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Ballard to be on 1070 with DAKICH @ 1pm EST/ Right Now (Merge)


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2 minutes ago, BR-549 said:

Thats right.  I don't think CB could possibly even fabricate enough reasoning to take time away from something important and give it to that dork..... DD completely disrespected the guy.  Its not like it was the equipment trainer.


I wonder how Larry Byrd would have handled that interview.

Or Bob Knight or Mike Tyson lmao 

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Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."

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10 minutes ago, The Fish said:

Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."

Florio is a * 

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53 minutes ago, BR-549 said:


I see you popping in and out of various threads........ but I always get the impression you are in the middle of whipping up a batch of white chip macadamia nut cookies for us



YUM, I'd need to buy them though.  Never made them

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

The poster DD and the radio host DD seem to be having the same narratives, hmm...I wonder who is a fan of who to go to extreme lengths to offer rebuttal to every forum user's opinion on Dakich. Someone feels so strongly compelled, it cannot be anything but personal to me. Oh well, I have spoken my piece, the winner in all of this is Ballard!!

If poster DD is referring to me, I'm responding to quotes, not really rebutting others comments.  Others are quoting me to rebutt me, which happens a lot.  Any back and forth on this forum that involves me is almost always started by someone attacking one of my posts.  

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5 minutes ago, DougDew said:

If poster DD is referring to me, I'm responding to quotes, not really rebutting others comments.  Others are quoting me to rebutt me, which happens a lot.  Any back and forth on this forum that involves me is almost always started by someone attacking one of my posts.  

Just because someone don't agree with you does not make it an attack.  A difference of opinion is also not an attack.

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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

Just because someone don't agree with you does not make it an attack.  A difference of opinion is also not an attack.

Never complained about someone disagreeing.  Many civil examples are seen in this thread.  However, attack does illustrate the tone is which they write something when they "disagree". 


 I was mentioning that back and forth usually starts when someone selects one of my posts for quotes, and uses an attacking tone.  Golly, not sure I can find a recent example of that.   ^ 

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I think Ballard is the perfect mix of attitude and sense.   


journalism is supposed to be a noble trade, but in our times, it's not.  They are bombastic, biased, look at me click baiters.  So few are unbiased, fair and logical, that I can barely name any today.  

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17 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Never complained about someone disagreeing.  Many civil examples are seen in this thread.  However, attack does illustrate the tone is which they write something when they "disagree". 


 I was mentioning that back and forth usually starts when someone selects one of my posts for quotes, and uses an attacking tone.  Golly, not sure I can find a recent example of that.   ^ 

Are you serious?  You sure have thin skin.

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I listened to the interview.  It was trash.  DD taking cheap shots, treating unnamed sources as fact, asking the same tired questions I've heard Ballard answer multiple times.  Heck, Ballard answered them all in a much more civil discourse with JMV the day before (which Dan claims not to have listened to).    Just garbage.....Colts have said officially, over and over, that they expected andrew to play early this year, no timeline for his return, not going to put him out at less than 100%.....and to Irsay,  news flash guys and gals, he's not the most eloulquent human on the planet....parse his words, take them with a grain of salt, say it however you want.....Dude didn't lie, he was just wrong in his estimation and probably spoke too soon.........NBD.


 Season ticket holders *? Sell your seats, the internet exists......

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2 hours ago, The Fish said:

Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."


Shocking that PatriotsFootballTalk is criticizing the Colts.

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Not always a Dan Dakitch fan, However I liked the interview. It put a little pressure on Ballard.


Yeah DD interrupted Ballard a little bit but it was to get Ballard on point so he couldn't keep shying away at questions and just using his planned answers.


Pressure needs to be put on the FO by someone. In my opinion they don't care too much how the fans feel and sure as heck do not care if we try to put pressure on them, so it's nice to see someone actually have a backbone and ask what the fans want and be a little aggressive. Indy fans and especially the media have been pretty tame besides the making up false stories or "mis quoting" Tony Dungy to create a fake story. DD brought a Philly  or New York reporter vibe and it wasn't terrible. Defiantly got more out of ballard than JMV did, although I liked that interview as well.

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10 hours ago, The Fish said:

Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."


Florio, like most lawyers, had his common sense removed while attending law school.

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14 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

  Although he asked some good questions, the underlying issue I have with him (and other reporters AND some fans) is that they are challenging the character of the owner, players, coaches and GM.      

   I thought Ballard answered all his objections: the “50” lb weight loss, Vonte’s demotion issue, Chuck and Irsay’s optimism.



Some of the questions I am glad were put out there.  Him and JMV both went straight at him because all the perceived secrecy and bull* conspiracies.  JMV is just tactful with it while Dakich tries to always appear as the expert who should be heard.  Ballard still hit him with the truth and would play off some of the comments as well.  Trying to give your time to someone and just hear them yelling over you for 15 minutes though, pure classless and disrespectful.

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12 hours ago, The Fish said:

Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."


Wow, just as you think it couldn’t get any worse, some human garbage can turns up and try to feed of it. :facepalm::facepalm:

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14 hours ago, BR-549 said:

This is why JMV thinks Peyton Manning would be a good president.  Someone that people can trust to put out a message or information that is accurate and meaningful.


JMV had a great interview.  Dakich?, not-so-much.  It was conducted to make himself look good (as usual) and when it was over he could say to us.... "see... I told you I am a BA... I am the only one willing to challenge them"  when it was already accomplished yesterday by JMV in a much more tactful, respectful manor.  


I am okay with it I guess, but I feel all it did was show how much of a Richard Dan Dakich is.


The answers were predictable and what were you (us) expecting really?  Chris to break down and say... oh hell you got me.. here is what is really going on..................

