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Can someone explain to me why Quincy Wilson does not get the time of day? Like seriously you put an inexperienced corner out there over your 2nd round draft pick.. Even when it was getting ugly for TJ they still kept him in? Atleast at safety our guys were being exchange out every other play but at corner they stayed with Melvin and tj when it wasn't working? I cant stress this enough we let the Rams throw all over us and it wasnt like the run was setting it up they were 1 dimensional for majority of the game. Also dont even get me started on Darius Butler looks like he lost a step or few or maybe just gets lost in the play too often 

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5 minutes ago, Xander said:

I have no idea why Quincy and Morris aren't starting. 


Presumably it's because Melvin and TJ have experience.  Melvin has experience being picked on and TJ's has experience as a S and former WR.


I'm being sarcastic, but that's what I expect the answer is.  At some point you have to realize that you're experienced guys are getting torched.  You'd think they may as well give the guys with better talent a chance to get experience.


One excuse I'll give them is that when any QB has that much time to throw the ball, I don't care if you have four Deon Sanders back there, the WR will get open.

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Quincy is a rookie and playing better than this experienced guy TJ. And the catch Quincy did allow, he was stuck to the WR, WR pushed off a bit, but he was still there. Quincy gets more reps, he'll be a turnover machine. He's always there, just has to locate the ball & make the play 



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None of the DB's on the field Sunday played worth anything. Goff looked like Rodgers and I can only remember a couple of passes even being challenged hard. It didn't help that we had absolutely no pass rush at all. Goff stood back there with his latte and picked his target at will. 

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1 hour ago, TKnight24 said:



Quincy is a rookie and playing better than this experienced guy TJ. And the catch Quincy did allow, he was stuck to the WR, WR pushed off a bit, but he was still there. Quincy gets more reps, he'll be a turnover machine. He's always there, just has to locate the ball & make the play 



Agree regarding Wilson.  He did pretty well out there, and he has to work on tracking the ball better.  Had the same issue during pre-season, and the only way he's going to get better - and I believe he will - is by playing him.

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1 hour ago, TKnight24 said:



Quincy is a rookie and playing better than this experienced guy TJ. And the catch Quincy did allow, he was stuck to the WR, WR pushed off a bit, but he was still there. Quincy gets more reps, he'll be a turnover machine. He's always there, just has to locate the ball & make the play 



Agree regarding Wilson.  He did pretty well out there, and he has to work on tracking the ball better.  Had the same issue during pre-season, and the only way he's going to get better - and I believe he will - is by playing him.

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That TD was not of Green, IMO, it was on Butler who was mirroring the WR until he(Butler) got to the endzone and then he ran forward even though there was not another receiver in the area.

When you have two deep safeties (which the Colts had on that play), the CB has inside coverage until the receiver gets to the hash marks and then he has outside coverage and safety has inside coverage.  Green took the outside coverage but Butler did not continue to drop back to take the inside coverage.



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Snap counts posted. Green played 95% of the defensive snaps. Bostic was the only one higher at 100%.  Hooker played more than I thought...46%  not sure why Wilson had so few. 26%   hairston played 62%   


Green may have more overall experience, but doesn't he have the least amount of exp. At CB than all of the other CBs? ,and im not even saying anything about his overall play ,I think he could possibly turn into a good CB. But that's down the line, not right now. 


I do think he played better than many are giving him credit for, but id have expected them to go with the guy who's most experienced at playing CB. 


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7 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

That TD was not of Green, IMO, it was on Butler who was mirroring the WR until he(Butler) got to the endzone and then he ran forward even though there was not another receiver in the area.

When you have two deep safeties (which the Colts had on that play), the CB has inside coverage until the receiver gets to the hash marks and then he has outside coverage and safety has inside coverage.  Green took the outside coverage but Butler did not continue to drop back to take the inside coverage.




Agree, it looked like Butler had inside coverage, but his eyes tricked him into staying low. 


However, Green stayed flat footed instead of moving his feet, and the receiver ran past him. Even playing outside technique, you track the receiver vertically up the field, you don't let him run past you. Green has this problem on crossing patterns as well, it's his big issue in tracking receivers in coverage, besides tracking the ball over his head.


Green played well otherwise, IMO. Should have tried to wrap Gurley on the TD push, but Gurley ran through four other tacklers, so I'm not blaming Green for that. 

