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Rueban Foster sent home from combine

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13 hours ago, rock8591 said:

Medical professional was probably a book-smart (read: street challenged, liberal yuppie) nurse who insisted he was injured, he felt he was not, she demanded he go home "for his own safety/protection". Combine employees took the hospital worker's side, they sent him home.

Being exposed regularly to folks in the medical industry, vast majority of them are extremely arrogant and uppity enough to make cops and bodybuilders look like very educated and humble people.


I have met very few doctors (or lawyers) that aren't incredibly cocky and talk down to others in a regular basis.


16 minutes ago, rock8591 said:


Real world (not book world) tends to confirm plenty of generalizations.


Mind-numbing.  Not sure which is worse but they are both just ridiculous.


First off, my wife of 20+ years is an RN.  Our daughter will soon be 4 and has already had two open heart surgeries and spent the first 3 months of her life in the hospital.  I have been exposed to literally hundreds of people in the medical world and the vast majority I have come across are some of the most genuine and self-less people I have ever had the pleasure to know.  


Secondly, your supposition of what the Foster incident was is just a clueless batch of drivel.  You weren't there so why even both to guess at what happened?  And shocking as it may be, from what we have heard following the incident, your version of what happened has proven to be not close to accurate.

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3 hours ago, bananabucket said:


There's a name I haven't heard or thought of in a while... 

I hear that name almost weekly. Keith is one of the most well liked and well remembered CFL rbs of his time. His old team has been terrible the last 2 years so you hear about how people wished "kenton keith was around to save the franchise" from every fan and their dog. :lol:

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26 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

You'd rather have the guy arrested for assault and armed robbery over a guy who had an argument with a medical staff member?

Well, if the charges weren't ever dropped, I would say you have an argument.  But they were dropped.  You can believe whatever you want about hte facts, but it requires you to assume facts not in evidence.

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33 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

I also wonder how serious he was with the "Do you know who I am". It's not like Deion Sanders was Mr Humble either.

I'm with ya on this Bro!   I can clearly see Warren Sapp doing some stuff like this and he's in the Hall of Fame.  Sapp would go off on virtually anybody.  Besides we really don't even know exactly what has happened here.   Foster has already gone live on Instagram speaking on the issue and has cited several different team mates and others who were there that know exactly what happened.  He said it was "Nothing".   I'll wait until I know exactly what happened.  As for me I'm still "Gimme Reuben Foster". 

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23 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

Let's get more soft dudes on the defense and a stud as a RB.


When we lose 12 game's at least we'll be entertained and have the moral high ground.


I want to build the monster we were promised. The monster is rarely polite.

Why do people assume that you have to be stupid to be hard?  Brian Urlacher was a monster, but he wasn't stupid enough to get kicked out of the combine.  Here's the thing about drafting *stupid people, you lose more than 12 games when they can't ever get on the field because they are too busy being stupid.

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1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Why do people assume that you have to be stupid to be hard?  Brian Urlacher was a monster, but he wasn't stupid enough to get kicked out of the combine.  Here's the thing about drafting *stupid people, you lose more than 12 games when they can't ever get on the field because they are too busy being stupid.

I haven't said he's stupid and equally I haven't seen anything to say he is either. 


He may be a little bit agro. Lots of people are. No big deal. Just smash the opposition running back and I'll be happy. 

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56 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

I haven't said he's stupid and equally I haven't seen anything to say he is either. 


He may be a little bit agro. Lots of people are. No big deal. Just smash the opposition running back and I'll be happy. 

We want the same things. Lol. Im not blind to the fact that we all have bouts with stupidity, especially in our early 20s. I just see things like this - getting kicked out of the combine - as a bigger red flag than other people may. Its like when Artavis Scott got busted right before the National Championship. Like, dont be stupid before one of the bigger nights of your life.

