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Indy "to be players" in trade deadline


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I'm hoping they do something on the defensive side of the football if they make a move. However I wont put it past them on that Joe Thomas move. Hes been in Chudzinskis offense before so it wouldn't be a long adjustment. Dont know what the plans would be with Costanzo. Move to the right side or try to get some compensation I guess. Again I hope if they do something its on defense.

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11 minutes ago, krunk said:

I'm hoping they do something on the defensive side of the football if they make a move. However I wont put it past them on that Joe Thomas move. Hes been in Chudzinskis offense before so it wouldn't be a long adjustment. Dont know what the plans would be with Costanzo. Move to the right side or try to get some compensation I guess. Again I hope if they do something its on defense.

I would send them a 5th for Thomas lol

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I'd trade a first if we got a star EDGE rusher in return. I'd offer Denver a package they couldn't refuse for Shane Ray. They have Shaq Barrett who could step in next to Miller. He looked great last year. But then again if I were a GM I wouldn't trade away a young EDGE rusher of Ray's caliber for anything short of an entire draft plus another 1st the next year or something insane like that. Maybe we could just trade for Joe Haden, keep our head above water the rest of the year, then add some pass rushers in the offseason. Sheldon Richardson is an elite DT. If we could get him for anything cheaper than a 1st rounder we should do it without even thinking.


Or maybe we could trade the Bills Josh McNary for Jerry Hughes.......Get it?

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13 hours ago, TKnight24 said:

Sheldon Richardson 

Alshon Jeffery 

Torrey Smith 


Any of those 3 I'm cool with. I believe the first 2 are in contract year so we don't have to pay them much. Could make us very dangerous 


Still winning SB 51 regardless though :) 

What do we have to trade other than draft picks?  And if Grigs trades anything higher than a 5th he's apparently going to be more of a bad GM than he already is.  We don't have money to keep any of these guys and we're not one major player away from competing for anything.  Now if he can toss a 6th rounder to get rent a guy, maybe... but I sure don't know who that would be.  We need to hit on 4 starters AND sign 1 or 2 really smart starting FA's who play at Pro Bowl levels for the next 4 years.  Because after this year, the money will have dried up completely and all we will have is the draft.  

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11 hours ago, krunk said:

I'd be focused on some economical deals that could be pulled off to upgrade the depth pass rushers we have behind Walden, Mathis, and Ayers. If we could find somebody better than Maggitt, Edwards, or Carter.  If we can improve this thing to where we have 4 decent pass rushers instead of 2 it will make us that much better I think.  Or an upgrade to the ILB corps would be welcomed.   I don't know if I see us pulling off the Joe Haden trade.   It would also help if we could pull off a deal for a pretty solid defensive back.     I'm not too into giving away draft picks though unless it's something like the even swap the Pats did.   

We have 2 decent pass rushers?  Ayers is a half of one... where's the other 1.5? 

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25 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

Feast your eyes on this article that summarizes Grigson: 



It's already been pointed out in a few other posts....   but he's got the Jerry Hughes for Kelvin Shepherd deal which looks terrible plus he traded a 4 for Montori Hughes.


Respectfully, the article you linked was not written by a very good writer.


So,  early on he rips trading a 6 for Winston Justice and signing Sampson Satele as a FA saying neither were ever supposed to be starters.       I'm thinking --- really?      Justice was a 2nd round pick by Philly,  that sounds like a starter to me,  and we only traded a 6 for him to be a stop gap,  so the writer didn't understand the context of 2012 when we only had an $80 Million payroll and the rest of the NFL had 120 Mill.


Satele was a starter for the Raiders or the Dolphins and had graded out well the year before we signed hm.   He always seemed to be hurt and played poor for us.     But I think he was a decent draft pick for someone else and we were looking for a decent starter.       I think the writer has only a superficial level of understanding.


Don't get me wrong, JPF.....     I'm NOT knocking you.     I called for Grigson to be fired in January after the 2015 season.       In this thread I was only commenting on the idea that Grigson has only made bad trades and had not made any good trades.


Really,    that's all.....      nothing more than that.  


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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


He is NOT a third STRING receiver.


He's their 3rd receiver in a 3 WR set.       That's not the same thing.


Regardless of how you label it he's a wasted pick based on where he was drafted. Chester Rodgers is an UDFA giving similar production. Plus we know Grigson is good at finding WRs so it's not like he couldn't easily be replaced.

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I don't Know that we NEED O-line help right now.  I know i am the minority, but i think the o-line is progressing as it should.   When you have youth on top of playing positions they noramly don't there is going to be learning curves and a waiting game.  the o-line has gotten better the last 2 weeks game to game.  Good has gotten more aquainted with his role, and played VERY well vrs the titans.  Heag is learning the ropes as well, but also needs some strengthening.  I think those 2 plus Kelly Mewhort and A.C. are our line moving foreward.  and I beleive it will be top 10 when it is said and done.