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9 hours ago, Smonroe said:


Presumably it's because Melvin and TJ have experience.  Melvin has experience being picked on and TJ's has experience as a S and former WR.


I'm being sarcastic, but that's what I expect the answer is.  At some point you have to realize that you're experienced guys are getting torched.  You'd think they may as well give the guys with better talent a chance to get experience.


One excuse I'll give them is that when any QB has that much time to throw the ball, I don't care if you have four Deon Sanders back there, the WR will get open.

i concur

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1 hour ago, krunk said:

It's early but I'm not sure how I'm feeling about Butler at safety.    I'll give it some time but it feels kind of awkward.

I know how I feel about Butler sorry no new stats for you just the eye ball test. I am not buying Green was our best option at CB yet he's out there on 95% of the snaps. We have 6 guys who actually play CB on the roster but Green is who we go with. He won that job? 


I am not a fan of Monachino We are playing an inexperienced QB that's 0-7 in the league. Did we heat him up? Bring the blitz from here there and everywhere? What was our defensive game plan? It looked like go vanilla while starting a CB who's played the position for less than a month.  I haven't nor do I plan to rewatch the game maybe we did do more than I remember 


It was a frustrating Sunday I didn't think we had much of a chance with Tolzien under C to begin with.  How did we allow that guy to start the season as our QB? Honestly I would not be shocked if we didn't go back to him and his noodle arm next week 

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8 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:

Butler does not seem like a good fit at safety to me. He's not a good hitter.

I still don't understand where the idea that Butler was good at FS even got started at. I never liked him at FS. The nickel is where he always excelled at. I understand he was asked to play there out of need so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

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He wasnt asked 

1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

I still don't understand where the idea that Butler was good at FS even got started at. I never liked him at FS. The nickel is where he always excelled at. I understand he was asked to play there out of need so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

He wasnt asked he wanted to play FS js

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2 hours ago, akcolt said:

I know how I feel about Butler sorry no new stats for you just the eye ball test. I am not buying Green was our best option at CB yet he's out there on 95% of the snaps. We have 6 guys who actually play CB on the roster but Green is who we go with. He won that job? 


I am not a fan of Monachino We are playing an inexperienced QB that's 0-7 in the league. Did we heat him up? Bring the blitz from here there and everywhere? What was our defensive game plan? It looked like go vanilla while starting a CB who's played the position for less than a month.  I haven't nor do I plan to rewatch the game maybe we did do more than I remember 


It was a frustrating Sunday I didn't think we had much of a chance with Tolzien under C to begin with.  How did we allow that guy to start the season as our QB? Honestly I would not be shocked if we didn't go back to him and his noodle arm next week 

We had inexperience all over the secondary. Probably why he did not.

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14 hours ago, Blueblood23 said:

Pagano is bound and determined to show that Green was not a draft bust miss. 

Yep. The "I'm going to prove everyone wrong" mentality. Grigson must be rubbing off on him...TJ Green was such a stud at safety that now we'll try him at corner..Hell, let's try him at QB. 

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10 minutes ago, krunk said:

We had inexperience all over the secondary. Probably why he did not.

We started Melvin Green Butler and Farley all four are returning players. We had a lot of time to scheme for this game and had nothing. We started Green at CB add that to Tolzien at QB. It makes me wonder what we are trying to accomplish. 

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Butler is a fan favorite so it's assumed he's a good safety.


I think he would have gotten more then a 1 year deal from us if he was the answer (long term).


Don't think Monachino is much at coordinator either which also HAS to account for some of these breakdowns. When I'm not annoyed and being realistic, our players ALL can't be this bad. I refuse to believe that.

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10 minutes ago, IinD said:

Butler is a fan favorite so it's assumed he's a good safety.


I think he would have gotten more then a 1 year deal from us if he was the answer (long term).


Don't think Monachino is much at coordinator either which also HAS to account for some of these breakdowns. When I'm not annoyed and being realistic, our players ALL can't be this bad. I refuse to believe that.


Well, no obviously butler isn't in the long term plans...he's 31. He was signed to be a stop gap. :)

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6 hours ago, akcolt said:

We started Melvin Green Butler and Farley all four are returning players. We had a lot of time to scheme for this game and had nothing. We started Green at CB add that to Tolzien at QB. It makes me wonder what we are trying to accomplish. 

