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Official Crow Eating Thread


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15 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

Hopefully Mahomes heals in time to play the Texans next week.

I'm guessing the Texans will operate off the Colts game plan and after the numbers the Texans put up this week (Watson passing rating -Perfect) they should be able to run as well. Maintain field possession and keep Mahomes on the bench.

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7 hours ago, ManningGM said:

Consider this game a foreshadow. If we had Funchess and Campbell, that score would've looked even better. 


7 hours ago, The Old Crow said:

That was a quality win. I was very impressed by the Colts depth, defense, and running game. JB managed the game very well. Reich is an awesome coach. 

Honestly, that looked like an older Ravens team to me. Controlled and efficient offense, and a smash mouth defense. You can go a long way playing that style of football. 

The Colts succeeded where the Ravens failed because their defense is better, and you had a great pass rush on Mahomes. He wasn’t smiling and smirking as he usually does. He was limping around like Walter Brennan on The Real McCoys. I’m showing my age !


Our running game isn’t as good as the Colts , because the O Line isn’t as good. Mack is also very talented. We let Mahomes get ahead of us, and that is death because you have to abandon the running game. That is their weakness. However , executing it like the Colts did , while other teams failed, is quite another thing . 

You can bet the evil gnome hoodie was watching this game. He saw all the Chiefs weaknesses. If the Colts play the same kind of game they played last night, they could certainly take it to NE.  The Chiefs look like one of the old Manning Colts teams that had a great offense, and no D, most of those years. This Colts team is built better to play with NE. 

The game plan the Colts executed last night was the way I expected them to handle K.C. in  last year’s playoff game.  They didn’t come close to doing that then but executed the strategy perfectly last night.  When on their game the Colts showed they can beat any team in the NFL on any given Sunday.  Even without Luck. 

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41 minutes ago, a06cc said:

Very disappointed in some of you. It’s all sugar and rainbows around here now after the Colts won. Again never give up on a game. Yesterday was a prime example. 

It is all great around here today and I love it. Before Andrew Luck retired many had us 3-2 going into the BYE anyway, losing at Chargers and at KC. We are that with JB. The Houston games will be tough and show us even more as the season moves along. 

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33 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:


The game plan the Colts executed last night was the way I expected them to handle K.C. in  last year’s playoff game.  They didn’t come close to doing that then but executed the strategy perfectly last night.  When on their game the Colts showed they can beat any team in the NFL on any given Sunday.  Even without Luck. 

Agreed, that was literally how that game last year should have went. 

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2 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:


The game plan the Colts executed last night was the way I expected them to handle K.C. in  last year’s playoff game.  They didn’t come close to doing that then but executed the strategy perfectly last night.  When on their game the Colts showed they can beat any team in the NFL on any given Sunday.  Even without Luck. 

I’m not on this thread to eat crow, as I never commented on the game beforehand. That being said, I was very impressed by the Colts performance. 
This Colts team seems to be more prepared to play old school, cold weather playoff football in NE. With all the injuries you’ve had, I’m also impressed about the depth Ballard assembled. A very nice road win, for sure. 

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18 hours ago, Superman said:


I'm tired of people telling other people how to be good fans. People experience things differently, and that's okay.

Well, I'm tired of people being so negative and being a Debbie Downer.  If they don't have faith in your team, go to root for the likes of the Patriots or the Chiefs that most people think they will always win. Let me ask you this, do you tell your kid who plays a sport that they're gonna lose to a more superior team? I think not. You show up to support them and wish them the best.  You don't tell other people, "I think my kid's team is going to get blown 50-7 ."  I'm not even from Indy but I paid thousands of dollars in Colts merchandise because I root for them to win.  I'm in the military and you think you want to hear people say we're gonna lose to the Chinese military or Russia? Sorry for the rant but i think I'm not in the wrong here for supporting my team 100%.

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18 hours ago, Superman said:


I'm tired of people telling other people how to be good fans. People experience things differently, and that's okay.

Well I'm sure Brissett is tired of people who have never played QB telling him how to be a good QB. Does anyone care? Not really.


I'm not sure why you would think a fan is above critique, but it's open season on the actual team. 


