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When you first heard that Peyton Manning was officially going to be released?

I was just sitting at my house like any normal day, and was listening to JMV and he reported about the news conference that day, and thats when I saw it happen.

Where were you at?

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When you first heard that Peyton Manning was officially going to be released?

I was just sitting at my house like any normal day, and was listening to JMV and he reported about the news conference that day, and thats when I saw it happen.

Where were you at?

It felt like I spent a huge chunk of the weeks leading up to and following his release watching TV and scouring the Internet for any/all information. I kinda knew what was going down, kinda thought it was the right thing for the team, but it kinda seemed surreal, almost like watching news of a catastrophe but hoping it's made up like War of the Worlds.

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I refuse to participate un this thread. No good will come from it. Therefore I will not answe..... oh cra......

Just when I thought I was out.....

I was struggling myself and you kindly broke the ice.

The original poster nearly sounds like my father when he tells the story of when he first found out JFK got shot.

Lets all get a hold of ourselves. Seriously.

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I was struggling myself and you kindly broke the ice.

The original poster nearly sounds like my father when he tells the story of when he first found out JFK got shot.

Lets all get a hold of ourselves. Seriously.

I was thinking the same thing!

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I was glued to 1070, trying to find out what was going to happen, and I believe I was driving home from work, when they announced the press conference was the next day. I thought "Here's where Irsay has a trick up his sleeve!" ...boy was I wrong....I'm not going to lie, I cried at watching his press conference. Having got to have met him and have a conversation just months before made it really hard to believe that it was going to go down the way it did. I really do think it was the best for both sides, though hard to accept. Does he want to spend his last few years in rebuilding? Even if we kept him, Polian and Caldwell had to go, then you have to get all the other coaches (or most) since they're all of the same regime, so it would still have been too much of a starting over to some degree. Its just because we've all grown so accustomed to having him here, we never thought it would happen. I am VERY excited, however, about the new direction and Andrew Luck's energy. COLTSTRONG

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I was sitting in my classroom, wondering how much longer 'til I got to go home.

The principle entered the room abruptly and delivered the news in a very serious manner.

I felt like I was supposed to feel sad, but mostly I felt a little scared.

Wait...that WAS JFK & I was in 3rd grade.

Oh, Peyton? I was already numb by the time it happened.

I was well prepped on this forum.

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I'm one who defends Peyton to the annoyance of many, yet I have absolutely no recollection. Whether that speaks to the state of my memory, or the fact that it had been predicted so many times for so many months that it all kind of blends together, I have no idea.

Of course I have no idea where I was when JFK was killed either, so maybe it is my memory. But if I had to guess I'd say that I was probably playing with blocks on the living room floor. Maybe crayons, it's hard to say.

Couldn't you wait until Peyton retires and/or goes out in a blaze of glory to visit this topic? Not only is it about the last thing that the poor forum needs, but I need time to come up with a better answer.

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I can say I know EXACTLY where I was when...

Indy WON the SB, AFCCG

OJ Simpson verdict

9/11 morn....

Ronald Reagan got shot

Space Shuttle Challenger disaster... in a class room in HS, and my teacher turned off the set when he realized what had went down and started crying and left the room. Very sad to witness...

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When you first heard that Peyton Manning was officially going to be released?

I was just sitting at my house like any normal day, and was listening to JMV and he reported about the news conference that day, and thats when I saw it happen.

Where were you at?

I was at work at my desktop...and I didn't wanted to believe it first. Later I was rushing home to catch the presser at 18:00 CET (12:00 EST)

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I was at work at my desktop...and I didn't wanted to believe it first. Later I was rushing home to catch the presser at 18:00 CET (12:00 EST)

Ah, so you do actually live in Hungary then. Good man. Wasn't sure if you had moved to the U.S. At least being the 32nd seed, we don't have many (one) middle of the night games to stay up for! Budapest?

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Ah, so you do actually live in Hungary then. Good man. Wasn't sure if you had moved to the U.S. At least being the 32nd seed, we don't have many (one) middle of the night games to stay up for! Budapest?

Not Budapest, 130 miles (200 kms) to south from Budapest, Pecs. (Actually I live in a small town near to Pecs, but it has longer and confusing name).