The thing with Peyton is that he would be forced to then change that. Your job first and foremost is to protect the organization and serve the business. You may be forced to give opinions or share information that you don't actually believe 100% or support but that is what the business needs/wants you to do. I think a lot of people thought the same about Larry Bird with the Pacers. Oh he is a straight shooter, he is knowledgable, he was successful...but it doesn't always work that way.


As far as the interview goes I'm going to stay out of it. I don't care for Dakich despite what he has done for the Hoosiers many years ago. I think he tries to be a little too much of a shock jock. I also think he watched Coach Knight bully reporters and people and takes some cues from him. While I respected Coach Knights knowledge of the game and even to a big degree how he ran his team he definitely was harsh...a hard butt to the media. Many times he swiped away questions etc because he could tell that the person asking it just didn't know what they were talking about. He definitely dominated the discussion and would throw his weight around. That might work for someone in position of authority and someone who's knowledge of the game was almost unquestioned and's reputation in the sports world was largely unrivaled.....but for someone like Dan to act that way? Yeah not so much. To preach from the bully pulpit and treat guests in such a manner I just don't know who he thinks he is. His opinions don't hold that much weight with me and I'm even surprised CB agreed to go on his show. I know people didn't like his answers because they didn't learn a lot of new information but that is what I expect. CB represented the organization well and did his job. Sure I think the team has been a little slow to get information out on this situation and Irsay's bumbled some things but I don't expect the team to release anything that would be damaging to their image. It sucks. The Luck situation certainly hasn't worked out like ANYONE would have wanted or expected. Everyone wanted and expected him to play including himself but he didn't heal as expected. Its frustrating but stuff happens. I think the Colts could have got out in front of this better but I think they were hoping for Andrew to come back mid season and hoped we still be in the hunt. It didn't happen and now it looks like people are lying....when the truth is probably in the middle some where. This season has been a nightmare. All we can hope is for a clean slate next year and a fresh start for Ballard and whomever is coaching the team.

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53 minutes ago, dgambill said:

The thing with Peyton is that he would be forced to then change that. Your job first and foremost is to protect the organization and serve the business. You may be forced to give opinions or share information that you don't actually believe 100% or support but that is what the business needs/wants you to do. I think a lot of people thought the same about Larry Bird with the Pacers. Oh he is a straight shooter, he is knowledgable, he was successful...but it doesn't always work that way.


As far as the interview goes I'm going to stay out of it. I don't care for Dakich despite what he has done for the Hoosiers many years ago. I think he tries to be a little too much of a shock jock. I also think he watched Coach Knight bully reporters and people and takes some cues from him. While I respected Coach Knights knowledge of the game and even to a big degree how he ran his team he definitely was harsh...a hard butt to the media. Many times he swiped away questions etc because he could tell that the person asking it just didn't know what they were talking about. He definitely dominated the discussion and would throw his weight around. That might work for someone in position of authority and someone who's knowledge of the game was almost unquestioned and's reputation in the sports world was largely unrivaled.....but for someone like Dan to act that way? Yeah not so much. To preach from the bully pulpit and treat guests in such a manner I just don't know who he thinks he is. His opinions don't hold that much weight with me and I'm even surprised CB agreed to go on his show. I know people didn't like his answers because they didn't learn a lot of new information but that is what I expect. CB represented the organization well and did his job. Sure I think the team has been a little slow to get information out on this situation and Irsay's bumbled some things but I don't expect the team to release anything that would be damaging to their image. It sucks. The Luck situation certainly hasn't worked out like ANYONE would have wanted or expected. Everyone wanted and expected him to play including himself but he didn't heal as expected. Its frustrating but stuff happens. I think the Colts could have got out in front of this better but I think they were hoping for Andrew to come back mid season and hoped we still be in the hunt. It didn't happen and now it looks like people are lying....when the truth is probably in the middle some where. This season has been a nightmare. All we can hope is for a clean slate next year and a fresh start for Ballard and whomever is coaching the team.

In the words of a highly regarded fellow poster

I concur 

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21 hours ago, The Fish said:

Matt Millen was an Andrew Luck away from being the same guy as Grigson.


That would be an interesting discussion.  Honestly, Millen's rosters outside the QB might top Grigson's.  


Let's put it this way: re-signing Reggie and Mathis were two of Grigson's top 5 moves.  

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16 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Wasn't my point, I just don't think he knows what he is talking about half the time when it comes to Football. Also if you are professional on the radio you should know your history so actually I raised a good point. If I am having a convo with someone and they don't know the game, how can I respect that?


Dude didn't even know the Astros were in the American League, and that realignment happened like 4 years ago.

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Yeah, I don't care that Dakich is a critic.  The problem is he knows nothing about the game of football.  It's cringeworthy - almost as cringeworthy as Don Fischer doing preseason games.


Stick to the Hoosiers and Big Ten basketball.  

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20 hours ago, The Fish said:

Florio's hilarious take.


"Most significantly, and most recently, G.M. Chris Ballard agreed to submit to an interview with Dan Dakich of 1070 The Fan. The interview quickly became a cross-examination, and Ballard did not hold up well under questioning."

Wouldn't it top off everything if DD big mouth got the Colts into a  frivolous lawsuit! He talks about Irsay shutting his mouth, he needs to learn to shut his.

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On 11/9/2017 at 1:08 PM, csmopar said:

yeah Dakich is being * but he's at least grilling Ballard and i think Ballard needs grilled on how things have been handled.

I don't think so because it puts Ballard on the spot about his bosses words and actions not necessary his own. The one who needs drilling is Irsay and Irsay won't he just has guys like Ballard take the heat. He's the owner he can do what he wants. Those questions were unfair to Ballard but life isn't fair. But Ballard can't control what Irsay says and then has to find a way to defend it. 

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