People experience things differently, but they arent married to that experience. It can change, and become a more enjoyable, positive experience for them. I used to be an overly negative person, I changed that because it was zapping my joy. Joy is under rated.


If you're in a restaraunt and someone didnt like the food, does the experience get better by %ting all over the restaraunt the entire week after, as you relive the horrific meal in you're head, over and over and over again? Is a perfectly fine dining experience enhanced by someone complaining they didnt like the choice of wallpaper in the place? The answer in both cases is a resounding no.


Point is, it ruins the experience of being a fan, for everyone. People wonder why they get backlash, and that's why. Our country is way too +y whiney and moaney. We are way too negative, and we think we know everything about everything. And a lot of people are tired of it. Build up the experience. Look for the good in it. And only then can you tell me it doesnt matter.


It enhances your experience with the game. It's more fun to be positive. It is more enjoyable to believe. It matters.

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3 hours ago, GoatBeard said:

Well I'm sure Brissett is tired of people who have never played QB telling him how to be a good QB. Does anyone care? Not really.


I'm not sure why you would think a fan is above critique, but it's open season on the actual team. 


People experience things differently, but they arent married to that experience. It can change, and become a more enjoyable, positive experience for them. I used to be an overly negative person, I changed that because it was zapping my joy. Joy is under rated.


If you're in a restaraunt and someone didnt like the food, does the experience get better by %ting all over the restaraunt the entire week after, as you relive the horrific meal in you're head, over and over and over again? Is a perfectly fine dining experience enhanced by someone complaining they didnt like the choice of wallpaper in the place? The answer in both cases is a resounding no.


Point is, it ruins the experience of being a fan, for everyone. People wonder why they get backlash, and that's why. Our country is way too +y whiney and moaney. We are way too negative, and we think we know everything about everything. And a lot of people are tired of it. Build up the experience. Look for the good in it. And only then can you tell me it doesnt matter.


It enhances your experience with the game. It's more fun to be positive. It is more enjoyable to believe. It matters.

sorry you dont like it, but im not changing how i post to please people like you


im going to be honest about what i saw.  this forum is tame compared to other teams too, this is how the world of nfl social media is.    :edit:


{mod note: please refrain from directly naming/calling out other teams message boards on here. Thanks}

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I myself don't enjoy being around negative people in general. They just ruin a good time for everyone else. Ruins the mood of positive people. I have a few family members that are negative people and guess what, I do not visit them. I am for differing opinions so there isn't anything wrong with that. People just think differently on many issues. Having said that you can have a differing opinion without being overboard negative on a subject. JMO's.

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55 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

sorry you dont like it, but im not changing how i post to please people like you


im going to be honest about what i saw.  this forum is tame compared to other teams too, this is how the world of nfl social media is.  if you want to see a bad forum check out chiefs planet 

Yeah its "how it is" and it's a cesspool.


Why not change it?


Because we wouldn't want to please people like me lol


Millineal logic.

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1 hour ago, Devildog said:

Well, I'm tired of people being so negative and being a Debbie Downer.  If they don't have faith in your team, go to root for the likes of the Patriots or the Chiefs that most people think they will always win. Let me ask you this, do you tell your kid who plays a sport that they're gonna lose to a more superior team? I think not. You show up to support them and wish them the best.  You don't tell other people, "I think my kid's team is going to get blown 50-7 ."  I'm not even from Indy but I paid thousands of dollars in Colts merchandise because I root for them to win.  I'm in the military and you think you want to hear people say we're gonna lose to the Chinese military or Russia? Sorry for the rant but i think I'm not in the wrong here for supporting my team 100%.


No one accused you of being in the wrong for supporting your team. And you, of all people, know how much this is NOT the military that we're talking about, so let's not go there. It's also not like parenting a little leaguer, so let's not go there either. 


You can disagree with people who experience their fandom in a different way than you. But it doesn't make you a better fan. There can be people who are upset with their team -- and I'm not just talking about the Colts, I'm talking about sports fans in general -- but still support their team, go to games, buy merch, and root like crazy on Sundays. But that doesn't mean they have to be all rah-rah, they don't have to express their fandom the same way you do.


