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Ok so we are obviously going to shut Luck down

Phil J

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Next season's not looking all that promising right now. We have an old team and we don't have a lot of young talent to develop. We will also have a new GM and coaching staff. Grigson's win now approach has crippled this team for the near future. Time to blow this crap up and rebuild the right way through the draft. 


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I felt that was the plan since the Pittsburgh debacle, they were just hopeful he would be ok to play again? No sense in getting him killed if he isn't 100 percent and with the season going so quickly down the drain. I was all for trying to stick with the current GM and Coaching Staff but not anymore...time to clean house after the season.

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1) The division is still in reach, even though the odds are slim. Of course, the odds are less slim if Luck plays these last two games.


2) Unless it's a foregone conclusion that the staff is gone after this year -- meaning Pagano and Chud -- then it helps for Luck to get time with the rest of the offense under Chud. I don't think that's a foregone conclusion, but again, the odds are heavily against this staff returning at this point.


3) If they're going to shut it down for the season, they might as well shut MH down, also. It's cruel to have him out there at this point. He's clearly a shot fighter, and the bad has begun to outweigh the good in these last three games. 4-3 for a 40 year old backup is respectable, but it's done now.

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35 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

Man this coaching staff is weak and doesn't know how to keep the team discipline 


Not sure what you were expecting?


We've got a banged-up, well scouted 40 year QB with limitations....   and an offensive line that is beyond terrible.


We have no playmakers on defense other than Vonte.....


What did you think was going to happen?!?


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


Not sure what you were expecting?


We've got a banged-up, well scouted 40 year QB with limitations....   and an offensive line that is beyond terrible.


We have no playmakers on defense other than Vonte.....


What did you think was going to happen?!?


What you mean what did I expect? I expected them to turn things around and play much better than the last two games it's obvious they didn't perform well enough this coaching staff has to go

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3 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

What you mean what did I expect? I expected them to turn things around and play much better than the last two games it's obvious they didn't perform well enough this coaching staff has to go


The coaching staff may not be great,  but what you've seen is not a coaching staff issue.


It's a lack of talent and healthy bodies issue....


When you don't have a QB and don't have an o-line this is what happens to your offense.


When you don't have play makers on defense,  then that's what happens.....


We didn't get out-coached today.....


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2 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

What you mean what did I expect? I expected them to turn things around and play much better than the last two games it's obvious they didn't perform well enough this coaching staff has to go

Im sure anyone but Pagano  could have won games worth a banged up 40 year old QB.    Get real

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Rest him and concentrate on next season--losses in the next 2 weeks probably sees us get a top 10 pick--currently at 15.  We then draft for pass rush and QB protection as priority.  I still think we need to be wary of searching for solutions to our problems via FA--the best we should be looking for in FA is solid backups--if a fA is worthy of being a starter, his current team won't let him go easily

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15 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The coaching staff may not be great,  but what you've seen is not a coaching staff issue.


It's a lack of talent and healthy bodies issue....


When you don't have a QB and don't have an o-line this is what happens to your offense.


When you don't have play makers on defense,  then that's what happens.....


We didn't get out-coached today.....


GM issue from what you are pointing out.  Lack of talent and no OLine falls on Griggson primarily.  He has had four years to achieve this. 


I also feel Colts have poor discipline and struggle with consistency.  Lots of boneheaded penalties this season. That tends to point to coaching.  Bottom line is both Griggs and Pagano need to go.  A house cleaning is coming and many Colts fans will be happy and relieved to see it. 

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50 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The coaching staff may not be great,  but what you've seen is not a coaching staff issue.


It's a lack of talent and healthy bodies issue....


When you don't have a QB and don't have an o-line this is what happens to your offense.


When you don't have play makers on defense,  then that's what happens.....


We didn't get out-coached today.....


Sorry what I saw was horrible play call and alot of miscommunication on offense and of course not enough running when you let weeden have a good game you need to blame the coaches because weeden is complete trash

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This trainwreck began in Buffalo. Luck looked lost and we never recovered from this all together.


Yes our backup quarterback won 4 games but the truth of the matter is this team just lost its way early in the season. 


Huge expectations ......monumental failure.


