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The hard reality....this is just not a good football team (merge)


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I'll say this. Its not really that we suck. Its more that we have the worst, and the absolute, without a doubt dumbest coaching staff and GM in the entire NFL. Our offensive line sucks, but that's because our genius GM has refused to bring in some bona fid stars, or draft a 1st round talent late who ended up going undrafted. (Collins) We should have drafted Collins in the 6th or 7th round when he fell that far.

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Trust me, you don't want to go into the playoffs with a losing record. You never hear the end of how you don't belong there and the playoffs need to be re-worked and blah blah blah. Best part is your division rivals will give you grief about being a weak team even tho they sucked worse. Is that what you want to listen to in the off-season?

What the... As if I have any control over it. If it happens, it happens. What the hell do I care.

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It's a bottom 5 roster. Davis is the only great player on defense and Grigson didn't draft him. Meanwhile, the Patriots and Broncos teams have great LB's, Cb's, and safeties.

Grigson didn't draft Davis. He traded a 2nd round draft pick (I think it was) to get him. GREAT trade by Grigson!

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Glad you have support in your team

You can support the team and still cal lthem what they are.  Fact of the matter is, the Patriots are the guardians to reaching the Super Bowl, and we've done nothing to show we're worthy of beating them...so, I don't really get what you're taking issue with.

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Maybe the rest of the diehards will shut up now and stop ripping on all of us that post negative stuff because it's not only negative but REALITY! Wake the f$#k up people the COLTS SUCK THIS YEAR. Poor coaching,poor gm, poor oline,mis used offense, luck trying to hard cuz he is put in this situation, coaching/Gm talk in media is a distraction, defense is a train wreck except davis,special teams is high school like except mcafee. I'm not sure they could beat several college teams realistically. The only good that might come of this is luck getting a lesser cheaper salary when he is resigned and a high draft pick (which will probably be used for a kicker,LOL).

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On a side note. My first game watched at Lucas oil stadium will b against Tampa bay. I think I'm gonna buy a doug Martin jersey cuz 1)he is on my fantasy team, 2) atleast I know he will have a big @$$ game,hope he runs for 300 yards n 5tds which looks like that could really happen since DAVANTE freeman will probably have put up numbers like that by then against us.

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You can support the team and still cal lthem what they are.  Fact of the matter is, the Patriots are the guardians to reaching the Super Bowl, and we've done nothing to show we're worthy of beating them...so, I don't really get what you're taking issue with.

Other than 1 boneheaded play, I think we played exceptional against New England last week

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The Colts won't be a wildcard team if they go to the playoffs.

Yeah, most likely the wild card contenders will have a much better record. How odd is that, haha.

Most likely the Jets or Steelers as it looks now. Honestly, it would be asbolutely absurd to make the playoffs with a 6-10 record and beat the Jets or Steelers in the wild card match up. That would be flipping hilarious.

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I am soooo sick of hearing the quote "I just have to play better" from Luck. Also can't stand how Pagano over this season keeps praising the team as warriors. Pagano, it's time to go, Grigson you can exit the door with him. This team would lose to a good division II school.

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The coaching staff is killing this team, I don't think we were ever a Super Bowl contender, but we could be a lot better than we are showing, I believe Luck is hurt more than they are saying, because he is struggling to throw with zip, when he needs too, and that is causing him to look down his receivers. Luck is regressing in this current situation and that is what worries me, his confidence is at an all time low and he looks like a deer in the headlights. This team is unprepared and lacks discipline or leadership. This could get worse before it gets better with our schedule.

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I hate to say it but its the truth. We were manhandled by the Saints for 3 quarters. This team is just not very good this year.

I agree with your post. And may I add the only reason the Colts came back was the Saints started to let up on the Colts. And sorry to say I don't think this coaching staff or this GM is very good either. I do believe changes are coming, sooner rather than later.
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Colts are a sorry lot this year.  Such a colossal disappointment they have been.  Such squandered potential.  They have really let their fans down.

 i agree,    how the hell did we go from preseason superbowl favorites of most websites to missing the playoffs likely?Somebody better fix this!

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After watching that game I do believe change is coming, but I wonder what does it take for a complete change. Do the Colts need to get blown out by Jacksonville and lose the AFC South. Or after selling the game out and seeing the team fall behind 20-0, do the fans instead of booing just walk out and let ESPN and The NFL network see the Colts get blown out in their nice pretty stadium. I am a Colts fan through and through but this team is hard to watch. The come back was OK, but 27-0 before they decided to make it look good

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I am soooo sick of hearing the quote "I just have to play better" from Luck. Also can't stand how Pagano over this season keeps praising the team as warriors. Pagano, it's time to go, Grigson you can exit the door with him. This team would lose to a good division II school.


