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Josh Freeman signed


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38 minutes ago, Superman said:


Oh, I forgot who I was talking to...


As for a deeper, more problematic issue, that's debatable. Quinn Pitcock was suffering from depression and got addicted to video games. I'm just saying, someone being late to work, even habitually, doesn't mean that they're up all night doing something bad. 

Turn this around and you'll see my point of view, which is pretty benign.


I don't judge a person by what the activity is, criminal, video games,...an astronomy hobby, whatever...that's not my point.  It just means that his lifestyle needs to change in a way that allows him to get to work on time.  


Waking up on time is something kids master when they need to catch the bus to go to school.  Its really not an accomplishment for a grown adult, so I would assume he's got priorities that are a bit off, which causes him to be late.  The activity itself doesn't have to be bad in order for me to be concerned that he cares more about it than his job. 

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2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Turn this around and you'll see my point of view, which is pretty benign.


I don't judge a person by what the activity is, criminal, video games,...an astronomy hobby, whatever...that's not my point.  It just means that his lifestyle needs to change in a way that allows him to get to work on time.  


Waking up on time is something kids master when they need to catch the bus to go to school.  Its really not an accomplishment for a grown adult, so I would assume he's got priorities that are a bit off, which causes him to be late.  The activity itself doesn't have to be bad in order for me to be concerned that he cares more about it than his job. 


No, I get your point of view. I'm fine with it, I mostly agree, especially with the bolded.


At first it seemed like you were making a leap to him being out partying all night because he was late to work (and by extension, that would apply to most people; 'if you're unable to get up and be on time in the morning, you must have been out drinking all night...') 

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In reality it could have been just be a case of a kid not ready to grow up and be a responsible adult, We really don't know. I mean TMZ aint out recording him partying and such and I have not read any reports of him doing anything illegal. Simple to me...If he aint ready to grow up and the same problems persist here as a Colt as they did in Tampa and Minnesota then he is gone. No harm no foul, If not then I hope he lights it up on the field(or plays efficiently) when given the chance to prove he is worth keeping on the roster. We could really use him on the roster if he plays well

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32 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, I get your point of view. I'm fine with it, I mostly agree, especially with the bolded.


At first it seemed like you were making a leap to him being out partying all night because he was late to work (and by extension, that would apply to most people; 'if you're unable to get up and be on time in the morning, you must have been out drinking all night...') 

Well I was sort of...not just because of being late once.  It was rumored that being late was not uncommon.


 For somebody with a normal job, they may not get to work on time because they simply hate it and can get a similar paying job relatively easy.  So when an NFL player can't show up for work on time in not-rare frequency, I've gotta wonder if its a substance problem...which is of more concern because its likely harder to shake than a late night astronomy obsession.


Again, people move on from their past, what ever it may be.  I'm all for the signing and the shot at him being on the roster next year.


However, beyond any lateness to his lifestyle, I think his main problem was that he wasn't a very accurate thrower.

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5 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I think his main problem was that he wasn't a very accurate thrower.


Back to football, he had his moments. Never fully developed as a QB, but I didn't have a problem with him as a passer. Strong arm, good timing, good touch, decent footwork, accurate enough. Despite MH being a good WCO QB and capable of stepping in and running the system confidently, I think Freeman is the second most talented QB on the roster as of right now. He's the only healthy QB who can push the ball down the field.

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:


Back to football, he had his moments. Never fully developed as a QB, but I didn't have a problem with him as a passer. Strong arm, good timing, good touch, decent footwork, accurate enough. Despite MH being a good WCO QB and capable of stepping in and running the system confidently, I think Freeman is the second most talented QB on the roster as of right now. He's the only healthy QB who can push the ball down the field.

He was talented enough to get drafted in the first round?  Or was it the second?


BTW, I thought jesus threw the ball well enough to consider him for MHs spot next year too.