It seems the players quit playing for the coach. And the office that was supposed to be the lights out never came to pass. Here's hope for next year in a higher than normal draft pick every round for the new GM and Head coach 

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I don't even know what to say....at least when Peyton got injured we knew our season was basically over and we really didn't stress.


All this we are Super Bowl contenders and everything will be good nonsense that has been portrayed all season makes me feel like they were lying to us all along.....I may seem spoiled but I feel like we've been taken for a ride.

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1 hour ago, deedub75 said:

Next season's not looking all that promising right now. We have an old team and we don't have a lot of young talent to develop. We will also have a new GM and coaching staff. Grigson's win now approach has crippled this team for the near future. Time to blow this crap up and rebuild the right way through the draft. 


We most definitely do NOT have an old team.  So tired of hearing this.  Take away a 42 year old kicker, 40 year old backup QB, and a 36 yr old LB, 36 yr old WR....... average age on the team isn't old.  Those players are not irreplaceable by any means.....  we may have a lower talent level than we should, but it isn't due to age....

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


The coaching staff may not be great,  but what you've seen is not a coaching staff issue.


It's a lack of talent and healthy bodies issue....


When you don't have a QB and don't have an o-line this is what happens to your offense.


When you don't have play makers on defense,  then that's what happens.....


We didn't get out-coached today.....


Where I agree with the sentiment and many of your posts by the way.  In this case, the other team was injured as well, Watt was hurt, they played with a third string QB that was just put on the roster etc, etc.  I think what I hope for is that when the talent is lost our coaching staff is talented enough to come up with schemes and concepts to exploit the other teams weaknesses with what we do have available.  I think it's fair to expect more than 10 points today, especially with the field position we had. I think it's fair to expect we find ways to get pressure on Weeden who may not even know all the protection calls yet. There have been very few, if any, instances this year where we can say "great game plan."  Just like players, coaches need to step up too and seemingly these guys have just one gear.  There's times when Manusky has a great first half game plan and then gets out adjusted (the last two weeks are good examples).  In fairness to Manusky, the defense has been put in bad positions all year long. No matter, I see a house cleaning coming.

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1 hour ago, Coltsman1788 said:

GM issue from what you are pointing out.  Lack of talent and no OLine falls on Griggson primarily.  He has had four years to achieve this. 


I also feel Colts have poor discipline and struggle with consistency.  Lots of boneheaded penalties this season. That tends to point to coaching.  Bottom line is both Griggs and Pagano need to go.  A house cleaning is coming and many Colts fans will be happy and relieved to see it. 


Of course there is a lack of consistency....


Poor o-line play along with poor QB play and no running game will do that to you.


I suspect lots of people will lose their job this January....    Pagano and Grigson.


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2 hours ago, JlynRN said:

I wasn't even this disappointed in the 2-14 season. But yea, I agree, shut Luck down and focus on next  year. Our season is lost.


2 hours ago, Jules said:

They better shut him down. He barely has practiced. No need to risk him.


2 hours ago, James Harden said:

Officially shut him down and focus on a new GM first  


I can't buy into it, not unless Luck isn't medically ready.  If he is medically cleared to play and is in game condition, I want him out there.  Why?  I want him to go into the off season knowing he is back on track (Broncos game helped, but not enough and he got hurt) play ability wise, and that he did not allow a groundswell of 'losing attitude' to permeate the club and create a 5 game losing streak in finishing the year to think about all off season. We have had two separate 3 game losing streaks this year.  That's enough.  Right the ship and go into the off season knowing you took care of business in beating 2 poor teams in the Dolphins and Titans to close your season. 


But if he is not ready to go, the season is what it is.  Matt has suffered enough.  In his first stint as backup, he went 2-0.  His second stint he was also 2-0.  But since then MH has gone 0-3.  He earned his paychecks.  Let the healthy QB's finish out the year.  If that isn't Luck, then give it to Whitehurst.  A dinged up 40 year old QB where all his weaknesses are known and on tape, and can be game planned is not the answer to finish the year. Andrew Luck is.  If not Andrew, C. Whitehurst. When the season is done, then I'll think about draft slots.Not before.

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