I we trade for anything, it needs to be a athletic younger (under 25) linebacker.  Inside or out, hopefully outside for pass rushing skills.

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I think we have done good with trades honestly.


vonte davis for a second round was completely worth it.


richardson was coming off his rookie year where everyone thought he had great potential, no one could have guessed he'd be a bust..


Sio Moore, was a very good starter in okland that we got for next to nothing. 


Don't get me wrong I hate grigs as much as anyone but honestly, If I were in his shoes at the time of those trades I world have made them too.

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6 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

Regardless of how you label it he's a wasted pick based on where he was drafted. Chester Rodgers is an UDFA giving similar production. Plus we know Grigson is good at finding WRs so it's not like he couldn't easily be replaced.


He's a wasted pick right now.


Doesn't mean he'll be a wasted pick for the rest of his career.     In fact, his career is just starting.


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Packers need a TE, give them Dwayne Allen and a 5th for Datone Jones :) 


They declined his fifth year option, and he is a free agent after this year. So, if they can take Allen's contract to fulfill their need for a TE, that would be great, they are not going to find that many TEs in free agency. Jones' contract is not that bad for us to assume either.


A change of scenery might do Datone Jones (and maybe Allen too) good, it is worth a shot, IMO. Right now, they don't think he is an every down player and with the Packers, they never overpay, they'd rather let someone go. He is still young, and we will find out soon enough if he can be coached up to retain. I am sure they will ask us to assume some of Allen's contract but then, we can do that and give up only a 6th or 7th round pick then.

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9 hours ago, JPFolks said:

We have 2 decent pass rushers?  Ayers is a half of one... where's the other 1.5? 

I seem to recall this other guy named Walden that's got more sacks than anybody else on this team Or should we just say he didnt get those sacks?

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9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Pretty slanted article IMO. It was written with the intent to make an issue about what Grigson said about Lucks contact and that was taken completely out of context.

People asked for the bad trades and ancient players, this listed many of them. I tried to find a complete list of all trades and signings by Grigson, and this came up which offers what people were asking for, many examples of his lousy judgement. 

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


It's already been pointed out in a few other posts....   but he's got the Jerry Hughes for Kelvin Shepherd deal which looks terrible plus he traded a 4 for Montori Hughes.


Respectfully, the article you linked was not written by a very good writer.


So,  early on he rips trading a 6 for Winston Justice and signing Sampson Satele as a FA saying neither were ever supposed to be starters.       I'm thinking --- really?      Justice was a 2nd round pick by Philly,  that sounds like a starter to me,  and we only traded a 6 for him to be a stop gap,  so the writer didn't understand the context of 2012 when we only had an $80 Million payroll and the rest of the NFL had 120 Mill.


Satele was a starter for the Raiders or the Dolphins and had graded out well the year before we signed hm.   He always seemed to be hurt and played poor for us.     But I think he was a decent draft pick for someone else and we were looking for a decent starter.       I think the writer has only a superficial level of understanding.


Don't get me wrong, JPF.....     I'm NOT knocking you.     I called for Grigson to be fired in January after the 2015 season.       In this thread I was only commenting on the idea that Grigson has only made bad trades and had not made any good trades.


Really,    that's all.....      nothing more than that.  


Ah, but the point was not to show off the writers quality or writing style, it was simply an opportunity to show the lousy additional names that people were asking for.   I had even forgotten about some of them.   Some asked for MORE examples, I supplied it via the article which was a more complete list than previously mentioned here.  The writers opinion about those deals is far less relevant than the names themselves.   Justice and Satele were both terrible players.   It seems Grigson assumes, like you do above, that just because someone else made a mistake over-drafting someone like Winston, then it must be a great deal for us to get them, even at a lower round pick (though Richardson was a 1 for 1, just a lower pick).  But these teams knew they had busts so they got whatever suckers would give them.   When you get outsmarted by Cleveland, that says something no?  And his love for Philly cast offs is weak weak weak. Same with Grigson's old U connections and Baltimore rejects.  Can't these guys get past their history?  Their buddies at these old places haven't done them any favors.   Even with Gore, he's old and on his way out.  Instead of getting a young back to grow with Luck who should just now be entering his prime, we have Gore, ready for retirement and just hanging on to improve his HOF numbers.  

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2 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Well...we all know we need O Line and pass rushing help.  I don't care how we get it... draft, trade, whatever...so long as the talent on our roster in those areas is improved at the end of the day. 

But not "rent a player" for just this season nor for an over the hill, or near the top of it, player.