What do you expect him to say? He's the leader of this team so of course he'll take responsibility. Not like he's going to call out the coaches/front office or anyone else. He's a smart guy

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After watching that game I do believe change is coming, but I wonder what does it take for a complete change. Do the Colts need to get blown out by Jacksonville and lose the AFC South. Or after selling the game out and seeing the team fall behind 20-0, do the fans instead of booing just walk out and let ESPN and The NFL network see the Colts get blown out in their nice pretty stadium. I am a Colts fan through and through but this team is hard to watch. The come back was OK, but 27-0 before they decided to make it look good

 They were booing the offense off the field in the first quarter yesterday. The stadium was only 70% full at half

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OR what?

keep winning nothing forever.And like this poster said.

They were booing the offense off the field in the first quarter yesterday. The stadium was only 70% full at half


this is what the colts are facing, do you remember how bad it was before Manning??   The had nothing before him and today we still have most of that left,or heading there real quick.

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Other than 1 boneheaded play, I think we played exceptional against New England last week

We did, but we still lost, and if we play them again this year, it will most likely be in their house.  So we'll have to play an even better game.  If we couldn't beat them in our own home, it's difficult to see us beating them in theirs.  I certainly hope we do, but my confidence in this team is shaky to say the least.

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I've been saying this for awhile. But some Colts fans are so spoiled by over a decade of winning seasons that people acted like this was some elite team who occasionally "beat themselves" or just couldn't get it done.

Too many years spent laughing at other teams with coaching and front office problems that now ours is a problem but no one wants to admit it.

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yeah I think a lot of fans here want us to do that

Yeah that's nonsense. I'm a fan, and am going to continue to be a fan, but that doesn't mean I need to reject reality.

We suck. If not for the AFC south we'd probably be winless. We're very likely going to get blown out the next 3 games. If we score points against the Broncos I'll be genuinely shocked.

Hope I'm wrong, but after 7 games that appears to be a realistic expectation.

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Yeah that's nonsense. I'm a fan, and am going to continue to be a fan, but that doesn't mean I need to reject reality.

We suck. If not for the AFC south we'd probably be winless. We're very likely going to get blown out the next 3 games. If we score points against the Broncos I'll be genuinely shocked.

Hope I'm wrong, but after 7 games that appears to be a realistic expectation.

right there with ya we suck! I will always be a fan but expecting better around here makes you a bad fan can't be realistic about anything.
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Yeah... We aren't clicking offensively and we don't have depth that can step up on defense. That whole next man up saying doesn't work very well for us. Luck has a lot to clean up. He's throwing moon balls with no zip, still staring down his receiver, and the check down has been wide open about 3/4's of the plays but his eyes are only looking down field. That has been creating INTs and sacks. We've only won 1 home game... Not good. I hate to get on the bandwagon but Pagano and Pep are most definitely gone after this season because we have a tough rest of our schedule still left and I don't see that fairing well for us. Gonna be a long couple months guys...


 Yes i like posts that i agree with, who doesn`t?

 I appreciate the honesty pgt.

  Barring a miracle, letting Chud takeover at the bye week is a good idea.

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There were SO MANY performances even WORSE than Lucks today.   The entire team at nearly every position was inadequate at some crucial point in the game.  


Castonzo lost us the game before Luck did.  His holds and missed blocks for sacks and hits were atrocious.  He was the worst O-Lineman on the field today on either team and his holds, now that he's got his "money" makes you wonder if he's just slacking now because this isn't the guy we signed to a new contract.  


Hilton dropped multiple passes before he made some plays, mostly because the defender fell down so he made on easy and one fingertip catch.  The rest of the game he was garbage.  


Gore and Bradshaw bobbled and dropped 3 critical short catches which could have changed 2 drives.  Gore also didn't run that well aside from a couple 5+ yard runs.  All year he's underperformed collectively and his two goal line fumbles were a major part of two losses.  


Moncrief had multiple drops. Johnson had at least one drop and couldn't get open most of the game even as the third option. 


Abandoned:  Our two outstanding tight ends were ABANDONED I can only imagine by the sets and play calls.  I realize often they had to stay in and block, but we could have DOMINATED by focusing on our TE's in the pass game where they'd ALWAYS have an advantage.  But they simply haven't been used all season.  Sad. 


Our O-line has the most holds in the league by double.  That alone should get someone fired.  I think we should also consider a trade or two to get someone who at least is average and doesn't hold.  That would be a major upgrade for our line. 


The playcalling all day made no sense, even in the debacle of poor play.  The two long throws made the game falsely appear competitive.  It really wasn't and the Saints had the worst Defense in the league coming in in many categories. 


The Defense was continually put into impossible situations and then got GASHED by the run all day.  The Saints rushed for more yards than they passed I believe.  (Or at least it was that way late in the game).  When is the last time that happened?


