few" around here.

I agree. I see a lot of strides he has made. He has played the likes of Pepper, Allen and Mathews and has given up just 1 sack. Now, our O's performance vs the Bears does not look that shabby, IMO. That D seems out of this world right now.

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