Where I have a problem is when you say stuff like the bolded. It's over the line to tell someone that, if you don't agree with their fandom or how they express it, that they don't get to root for the team. That's not up to you. Every fan isn't the same. This whole 'either you support the team just like I do or you're not a real fan' stuff is out of bounds.

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1 hour ago, GoatBeard said:

Well I'm sure Brissett is tired of people who have never played QB telling him how to be a good QB. Does anyone care? Not really.


I'm not sure why you would think a fan is above critique, but it's open season on the actual team. 


People experience things differently, but they arent married to that experience. It can change, and become a more enjoyable, positive experience for them. I used to be an overly negative person, I changed that because it was zapping my joy. Joy is under rated.


If you're in a restaraunt and someone didnt like the food, does the experience get better by %ting all over the restaraunt the entire week after, as you relive the horrific meal in you're head, over and over and over again? Is a perfectly fine dining experience enhanced by someone complaining they didnt like the choice of wallpaper in the place? The answer in both cases is a resounding no.


Point is, it ruins the experience of being a fan, for everyone. People wonder why they get backlash, and that's why. Our country is way too +y whiney and moaney. We are way too negative, and we think we know everything about everything. And a lot of people are tired of it. Build up the experience. Look for the good in it. And only then can you tell me it doesnt matter.


It enhances your experience with the game. It's more fun to be positive. It is more enjoyable to believe. It matters.


No, this is a juvenile and off base comparison.  Evaluating the team is entirely different from evaluating other fans. A fan message board isn't really meant to evaluating each other's fandom. It's meant to discuss the team. And again, you disagreeing with how other fans express themselves is entirely different from acting like your version of fandom makes you superior to other fans. 


It's no one else's job to shape your experience as a fan, that's up to you. If you think people are too whiny and moany, and you don't want to be that way, cool.


But two things about that: 1) Being critical of a team or a player (or even offering legitimate opinions about the team or the player that might not glowing and positive) isn't necessarily whiny. And 2) even if a person is whiny and moany, that doesn't necessarily make them a lesser fan than someone who is not. 


And last thing, there are some people who are incessantly negative, and go overboard in doing so. Some of them are just trolls, and that usually becomes obvious before long. Then there are others who have a problem with one thing or another, and express themselves accordingly. Airing grievances doesn't make you a troll, and acting like everything is roses and rainbows doesn't make you a great fan.

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6 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, this is a juvenile and off base comparison.  Evaluating the team is entirely different from evaluating other fans. A fan message board isn't really meant to evaluating each other's fandom. It's meant to discuss the team. And again, you disagreeing with how other fans express themselves is entirely different from acting like your version of fandom makes you superior to other fans. 


It's no one else's job to shape your experience as a fan, that's up to you. If you think people are too whiny and moany, and you don't want to be that way, cool.


But two things about that: 1) Being critical of a team or a player (or even offering legitimate opinions about the team or the player that might not glowing and positive) isn't necessarily whiny. And 2) even if a person is whiny and moany, that doesn't necessarily make them a lesser fan than someone who is not. 


And last thing, there are some people who are incessantly negative, and go overboard in doing so. Some of them are just trolls, and that usually becomes obvious before long. Then there are others who have a problem with one thing or another, and express themselves accordingly. Airing grievances doesn't make you a troll, and acting like everything is roses and rainbows doesn't make you a great fan.

I loved your last paragraph, I agree with it. Yes what defines a Troll and what defines just someone being negative at times? There are some people that seem to only post a lot when we are losing, to me that is trolling. Why not post a lot when we are winning as well then? I am fine with people being critical of the team when it is deserved. Posting about the team playing bad over and over though is trollish IMO.

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7 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, this is a juvenile and off base comparison.  Evaluating the team is entirely different from evaluating other fans. A fan message board isn't really meant to evaluating each other's fandom. It's meant to discuss the team. And again, you disagreeing with how other fans express themselves is entirely different from acting like your version of fandom makes you superior to other fans. 


It's no one else's job to shape your experience as a fan, that's up to you. If you think people are too whiny and moany, and you don't want to be that way, cool.