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Just now, DougDew said:

He was talented enough to get drafted in the first round?  Or was it the second?


BTW, I thought jesus threw the ball well enough to consider him for MHs spot next year too.


First round, 17th pick.


Whitehurst throws it well enough, but his deep ball is awful. I shouldn't think of badminton when watching a QB throw the ball.

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5 hours ago, Superman said:


Back to football, he had his moments. Never fully developed as a QB, but I didn't have a problem with him as a passer. Strong arm, good timing, good touch, decent footwork, accurate enough. Despite MH being a good WCO QB and capable of stepping in and running the system confidently, I think Freeman is the second most talented QB on the roster as of right now. He's the only healthy QB who can push the ball down the field.

A deep threat with accuracy once in awhile...It's been so long since I've seen Josh play in a NFL game that I'm curious to see what he looks like this weekend. At this point, it's like throwing darts at a board blindfolded. I'll try anything right now. No guts; no glory I guess.


On the plus side, we have no idea what to expect from Josh & neither do the Titans. Hard to game plan for a QB who nobody knows what his mobility & throwing motion  looks like in 2015. Chaos, catastrophe, calamity, or complete shock. Let er roll, let er roll, let er roll right? What the hades. Works for me man. 

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15 hours ago, csmopar said:

Enough with Tebow.....if he was any good at all, he'd be on a roster


He's not any good, but neither is Freeman.


Read my whole post again.  My whole angle in the thing is that if we have to put up with terrible quarterbacking we might as well have fun with it and troll the media.  


Did you not catch the part where I suggested that Pagano show up dressed like Napoleon and Grigson wear a clown hat??


I also suggested finding an obscure former Div 3 QB that no one has ever heard of and signing him to start an NFL game.  


This is gonna be bad so I'm all for having some fun with it.  

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15 hours ago, DougDew said:

With all due respect, waking up on time and arriving on time is not really indicative of any type of exceptional work ethic.


It's just what normal people do in the course of everyday life. From that point, we see what type of work ethic somebody has.


Habitually late and oversleeping is indicative of somebody being hopelessly exhausted after getting strung-out...or hungover.....but we really don't know anything.

Habitual lateness is passive aggressive, dysfunctional, and unacceptable regardless of the 'reason'



 In case you cannot tell, I cannot abide it at all.

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3 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


He's not any good, but neither is Freeman.


Read my whole post again.  My whole angle in the thing is that if we have to put up with terrible quarterbacking we might as well have fun with it and troll the media.  

Freeman had 2 separate years of 25 or more td's, He had 1 bad year in 2011 where he threw 22 ints to 17 TD's, He has talent if the work ethic is there. We are not asking him to be our starting QB. Just to be prepared when and if his name is called and given Lucks style of play and our O Line issues that's a strong possibility in the future

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49 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Freeman had 2 separate years of 25 or more td's, He had 1 bad year in 2011 where he threw 22 ints to 17 TD's, He has talent if the work ethic is there. We are not asking him to be our starting QB. Just to be prepared when and if his name is called and given Lucks style of play and our O Line issues that's a strong possibility in the future


Freeman has been bad for more then one season.  One bad season after having a good season doesn't lead to you not even being on a roster.  


And given what I read about Freeman's performance in the fall experimental league, I'm scared of what it might look like if the man has to play QB for us.

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:

Habitual lateness is passive aggressive, dysfunctional, and unacceptable regardless of the 'reason'



 In case you cannot tell, I cannot abide it at all.

Yeah, I'm basically saying the same thing.  I think it helps to know the root cause of the tardiness so that you can see if there is hope for change and judge their capability to change.  Underneath the substance abuse, an abuser may otherwise have a great attitude and motivation to succeed once the influence is removed.  A basically apathetic person may be more of a challenge in many ways.

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If he's matured some I don't have a problem with him(Josh Freeman) being Lucks backup next year.  Again I say IF he's matured. He's got some talent.  If he hasn't matured and isn't ready to do what is required of a professional then he can walk out the door for certain.

