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Do you think the colts will look at Chad Johnson?


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Before hard knocks, I would have said no. After seeing a few episodes of hard knocks, I would say no way in LEHL. The last thing Andrew Lucks needs is a WR that can't learn the routes and sits on the outside hoots and hollers for the ball pre-snap.

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Before hard knocks, I would have said no. After seeing a few episodes of hard knocks, I would say no way in LEHL. The last thing Andrew Lucks needs is a WR that can't learn the routes and sits on the outside hoots and hollers for the ball pre-snap.

Yes! If he still had the talent and would run good routes, I could see putting up with his "look at me!" stuff. But then, he wouldn't be out of a job either.

I wish they would bring in Jeff Demps. Talk about a perfect water bug for Arians!

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Before hard knocks, I would have said no. After seeing a few episodes of hard knocks, I would say no way in LEHL. The last thing Andrew Lucks needs is a WR that can't learn the routes and sits on the outside hoots and hollers for the ball pre-snap.

I have not watched Hard Knocks this season but read where they showed the firing of Chad on the program. Surely this isn't true. If it is it puts a black mark on their organization imo.

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I have not watched Hard Knocks this season but read where they showed the firing of Chad on the program. Surely this isn't true. If it is it puts a black mark on their organization imo.

They showed it. My bigger issue is Chad hooting and hollering for the QB to throw him the ball at the line and then dropping it. Also, he only new his routes and couldn't line up in other wr positions like Arians system requires. He was criticized for this in the 2nd episode.

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I can run around the field shooting off my mouth and not catching balls! Is this a serious question? Really? C'mon! Chad was a "never-been" before he left the Bengals. In fact, go back to their last playoff run, with Ced. Ben runnin' mad, and if CJ would have "played" that game, or just caught some routine passes, they would have moved on. C'mon kids! Chad Johnson is NOT a COLT and shame on you for even thinking it! I'd rather have a losing season than put up with that mess!

- Eric

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i like the player formerly known as Ocho. Everyone talks about his "issues" and he has had ONE... THIS one. got his butt canned before any details are out. A woman with a history of fighting...on TV... and violence...on TV... says a man with no criminal past assulted her... im part of the populus that believes innocent until proven guilty. Think Philbin wanted him out and seized the opprotunity. you could tell from the meeting on HardKnocks.

So the guy has some creative TD celebrations... thats not a bad thing. He is passionate about the game. follow him on twitter. he is ALWAYS at the facility. wakes up at crack of dawn, works out hard, heck on the show he trys to sit in the coaches meetings! He BALLED for 10 years with the Bangels. maybe he doesnt learn a system in one offseason... knock his FB intelligence. I however feel if he were on a roster for a time period (more that a single season with a butchered preseason...Patriots) he would be able to learn ALL the WR routes not just his.

as a weapon a team must play to his streangth. Line him up where you wnt him and let him learn that. you have a stable of recievers for the other duties until he learns them.

ALL THAT SAID... and saying i love the guy... i dont think he is a Colt. we have a great stable of young, hungry guys for Luck, and a couple vets and just dont have the room. If we had not addressed the WR spot so dilligently in the draft, id think otherwise. But Wayne, Collie, Hilton, Brazill, Sambrano, Avery, Cosby, Grif et. al, we just dont need another body just to have one.

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I can run around the field shooting off my mouth and not catching balls! Is this a serious question? Really? C'mon! Chad was a "never-been" before he left the Bengals. In fact, go back to their last playoff run, with Ced. Ben runnin' mad, and if CJ would have "played" that game, or just caught some routine passes, they would have moved on. C'mon kids! Chad Johnson is NOT a COLT and shame on you for even thinking it! I'd rather have a losing season than put up with that mess!

- Eric

never was...?? came into the league in 2001... 2002-2009... 8 seasons... 6 over 1,100, 7 over 1,000?? almost 900 in his last season with the Bengals... we all know last year... im missing the parts where he was worthless... 2002

16 69 1,166 16.9 72 5 58 0 0 2003

16 90 1,355 15.1 82 10 66 0 0 2004

16 95 1,274 13.4 53 9 63 1 0 2005

16 97 1,432 14.8 70 9 74 1 0 2006

16 87 1,369 15.7 74 7 66 1 1 2007

16 93 1,440 15.5 70 8 74 2 1 2008

  • CIN

13 53 540 10.2 26 4 36 0 0 2009

16 72 1,047 14.5 50 9 55 2

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i agree we dont need the dude, but i dont agree he is worthless. i think someone should get him. and hold him for longer than 1 season with no training camp. T.O is 38... Driver is 38... age is a number.

if we needed a WR id say take a look. however as stated, we dont need a WR... any WR... starter, fill in, or camp body. we r full.