But two things about that: 1) Being critical of a team or a player (or even offering legitimate opinions about the team or the player that might not glowing and positive) isn't necessarily whiny. And 2) even if a person is whiny and moany, that doesn't necessarily make them a lesser fan than someone who is not. 


And last thing, there are some people who are incessantly negative, and go overboard in doing so. Some of them are just trolls, and that usually becomes obvious before long. Then there are others who have a problem with one thing or another, and express themselves accordingly. Airing grievances doesn't make you a troll, and acting like everything is roses and rainbows doesn't make you a great fan.

But posters making stuff up or continually looking for any angle to push a negative perspective becomes tiresome.


But it does set up some nice opportunities to 'unleash the sarcasm'. 


Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.

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25 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, this is a juvenile and off base comparison.  Evaluating the team is entirely different from evaluating other fans. A fan message board isn't really meant to evaluating each other's fandom. It's meant to discuss the team. And again, you disagreeing with how other fans express themselves is entirely different from acting like your version of fandom makes you superior to other fans. 


It's no one else's job to shape your experience as a fan, that's up to you. If you think people are too whiny and moany, and you don't want to be that way, cool.


But two things about that: 1) Being critical of a team or a player (or even offering legitimate opinions about the team or the player that might not glowing and positive) isn't necessarily whiny. And 2) even if a person is whiny and moany, that doesn't necessarily make them a lesser fan than someone who is not. 


And last thing, there are some people who are incessantly negative, and go overboard in doing so. Some of them are just trolls, and that usually becomes obvious before long. Then there are others who have a problem with one thing or another, and express themselves accordingly. Airing grievances doesn't make you a troll, and acting like everything is roses and rainbows doesn't make you a great fan.

I didnt say I was superior to anyone, but my choice to be a positive person certainly trumps negativity 7 days a week.


Yes I agree there are ways to express yourself without being whiney. I'm clearly not talking about those people.


It's this attitude of "this is my right as a fan to be negative" "there is nothing wrong with my behavior" attitude that people have today. Yes you have that right, by law. As do I to say "you're attitude sucks" and yes someone is more right than the other. All opinions arent equal.


There is absolutely nothing juvenile about my viewpoint. The attitude I'm talking about is absolutely juvenile. We have to grow up at some point and a part of that is being a positive force in the world while understanding the importance of it. Noone benefits from negativity, especially the person who has it oozing thru their pores.



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7 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

I didnt say I was superior to anyone, but my choice to be a positive person certainly trumps negativity 7 days a week.


Yes I agree there are ways to express yourself without being whiney. I'm clearly not talking about those people.


It's this attitude of "this is my right as a fan to be negative" "there is nothing wrong with my behavior" attitude that people have today. Yes you have that right, by law. As do I to say "you're attitude sucks" and yes someone is more right than the other. All opinions arent equal.


There is absolutely nothing juvenile about my viewpoint. The attitude I'm talking about is absolutely juvenile. We have to grow up at some point and a part of that is being a positive force in the world while understanding the importance of it. Noone benefits from negativity, especially the person who has it oozing thru their pores.



You do know that typing 'through' rather than 'thru' would have only cost you about 1 second?

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51 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

Yeah its "how it is" and it's a cesspool.


Why not change it?


Because we wouldn't want to please people like me lol


Millineal logic.


well you think criticizing Jacoby is being overly negative.  i got a lot of push back from saying stuff i hope they are scouting QBs closely and take one soon in the draft.


i dont think that is out of bounds but it will sound pretty negative to a big jacoby fan i guess

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1 minute ago, aaron11 said:


well you think criticizing Jacoby is being overly negative.  i got a lot of push back from saying stuff i hope they are scouting QBs closely and take one soon in the draft.


i dont think that is out of bounds but it will sound pretty negative to a big jacoby fan i guess

Man I'm not talking about Jacoby, I'm talking about the way people talk about athletes, sports, movies, each other.........its not a personal shot at you or Superman (who I have a ton of respect for and is actually my favorite poster on here)......or anyone else. 



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21 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I loved your last paragraph, I agree with it. Yes what defines a Troll and what defines just someone being negative at times? There are some people that seem to only post a lot when we are losing, to me that is trolling. Why not post a lot when we are winning as well then? I am fine with people being critical of the team when it is deserved. Posting about the team playing bad over and over though is trollish IMO.