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5 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

We want the same things. Lol. Im not blind to the fact that we all have bouts with stupidity, especially in our early 20s. I just see things like this - getting kicked out of the combine - as a bigger red flag than other people may. Its like when Artavis Scott got busted right before the National Championship. Like, dont be stupid before one of the bigger nights of your life.

I kind of agree but I see this as a maturity issue rather than a stupidity one. It doesn't change the fact that he's one hell of a football player though and in reality that's all I care about within legal limits. 

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59 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

I kind of agree but I see this as a maturity issue rather than a stupidity one. It doesn't change the fact that he's one hell of a football player though and in reality that's all I care about within legal limits. 

Immaturity, stupidity...often the same thing lol.

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9 hours ago, Shive said:

That's what I was thinking. I'm not a fan of the "do you know who I am?" guys. You risk having guys like the safety we drafted a few years back that got arrested and pulled that card.

Yeaah, John Boyett from that wonderful 2013 draft class (sarcasm). I don't believe he ever made an NFL roster.

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He has a lot of time to make up for bad interviews, and to explain himself. I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses for him, but an argument takes two people, and we haven't heard all sides of the story.


It's been said already, but you don't want to have something like this happen when you're trying to convince teams to use a precious draft pick on you and give you $25m, fully guaranteed. You already have the injury, then your weigh-in wasn't impressive, and then you go nose to nose with a medical worker? Just, don't... All you have to do is not get in any trouble for a couple months.


Based on what has been reported so far, if that's exactly what happened, I'd still take him at #15, and I'd be surprised if he lasts that far. 

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5 hours ago, loudnproudcolt said:

You put this with multiple people saying he did not do well in interviews, which I am guessing is an extension of the attitude he showed in the hospital, his shoulder problems which are real, and as many have said an ILB's positional factor, and it is going to be tough for him not to fall. I am one who does not care about the positional factor, because he can do so much, but the rest will have many teams reevaluate where they see him. No team wants someone for the locker room who is going to be a problem. Ballard's number one edict is talent, but the talent has to mesh with the locker room. Even if he falls, we could pass. I just hope Ballard will do the diligence which I am sure he will, and talk to him about what really happened much like he did with Peters. Was one of the first times I heard of someone doing that kind of in depth work, and it was a great choice. Maybe Foster could be our Peters? Time will tell.

I'm with you on this. These star players are coddled from their teens through college. Everything is arranged to make things convenient and easy. Chartered buses to the airport to board the chartered plane. Listening to their favorite music wearing headphones to keep out the external noise. Sort of a cocoon. No fuss. No muss.


I'm sure he hasn't experienced the inconveniences the average Joe like me does. Hectic trips to the airport hoping there are no accidents. I don't want to miss the flight! Where's that airport parking shuttle bus when you need one? Oh, that security line is a mile long. Wait we're one flight attendant short. There will be a delay until a replacement shows up. Is that all they have, a bag of peanuts for a 2 hour flight? Yikes, when will the Budget car rental shuttle show up? I'll be late for that meeting.


Or, that'll be great I'll take the doctor's first appointment time for the day that way I don't have to worry about him running behind schedule. Oops, you mean you to tell me you gave four people the same 9 o'clock appointment to make sure the doctor's schedule doesn't experience a gap. I hope I'm not the fourth to be taken.



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4 hours ago, krunk said:

I'm waiting for the all too familiar "He's A Thug" comments I know somebody is going to incert in this thread at some point.  The same commentary I didn't see with the David Parry incident.

He's a piece of trash, violence loving thug, we should not ever draft some one from the thug mentality, ever, 







haha, sorry didn't see anyone else bite and do it so I did it for you all joking of course. personally this just shows the kid thinks a tad high of himself and maybe this humbled him up some.

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5 hours ago, krunk said:

I'm with ya on this Bro!   I can clearly see Warren Sapp doing some stuff like this and he's in the Hall of Fame.  Sapp would go off on virtually anybody.  Besides we really don't even know exactly what has happened here.   Foster has already gone live on Instagram speaking on the issue and has cited several different team mates and others who were there that know exactly what happened.  He said it was "Nothing".   I'll wait until I know exactly what happened.  As for me I'm still "Gimme Reuben Foster". 