The defense really only gave up 14 points and a couple field goals. Probably would have been better than that had we not been on the field so much. I'm not really getting to much in a funk over yards given up. The defense they played is designed to give up yards but not points. I wanted to see more blitz myself. I think when you have Vontae out, Green learning a new role, Quincy still learning and subbing, Farley getting acclimated, Hooker switching in and out. I assume he just kept it simple. I saw a couple blitz but not a whole bunch. The D we played was sound enough to win us the ball game if we had some offense.

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I think between the next two games we will see more of Hooker and less of Butler back there. Either Hooker and Farley. Or I know this may be blaspheme but I still wouldn't mind seeing TJ Green get some time at SS. Let him take his lumps and see what happens. I guess I'm caught up with the idea of having two premium athletes back there with size. I'm going to give it more time but I feel like Butler needs to go back to corner, while playing safety in situational sub packages. If he goes back to corner I dont think he should start over Hairston though.

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10 hours ago, akcolt said:

I know how I feel about Butler sorry no new stats for you just the eye ball test. I am not buying Green was our best option at CB yet he's out there on 95% of the snaps. We have 6 guys who actually play CB on the roster but Green is who we go with. He won that job? 


I am not a fan of Monachino We are playing an inexperienced QB that's 0-7 in the league. Did we heat him up? Bring the blitz from here there and everywhere? What was our defensive game plan? It looked like go vanilla while starting a CB who's played the position for less than a month.  I haven't nor do I plan to rewatch the game maybe we did do more than I remember 


It was a frustrating Sunday I didn't think we had much of a chance with Tolzien under C to begin with.  How did we allow that guy to start the season as our QB? Honestly I would not be shocked if we didn't go back to him and his noodle arm next week 

I think Margus Hunt needs more playing time. Possibly over one of the starters.

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8 hours ago, ThaCaliColt said:

Yep. The "I'm going to prove everyone wrong" mentality. Grigson must be rubbing off on him...TJ Green was such a stud at safety that now we'll try him at corner..Hell, let's try him at QB. 

Let me be clear, Green is not a stud player at any position. They probably should have kept Banner and dumped Green.

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14 hours ago, J@son said:



Snap counts posted. Green played 95% of the defensive snaps. Bostic was the only one higher at 100%.  Hooker played more than I thought...46%  not sure why Wilson had so few. 26%   hairston played 62%   


Green may have more overall experience, but doesn't he have the least amount of exp. At CB than all of the other CBs? ,and im not even saying anything about his overall play ,I think he could possibly turn into a good CB. But that's down the line, not right now. 


I do think he played better than many are giving him credit for, but id have expected them to go with the guy who's most experienced at playing CB. 


I wonder what the other 31 teams snap count for their first and second round picks was.  It's appalling to me that the first two picks played less than half the snaps on D.  If the 15th overall pick isn't a starter, isn't better than incumbents on a team that loses by 39, you really have to question why make that pick at all to begin with.  I'm aware he's coming off injuries.  But in a week when three RBs broke franchise records, and Kizer and Watson showed signs of 'getting it', Golloday looked good, Watt for the Steelers had a day...  Rookies made huge impacts all over the place. The Colts rookies can't get on the field.  Disappointing.  Especially when the score kinda screams for playing someone, anyone else. 

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9 hours ago, akcolt said:

We started Melvin Green Butler and Farley all four are returning players. We had a lot of time to scheme for this game and had nothing. We started Green at CB add that to Tolzien at QB. It makes me wonder what we are trying to accomplish. 

For one, we're trying to fill holes created by Luck's and Vontae's injuries.  The other players to chose from aren't really any better.

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Probably should have kept Adams one more year and got rid of Butler... idk.  I am of the crowd that thinks the rookies should be getting the majority of snap counts.  Whomever is making the decision(s) (of who is playing more) is making the wrong one(s) as far as I am concerned.

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5 hours ago, DougDew said:

For one, we're trying to fill holes created by Luck's and Vontae's injuries.  The other players to chose from aren't really any better.

I realize who's hurt and I don't believe that Green who's played CB for weeks was better than any CB on the roster. I disagree that there were not better players to choose from when it comes to Tolzien We choose not to sign any of them We knew Luck had surgery in Jan and the recovery time was 6-9 months. 

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On 9/11/2017 at 5:48 AM, Defjamz26 said:

Remember, he was the guy that was apparently standing up in his chair yelling for the Colts to draft him. 

No.   That was Smith the year before. 


And Pags wasn't on the table.    It was Smith's college coaches who were on the table for their kid.



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