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Mike & Mike Comments On The Colts First Game

King Colt

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I agree yesterday was bad, but this notion that the Colts are uniquely worse than other teams is wrong. Injuries dictate how well most (if not all) teams are going to do. Look at the Patriots, Hightower goes down and all of the sudden KC looks like the 03/04 Colts.

The Colts got their @zz's handed to them by the not 49ers first and foremost because too many guys who define the squad couldn't play. Then you get to Tolzien, Pagano, the Secondary, the Linebackers, the O line...

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27 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

Patience. Lot's of new starters, many injuries to key players, played a non conference team on the road so the loss is not a conference loss. Defensive line and OL played well considering the circumstances.  Lots of upside to look forward to when starters return and rookies gain more experience.  

Are you a member of the Optimist Club?   Kudos for staying so optimistic.   I try, but Pagano makes it too hard.  

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29 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

Patience. Lot's of new starters, many injuries to key players, played a non conference team on the road so the loss is not a conference loss. Defensive line and OL played well considering the circumstances.  Lots of upside to look forward to when starters return and rookies gain more experience.  


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Media is biased towards the little guy and generally hateful of anybody in charge or at the top.  Combine that bias with the constant defense of people they have praised or marketed in the past, and you have comments that generally don't reflect reality.


Here is their perspective: Luck is the golden boy since college, who can do no wrong and marketed as the best prospect since Elway, has to perpetually carry a team run by inept commanders.  Commanders who are egotistical meddlers who rule by oppression.  ChuckStrong Pagano is a nice guy, little guy's guy, a player's coach who is overwhelmed having to manage a horrible roster created by hard-line oppressive GM.  Not to mention he was a part of the Ravens, whom the media love (except for Flacco of course). The media has not yet turned on Ballard yet because for years they said Grigson was the problem.  By default, Ballard is better.  If they criticize Ballard, it will marginalize their previous criticism of Grigson.


Here is reality (at least closer to it than the media's opinion of reality):  Pagano was always the weak link, both in coaching and player evaluations, but was protected by his ChuckStrong image and general likability.  Grigson had to meddle and tried to hold things together because he was smart enough to know his coach was inept.  But he had an unlikable personality, which fits the narrative that people in charge are bullies, so he's the one who gets canned (and because there are better GM candidates out there).  And Luck's problem's are more related to coaching and his own decisions and not the bully's Oline.


The roster isn't bad now, and it never has been.  Not championship, never was, but not worst in the NFL either.

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Sorry guys, can't be optimistic when you are not even competitive.  How many times has that been an issue under Pagano. Sure we will probably miraculously when a game or two that we shouldn't as usual to cover the deficiency,  but it's the same every year. Went to training camp a couple of times and coach is a super nice guy and have really wanted him to succeed, but no more! When you lose to a team like the rams that badly and had that much time to prepare, COACHING Period!! Every team yesterday performed competitively except this one!

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On 9/11/2017 at 3:36 PM, MR. Blueblood said:

I am too, and I would argue that statement.  LOS can get rocking and super loud, but it goes hand in hand with the play on the field.  Sub par play and the crowd goes silent (other than the boos).  The play is good and the crowd is alive.  IDK, maybe my section is more into the games than some of the others.  


Peyton's first game back was the loudest I've ever heard that place from start to finish, but to say that solely a venue change has taken crowd noise out is a false statement.

I disagree. Have you traveled to other stadiums? Colts fans rarely yell on defense. They cheer for big plays, but do not add much for the defenses home field advantage. To do so means yelling on D all game. Not only on third downs in a competitive game. I have been told by many Colts fans over the year to sit down and stop yelling on defense, they claim I ruin their experience..... this does not happen in majority of stadiums. Specifically teams that typically have good defenses have great fan participation. The games the fans get loud for is typically the pats, sometimes the Steelers. The RCA Dome had metal bleacher seating that would help add to the crowd noise. Now the fans are too comfortable and want to sit and watch like they are at home.

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1 hour ago, HungarianColtsFan said:


We've become a laughing stock in the NFL. We earned that yesterday.

This... is the truth. I always used to feel bad for the Browns and Lions back like 10 years ago. Well yesterday (while a lot of the games were just terrible) the Colts were, awful. I would say "by far the worst" but WTA happened to the Bengals? I felt bad for the Colts. Every time I looked back at the score the Rams scored again.. I was like wow. I know so many people want to defend the Colts and say we really aren't that bad,all that jargon. Everywhere else outside of Indy could see it. Every one on the Colts roster was an immediate "SIT EM" in fantasy sports. The "talking heads" had us struggling. Yesterday just solidified the laughing stock the Colts have been for a while. Thank God for Peyton and Andrew. 



