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Colin Kaepernick Misses NFL Workout


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Looks like he's not given up on getting a gig in then NFL, but acting like this is getting to endear him to organisations. I can understand that he might not agree with the terms of the workout, but you've got to handle it more professionally than this. 


Shame, I really do think he has talent. 

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From what I hear it was a request from Jay-Z to Goodell to have this set up. Apart from that it makes sense on why he wanted to have the media attend. If he did well it puts more pressure on teams to actually consider signing him, instead of a private workout where the 25 teams would control the narrative. He wants to control where this goes. However, him calling the super late audible to a hour away different location is a BAD look. 



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The take on Kaepernick's "workout" is it changed nobody's mind. What did he do? He threw a football. Everyone knew he could do that. So he showed nothing new to attract a single team. By the way he stated yesterday he will await input from the 32 NFL teams? Why? Only eight showed up. What we are witnessing is a guy lying in the bed he made. He is still blaming the NFL for his actions as he proved with his comments after his exhibition. What he never learned is the old saying, "There's a time and place for everything."

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25 minutes ago, Derakynn said:

The pre-existing bias in these comments is palpable. Eric Reid was right. This was just a PR move. None of his requests were even remotely unreasonable. When it that became clear, he held the workout on his own terms. Also reasonable. 


I agree, but is it reasonable to give such short notice that you're not attending?

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51 minutes ago, Derakynn said:

The pre-existing bias in these comments is palpable. Eric Reid was right. This was just a PR move. None of his requests were even remotely unreasonable. When it that became clear, he held the workout on his own terms. Also reasonable. 

He had to wait until 2:30 the day of before he decided he wasn't going to go thru with it?  Get real.   He had no intentions of going into that work out.  He already had another venue an hour away set up. 

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58 minutes ago, Derakynn said:

The pre-existing bias in these comments is palpable. Eric Reid was right. This was just a PR move. None of his requests were even remotely unreasonable. When it that became clear, he held the workout on his own terms. Also reasonable. 

I don’t disagree but why wait until an hour before to move it? That just stinks and most clubs aren’t gonna take kindly to it.

5 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

He had to wait until 2:30 the day of before he decided he wasn't going to go thru with it?  Get real.   He had no intentions of going into that work out.  He already had another venue an hour away set up. 

Agreed. You can’t just get a venue at the drop of a hat, even if you are a former NFL QB. 

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The Ravens almost signed him a few years ago, probably because the Jim / John Harbaugh connections. While this was going on , Kaep’s girlfriend posted a stupid tweet taking a shot at the Raven’s owner, and Ray Lewis. That put an end to that. I know many don’t like Ray, but my point is I’ve never seen someone , or his associates , shoot themselves in the foot while trying to get a job, or retain a job. It’s like applying for a job, and insulting the guy you are interviewing with. Then , you’re stunned when you don’t get the job. 

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9 hours ago, Derakynn said:

The pre-existing bias in these comments is palpable. Eric Reid was right. This was just a PR move. None of his requests were even remotely unreasonable. When it that became clear, he held the workout on his own terms. Also reasonable. 

Hah!?!?  So every player that is called in for a in season workout can now tell teams where it should b held.  All the kickers who tried out in light of Vinnys struggles can demand the workout b held in their home town?? This isn't some hall of fame qb that has come out of retirement and wants back in the league. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 9:57 AM, coltsva said:

Why did the NFL organize a workout for a free agent player? Let him contact teams for a private workout, same as every other free agent. I mean, isn’t CK all about equality?


What do you feel will be reported if a team  brings him in, but then decides not to sign him?

Not a good situation for a team.


EDIT: Rhetorical Question, please.


23 hours ago, csmopar said:

I thought he moved it at the last minute to a different facility, resulting in only 6-8 teams showing up? Maybe I read it wrong?


That's what i heard on NFL radio late afternoon Saturday.  That there were reps from 25 teams ready at the Falcons Flowery Branch facility.  But CKap decided to use a different location, and allow media to attend and he run 'his' own scripted program.


Then, only 6-8 (instead of 25) made the trip over to the relocated workout at the HS facility.

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14 hours ago, King Colt said:

He is still blaming the NFL for his actions as he proved with his comments after his exhibition.


