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Colts hired psychologists to improve Chuck Pagano-Ryan Grigson relationship


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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm not changing anything.


I've spent the last year saying I'm fine if Grigson got fired.      The only thing I defended was that he didn't suck at his job.     His record says he didn't suck and that's how GM's are measured.  


Like Pep before him, Ryan Grigson simply wasn't good enough.    He deserved to be fired.     I'm totally OK with it,   and have been for a long time.     I just want a little perspective.


Now,  the info released yesterday casts a whole new light on things....    and I'm sorry Irsay let it get it out of control.     Not a good look for the franchise.



Ryan Grigson DID suck at his job and now hes fired. You defended him for far too long despite gow subtle you tried to be in your approach, you (just like Grigson) failed also

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11 minutes ago, Bubbz said:

Ryan Grigson DID suck at his job and now hes fired. You defended him for far too long despite gow subtle you tried to be in your approach, you (just like Grigson) failed also


I defended him because it isn't hard to defend 33-15 after 3 years.     And people were seriously complaining about him way back then.


It's not hard to defend a man whose record is 49-31.     In fact,  it's easy.     Watch.    His record is 49-31 in 5 years.     No losing seasons in his 5 years.      See?     That was easy.


But he didn't do a good enough job and he deserved to lose his job.     I said so over and over yesterday,  and I've said for a year here countless times that I'd be fine if he was fired.      All is good....


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2 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

He's under no obligation to tell us the truth about anything anywhere anytime.

What he should and shouldnt have done is for him to say..and him alone


Its a private business.

true, he should have just said, "I prefer not to comment about internal matters at this time"..... instead, he lied about manning, gruden, & what a great guy grigson was and also said that we have no idea how much Pagano respected and liked Grigson, I mean c'mon man....  I would have rather heard "no comment"

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2 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

true, he should have just said, "I prefer not to comment about internal matters at this time"..... instead, he lied about manning, gruden, & what a great guy grigson was and also said that we have no idea how much Pagano respected and liked Grigson, I mean c'mon man....  I would have rather heard "no comment"

I didn't realize you were there with Irsay when he talked to Gruden. Why didn't you tell us earlier?

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


I defended him because it isn't hard to defend 33-15 after 3 years.     And people were seriously complaining about him way back then.


It's not hard to defend a man whose record is 49-31.     In fact,  it's easy.     Watch.    His record is 49-31 in 5 years.     No losing seasons in his 5 years.      See?     That was easy.


But he didn't do a good enough job and he deserved to lose his job.     I said so over and over yesterday,  and I've said for a year here countless times that I'd be fine if he was fired.      All is good....


We judge Grigson for the players he brings in, not the teams record. He is a GM not a coach. 

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3 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

haha Could you imagine?  Arrogant Grigson walks into Irsay's office and says "I can't work with Chuck.  Either he goes, or I go".  Irsay looks at him and says "well, then pack your bags"

"That's not what I wanted you to say!  Either he leaves or I stay!  I'm the best GM in the league in 2012!"

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Grigson- "Dr., I am feeling anxiety over our lack of a running game.  The media, the coaches, the fans are all over my case.   What can I do to feel better, Dr.?  

Psychologist - "Here, Ryan...take 2 of these pills and trade for Trent Richardson. 

Pagano - "...but a first round pick?"

Psychologist - "Charles, close your eyes and picture a rolling ball of say...... knives...butcher knives."

Grigson - "Dr, you're the best....for a Patriots season ticket holder...you're alright"

Psychologist - "That will be all for today.  Here, drop my bill on Jims desk on your way down the hall"

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2 hours ago, Majin Vegeta said:

We judge Grigson for the players he brings in, not the teams record. He is a GM not a coach. 


And that's why he got fired.


And I'm OK with that.


No where in the last 24 hours will you read anywhere a post by me saying he should not have been fired.


No where in the last year will you read a post by me saying he should not be fired.


By the way,  a team record IS a huge factor in a GM's resume'.      It's not just about the players.


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21 hours ago, indy1888 said:

But wait a minute. I thought Irsay said last year that the supposed conflict between the 2 was all a media creation and they had a great working relationship lol?  Holder said last night that there relationship never did improve.


I don't think he ever said it was a media creation.  


I think last year what was implied was that there was at the very least strain on their relationship but they hashed things out in Irsay's office at the end of the season last year.  


My guess from what I'm reading is not only did Grigson rub Pagano the wrong way, but he also rubbed a lot of other people the wrong way.  Players, other front office staff, etc.  


Irsay might have just made the decision that it was unlikely that Grigson was going to get along with any of his subordinates and let him go.  


I said in another thread and I think this is true that I don't think Pagano's job is safe just yet.  