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1 minute ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

This... is the truth. I always used to feel bad for the Browns and Lions back like 10 years ago. Well yesterday (while a lot of the games were just terrible) the Colts were, awful. I would say "by far the worst" but WTA happened to the Bengals? I felt bad for the Colts. Every time I looked back at the score the Rams scored again.. I was like wow. I know so many people want to defend the Colts and say we really aren't that bad,all that jargon. Everywhere else outside of Indy could see it. Every one on the Colts roster was an immediate "SIT EM" in fantasy sports. The "talking heads" had us struggling. Yesterday just solidified the laughing stock the Colts have been for a while. Thank God for Peyton and Andrew. 




I think this team has more talent that that but was completely depraved. AV missing a FG and and extra point att. in the same game...? T.Y. fumbling the ball...? What we've done yesterday is far beyond 'struggling'. 


I'm rooting for the Colts but this season will be as painful as it can be. 

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29 minutes ago, open window said:

The good news it's just one loss. We have seen worse (that time New Orleans hung 72 on us).

hopefully Tolzein has been exposed and will be cut this week. Bring back Morris and fire Chuck yesterday.


62-7 was the score of that game. 


I remember it well (unfortunately) because Sean Payton was up in the booth with a cast on his leg and he was eating hotdogs just demolishing us.


That was also the last year for Caldwell, so hopefully that trend continues for Chuck. 

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2 hours ago, King Colt said:

Greene: "The Colts are a high school team. "

              "They have the worst roster."   

              "We knew they would be awful."  

              "The issue is not the quarterback but the players around him."       

Golich:  "The Colts are the worst team in the NFL."

              "46 to 9 and it wasn't that close."

Jeff Saturday: "That was as ugly as I have seen. It could get really ugly if they don't find a way to stop somebody."

Louis Riddick: "Their defense has been inept for years. It is a remake of the previous regime. It's all on Luck's shoulders." 


I'll add Golich and Riddick did not rule out sitting Luck for the season and I have advocated this as well. As long as the Colts are dazed and confused keep Luck out and go for a high draft pick next year 

So here we go. Is it coaching or is it talent?  Half the team is made up of Ballard/Pagano  choices.  So let's say we preserve Luck from the debacle of a porous O-line and we get #1 next year, then what?  Is Ballard/Pagano going to clean house again and if so do we trust them?  Getting a little ahead of myself, but yesterday wasn't just  ugly.... it was amateurish.  Does anyone believe this game is an anomaly and that starting next week we will be competitive?  I don't.

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21 minutes ago, life long said:

I disagree. Have you traveled to other stadiums? Colts fans rarely tell on defense. They cheer for big plays, but do not add much for the defenses home field advantage. To do so means yelling on D all game. Not only on third downs in a competitive game. I have been told by many Colts fans over the year to sit down and stop yelling on defense, they claim I ruin their experience..... this does not happen in majority of stadiums. Specifically teams that typically have good defenses have great fan participation. The games the fans get loud for is typically the pats, sometimes the Steelers. The RCA some has metal bleacher seats that would help add to the crowd noise. Now the fans are too comfortable and want to sit and watch like they are at home.

I never said the place is loud every moment that the D is on the field.  I also said that the crowd noise is related to the play on the field.  The D has given fans little to get excited about for years and years.  The north side of LOS has the aluminum stairs and I can hear the stomping from my seats on the south side of the stadium.  We could argue semantics back and forth until the cows come home.  If you have fans telling you to sit down maybe try moving to a different section.  We like to yell and have fun in section 124, come have fun with us.

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20 minutes ago, life long said:

I disagree. Have you traveled to other stadiums? Colts fans rarely tell on defense. They cheer for big plays, but do not add much for the defenses home field advantage. To do so means yelling on D all game. Not only on third downs in a competitive game. I have been told by many Colts fans over the year to sit down and stop yelling on defense, they claim I ruin their experience..... this does not happen in majority of stadiums. Specifically teams that typically have good defenses have great fan participation. The games the fans get loud for is typically the pats, sometimes the Steelers. The RCA some has metal bleacher seats that would help add to the crowd noise. Now the fans are too comfortable and want to sit and watch like they are at home.