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19 hours ago, Cynjin said:

Just heard that he signed.


Just guessing that means Luck probably will not play.

We needed at least 1 more QB so I don't think that rules him out, but now with Lindley signing, you can bet you won't see him play until 2016.  This whole 2-6 week garbage was just a distraction to blow things over until the end of the season.  2 weeks was never realistic, but I feel 6 was.  They played this game earlier in the season, with an injury that wasn't as bad (downplayed the severity, never ruling him out from the game even leading up to the first of 2 games he would later miss.)  However, where they stand now (not making the playoffs), what's the point of throwing him into war, only to get hit again, and risk another injury?  I mean we've all seen a common theme with Colts QB getting injured.  Obviously, Luck would play if he was cleared, and if the Colts were relevant with a competent offensive line, he would be cleared. 

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2 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


He's not any good, but neither is Freeman.


Read my whole post again.  My whole angle in the thing is that if we have to put up with terrible quarterbacking we might as well have fun with it and troll the media.  


Did you not catch the part where I suggested that Pagano show up dressed like Napoleon and Grigson wear a clown hat??


I also suggested finding an obscure former Div 3 QB that no one has ever heard of and signing him to start an NFL game.  


This is gonna be bad so I'm all for having some fun with it.  

Sorry. That wasnt just directed at you. And yes I did miss the joking nature of your post. I apologize for that. 


Buy yes, our QB situation is a joke due to a crappy GM. I could honestly live with Pags as coach if we got rid of Grigson.  Or at least if he got a decent OLine

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20 minutes ago, ColtStronger said:

We needed at least 1 more QB so I don't think that rules him out, but now with Lindley signing, you can bet you won't see him play until 2016.  This whole 2-6 week garbage was just a distraction to blow things over until the end of the season.  2 weeks was never realistic, but I feel 6 was.  They played this game earlier in the season, with an injury that wasn't as bad (downplayed the severity, never ruling him out from the game even leading up to the first of 2 games he would later miss.)  However, where they stand now (not making the playoffs), what's the point of throwing him into war, only to get hit again, and risk another injury?  I mean we've all seen a common theme with Colts QB getting injured.  Obviously, Luck would play if he was cleared, and if the Colts were relevant with a competent offensive line, he would be cleared. 

I can't think of anyway to say this better

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34 minutes ago, ColtStronger said:

We needed at least 1 more QB so I don't think that rules him out, but now with Lindley signing, you can bet you won't see him play until 2016.  This whole 2-6 week garbage was just a distraction to blow things over until the end of the season.  2 weeks was never realistic, but I feel 6 was.  They played this game earlier in the season, with an injury that wasn't as bad (downplayed the severity, never ruling him out from the game even leading up to the first of 2 games he would later miss.)  However, where they stand now (not making the playoffs), what's the point of throwing him into war, only to get hit again, and risk another injury?  I mean we've all seen a common theme with Colts QB getting injured.  Obviously, Luck would play if he was cleared, and if the Colts were relevant with a competent offensive line, he would be cleared. 


Good points, can't disagree.

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5 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


Freeman has been bad for more then one season.  One bad season after having a good season doesn't lead to you not even being on a roster.  


And given what I read about Freeman's performance in the fall experimental league, I'm scared of what it might look like if the man has to play QB for us.

I wouldn't expect much from him at all.  At one point he was a promising QB, but just fell off the face of the earth for whatever reason.  Maybe it's drugs, or just a bad attitude, either way this is pretty much his last chance to fix it or he's done in the NFL.  

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7 hours ago, basspapaw said:

Hope he made enough in the signing bonus to pay his deductible

haha good point.  With the Affordable Care Act I'm sure their plan is not cheap.  I can only imagine if any of the players refused medical insurance and had to pay the penalty (what is it like 6% of their income)?

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