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Postgage reactions, Jags -- merge


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Obviously they were not going to win, but the fumble out of bounds was not challenged,  WHY ????  Clear touchback.  And why not right before half try for hail Mary???      I rather have Andrew Luck at 25% then jacoby,  heck I will take a retired peyton manning over him right now.        Look for Jim harbaugh to be named new coach.  Enough venting

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Does anybody think that if Coughlin and Pagano had switched places in the off-season that this Colts team beats this Jags team 27-0? ...And that this Colt's team get's 10 sacks, and only gives up one?.....That everything flips to the Colt's favor by switching coaches?......I don't.....This team needs a whole lot more than a coaching change to be a good NFL team......

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By keeping Chuck to finish the year you are simply rewarding incompetence and failure. Thats not a message you want to give to the fanbase or the young players on this team.  Fire him to send a message, then go out and get a real coach after the season. This is a lost season anyway.

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1 minute ago, egg said:

Does anybody think that if Coughlin and Pagano had switched places in the off-season that this Colts team beats this Jags team 27-0? ...And that this Colt's team get's 10 sacks, and only gives up one?.....That everything flips to the Colt's favor by switching coaches?......I don't.....This team needs a whole lot more than a coaching change to be a good NFL team......

Clearly the Colts have a talent problem as well but it’s clear the coach isn’t getting it done either.  You can have both problems not just one or the other.

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27 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

The Good news will be the draft position this team will have. I know some of you don't think this, but it's in the best interest for the long term success of this franchise to have a down year, especially with the uncertainty surrounding Luck. Get a top 5 pick, and you have plenty of leverage in a very good QB class. Plus getting an entirely new coaching staff and having 70 plus million in cap space doesn't hurt. 

The good news is get rid of our coach and draft position. 

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  • Superman changed the title to Postgage reactions, Jags -- merge
1 hour ago, jhcutt said:

So.. Are we making any changes in personnel after this week? Or.. is this satisfactory in Irsays mind (still). 


Most pathetic performance I’ve seen from the Colts in years. 

I honestly cannot recall a worse game. It was a total collapse in nearly every facet of the game. They came out of the locker room to lose the game. Jags racked up 519 total yards, Bortles...Bortles! throws for 330 yards, Jags had 10 sacks, Jags averaged 5.3 yards per carry without their #1 back.

Colts - Horrible play calling - Fourth and 2 at the goal line and an audible to go QB sneak, 3 & out all day, they recover a fumble at mid field and another 3 & out , Simon, Kelly, Hooker hurt. The OL question and any past talk of improving just dissolved. It truly resembled a team that did not practice one second all week. I continued to watch only to see how miserable they could get and I got my answer. Pagano applauding all day and patting his players on the back. The worst of the worst. George Allen used to get on his knees and pray in the locker room and that is all that is left for Pagano. What now Chud and Pagano?

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4th & 2 & you screw up by having to call a timeout. And then come out of that timeout & run a QB sneak... On 4th & 2...  I’m tired of seeing our once great franchise become the laughing stock of the league. No team has more dumb play calls or suffer more blowout losses.  Chuck & his staff’s incompetence has turned us into the worst team in the league. Unbelievable. 

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Just now, Smoke317 said:

4th & 2 & you screw up by having to call a timeout. And then come out of that timeout & run a QB sneak... On 4th & 2...  I’m tired of seeing our once great franchise become the laughing stock of the league. No team has more *ic play calls or suffer more blowout losses.  Chuck & his staff’s incompetence has turned us into the worst team in the league. Unbelievable. 

They pointed out on the broadcast that was Brissett because he thought he saw a hole.

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If they looked like they gave a rats behind, then I would still be ticked off beyond belief, but they didn't, so yea, this is so very hard to accept.  Defensively, I have never seen such porous play.  This is a team reeling that will have a new coach as soon as the owner can come to grips with reality. 

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I kinda think going through cancer changed Chuck. Its not that he is soft ( he may well be) but its kinda like the Serenity Prayer. I also think Chuck is tired of being a lame duck coach although he has a contract. What good does it really do to get upset and scream and yell? At the end of the day this is all really just entertainment. There are tons of things in life that are WAY bigger then this game but he does have a job to do. 


With that being said we dont know what is being said behind close doors. Remember at the beginning of the year this is an EVALUATION year. They might be putting these guys out there just to see who can play and who cant and to try and find flaws. Its not really tanking just seeing what we have and granted its not much right now. 


We are fighting injuries but again thats not an excise next man up , but we are about out of those.  I do like how Chuck accepted everything. He is not denying anything. I think honestly he should fire Chud If he can. I think there needs to be some kind of change. 


We have to remember JB is pretty much a ROOKIE and a rookie that didnt have OTA or camp to get familiar with his team. He IS going to make mistakes. I do get a kick out of his pressers though. 


ITS ONLY A GAME. Its not the product im used to seeing nor like seeing but atleast I am able to enjoy the game of football. 



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Ballard needs to sell out on offense next year.  Teams with elite qbs need their GMs to surround them with good to elite talent everywhere.  Also would help if you brought in an offensive minded head coach with a good track record.  Teams without good QBs tend to build their defenses 1st.  Almost all of Ballard’s picks went to defense.  He did good with FAs he brought in.  But, who other than Hooker and Mack are making a difference?  Wilson is being scratched.  Basham is very underwhelming.  Banner was released (dumb choice by Ballard).   Hairston and Stewart are very pedestrian.  Walker hasn’t even seen the field.  Everyone is calling Ballard a genius, but his team is going to have a worse record than Grigson’s with the same coaches.  Yikes.  He needs to do better in next years draft before I call him a genius.  Flame away.

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41 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Clearly the Colts have a talent problem as well but it’s clear the coach isn’t getting it done either.  You can have both problems not just one or the other.


I never said coaching is not a problem, but I do think it is not as clear (as you say) as a lack of talent...It's harder to judge coaching when there is such a lack of talent..........

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One of the worst performances I have seen in well over a decade.   Thoroughly out coached and out played.  After this I have to believe Pagano or the FO will make some changes to the staff.  I can't fathom them waiting the entire year to make some kind of move in an attempt to improve the current situation.    

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2 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

One of the worst performances I have seen in well over a decade.   Thoroughly out coached and out played.  After this I have to believe Pagano or the FO will make some changes to the staff.  I can't fathom them waiting the entire year to make some kind of move in an attempt to improve the current situation.    

Will he scapegoat his boy Chud like he did with Pep???  I doubt it.  It’s all on you now Chuck.

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1 hour ago, GoColts8818 said:

Clearly the Colts have a talent problem as well but it’s clear the coach isn’t getting it done either.  You can have both problems not just one or the other.

Talent is definitely better than last year it's 95% the coaching nothing called to mask the issues with the line ted loves his Zone No Pass rush 10 Yards Off Free Release Coverage..these players are constantly put in a position to fail and we're expecting them to succeed regardless of the situation which we shouldn't any longer

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