Team Hazing his rookie year will fix that. He'll carry pads like everyone else and the Vets will fix him real nice to remind him of his place. 

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1 minute ago, Defjamz26 said:

Team Hazing his rookie year will fix that. He'll carry pads like everyone else and the Vets will fix him real nice to remind him of his place. 

I like him. Its clear the guy loves the game when you watch him play. Ain't nothin wrong with having a chin checker on the squad. Just got to rein it in a bit next time. We can get over this. Learning experience I think.

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10 minutes ago, krunk said:

I like him. Its clear the guy loves the game when you watch him play. Ain't nothin wrong with having a chin checker on the squad. Just got to rein it in a bit next time. We can get over this. Learning experience I think.

Yup. I care more about the shoulder than anything else. But I heard his teammate Allen has worse shoulders

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2 hours ago, Superman said:

He has a lot of time to make up for bad interviews, and to explain himself. I don't want it to sound like I'm making excuses for him, but an argument takes two people, and we haven't heard all sides of the story.


It's been said already, but you don't want to have something like this happen when you're trying to convince teams to use a precious draft pick on you and give you $25m, fully guaranteed. You already have the injury, then your weigh-in wasn't impressive, and then you go nose to nose with a medical worker? Just, don't... All you have to do is not get in any trouble for a couple months.


Based on what has been reported so far, if that's exactly what happened, I'd still take him at #15, and I'd be surprised if he lasts that far. 


If he's at 11 or 13 I'd consider giving up some picks or players to get him...  

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10 hours ago, rock8591 said:


Real world (not book world) tends to confirm plenty of generalizations.

When I read your original post it had tones of an inferiority complex. The current trend towards hating and disbelieving educated professionals is alarming. Your penchant for generalizing may help you make sense of the world but that is an illusion. Also, you talk like your experience in life is somehow more real. Do you really believe those who educate themselves to save lives and help people are somehow less grounded in reality? Your thought process is very raw. Take some time to reflect.

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6 hours ago, CanuckColtsFan said:

When I read your original post it had tones of an inferiority complex. The current trend towards hating and disbelieving educated professionals is alarming. Your penchant for generalizing may help you make sense of the world but that is an illusion. Also, you talk like your experience in life is somehow more real. Do you really believe those who educate themselves to save lives and help people are somehow less grounded in reality? Your thought process is very raw. Take some time to reflect.


I have 2 bachelor's degrees in technical fields from two different large state universities (40,000+ enrollment). Have worked in blue-collar fields to support myself, as well as white-collar fields. The most intelligent, down-to-earth individuals I have met have been in fields that are looked down upon; cops, electricians, pest control, bodybuilders/personal trainers. Vast majority of the extremely cocky people have been car salesmen, teachers, lawyers, politicians (more lawyers) and doctors. I doubt my experience is isolated or "unique", as I am sure there are others who have experienced similar.


There is nothing alarming about disbelieving "educated professionals"; as a society, if anything, certain professions have become immune and above all reproach and criticism, such as teachers, doctors, church ministers and pastors while some professions have unfairly become a lightning rod of undeserved open criticism and mockery (e.g. cops).


Why should the combine medical employee's word be worth more than Reuben Foster's word? Because the latter is a "jock?" If I said "a cop's word should be worth more than his word", 100% of this forum would burst an artery.

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2 hours ago, rock8591 said:


I have 2 bachelor's degrees in technical fields from two different large state universities (40,000+ enrollment). Have worked in blue-collar fields to support myself, as well as white-collar fields. The most intelligent, down-to-earth individuals I have met have been in fields that are looked down upon; cops, electricians, pest control, bodybuilders/personal trainers. Vast majority of the extremely cocky people have been car salesmen, teachers, lawyers, politicians (more lawyers) and doctors. I doubt my experience is isolated or "unique", as I am sure there are others who have experienced similar.