My favorite part is he wore a Kunta Kinte shirt to the practice. The guy is a grade-A troll. It'd be like if I showed up to a job interview with a Donald Trump shirt. They're both people; no problem, right? Hmm...

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5 hours ago, ReMeDy said:


My favorite part is he wore a Kunta Kinte shirt to the practice. The guy is a grade-A troll. It'd be like if I showed up to a job interview with a Donald Trump shirt. They're both people; no problem, right? Hmm...

Well, at least he didn’t pull out his Fidel Castro, “ Like minds think alike “ T shirt, when the Miami Dolphins scouts showed up ! 
This guy is either tone deaf about about PR and getting a job in a corporate environment , or he is improving his controversial brand. I suspect the ladder. 
My other thought is how unprofessional it is to the scouts who took time out of their busy day to watch your workout, then you change venues at the last minute. I know he has problems with the NFL, but they paid him a nice settlement , and went to the trouble of holding this unprecedented workout. In life , we all have to compromise sometimes. This guy seems to want things all on his own terms. As we know in the NFL, if you have amazing talent like AB , you get many chances. When you are a 30 something back up QB talent, when the controversy outweighs the current talent, not many teams will bite.  

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:

I know it's difficult to NOT be political and speculate on politics with this topic but, please 




Also, don't take personal shots at people

Nadine... you and the rest of the Forum mods do a great job here, often under difficult circumstances. And yes..... sometimes I'm the source of the difficulty.


This is just my two cents.... but it might be worth visiting the idea of a section of some sort where topics like this one can be freely discussed.


Believe me.... I hate that politics and social issues of all sorts have gotten dragged into football, where we USED to be able to at least temporarily escape these things.


And I hate that the idea even warrants any consideration.... but if an NFL player engages in some sort of controversial activity, protest or cause.... THEY have introduced it into the public discussion that NO sports media outlet that I am aware of would typically ignore. Because sometimes it can't be ignored.


Again.....do I like that things have become this way? No I don't.... not one bit.... I'd just as soon keep it all about football. But that's not the world we live in anymore.


So why not have a section where these things can be barfed out and not intermingled with Colts/General/Draft "purely football" discussions.


Just a thought. :hat:

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42 minutes ago, pacolts56 said:

Nadine... you and the rest of the Forum mods do a great job here, often under difficult circumstances. And yes..... sometimes I'm the source of the difficulty.


This is just my two cents.... but it might be worth visiting the idea of a section of some sort where topics like this one can be freely discussed.


Believe me.... I hate that politics and social issues of all sorts have gotten dragged into football, where we USED to be able to at least temporarily escape these things.


And I hate that the idea even warrants any consideration.... but if an NFL player engages in some sort of controversial activity, protest or cause.... THEY have introduced it into the public discussion that NO sports media outlet that I am aware of would typically ignore. Because sometimes it can't be ignored.


Again.....do I like that things have become this way? No I don't.... not one bit.... I'd just as soon keep it all about football. But that's not the world we live in anymore.


So why not have a section where these things can be barfed out and not intermingled with Colts/General/Draft "purely football" discussions.


Just a thought. :hat:


1 hour ago, Nadine said:

I know it's difficult to NOT be political and speculate on politics with this topic but, please 




Also, don't take personal shots at people

I want to echo pacolts56’s comments. This and several other topics can be very difficult to avoid dipping into some form of politics and I know I am part of your difficulties from time to time. I honestly try not to be, but admittedly can get fired up and a smart beep Attitude on occasion. 


That said, I do appreciate the hours of hard work you and the other mods put in to this. Not sure if you all get paid, I doubt it, but you all do a great job. Fair and firm. 



As to this topic, Kaepernick really needs to wake up and realize all his troubles are by his own actions. I used to work with at risk youth and this is the number one toughest thing to instill in them. I don’t know if it’s a generational thing or what, but the common theme was to blame others for everything that happened to you. Take no self responsibility. 

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This is an open topic because it is NFL and it happened recently.  I think people have already expressed what they think and why multiple times before.  This is just a rehash of all that.


No one is discussing....... really at all.