And they become obvious before long, like I said. I'm sure we all can think of some.


Go back to 2012 when PM got cut. The fan base -- not just on this board, but overall -- was splintered. It was ugly. There were people who felt that a 'real fan' supports the team, not just their favorite players; there were others whose fandom was significantly intertwined with PM. There were PM loyalists, Irsay haters, Luck haters, Luck fanboys, PM haters, etc. Then there were the majority of us, who had no real agenda, were sad to see Manning go, excited to get Luck, and really shocked and off-put by the ugliness of the more extreme posters. Most of those extreme posters are gone now (at least, as we knew them). And it didn't take long to know why they were here, or for them to get weeded out or leave on their own.


Point is, it's not hard to spot a troll. This isn't 1999, we've all been on the Internet for a long time now, we know how trolls operate.


I do disagree with your last line, though, at least situationally. If the team is playing bad over and over, it's not trollish to acknowledge that. I don't view a message board as just a cheerleading section. 

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12 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

Man I'm not talking about Jacoby, I'm talking about the way people talk about athletes, sports, movies, each other.........its not a personal shot at you or Superman (who I have a ton of respect for and is actually my favorite poster on here)......or anyone else. 



My thinking is along the lines of yours. So I get your point. I really do not have a problem with Aaron being critical of Jacoby. It's his opinion we can upgrade at QB. Although there is no Andrew Luck in the draft waiting so easier said then done. My problem is mainly with the posters that just post a lot when we lose. That is trolling IMO. 

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27 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:


But posters making stuff up or continually looking for any angle to push a negative perspective becomes tiresome.


But it does set up some nice opportunities to 'unleash the sarcasm'. 


Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.


For some, it's easy to dismiss criticism as 'making up stuff' or 'pushing a negative perspective,' especially if they disagree.


This is happening a lot right now, specific to Brissett. Saying 'I think JB needs to produce more' is being treated like you're saying unmentionable things about his mother's unmentionables. 

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

My thinking is along the lines of yours. So I get your point. I really do not have a problem with Aaron being critical of Jacoby. It his opinion we can upgrade at QB. Although there is no Andrew Luck in the draft waiting so easier said then done. My problem is mainly with the posters that just post a lot when we lose. That is trolling IMO. 

I dont either.


I dont have a problem with people picking us to lose a game either.


I'm not gonna pick us to beat the NE Patriots if we are playing them in Foxboro and we stink. I felt like we would lose in Arrowhead Sunday night also, mainly because of injuries. But I do prefer to talk about what would need to happen for us to win the game vs how badly they are gonna beat our brains in. 

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22 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

I didnt say I was superior to anyone, but my choice to be a positive person certainly trumps negativity 7 days a week.


Yes I agree there are ways to express yourself without being whiney. I'm clearly not talking about those people.


It's this attitude of "this is my right as a fan to be negative" "there is nothing wrong with my behavior" attitude that people have today. Yes you have that right, by law. As do I to say "you're attitude sucks" and yes someone is more right than the other. All opinions arent equal.


There is absolutely nothing juvenile about my viewpoint. The attitude I'm talking about is absolutely juvenile. We have to grow up at some point and a part of that is being a positive force in the world while understanding the importance of it. Noone benefits from negativity, especially the person who has it oozing thru their pores.


The attitude behind comments like 'as a fan, you should never doubt your team' is one of superiority. And it's that comment and the corresponding attitude that I originally responded to in this thread. And it's been expressed repeatedly over the past few weeks, and I'm addressing it because I think it's nonsense.


And the previous comment was absolutely juvenile -- not well thought out and off base -- that if people can critique Jacoby Brissett, then it's okay to critique their own fandom. That's ridiculous. This board exists to discuss the team.


We're getting into the extremes at this point, which is not going to be helpful. I'm not talking about people who are incessantly negative and trollish, and you're not talking about people who are simply expressing their disappointment with certain aspects of the team. I think we agree on that.


But there is absolutely an air of superiority that accompanies comments like 'I thought we were supposed to be fans' and 'real fans never doubt their team' and other similar expressions. And it's that superiority that I'm confronting, because it's caustic and judgmental. 

