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Elliot 18 carries 87 yards


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22 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

I don't think it's misleading. Take away that fluky 24 yard run on 2nd and 19 and he's at 53. Cowboys line didn't open up many holes, Zeke just created some with his craftiness. 

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26 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

Geeeeeeeeeezzzzz. We just shutout the red hot Cowboys and you are talking about misleading stats?

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14 minutes ago, Alex22 said:


He was playing hurt 


The reason I'm bringing it up is because someone told me we haven't faced a legit RB before the cowboys game. The colts are hurt too. Injuries are no excuse. How many players did we have hurt early in the year? Regardless of injury the Colts run D is legit. 

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35 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

You're going to get attacked but I kind of agree. Cowboys just can't finish. Dak is pitiful. They were marching with ease early on and just fell apart in the red zone. Then when the game got out of hand, Dak was forced to play hero and we all saw how that turned out..

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12 minutes ago, MightyLucks said:

Geeeeeeeeeezzzzz. We just shutout the red hot Cowboys and you are talking about misleading stats?

I m giving the Colts D for a very game. Elliot is an elite back and they have a very good O line. We will face some good backs and O lines if we makes it to the play offs. Plus those play off teams also have a good qb. Dak is average

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11 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


The reason I'm bringing it up is because someone told me we haven't faced a legit RB before the cowboys game. The colts are hurt too. Injuries are no excuse. How many players did we have hurt early in the year? Regardless of injury the Colts run D is legit. 


Not taking anything away from the Colts but the dude was limping around half the time. 

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50 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

You're right, and when Dallas got away from the run, Indy's D shut down the pass.....  no problems when you shut a team out, especially a hot team like Dallas.  You are wanting us to hold them to -7 or what?

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57 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:

Colts still hold all runners to under 100 yards 

There are so many details of this team that i would have had trouble believing earlier during training camp would be possible (realistically) this year.

  If this D can somehow hold Barkely and then Henry, what a "trophy" to hang on the mantle.  A tuff ask, but i expected  Zeke  to get a 100.  This D keeps surprising me.  And Leonard left that "other" LB forgettable.

  Once again, our increased ability to run AND our improvement at stopping the run backs up Ballard addressing both areas. And now thae rook from Ohio St is making his presence known.

  I hop we get in, this team hasnt played its best game yet...: and they seem more prepared and confident every week.

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13 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

I m giving the Colts D for a very game. Elliot is an elite back and they have a very good O line. We will face some good backs and O lines if we makes it to the play offs. Plus those play off teams also have a good qb. Dak is average

Yeah, and thus, we shouldn't expect 23-0 shutouts in the playoffs..... but none of your points are discouraging at all, they just point to 10 or less point wins being expectations come playoffs, if the team makes it......  you are building a strawman, and torching it yourself, what's the point?

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56 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

Not really, game was close until well into the 3rd.  I thought the run D played well.  They didnt give up on run because of score until late in the 4th.  LATE in the 4th.  

  I'm trying not to get too hyped about the D, but they seem to improve every week.  They play loose (which i LOVE) and they make plays.(ballard philosophy again). 

Below 100 yards is below 100 yards, no matter the score.

if we were bad at run D , they would still run no matter the score or time for that matter.

  I'm not hatin on you, just really dont agree with putting the qualifier on the 100 yard thing.  Give them the credit due.  Its not an easy thing...... ESPECIALLY on this team historically.  Haha

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2 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Stats kind of misleading.  They were running on us pretty bad. The score made them get away from the run.  Would not hang my hat on the final outcome regarding rushing  yards allowed.   That being said, D made some crucial plays

We played with lots of defensive backs so yeah that allows to run more easily.

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Elliot is a straight up beast. The Cowboys offensive line is missing some studs and Elliot was still a force. The Colts blueprint to beating Dallas worked perfectly when we were able to gain a 17 point lead early in the third quarter forcing Dallas to rely on Dak to throw the ball more. Dallas is hard to beat when they have a lead and keep feeding the ball to Elliot. Thankfully, that didn't happen today!

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5 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

Colts still hold all runners to under 100 yards 


I don’t mean to be argumentative....


But I don’t know that we held Zeke Elliott to anything.   18 carries and 87 yards is nearly 5 yards per carry.   If the Cowboys had given him three more carries Elliott would’ve had more than 100 yards.


Yes,  a fantastic effort from our defense but I think Dallas helped by not using Zeke more often.


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3 hours ago, richard pallo said:

Say what you want about Elliot but he is one heck of a back.  We couldn't stop him early.  They went away from him at the wrong time.  Terrible play calling on their part.  Once we took a nice lead they had no choice but to pass more.  That's football. But he's a fantastic player.  

I don't think anyone has said anything negative about Elliot.

The point was how well our defense played.

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