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1 hour ago, Coffeedrinker said:

I take Irsay at his word, you might have heard of him, he's not only a colleague of Irsay but, you know, he's him.

Irsay is under no obligation to tell us any truths, he's also trying to protect people as i already said.  I have no problem with that aspect.  I just said I'd "rather" hear the straight scoop.  It doesn't work that way in the NFL.  That's why there are 6 or 7 NFLInsiders now,,,,, used to be just Mort.  So that's fine, you take Irsay at his word, and I won't... 

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9 minutes ago, presto123 said:


 I was talking about back when they hired the shrinks. Irsay finally grew some balls after that didn't work apparently.


I really dont think balls, or the lack thereof played any part in the situation. People kinda thought the same thing about polian, right before irsay fired him

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45 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


I really dont think balls, or the lack thereof played any part in the situation. People kinda thought the same thing about polian, right before irsay fired him


Especially considering the fact that Irsay just fired him and everything.

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On 1/22/2017 at 3:12 PM, chrisfarley said:

I take Adam Schefter for his word.  You might have heard of him, he's a colleague of Gruden.

Both Gruden and Irsay say otherwise.  Those would be the two people who would know what was discussed.  Schefter was wrong.  It happens

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57 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

Gruden and Irsay have better reasons to deny it.  And I don't blame them.

or irsay was simply consulting with gruden, and Schefter was dead wrong like countless other members of the media have been regarding pagano's job status

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46 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

Yes, that's correct, i believe there was an attempt to bring Gruden aboard. 


There was. I cant believe anyone would think that Irsay was going to stand up there and admit to trying to replace Pagano with Gruden while Pagano is still employed and apparently is Irsays coach for 2017. You have to learn to take some things Irsay says with a grain of salt.  Remember, Luck won't need shoulder surgery, the media made up most of the relationship rumors between Pags/Grigs last year, and Pagano/Grigson are both tied at the hip! Just to name a few.

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1 hour ago, chrisfarley said:

Yes, that's correct, i believe there was an attempt to bring Gruden aboard. 


14 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


There was. I cant believe anyone would think that Irsay was going to stand up there and admit to trying to replace Pagano with Gruden while Pagano is still employed and apparently is Irsays coach for 2017. You have to learn to take some things Irsay says with a grain of salt.  Remember, Luck won't need shoulder surgery, the media made up most of the relationship rumors between Pags/Grigs last year, and Pagano/Grigson are both tied at the hip! Just to name a few.

But, supposedly the reason Gruden said no, is because Irsay would not fire Grigson, so... it kind of blows a hole in that theory.

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1 minute ago, Coffeedrinker said:


But, supposedly the reason Gruden said no, is because Irsay would not fire Grigson, so... it kind of blows a hole in that theory.


According to JMV, who had the Manning/Gruden story 2 weeks before any of the national boys, not firing Grigson had nothing to do with the deal not happening.    

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Just now, indy1888 said:


According to JMV, who had the Manning/Gruden story 2 weeks before any of the national boys, not firing Grigson had nothing to do with the deal not happening.    

Or maybe a deal not happening is because they weren't talking about a deal.  Nah, that can't be it, they must be hiding the truth to spare Pagano's feelings.

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1 minute ago, Coffeedrinker said:

Or maybe a deal not happening is because they weren't talking about a deal.  Nah, that can't be it, they must be hiding the truth to spare Pagano's feelings.


Or, they were talking about a deal, as credible reporters have reported.  It didn't work out, so now they deny deny deny just like everyone else does in the business when things like this happen.  Naw, that can't be it.  It's much easier to believe every word coming from Irsay who stands to lose more then he can gain by admitting the truth.

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39 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:


But, supposedly the reason Gruden said no, is because Irsay would not fire Grigson, so... it kind of blows a hole in that theory.

you are combining information from different sources.  I never saw Schefter report that a condition of Gruden's hiring was getting rid of Grigson.  If he did say that or report that, I stand corrected.  I don't remember any tweet he put out there saying that nor in a Schefter ESPN report or interview.  But I certainly didn't watch every one of them.

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What next..?   

On Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 1:06 PM, Buck Showalter said:

Maybe as a courtesy the Colts organization will extend psychiatric services out to the fanbase as well...

Think some of us need it more than anyone

haha.  I agree.  Sign me up.

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 10:52 PM, jvan1973 said:

Both Gruden and Irsay say otherwise.  Those would be the two people who would know what was discussed.  Schefter was wrong.  It happens

Could be but Irsay also had to explain it and couldn't come out and say yeah I tried to get Gruden but he didn't want the job so now we are going to keep Chuck. 


At the end of the day I don't think it really matters if he tried to get Gruden or not the bottom line is he's not coming and Chuck is the head coach. 

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