Colt Anderson can't play safety ever again.  If we must start him, that game is lost.  He's that hopeless. 


I could easily keep going.  So yes, Luck played poorly.  But what QB could succeed with all of the above?  Stat wise Luck had over 300 yards and 3 TD's with 2ints.  


But I saved the worst for last.... the REAL reason we lost this game? 


Griff Whalen and the rest of Special teams recovery players and coaches.  Note I said "RECOVERY" where we had multiple holdings on nearly every return and where Griff had 5 different plays where the balls was, at some point, out of his hands. Some he recovered, some others recovered, some the Saints recovered.   If he is still our returner again in any game, that is grounds to fire any and all coaches with the power to stop him.  


The ONLY bright spot on the entire team today was our GLORIUS punter who put on perhaps the greatest single game display of punting in NFL history.   Sadly, with 10 punts, how can anyone expect to win a game where that happens?  


Pat McAfee is our team MVP by a VERY large margin.  


Among the coaches, I blame: 


-O-Line Coach for not teaching guys how to avoid holding.  Perhaps serious punishment needs to be invoked for all involved. 

-Special Teams Coaches responsible for our return game should be fired (the kicking game guys were solid).  Whalen and any of those guys holding on plays need to be replaced.  If you must use starters, then do it. We can't keep LOSING the return game each week.  

-Defense just isn't very good in general, though they were not too awful in the pass defense department, but the run defense is simply unacceptable.  This was NOT a running team and they looked like they had an all star-all time Running game.  They don't.  We turned Drew Brees into an effective game manager with a great running game.  Ack. 

-O-Coordinator: Pep... I love the "concept" of a power run game and play action passing, but when you learn your team just can't do it, you must develop a plan that uses the tools that work at your disposal.  Where are the TE plays?  Why aren't we crushing teams with TE crossing routes and short passes to get first downs?  Seriously.  Please.  GO!

-Head Coach: Our team is rarely "ready" for a football game.  We are far too often shell shocked for half the game until the players on the field get themselves going on their own and show a little life, but always either too late or with seconds to spare.  This team obviously doesn't fear you nor respect you or they wouldn't be so sloppy.  Can anyone imagine how Belichick would respond to the nonsense penalties, sloppy play, drops etc. that our teams lives on?  He'd pull 11 guys off the street and out coach our coaches.  This is CLEARLY a loss of "institutional" control by our coaching staff.  It is sad but Pagano is gone and I doubt, without an overhaul and two years to reset everything that we're going to be the team that Irsay and the fans envisioned with we Lucked out on Luck after Manning.  


Now, we have to hold on to the AFC South with all we have and no guarantees that we will do so.   A winning record is in serious doubt.  It will take a near miracle to win the AFC South and finish 8-8.  Reality has set in.  We can sit back and watch the Bengals fight it out with New England and Pittsburgh to see who plays in SB 50.  We can only hope that by SB 52 or 53 we might seriously be ready after a restart.  


And finally, if anyone actually read this (thanks): 


For me, the worst, lowest moment of the game today was when they announced Harrison went in at Center.  I wanted to punch Grigson in the face (metaphorically only of course).  Sigh.  


 Not bad but as usual we get the "drops' complaint on balls that arrive too high, too late, too hard, etc.....

 this guy has lead the league in drops all three years and probably this year too on a per game basis i believe, and shows no sign of "getting it".

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Yeah that's nonsense. I'm a fan, and am going to continue to be a fan, but that doesn't mean I need to reject reality.

We suck. If not for the AFC south we'd probably be winless. We're very likely going to get blown out the next 3 games. If we score points against the Broncos I'll be genuinely shocked.

Hope I'm wrong, but after 7 games that appears to be a realistic expectation.

We've seen what this team can be, so I'm not going to throw out the window that we finish this season 10-6 or better, but that seems incredibly improbable.   This Colts team hasn't really done anything to lead us to believe that it is that playoff team we were hoping for when the season started outside of one "strong" loss to the Patriots. Outside of that one game, and as you said, if we continue to play the way we have been, we shouldn't really expect to win more than 1 of the next 5 games, which would put us at a pedestrian 4-8.  If we were in any other division of the AFC, we could easily finish the season at 6-10 with how we've been playing or at the very least, would not be leading the division.  But since we are in the AFC South, it's looking like 8-8 is a very real possibility, too.  I guess all you can really hope for is to just catch fire at the right time and go on a 2012 season Ravens type of run.  No one will say we are the better team, and on the unlikely chance we did win, we'd be viewed the same as Ravens were that year - as the super bowl winners that were not the better team.  I disagree when people say stuff like that, but that would undoubtedly be common theme.

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