I have been to almost every home game since Harbaugh was in his last 2 years with the Colts. That Pats playoff in the dome was the loudest it will ever be period but I know there were a couple other games and then playoff games that the new stadium got pretty loud, not I can't hear my self scream loud like that Pats game, but the crowd has the ability. What has occurred is, the team has steadily become worse. Once Manning got moved out and the team struggles to produce anything like the years with Freeny and Mathis getting to the QB and Manning to Wayne or Harrison for the score, where has the consistent excitement been for the fan base to get up and scream all defensive game long? I know early on, the fans get up and cheer on defense at the onset of the season and early into the games. As the game moves along, Pagano and his staff show little ability to make a competitive game come up and the fans sit down and look for their spots on 3rd down, usually only to be disappointed by the 3rd and 72 yard completion and new set of downs. That mentally takes out a crowd. The next game, the crowd comes out for the team again only to quickly become disappointed once again. You repeat these failures every home game and watch them on the road, we see why the crowd has no faith that yelling on every down provides any assist to a crappy team and so they fade. Now, the crowd barely gets into a 3rd down and long play even near the start of games because they have been conditioned into failure is coming, why waste energy. The crowd can get loud, but the team has to prove to the fan base once again that they are worthy of the attempt from the fan base. This team was more exciting to watch with Mike Pagel at QB than it is under this regime. 

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26 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Without Andrew Luck it is evident we are terrible, with him we are far from the worse team though.

And in the last 5-6 of Mannings career here, we had mainly the same problem. It is why we couldn't win more SB's under Manning. He basically carried the team and had 2-4 others in total that were pretty good. This team messed up by not rebuilding the first year after Luck arrived and by bringing in coaches and a GM with zero experience in doing so. Now we have a culture issue along with a poor roster. We have basically nobody on the oline who is considered elite and maybe a couple of them that's considered solid. On the dline, we have nobody considered elite and not one real concerning player that offenses have to account for in game planning. We had 2 with Mathis and Freeny while having several others who were considered solid and then average. We just didn't have the gaping deficiencies that we see now. Manning did a lot on his own but he had at least a few people on that team that was a standout in their job, Luck has TY and an aged Gore. That's it

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2 hours ago, MR. Blueblood said:

I am too, and I would argue that statement.  LOS can get rocking and super loud, but it goes hand in hand with the play on the field.  Sub par play and the crowd goes silent (other than the boos).  The play is good and the crowd is alive.  IDK, maybe my section is more into the games than some of the others.  


Peyton's first game back was the loudest I've ever heard that place from start to finish, but to say that solely a venue change has taken crowd noise out is a false statement.

Peyton's first game back was the loudest but nothing in LOS has come close to the dome and I haven't seen noise be a factor in more than a couple 3 games.

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40 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

I have been to almost every home game since Harbaugh was in his last 2 years with the Colts. That Pats playoff in the dome was the loudest it will ever be period but I know there were a couple other games and then playoff games that the new stadium got pretty loud, not I can't hear my self scream loud like that Pats game, but the crowd has the ability. What has occurred is, the team has steadily become worse. Once Manning got moved out and the team struggles to produce anything like the years with Freeny and Mathis getting to the QB and Manning to Wayne or Harrison for the score, where has the consistent excitement been for the fan base to get up and scream all defensive game long? I know early on, the fans get up and cheer on defense at the onset of the season and early into the games. As the game moves along, Pagano and his staff show little ability to make a competitive game come up and the fans sit down and look for their spots on 3rd down, usually only to be disappointed by the 3rd and 72 yard completion and new set of downs. That mentally takes out a crowd. The next game, the crowd comes out for the team again only to quickly become disappointed once again. You repeat these failures every home game and watch them on the road, we see why the crowd has no faith that yelling on every down provides any assist to a crappy team and so they fade. Now, the crowd barely gets into a 3rd down and long play even near the start of games because they have been conditioned into failure is coming, why waste energy. The crowd can get loud, but the team has to prove to the fan base once again that they are worthy of the attempt from the fan base. This team was more exciting to watch with Mike Pagel at QB than it is under this regime. 

Brown's have always had a fierce crowd, what reason do they have besides their duty as a fan at the game. When your team is struggling is the opposite time to go quiet.... KC, SEA, and other teams with good D's, fans stay involved no matter the score. To me it's a chicken before the egg dilemma. The crowd noise Indy produces lends itself for offense, not defense. Always has for imo. I too hot season tickets in the harbaugh years, and have traveled to dozens of stadiums. I currently live in denver and their crowds definitely show more life. Especially for division games, no matter the records. Colts fans at the stadium got spoiled by Peyton. Now they don't know how to root on an underdog.

