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Pats trade for Dwayne Allen [Merge]


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9 minutes ago, bababooey said:

The salary cap has gone up 40% since Allen was drafted. 11.5 million isn't the worst. Could have paid an older Garcon 16 million like the Niners are this year (compared to 12 million for 2 years like the Gmen for Marshall). I know not the same position but a little comparison to make it hurt less.


$11.5m for a 36 catch TE is not good.

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2 minutes ago, Track Guy said:

This frees up some more cap room to pull free agents. And it jumps our 6th round pick to a 4th. So basically this will be a good trade, if Ballard can use those resources well. I've got a good feeling about it, at the moment. 

No. We only get a 4th.

Colts - 4th

NE - Allen + 6th

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10 minutes ago, Superman said:


This is going to be NE's comp 4th. Their regular 4th is forfeited due to Deflategate. Oh, the irony.


So we have 122, 137 and 144. 

Colts fans everywhere are now rushing to get mock drafts out.


On a side note I wouldn't be shocked if he traded Dorsett as well. 

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1 minute ago, Defjamz26 said:

Colts fans everywhere are now rushing to get mock drafts out.


On a side note I wouldn't be shocked if he traded Dorsett as well. 


I'm kind of shocked he traded Allen. I'd be shocked if he traded Dorsett. 

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1 minute ago, Defjamz26 said:

Colts fans everywhere are now rushing to get mock drafts out.


On a side note I wouldn't be shocked if he traded Dorsett as well. 

We really are going to see a very different team next year anything is possible

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12 minutes ago, Superman said:


This is why I hated the Allen contract structure. We just paid him $11.5m for one substandard season. 


But like you, I didn't see Allen having trade value. Not because of the contract -- NE has him for $4.5m in 2017 -- but because he hasn't played well. Word is we get NE's 4th, and we give up our 6th. I can live with that. This is not a bad draft to add another 4th.

Yep...but I see Ballards side of it.....that money is already gone...money spent and he had nothing to do with it nor is he on the hook for it. He isn't going to throw more good money after bad. He got Doyle back...we have Swoop under contract correct?? I mean we aren't desperate to have to draft a TE...even if we need to sign a couple....look at it this way and this should tell us a lot about the TE position in the NFL (imo). We spent a 2nd and 3rd rd pick on TE in 2012....and they have both been basically outplayed and replaced with two UDFAs essentially......I say sign a couple more...stash them away and let Luck turn them into super stars lol. Luck could be to TEs what Peyton was to Receivers....oh wait...Peyton turned TEs to pro bowlers too lol...nevermind.


I agree it was a bad contract...I don't think Allen demanded that much money last year. Not only was it a problem to draft two the same year very high in my opinion but then they both became free agents the same year too...and we lost leverage in that we felt we had to retain one of them. The fact that neither did enough to deserve an extension earlier speaks to both their inconsistencies. I'm glad we have moved on. I wish Allen good luck. So far Ballard gets a check plus from me and I hope the rest of his moves are as good. I like that he is bold and decisive and so far he has kept his word. Valued our players that have earned their money...and got rid of those that haven't lol.

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3 minutes ago, SilentHill said:



Career stats

Those aren't career stats...he came out in the 2012 draft with Luck.


NVMD you posted Dorsetts...my bad...carry on.

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28 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We did, we got a 4th and gave up our 6th

say it aint so,,,, fleeced as some1 else said......dang --- pats know how to use TEs too  --- they just got a lot better for no big draft pick loss -- they already have superbowl talent (depending on FA re-signs).... why make them better?

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23 minutes ago, Superman said:


This is going to be NE's comp 4th. Their regular 4th is forfeited due to Deflategate. Oh, the irony.


So we have 122, 137 and 144. 



That would mean Allen and pick 200 for pick 137. I would not have expected anything greater than this .

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3 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Those aren't career stats...he came out in the 2012 draft with Luck.


2 minutes ago, SilentHill said:


ummmm. no?

There seems to be a bit of confusion. I believe those were the career stats for Dorsett, and not D. Allen.

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1 minute ago, Defjamz26 said:

I'm thinking send him to the Bengals for a swap of 1st round picks. At 9 the Colts would have a lot options. Bengals wouldn't be losing much.


I like the idea but you would need to sweeten the pot to get that done.

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So here's the list of ALL the picks we have for 2017....

1st round - 15th overall pick

2nd round - 46th overall pick

3rd round - 80th overall pick

4th round - 122nd overall pick

4th round - 137th overall pick

4th round - 144th overall pick (compensatory pick)

5th round - 158th overall pick


No 6th or 7th

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Just now, dew5150 said:

So here's the list of ALL the picks we have for 2017....

1st round - 15th overall pick

2nd round - 46th overall pick

3rd round - 80th overall pick

4th round - 122nd overall pick

4th round - 137th overall pick

4th round - 144th overall pick (compensatory pick)

5th round - 158th overall pick


No 6th or 7th


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