And politics, while they occasionally cross into football talk are not the primary purpose of our boards which is 



As the Official Fan Forum for the Indianapolis Colts, our goal is to provide a well moderated community where NFL fans can enjoy a family-friendly welcoming environment for discussing Colts football, the NFL, and other topics of mutual interest. This is a place where Where 'football gurus' and casual fans can meet and enjoy each others company on a shared topic of interest.


Civility, a welcoming atmosphere, tolerance, humor, mutual respect and individual commitment to the community are our over-riding goals.



A place to discuss this sort of thing on an ongoing basis, attracts members who want to do just that.  And there are PLENTY of places on the wide world of web to do that.

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On 11/17/2019 at 11:59 AM, Derakynn said:

The pre-existing bias in these comments is palpable. Eric Reid was right. This was just a PR move. None of his requests were even remotely unreasonable. When it that became clear, he held the workout on his own terms. Also reasonable. 

The NFL did something for him that they don't do for most (if any).  Yes they made it a bit inconvenient.  Why wouldn't they.  Kaep has been a pain in the rear to them.  Sued them.  Collected lots of money from them.   Even so, they organized and gave Kaep an opportunity to try out for 25 teams who went out of their way to attend the workout.  Kaep pulled a kaep and switched it up at the last minute.  He just showed teams that he is the same "ME" guy he has always been.   Good riddance.  

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10 minutes ago, shakedownstreet said:

You could see the look in his eyes of hatred from the workout. He was spewing venom about the racist NFL etcetera etcetera.


I don't bemoan the guy's right to lash out at what he perceives to be racism. But at some point he's just completely negative and no one wants to be anywhere near him. I know I wouldn't

Does anyone think he would just play for a team and not throw the team under the bus on several issues.   Plus his girlfriend.  Teams have to consider setting themselves up for negative media publicity.  

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In my opinion, this is one of the leaches of society. Spoiled kid who grew up thinking he was owed something. He had promise initially and the. Was figured out by the league and became irrelevant. He took that as he was being discriminated against and took it upon himself to inject politics into the game. He is a leach, a false prophet looking to gain profits for himself. He is a millionaire, let him go work on social issues with those dollars, leave football out of it. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 12:25 PM, SteelCityColt said:


I agree, but is it reasonable to give such short notice that you're not attending?


Is it reasonable that they sprang this out of nowhere, booked a workout with 5 days notice and refused to change the time? Like, I understand that Kaepernick probably should've given more notice, but that's a little minor compared to the dumpster fire of an organization of a workout this has been. 


And I kinda get why Kaepernick did it too. He was already fearful that the whole thing was just a rigged stunt to get the NFL out of trouble in Kaepernick's lawsuit. By demanding that Kaepernick sign a wonkish, non-standard liability waiver, by not allowing Kaepernick to film his own workout, by the weird organization of the workout (including getting Hue Jackson to conduct the workout), and by not scheduling the workout on a Tuesday (when most free agent workouts are conducted) and scheduling it on a Saturday (when most GMs and scouts are out scouting college football) and refusing to schedule it on a different date, I'd say they didn't do themselves any favors

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1 hour ago, shakedownstreet said:

You could see the look in his eyes of hatred from the workout. He was spewing venom about the racist NFL etcetera etcetera.


I don't bemoan the guy's right to lash out at what he perceives to be racism. But at some point he's just completely negative and no one wants to be anywhere near him. I know I wouldn't


Please share the video of him doing that. I have not seen that

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4 hours ago, Nadine said:

This is an open topic because it is NFL and it happened recently.  I think people have already expressed what they think and why multiple times before.  This is just a rehash of all that.


No one is discussing....... really at all.


And politics, while they occasionally cross into football talk are not the primary purpose of our boards which is 


A place to discuss this sort of thing on an ongoing basis, attracts members who want to do just that.  And there are PLENTY of places on the wide world of web to do that.

My bad! 

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Yeah, I'm sorry but the amount of drama this guy brings is insane. No NFL team wants that for their starting QB or in the locker room and around front office and coaching staff. I'm going to think that he will remain 100% unsigned even still. Just not worth the hassle. Just draft a rookie QB and develop him how you want for the team.

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