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18 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

Ah, but the point was not to show off the writers quality or writing style, it was simply an opportunity to show the lousy additional names that people were asking for.   I had even forgotten about some of them.   Some asked for MORE examples, I supplied it via the article which was a more complete list than previously mentioned here.  The writers opinion about those deals is far less relevant than the names themselves.   Justice and Satele were both terrible players.   It seems Grigson assumes, like you do above, that just because someone else made a mistake over-drafting someone like Winston, then it must be a great deal for us to get them, even at a lower round pick (though Richardson was a 1 for 1, just a lower pick).  But these teams knew they had busts so they got whatever suckers would give them.   When you get outsmarted by Cleveland, that says something no?  And his love for Philly cast offs is weak weak weak. Same with Grigson's old U connections and Baltimore rejects.  Can't these guys get past their history?  Their buddies at these old places haven't done them any favors.   Even with Gore, he's old and on his way out.  Instead of getting a young back to grow with Luck who should just now be entering his prime, we have Gore, ready for retirement and just hanging on to improve his HOF numbers.  


What the writer doesn't have is context.      Every single GM has this kind of bad moves all over their resumes.


Even at New England,  or Pittsburgh or Green Bay.


It's the nature of dealing with human beings.       Everything looks obvious in hindsight.    Absolutely everything.


So,  just listing all of Grigson's mistakes without the needed context doesn't impress me much.     And again,  I'm not defending him.     I was ready to move on from him in January.


But fans only focus on their team.     They don't follow other teams, and the truth is,  all teams make moves that they regret.     It's the nature of sports.     It happens in every sport,  not just football.


Last thought:   Gore isn't hanging on to improve his HOF numbers,  he came to the Colts to try and win a Super Bowl.       He didn't win one in SF,  and he came to Indy to do it with the Colts.     We signed Gore along with Andre Johnson and Trent Cole and other expensive guys.      We were trying to win it all while Luck was still on his rookie contract.       That's context.


Come on now,  you should know that.....



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22 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Thats debatable 


Actually it's not.      The worst GM in the history of football (whoever you think that is?)   is way more informed than the most knowledgeable fan.   


The GM knows what others in the building think, including the owner and the head coach and the coordinators and the trainers,  etc.


It's always much more complex than "that guy is an * who doesn't know what he's doing...."     There's always more to the story.       He may be the guy who ultimately gets fired,  but there are many moving pieces that go into every decision.


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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


What the writer doesn't have is context.      Every single GM has this kind of bad moves all over their resumes.


Even at New England,  or Pittsburgh or Green Bay.


It's the nature of dealing with human beings.       Everything looks obvious in hindsight.    Absolutely everything.


So,  just listing all of Grigson's mistakes without the needed context doesn't impress me much.     And again,  I'm not defending him.     I was ready to move on from him in January.


But fans only focus on their team.     They don't follow other teams, and the truth is,  all teams make moves that they regret.     It's the nature of sports.     It happens in every sport,  not just football.


Last thought:   Gore isn't hanging on to improve his HOF numbers,  he came to the Colts to try and win a Super Bowl.       He didn't win one in SF,  and he came to Indy to do it with the Colts.     We signed Gore along with Andre Johnson and Trent Cole and other expensive guys.      We were trying to win it all while Luck was still on his rookie contract.       That's context.


Come on now,  you should know that.....



I disagree.  I was extremely vocal against Johnson and Cole (go back and look) and I said Gore is on his way out.  He had a sub-par year last year and this year is still a big question mark (and before you give context to his 100+ yard run game, it happened only because of overtime and he's run worse here than any time earlier his career.   Of COURSE every player wants to go out with a Super Bowl, Gore chose between the two teams fighting for him, Indy and Philly.  Neither had a winning record, so it wasn't like the Patriots or Broncos or Panthers or Green  Bay or other contenders were beating down his door.  Sure, the "media" were calling us Super Bowl favorites, just like many chose Jacksonville to win our division this year and be a player in the playoffs.  Gore had 2 suitors and chose Andrew Luck to end his career with.  that certainly appeared to be a better option than Uncle Skeletor in Philly last year. So there's some context.  


If Grigson's bad more are just like all other teams bad moves, why did you want him gone this year? You admit to wanting him out... so why support him now when he's just as bad now as ever before?  It seems you're arguing against your own actions?  Playing both sides against the facts.  If you were for it before you were against it that sounds like a certain political argument... hollow and ineffective then and now.  


There was a challenge for more names.  I supplied more.  And guess what?  There are even more than that.  But the point has already been proven.  You seem to want to argue with your own position earlier this year.  

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With the NFL trade deadline approaching, plenty of action is expected to take place. Who will try to make a move?


That is the first sentence of his article. The fact is the trade deadline comes around each year and nothing happens except some small trades for depth. The twitter is simply providing more clickbate imo. 


Sportsline did two articles, one a trade each of the 32 teams should make, and the second article, focused on teams who were still in the races who could really use one piece to help. They looked at trades which actually made sense for the team.