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I was at work, and my wife called me.

JFK? I remember sitting down on the couch in our two room house because my mother was crying and I asked her why. I was 4.

I had the exact same thought you did Warhorse. Somehow, this where were you Peyton Manning release question just can't quite measure up to 911 or this Walter Cronkite tragic announcement on Nov. 22, 1963:

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I was walking down the hall of my high school at the beginning of my senior year and a frined came out of the room and made the announcement, I had no idea what the Towers were till that day, As for the Peyton release I was at home

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I can say I know EXACTLY where I was when...

Space Shuttle Challenger disaster... in a class room in HS, and my teacher turned off the set when he realized what had went down and started crying and left the room. Very sad to witness...

That was particularly horrifying. I remember it vividly. I was doing dishes and had the TV on.

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When you first heard that Peyton Manning was officially going to be released?

I was just sitting at my house like any normal day, and was listening to JMV and he reported about the news conference that day, and thats when I saw it happen.

Where were you at?

I rememeber hearing the morning reports that Peyton would be fired and I didnt believe them..

...that's foggy..

but I vividly remember seeing Peyton Manning and Jim Irsay in the SUV at the airport...on the NFL Network or ESPN that evening.

Peyton said: 'We'll talk about it all tomorrow'..

the reporter said: 'But you two are OK with everything?'

...Irsay seemed like he wanted to say something and Peyton said: 'We'll talk about it tomorrow.'...

That's when I knew he was leaving...............very sad...............still not over it

Andrew Luck has nothing to do with it.

Its like when Michael Jordan retired...both times....Just like it.

The Bulls have Derrick Rose now and he's good...

But I still miss watching Michael Jordan..and he's almost 50 now

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When you first heard that Peyton Manning was officially going to be released?

I was just sitting at my house like any normal day, and was listening to JMV and he reported about the news conference that day, and thats when I saw it happen.

Where were you at?

Seeing Peyton cry was not gud not gud man
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I was at home on the this site. I knew it was coming so I was not surprised by it. But I was still sad. But it was no shocker to me. On 9/11 I will always remember like it was yesterday, I don't think anyone will forget that tragic dark day. I got up, I turned on the computer. I always turn on TV like I do every morning to get my local news and weather. But that day I did not turn on the TV. I was on the ACC boards being a ACC fan and Duke fan. I saw all of these postings about the plane hitting the trade center's. I really did not think nothing of it, I thought it was an accident maybe it was foggy or weather related then I saw more posts. I turned on the TV and found that the towers was on fire and I knew then it was no accident. I think the 9/11 will always and forever stick in my mind. Followed by OKC back in April 19th, 1995 I know where I was back then. I was an 10th grade in highschool I was working in the library they had the TV on that day and there was the special report about it. 3rd would probably be the Columbine tragedy in 1999. I know where I was there as well. 4th would probably be Manning.

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I was at home watching ESPN. We all knew it was coming.....

On 9/11 I was in 6th grade, and the school put us in lockdown. They did not tell us what happened, just that our doors were locked and no one could get in or out. Not sure what their reasoning was, but that elementary school was run by a bunch of God-complexed adults, who never treated us kids with respect or understanding.

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Space Shuttle Challenger disaster... in a class room in HS, and my teacher turned off the set when he realized what had went down and started crying and left the room. Very sad to witness...

When the shuttle broke up, I was standing outside my classroom at college in florida.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. When shuttles would launch, classes would pause for us to go out and "cheer it on", since we were studying in that industry and could see the rockets climb from school.

It was horrific! We watched it climbing, then the breakup, and as we noticed NOTHING was continuing to climb, there was an eery silence followed by crying and horror. Many of us couldn't find the strength to go back to class.

THAT was a very bad day.

Those people were truly brave heroes.

However, that did start the end to the program.

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In Mrs. Turner's 4th grade classroom when the call came over the intercom about the president...

In my fraternity room when Irsay traded the Colt's 1st legendary QB.

In my living room when Irsay dumped the Colt's 2nd legendary QB.

I hope the next 20 years go better than the last 20 between GOAT QBs!

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