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1 minute ago, life long said:

Brown's have always had a fierce crowd, what reason do they have besides their duty as a fan at the game. When your team is struggling is the opposite time to go quiet.... KC, SEA, and other teams with good D's, fans stay involved no matter the score. To me it's a chicken before the egg dilemma. The crowd noise Indy produces lends itself for offense, not defense. Always has for imo. I too hot season tickets in the harbaugh years, and have traveled to dozens of stadiums. I currently live in denver and their crowds definitely show more life. Especially for division games, no matter the records. Colts fans at the stadium got spoiled by Peyton. Now they don't know how to root on an underdog.

I don't disagree with your last sentence at all, they were and still are spoiled to that. Everyone though knew coming into the Manning years, this was not a football town and Manning turned it into one....kinda. KC has been known for dense as has Seattle over the years. Browns fan base is another story altogether though, I don't understand them at all and even saying that, their base has changed into a mad doghouse every game and into the change of puppies compared to the early years of the Browns before the rebirth of a new team again. I still believe our crowd would cheer hard for them if they had a sense of true hope an belief that doing so would help but I don't get a sense that this crowd believes it and do you blame them? We have been pretty awful with Pagano running this show, add into the hot mess that was Grigson and all the turn over on the roster over the 4 years, the fans only have Luck and TY to really identify with and maybe to Davis, although his support has dropped a few levels as a fan talented player imo. It is almost like anything that walks onto the Colts field is either injured or not as advertised. We get a player who gets hyped up by the fans and by the media and the team and then they are either injured or they look lost. Is that the coaching or just everything this team has been evaluating players for talent has been dead wrong? IDK. This team gives fans even the glimmer of hope and they will rise to the challenge, that I have no doubt.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Media is biased towards the little guy and generally hateful of anybody in charge or at the top.  Combine that bias with the constant defense of people they have praised or marketed in the past, and you have comments that generally don't reflect reality.


Here is their perspective: Luck is the golden boy since college, who can do no wrong and marketed as the best prospect since Elway, has to perpetually carry a team run by inept commanders.  Commanders who are egotistical meddlers who rule by oppression.  ChuckStrong Pagano is a nice guy, little guy's guy, a player's coach who is overwhelmed having to manage a horrible roster created by hard-line oppressive GM.  Not to mention he was a part of the Ravens, whom the media love (except for Flacco of course). The media has not yet turned on Ballard yet because for years they said Grigson was the problem.  By default, Ballard is better.  If they criticize Ballard, it will marginalize their previous criticism of Grigson.


Here is reality (at least closer to it than the media's opinion of reality):  Pagano was always the weak link, both in coaching and player evaluations, but was protected by his ChuckStrong image and general likability.  Grigson had to meddle and tried to hold things together because he was smart enough to know his coach was inept.  But he had an unlikable personality, which fits the narrative that people in charge are bullies, so he's the one who gets canned (and because there are better GM candidates out there).  And Luck's problem's are more related to coaching and his own decisions and not the bully's Oline.


The roster isn't bad now, and it never has been.  Not championship, never was, but not worst in the NFL either.

Great post and it was obvious, the media hated Grigson because of his general unlikeability.  Not defending Grigson or even saying it was the wrong move to replace him, it wasn't.  But I will say Grigson seemed to be showing improvement in his drafts.  Something we have not seen from Pagano at all.  As far as Pagano is concerned, I wouldn't say the media loved him in recent times, but certainly Pagano was considered the lesser of two evils.  


Now Ballard isn't interfering with the roster and starting lineups, which Grigson was accused of and hated for.  Granted, it's early, but it looks like Grigson had good reason for his meddling.  The interesting part is this really exposes Pagano's lack of coaching ability and as the old saying goes, "give 'em enough rope and they will hang themselves", seems to completely correlate with Ballard's gameplan to get his own coach. 

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3 hours ago, WERC82 said:

name good players other than AJ on the Bengals and I can match them with a Colts who is as good or better.


Geno Atkins, Carlos Dunlap, George Iloka/Shawn Williams and Vontaze Burfict. Tyler Eifert too, but he can't stay on the field so I could accept the argument that Doyle is about equal.

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23 minutes ago, Corndog said:

Great post and it was obvious, the media hated Grigson because of his general unlikeability.  Not defending Grigson or even saying it was the wrong move to replace him, it wasn't.  But I will say Grigson seemed to be showing improvement in his drafts.  Something we have not seen from Pagano at all.  As far as Pagano is concerned, I wouldn't say the media loved him in recent times, but certainly Pagano was considered the lesser of two evils.  


Now Ballard isn't interfering with the roster and starting lineups, which Grigson was accused of and hated for.  Granted, it's early, but it looks like Grigson had good reason for his meddling.  The interesting part is this really exposes Pagano's lack of coaching ability and as the old saying goes, "give 'em enough rope and they will hang themselves", seems to completely correlate with Ballard's gameplan to get his own coach. 