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I believe in the "Dolphins release Chad Johnson thread that I said there were ocho cino reasons not to sign him, and in fact I got on my knees and 'begged" Colt fans to "PLEASE not start a Colts/Chad Johnson thread.

FX Stryker started the "Just say No the Chad -O-Johnson -no

This team is showing so much spirit and solid play by youngsters like Ross, Adams, and Cosby (Along with Brazill and Hilton) that Avery may not make the club!

Chad needs Anger Management classes, and need to get his life in order. TO busted his butt to get back. Randy Moss has been solid (Even though Moss did not have personal problems per se.) Chad needs to be all in or all out on a return to the league....let alone the Colts.

Edited by BrentMc11
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never was...?? came into the league in 2001... 2002-2009... 8 seasons... 6 over 1,100, 7 over 1,000?? almost 900 in his last season with the Bengals... we all know last year... im missing the parts where he was worthless...

.....and I miss the part where he got his team to the Superbowl. Yeah, he made some regular season catches, and dropped every important ball thrown his way. Who cares what he put up in the regular season. He NEVER WAS there to win an important game. I'm really not sure why you are defending him being a "Colt" fan? You really want this clown on our team? Yep, he was funny for a while, but his mouth over ran his ability. I don't want this guy, I wouldn't want this guy, and I believe he is the kind of guy that really can derail a team. I apologize if my comment offended you in some way, but I'm just callin' it like I see it. Chad NEVER WAS a team type player that could support and propel a team to a championship. That's just my opinion, fell free to disagree.

- Eric

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.....and I miss the part where he got his team to the Superbowl. Yeah, he made some regular season catches, and dropped every important ball thrown his way. Who cares what he put up in the regular season. He NEVER WAS there to win an important game. I'm really not sure why you are defending him being a "Colt" fan? You really want this clown on our team? Yep, he was funny for a while, but his mouth over ran his ability. I don't want this guy, I wouldn't want this guy, and I believe he is the kind of guy that really can derail a team. I apologize if my comment offended you in some way, but I'm just callin' it like I see it. Chad NEVER WAS a team type player that could support and propel a team to a championship. That's just my opinion, fell free to disagree.

- Eric

not offended. and as a "colts" fan i stated we dont need him. not for lack of ability... as stated, we have a TON of WR talent.

To your never won a SB comment, a WR going all 1200+ yards in a season on a team consitantly falling short i believe more speaks to the inability of the "team" than of the guy. they just were not good... Like how Pierre got close to 1k last year... and we won 2 games... Skins PAID him. they didnt look at a 2 win team and go, wow, wayne, brown, garcon, collie etc are all trash, they didnt make the SB. they saw a dude making the best of a bad situation. (im not a Garcon honk eaither btw, dont mind him gone)

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Until Chad Johnson is handed down a verdict by a judge, serves out his sentence, completes anger management classes, and holds a formal indepth interview on say CBS "60 Minutes" with journalist Steve Kroft, a fantastic investigative reporter, and a dying breed in this country today.

Chad won't have an NFL career until he lays on the cards out on the table, falls on his self inflicted, proverbial sword, and candidly admits exactly what he learned; No team will take a flyer on Mr. Johnson including the Indianapolis Colts. If I was his agent or publicist, I will tell Chad to disappear for one year and a half. During that hiatus, seek psychological assistance immediately, issue a public apology to your wife, Coach Philbin and the Miami Dolphins, VH1 TV producers, and all the children and fanbase that looked up to you as a role model. In addition, apologize to all your corporate sponsors too.

Tell everyone: I have acted like a selfish child who did not respect my wife, my team mates, my coaching staff, or the heirarchy of administrative authority. I have fallen far and I have been incredibly humbled by my own self indulgent arrogance and sense of entitlement. I may be a comedian and fun loving prankster, but I know domestic violence is no laughing matter. I am committed to seeking professional help to change my behavior for the better and I pray that the public gives me the time and space to transform my personality and heal properly. Thank you children and corporate america for believing in my honor, dignity, and good name once and I will do everything in my power to earn that trust, honor, and respect once again."

Once Chad has served out his sentence, volunteer to work for countless domestic violence shelters in Miami, speak about your experience to groups about the perils of violence and how unrestrained anger solves nothing and is not a sign of respect, affection, and genuine love to a spouse or girlfriend. One year later, some team would glad take a flyer on the Chad Johnson football reclamation project IMO.

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