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17 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

My thinking is along the lines of yours. So I get your point. I really do not have a problem with Aaron being critical of Jacoby. It his opinion we can upgrade at QB. Although there is no Andrew Luck in the draft waiting so easier said then done. My problem is mainly with the posters that just post a lot when we lose. That is trolling IMO. 

Agree with you on this.


Easy to say Jacoby isn't the answer when there is no plan B right now. 


The thinking it's that easy to replace a franchise QB is laughable. Ask Cle, Mia, Cin, NYJ and all the other teams that haven't had competent QB play for years. It could DEFINITELY be worse then Jacoby (Scott Tolzien says hello). 


Problem is today nobody has patience. If he's not GREAT get his * out of town. That's some terrible shortsighted thinking. Jacoby is definitely a capable NFL QB, just because he won't ever be top 5 doesn't mean we need another QB today.


Shout out to Manziel, Bortles, Gabbert, Weeden, Locker, EJ Manuel, Ponder, McCoy, Pax Lynch, Leinert, Quinn, Sanchez, Young, Russell.... Yeah it's easy to draft a franchise QB.

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:

But there is absolutely an air of superiority that accompanies comments like 'I thought we were supposed to be fans' and 'real fans never doubt their team' and other similar expressions. And it's that superiority that I'm confronting, because it's caustic and judgmental. 

Yeah, even if it's not intended which most time I don't think it is, it comes off as sanctimonious.

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7 minutes ago, Superman said:


The attitude behind comments like 'as a fan, you should never doubt your team' is one of superiority. And it's that comment and the corresponding attitude that I originally responded to in this thread. And it's been expressed repeatedly over the past few weeks, and I'm addressing it because I think it's nonsense.


And the previous comment was absolutely juvenile -- not well thought out and off base -- that if people can critique Jacoby Brissett, then it's okay to critique their own fandom. That's ridiculous. This board exists to discuss the team.


We're getting into the extremes at this point, which is not going to be helpful. I'm not talking about people who are incessantly negative and trollish, and you're not talking about people who are simply expressing their disappointment with certain aspects of the team. I think we agree on that.


But there is absolutely an air of superiority that accompanies comments like 'I thought we were supposed to be fans' and 'real fans never doubt their team' and other similar expressions. And it's that superiority that I'm confronting, because it's caustic and judgmental. 

This board exists to discuss a lot of things, and I feel like that's a misleading statement. 


This thread is not about the team at all. It's about the fans who were doubting us in the game. I agree, it's kind of a childish thread idea, but I'm ok with that because every hater deserves a "look at me now". I dont think this thread is directed at people like you. I think your view on Jacoby is perfectly fine. 


As far as the statements you cite, I agree and I dont make those kinds of statements.


My entire viewpoint is directed at unnecessary negativity. Over the top criticism. That's it. We all know it when we read it. And I dont think anybody enjoys that kind of thing. 


I am also ok with the superiority in the tone of my comments. It's no different than your labeling of my views as "juvenile". If we both believe it, and we keep it about the opinions, its perfectly alright. That's just good debate.

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11 minutes ago, Superman said:

But there is absolutely an air of superiority that accompanies comments like 'I thought we were supposed to be fans' and 'real fans never doubt their team' and other similar expressions. And it's that superiority that I'm confronting, because it's caustic and judgmental. 

it's the same air of superiority of the people who call non negative fans 'homers'


I sat next to a guy at a game once who did nothing but complain LOUDLY the entire game.  I could not wait to get away from him. His wife couldn't so, I felt sorry for her.  The game made him so very unhappy, it really was surprising that he came at all. I didn't question that he was a fan though. He was just miserable company.


I'm not taking sides here.  The only issue I have is when people over post whatever their opinion is because it annoys the living daylights out of everyone.


They are the people who come here to vent and only to vent.  When they aren't angry, they have no interest in talking to other fans. They're not actually interesting in talking.........just in yelling and arguing.


That happened here when Trent Richardson was on the team.  He really pushed some people's buttons and they seemed to need to vent about it all day every day.


I also have a problem with both sides questioning each others fandom. It derails most discussions because it's insulting

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