There is nothing alarming about disbelieving "educated professionals"; as a society, if anything, certain professions have become immune and above all reproach and criticism, such as teachers, doctors, church ministers and pastors while some professions have unfairly become a lightning rod of undeserved open criticism and mockery (e.g. cops).


Why should the combine medical employee's word be worth more than Reuben Foster's word? Because the latter is a "jock?" If I said "a cop's word should be worth more than his word", 100% of this forum would burst an artery.

I think the point to be made is generalizations are a very lazy argument and often biased opinion. For every jerk doctor or lawyer you've met someone else has met a loving caring physician that have stayed over their shift to check on a loved one or taken a case without pay to help someone they know to be innocent or to help a cause....and every great cop we've met others still that are arrogant because they have power or a little man complex...I don't like generalizations...for these athletes either. People are people...I extend my goodwil towards all and believe in all until they prove that they can't be trusted etc. Let's just let the facts speak for it's self. Everything will come out eventually. At this point numerous accounts have claimed Foster stepped over the line. He has been my favorite player for us to draft this offseason but my desire to draft him won't change the fact he was in the wrong here the facts seem to show. We all have experiences in life...projecting them on others without knowing them at all is very unfair and problematic...we've seen the consequences of that with some people being bigoted or racist so we must be very careful in how we choose to characterize someone.

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Like Superman stated, until we hear everything it's a bit ridiculous to jump to conclusions.  Maybe he was being a jerk, maybe they told him, go here and they will put you at the front of the line to get you in and out fast,maybe he had an interview scheduled and the wait was making him late.


There are many different things that could have led to it escalating, and not all of them involve Foster being the bad guy.

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Good, maybe he'll fall to the Colts.  I was assuming he would be long gone.  The reality is I'm sure, if pressed, most of these players have some of that attitude.  They have been told most of their lives how good they are and coddled.  It's human nature I think.

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On 3/4/2017 at 1:16 PM, Majin Vegeta said:

I still think he goes top 10. 


Probably won't affect his status any.  however, now people (teams) have to fly to Tuscaloosa for interviews.  Those will affect his status much more than some yelling at a hospital..


On 3/4/2017 at 1:18 PM, chad72 said:


I am sure his agent is figuring out the best way to do damage control right now.


The least this will do is teams will start digging about him more with his ex-teammates and ex-coaches not named Saban.


They will open him up to interviews back in Tuscaloosa.  He'll have to explain that scenario at the hospital, for certain, in addition to all of the other questions that will be thrown at him.


As I have said before, the medical portion is the most important aspect teams will acquire from the combine.  Measurables?  They can get that easy. Go to his pro day, or bring a guy in for a workout.  Interviews, can do the same thing.  Cart your medical team all around the country and get guys into the local hospital for X-Rays, MRI's, CT scans, etc...  not happening. 


Methodist Hospital (I.U. Health) keeps it's X-Ray department open 24 hours a day during combine time.  But this is the most grueling part of the combine for participants, make no mistake. 


Seems Foster and the health care worker were in puffing out their chests mode.  I'm sure both sides had reasons, but  a whizzing contest between the two wasn't necessary, and steps need to be taken so threats aren't made or elevated levels of heated exchange aren't ever reached again at future combines.



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5 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Probably won't affect his status any.  however, now people (teams) have to fly to Tuscaloosa for interviews.  Those will affect his status much more than some yelling at a hospital..



They will open him up to interviews back in Tuscaloosa.  He'll have to explain that scenario at the hospital, for certain, in addition to all of the other questions that will be thrown at him.


As I have said before, the medical portion is the most important aspect teams will acquire from the combine.  Measurables?  They can get that easy. Go to his pro day, or bring a guy in for a workout.  Interviews, can do the same thing.  Cart your medical team all around the country and get guys into the local hospital for X-Rays, MRI's, CT scans, etc...  not happening. 