The difference between this last game vs the Rams and many other games since 2013 is that Luck wasn't there to bring them back the second half.


 Heck, even Luck throws bad interceptions.


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3 hours ago, TKnight24 said:

Saquon Barkley, Marlon Mack, & Andrew Luck are gonna be a great trio in the future. Secure the #1 overall pick, trade back to #5 for Kings Ransom as the other teams scramble for Darnold, Rosen, etc etc. Get numerous picks, take Barkley & build a defense & offensive line with the rest of the picks 


Tank Season is here :cheer:


I am a HUGE Penn-State fan and would love for the Colts to get Barkley. He is going to be special in the NFL. 

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I'm not ready to talk draft yet.   I still hope the Colts can overcome Pagano and win against the Browns and 49rs giving them a 2-3 record.   Then maybe they can pull of some victories.    This team needs to learn to play against Pagano's instructions.  

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4 hours ago, TKnight24 said:

Saquon Barkley, Marlon Mack, & Andrew Luck are gonna be a great trio in the future. Secure the #1 overall pick, trade back to #5 for Kings Ransom as the other teams scramble for Darnold, Rosen, etc etc. Get numerous picks, take Barkley & build a defense & offensive line with the rest of the picks 


Tank Season is here :cheer:



Agreed although I would replace Barkley with OT Connor Williams. Ballard needs a bunch a picks to work with in the draft so getting a top pick to trade for a haul wouldn't be the worst thing for the future of this franchise to speed up the rebuild. 

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

Media is biased towards the little guy and generally hateful of anybody in charge or at the top.  Combine that bias with the constant defense of people they have praised or marketed in the past, and you have comments that generally don't reflect reality.

The roster isn't bad now, and it never has been.  Not championship, never was, but not worst in the NFL either.

Actually... without Luck, Kelly, or Vontae.... we really might be the worst roster in the NFL.  Definitely bottom 5.



RB Gore/Mack  one of our better positions

FB  I dont think we have one

WR Hilton/Moncreif  Not too many teams are scared of that duo

TE Doyle  I like him but he is no world beater

OLINE  Costanzo, Mewhort, Some dude, Good, Some other dude.  We are in the bottom 5 in the nfl for overall Oline


DLINE  Not a single player that teams have to even consider double teaming.

LB  Simon is very good.  He may be the only piece to the puzzle we have found at LB

CB Melvin and Green.   We have struggled to find a CB capable of covering an opposing teams #2 WR.  With vontae out, we now have no one to cover the #1, #2, or #3 wr.    

FS  Butler/Hooker      I want to think hooker is a piece of the puzzle in place, but I did not even notice him in the game Sunday.    I will contribute that to him have absolutely no help in the secondary

SS  Farley   Really?  like....for real?   We have Butler who has always been a CB, Green who has always been a S, and Hooker a 1st round pick at Safety.   And we go with Butler( a CB) and Farley as starting safeties, and Green (a S) starts at CB.  and our top playmaker rookie starts on the bench.



Especially without our 3 most important players.............we are a bottom 3 roster.  


We do not have a threat to the opposing team anywhere on offense, nor do we have an ounce of a threat of pass rush or playmaker on defense.  


Ok.... so after all the frustration of what players we put on the field, we still managed to hit Marlon Mack on a nice screen pass where he makes a catch, turns and sprints passed a man, makes another miss, steps across the pylon while extending the ball across the goaline.  TD!!!!! oh wait, the ref called him out of bounds.  Lets check the replay.  He appears to be clearly in for the TD to everyone watching and the announcers.  I am sure Chuck will challenge the play.  Woohoo easy call for a touchdo....WHAT!!! THE COLTS HURRIED TO THE LINE AND SNAPPED THE BALL AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!!!!  What in the actual **** just happened?  So we field a **** roster, and still manage to have a rookie shine, and our coaching staff ****s it up.


Ok.  I am done.  


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23 minutes ago, BProland85 said:


Agreed although I would replace Barkley with OT Connor Williams. Ballard needs a bunch a picks to work with in the draft so getting a top pick to trade for a haul wouldn't be the worst thing for the future of this franchise to speed up the rebuild. 



We need a T, G, WR, TE, CB x2, OLB, DE, DT, and ILB.   Then we will be sitting pretty


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10 hours ago, BProland85 said:

It's amazing what a quality OL, QB, and HC will do for your team, and defense. Once Ballard fixes this OL, brings in a new HC, and gets Luck completely healthy, this team will surprise everyone. 


What the hell is Ballard waiting for then? He did nothing to address this during the off-season. The OL is worse than it has ever been. 

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