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The Packers did exactly what they should do when they got us down they attacked and started blitzing like crazy, sending more players than we could block, because they knew had to throw and at that point in the game our run game was not working very well. If you notice in the second half when the run game picked up and the score got closer the Colts really started to slow down the Packers pass rush. Also since people have been so hard on the coaching staff let's give them some credit. They adjusted at half-time and the line protection as a whole was much better in the second half.

Castonzo did just fine keep in mind the other team gets paid too. It's not like he was getting beat by John Smith off the street. He was going up against Clay Mathews on just about every play. Once in a while he's going to win a play here or there too. Castonzo more than held his own.

I agree with the poster who said people are over reacting to every little mistake that is made. Think about the things people have complained about, Castonzo can't block, Adam can't kick, Brown can't run, Fleener can't catch, Davis can't play corner, and Pagano/Arians can't coach. Some people seem to be expecting perfection and when they don't get it they jump all over them. Honestly I think some look for mistakes so they can run in here and go oh look at this guy he stinks I told you so! Honestly I think that's what it comes down too some are more interested in seeing their opinion about someone be proven right than they are interested in giving a fair assignment of how that player is playing. Are any of the players/coaches that I listed above perfect? No, but what pro athlete it is?

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get us a left tackle before luck gets killed. casto blocks a man who someone else is blocking to the right and matthews goes around on the left. , he is a left tackle watch to the left not to the right, he is slow footed and confused about to block, luck is going to get hurt , another polian bust

....Seriously? They have a moving hybrid defense that is meant to confuse the Offensive Line. Look at the play. Two of the Packers crossed and did exactly what they were meant to do, mix up the blocking assignments. It's not all on Castonzo. And if it's primarily his fault, he's played how many games? Today was his 16th game in the NFL.

Some people are ridiculous, expecting players to enter the league and instantly be great? If you are calling a 2nd year player, who made 1 mistake a bust, then you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That's putting it as nicely as I am willing to do.

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