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The Curious Case of Hugh Thorton


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What is his problem? After one holding penalty in particular (of which there were several!), Luck puts his hand on his shoulder, and Thorton shakes Luck away. Then when Thorton is on the sideline, Chuck Pagano puts two hands on Thorton's helmet, looks him straight in the eyes, and lectures him on something. Then, wait... Is Thorton crying!? Save the crying for the national anthem.

There's a lot of o-line issues, so I hate to single one man out, but let's start by getting rid of the men who cry and work our way up.

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If we had a good GM that good GM would release Thornton tomorrow!!!! Wonder how Denzel Good would look out there? Either at Guard or RT? I'd prefer Mewhort at RT so I'd try Good at G. And you know what. As bad as I despise Jonathan Harrison, he is pretty strong. What about trying him at RG??? That may actually be a good idea. He couldn't screw up snapping the ball playing guard either.

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He also made a heckuva block on Gore's TD carry when pulling to the right side...... gotta call it both ways when it's there...


Yes he did.


I thought he got cheated on two penalties. Then he got called for a false start when he wasn't even on the field. I would have been upset also. Bad overall game, but still did enough right to show that he's better than the guys that were benched today. Not a very high bar there, but if he can clean up the hands technique, he'll be fine.


Somewhat related, they ran a graphic in a different game showing that the refs called more penalties last week than any other week in NFL history. They seem to be calling holding more tightly this year. I've seen a lot of borderline or bad calls. Hopefully this calms down moving forward.

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I'm sticking to my opinion that he's the dumbest player in the NFL. He needs to go NOW. Wasted draft pick and bad teammate. He's just so awful. I just cant understand why we didn't trade for Ben Grubbs, or sign Incognito or something this offseason.


You comment that Thorton needs cut because he is a bad teammate, yet follow that up with by saying they should have signed Incognito...........I wouldn't hold your breathe for a call from Irsay offering you a job at General Manager.

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He had his hands full today against a pretty good DT in Casey. I'd leave him as the starter and re-evaluate at the end of the season since they have no interest in playing Reitz at LG. Thornton has the talent, He just needs to learn technique and he is still young, Obviously not where we want to be but outside of Reitz Thornton is our best option

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You comment that Thorton needs cut because he is a bad teammate, yet follow that up with by saying they should have signed Incognito...........I wouldn't hold your breathe for a call from Irsay offering you a job at General Manager.


That Incognito thing got blown so far out of proportion it wasn't funny. This is a man's league. We've all played sports. sometimes a young guy gets picked on a little bit. So what. Be a man, be tough and go on. The league is going so soft. 15 years ago nobody would have batted an eye at bullying in an NFL locker room. It would have been laughed at. If I were Jonathan Martin I would have been so embarrassed to come out and say I was an NFL player and I was being bullied in the locker room. LOL.

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That Incognito thing got blown so far out of proportion it wasn't funny. This is a man's league. We've all played sports. sometimes a young guy gets picked on a little bit. So what. Be a man, be tough and go on. The league is going so soft. 15 years ago nobody would have batted an eye at bullying in an NFL locker room. It would have been laughed at. If I were Jonathan Martin I would have been so embarrassed to come out and say I was an NFL player and I was being bullied in the locker room. LOL.


So Hugh Thornton is a bad teammate, but Richie Incognito isn't. Got it. 


Up is down, white is black, good is bad... Now that I know the rules, I should have better luck understanding what's going on here.

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That Incognito thing got blown so far out of proportion it wasn't funny. This is a man's league. We've all played sports. sometimes a young guy gets picked on a little bit. So what. Be a man, be tough and go on. The league is going so soft. 15 years ago nobody would have batted an eye at bullying in an NFL locker room. It would have been laughed at. If I were Jonathan Martin I would have been so embarrassed to come out and say I was an NFL player and I was being bullied in the locker room. LOL.


And despite all the concessions they made for Martin, he ends up retiring and releasing a long message about his struggles. I guess I have a hard time sympathizing with people when they make millions of dollars.

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That Incognito thing got blown so far out of proportion it wasn't funny. This is a man's league. We've all played sports. sometimes a young guy gets picked on a little bit. So what. Be a man, be tough and go on. The league is going so soft. 15 years ago nobody would have batted an eye at bullying in an NFL locker room. It would have been laughed at. If I were Jonathan Martin I would have been so embarrassed to come out and say I was an NFL player and I was being bullied in the locker room. LOL.


15 years ago people overlooked spouse abuse and child abuse a lot more, does it make what Peterson did right also?

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Yes he did.


I thought he got cheated on two penalties. Then he got called for a false start when he wasn't even on the field. I would have been upset also. Bad overall game, but still did enough right to show that he's better than the guys that were benched today. Not a very high bar there, but if he can clean up the hands technique, he'll be fine.


Somewhat related, they ran a graphic in a different game showing that the refs called more penalties last week than any other week in NFL history. They seem to be calling holding more tightly this year. I've seen a lot of borderline or bad calls. Hopefully this calms down moving forward.


Well, they are, at least on the Colts.  After 3 games, Colts have 11 offensive holding penalties.  Next closest club has 8, and then a few at 7.  Then it drops off quickly.  That has to be cleaned up.

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Well, they are, at least on the Colts.  After 3 games, Colts have 11 offensive holding penalties.  Next closest club has 8, and then a few at 7.  Then it drops off quickly.  That has to be cleaned up.


And how many of those belong to Thornton? I thought it was 5 today, but somebody said 6.  SMH.

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We just gotta deal with this mess this season, but in the offseason maybe Irsay will get rid of Grigson, and get a GM who will actually FIX the offensive line!!!. Step 1. Throw buckets of money at one of Marshall Yanda or Keleche Oseleme. Step 2. Draft best Offensive lineman available in the 1st or 2nd round. Then you know what? We have a good offensive line just like that and everyone is happy, happy, happy.

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That Incognito thing got blown so far out of proportion it wasn't funny. This is a man's league. We've all played sports. sometimes a young guy gets picked on a little bit. So what. Be a man, be tough and go on. The league is going so soft. 15 years ago nobody would have batted an eye at bullying in an NFL locker room. It would have been laughed at. If I were Jonathan Martin I would have been so embarrassed to come out and say I was an NFL player and I was being bullied in the locker room. LOL.

I think sadly you have no idea what it takes to be man. Richie Incognito is a tool, always has been, always will be.

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