Methodist Hospital (I.U. Health) keeps it's X-Ray department open 24 hours a day during combine time.  But this is the most grueling part of the combine for participants, make no mistake. 


Seems Foster and the health care worker were in puffing out their chests mode.  I'm sure both sides had reasons, but  a whizzing contest between the two wasn't necessary, and steps need to be taken so threats aren't made or elevated levels of heated exchange aren't ever reached again at future combines.



I'm starting to be Reddick > Foster anyways. 

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1 minute ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


I was at that point after the Senior Bowl, and all of those reports.  The combine just solidifies the choice IMHO.

What I don't get is, Foster was a lock for a top 5 pick. But I've heard that taking Reddick at 15 is reaching.. I don't really understand that logic. His medicals are also better. 

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8 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

What I don't get is, Foster was a lock for a top 5 pick. But I've heard that taking Reddick at 15 is reaching.. I don't really understand that logic. His medicals are also better. 


Here is the Rub for Foster...


He didn't complete the medical?  Or did he?  Does he get to come back to the Medical Re-check combine?  (That is a combine invite no potential NFL player wants, but many get) Foster is recovering from rotator cuff surgery.  I'd wnast to know how the recover, and rehab are going without question.

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45 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Here is the Rub for Foster...


He didn't complete the medical?  Or did he?  Does he get to come back to the Medical Re-check combine?  (That is a combine invite no potential NFL player wants, but many get) Foster is recovering from rotator cuff surgery.  I'd wnast to know how the recover, and rehab are going without question.

I'm sure teams will find out. His rotator cuff and concussion aren't positives though.. like I said Reddick has had a healthier career. 

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On 3/4/2017 at 3:23 PM, jskinnz said:



Mind-numbing.  Not sure which is worse but they are both just ridiculous.


First off, my wife of 20+ years is an RN.  Our daughter will soon be 4 and has already had two open heart surgeries and spent the first 3 months of her life in the hospital.  I have been exposed to literally hundreds of people in the medical world and the vast majority I have come across are some of the most genuine and self-less people I have ever had the pleasure to know.  


Secondly, your supposition of what the Foster incident was is just a clueless batch of drivel.  You weren't there so why even both to guess at what happened?  And shocking as it may be, from what we have heard following the incident, your version of what happened has proven to be not close to accurate.


That's tough, wish you and your family the best.  Hopefully things are looking better now.  

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I like Foster the player & would love to see him as a Colt. There are 2 sides to very story, but if it went down as stated and couple the injury he is coming off of, and his size being smaller than advertised! I might pass on him. Restraint is something needed by EVERYONE in every walk of life. This is honestly the biggest JOB INTERVIEW in Foster's life and he may of just coast himself millions of dollars!!:facepalm:

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14 hours ago, Majin Vegeta said:

I'm starting to be Reddick > Foster anyways. 

Reddick is bigger, presumably faster, and didn't have the horses in front of him to help him make plays. He did well shining on his own for the most part. He more raw than Foster at this point obviously, but I believe he can learn on the fly, as shown at the Senior Bowl, and contribute immediately. On top of that, ZERO issues. 

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Alabama Team News

Report: NFL teams ‘impressed’ after talking with ex-Alabama LB Reuben Foster


#Bama LB Reuben Foster met with 20 team people as a group today before his Pro Day, then most individually as he would have at the Combine.

— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) March 8, 2017



Reuben Foster told the group of teams he was sorry for the Combine situation, taking ownership of what went wrong. Teams came away impressed

— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) March 8, 2017


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13 hours ago, Malakai432 said:


That's tough, wish you and your family the best.  Hopefully things are looking better now.  


Thanks and much appreciated.  She is fine.  Other than her scar, you would never know the things she went through.


My original point though was simply to illustrate my experience with medical people and how dumb the comment I was responding to actually was.  

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