Sportsline had us going after Sheldon Richardson from the Jets, who would be well worth a 1st round pick. The Jets have Wilkerson and the kid from USC, so they have really good depth there. I think we think of 1st rounders as gold, which they are, but if you get someone in their prime, who is already a stud, and don't have to worry about missing, I can see it making all the sense in the world. The only problem I have with Richardson is his behavior and judgment in the past. Having a child in a car while driving over 100 mph not sound judgment, and I know there were others. He has been good though the last two years, and would really help our DL.

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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Actually it's not.      The worst GM in the history of football (whoever you think that is?)   is way more informed than the most knowledgeable fan.   


The GM knows what others in the building think, including the owner and the head coach and the coordinators and the trainers,  etc.


It's always much more complex than "that guy is an * who doesn't know what he's doing...."     There's always more to the story.       He may be the guy who ultimately gets fired,  but there are many moving pieces that go into every decision.


I agree with you 100% on this answer.  But results are what matters and we still have a terrible line (worst in the NFL according to stat sites) we still have a terrible defense, obvious even without stats, and Luck is out of his Rookie deal with only 1 significant playoff run to the AFCC, but without really challenging to win anything in truth.  Luck by himself on any team, including Cleveland, would likely be no worse than 3-4 right now.  (Cleveland, the worst team in the league has been in every game WITHOUT Luck.. they might easily have won 5 or more with him).  Take Luck away, we're 0-7.  That's most a reflection of not having players who can compete.  That is Grigson's job.  Coaches can't coach up guys with no talent.  (And the fact we have "C" coaches at best doesn't help that's for sure).  I think actually we have a B OC and a D DC, but in the end, it's a 3-4 team most likely closing in on 3-5 this weekend unless Luck mostly single handedly wins in miraculous form again.  

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6 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

I disagree.  I was extremely vocal against Johnson and Cole (go back and look) and I said Gore is on his way out.  He had a sub-par year last year and this year is still a big question mark (and before you give context to his 100+ yard run game, it happened only because of overtime and he's run worse here than any time earlier his career.   Of COURSE every player wants to go out with a Super Bowl, Gore chose between the two teams fighting for him, Indy and Philly.  Neither had a winning record, so it wasn't like the Patriots or Broncos or Panthers or Green  Bay or other contenders were beating down his door.  Sure, the "media" were calling us Super Bowl favorites, just like many chose Jacksonville to win our division this year and be a player in the playoffs.  Gore had 2 suitors and chose Andrew Luck to end his career with.  that certainly appeared to be a better option than Uncle Skeletor in Philly last year. So there's some context.  


If Grigson's bad more are just like all other teams bad moves, why did you want him gone this year? You admit to wanting him out... so why support him now when he's just as bad now as ever before?  It seems you're arguing against your own actions?  Playing both sides against the facts.  If you were for it before you were against it that sounds like a certain political argument... hollow and ineffective then and now.  


There was a challenge for more names.  I supplied more.  And guess what?  There are even more than that.  But the point has already been proven.  You seem to want to argue with your own position earlier this year.  


I'm not supporting Grigson now.     I'm just pointing out bad arguments,   false arguments.


Gore is not running worse.     And he came to the Colts a year and a half ago after we lost in the AFC Championship game.    We were thought to be a Super contender then.    He didn't come this off-season.       We were 8-8 last year in Gore's first year.    And his bad year was due to a bad o-line.


And now he's running really well behind an improved line and you're still trashing him?      What are you talking about?      You're filled with such anger that you're not thinking clearly.





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1 hour ago, JPFolks said:

People asked for the bad trades and ancient players, this listed many of them. I tried to find a complete list of all trades and signings by Grigson, and this came up which offers what people were asking for, many examples of his lousy judgement. 

Yeah? Really? Kind of hard to say what other members were asking for when you said "feast your eyes on this".

Being obsessed with Irsay wanting to fire Grigson does you no good. Just makes you bitter over something you have no control over.

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I believe we will win the division unfortunately.. Yes I don't really want them too but I do cuz I love the colts but we won't be going anywhere in the playoffs with this defense.. That being said, we will be picking in the 20's so would guys think a pick around 20 would be a good deal for Richardson? I'm not that good on seeing who's worth what and what not!

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On 10/28/2016 at 3:54 PM, Dustin said:

This is how Jason Cole works. he asks his source (if he haves one at all) who he expects to make moves during the trade deadline. his source rattles off a few names of teams that need o-line help.


All of a sudden those same teams are now "expected to make moves before the trade deadline". when in reality it was just his "source" taking guesses. 


Pretty much.  It's like BREAKING NEWS:. Colts in contention for stud X, guaranteed, possibly, maybe, doubtful, not really!

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