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Who were you impressed/disappointed with?


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Disappointed with how this team approaches pre season games! I'm not worried about wins and losses,but I would like to see a competitive team just for once! Tackling today was atrocious, why can't we be talking about how well we looked in pre season?

I could really care about if they were competitive or not in the pre-season.  They have a system that is about making themselves better and frankly seeing if they can do things.  It seemed like today they were interested in seeing if they could run the ball on offense.  Last year they were 0-4 in the pre-season and went to the AFCCG so once again remember the pre-season has zero baring on what's going to happen once the games count so why care if they are competitive or not?  All I care about is do they come out of the game healthy and are they figuring out what they need to figure out from the pre-season.

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The entire secondary looked bad against some of the worst QB competition in the league! 

Missing your number one and three corners and having your second round draft pick get hurt before he even gets to play corner and then playing a vanilla defense will do that.  I would agree no corners won jobs based on today's game though.

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I thought Hodges had a couple nice pressures out there.  He had that right tackle jacked up on a good bull rush on one of the plays I saw.  The commentator was talking about it as well.  I think they are supposed to replay the game tommorow around 2pm CST.

ill have to rewatch and look for him only noticed him on a couple plays most likely because i was focused on the secondary a lot because of struggles there and also just looking at other players on those 2nd and 3rd teams individually  but ill go back really like Hodges as well good to hear that he had some pressure

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It's hard for players to get up for a fake game.  Everything was just out of whack. Ugh, 3 more games to get injured in, 3 more weeks of this blah-ness.  It's like watching Avatar in 2D black and white.

Pretty sure plenty of players would kill, to be on Colts roster, dont think its about having motivation on fake games!
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You know Smith barely played he got injured very early


He sustained a concussion.  And I didn't go into a detailed analysis of his snaps because of how little he did play.  But despite the small sample size, I was able to generate a few impressions.  Just like I was able to come up with an assessment of Toler after he got absolutely torched by a rookie. 


Judging by the little I did see, Smith (#30) looked a little slow and tentative.  The caveat is, it's still early and he's a rookie. 


Also . . . It's more difficult to evaluate players during a regular TV broadcast.  I like using the "all-22" film for detailed analysis.

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Besides Dorsett, the best rookies IMO of that game might have been the last two picks.  Robinson played hard and fast, breaking tackles.  Goode was incredibly impressive for a 7th round pick.


Anderson, Parry, Herrera all had flashes.


Smith did not have enough playing time for good evaluation.


Geathers was......so-so at best.


Carter looked spooked.  seemed like he was thinking of other things than bringing the ball in, like being hit, or looking down field.


Those are what i saw the rookies.

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ill have to rewatch and look for him only noticed him on a couple plays most likely because i was focused on the secondary a lot because of struggles there and also just looking at other players on those 2nd and 3rd teams individually  but ill go back really like Hodges as well good to hear that he had some pressure

If I remember right I believe Hodges flat out destroyed a pulling offensive lineman on a outside run to his side. I was quite impressed with how he set his edge, and had a few good pressures as well.

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I could really care about if they were competitive or not in the pre-season. They have a system that is about making themselves better and frankly seeing if they can do things. It seemed like today they were interested in seeing if they could run the ball on offense. Last year they were 0-4 in the pre-season and went to the AFCCG so once again remember the pre-season has zero baring on what's going to happen once the games count so why care if they are competitive or not? All I care about is do they come out of the game healthy and are they figuring out what they need to figure out from the pre-season.

This^ I like to hear. '08 Lions went 4-0 in the preseason and what was their record???

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

That's right 0-16

Preseason record doesn't mean anything coaches saw what the problems are and now can fix them

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The entire secondary looked bad against some of the worst QB competition in the league!

Sanchez has been to the AFC Championship game and Tebow love him or hate him has taken his team and won a game in the post season. Both are former first round picks. Barkley has been in Chips system for 2 yrs.

Some of the worst quarterback competition I think more aptly describes the Colts.

There is now doubt we looked poor today.

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The dissapointing thing is we will see Toler do something similar to that during the regular season as well.  I like him, but he has those type of tackling whiffs that make you scratch your head sometimes.  No way he shouldn't have blown that play up.

I may be wrong and misunderstanding the play you are talking about, but if it is the touchdown play to Agholor I don't think Toler was going for the tackle. I believe he seen the bad throw to Agholor and made a break to the outside to possibly get the pick on a high throw, and in turn when the WR caught the ball he was burned badly. Bone headed play by him as he should of went for the tackle, but I understand why he did it, and seen many corners get burned by doing that. Look at Brandon Carr last year for example. He does tend to have a lot of whifs though during the year hope that clears up this year.

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Sanchez has been to the AFC Championship game and Tebow love him or hate him has taken his team and won a game in the post season. Both are former first round picks. Barkley has been in Chips system for 2 yrs.

Some of the worst quarterback competition I think more aptly describes the Colts.

There is now doubt we looked poor today.

There's no way to really sugar coat it. Sanchez and Tebow especially, would not be able to make another NFL roster. Barkley maybe so because of his upside. He actually looked the best yesterday out of the three. But they all suck!
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Uninspired play by the Colts, secondary slept, poor tackling and pursuit by the defense. The Eagles looked more like a regular season game so overall I point the finger of doom on the entire coaching staff so Pagano takes the hit. This is not a run-of-the-mill team playing for respect but a repeating champion looking for the next step for the trophy. While there were some good things someone needs to light the fire if they are to play in February. It was sweet to Andre catch one from Luck, I could get used to that.

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My evaluation from yesterday's game to all 3 phases of play ... You guys got clocked! Period. Hope Coach makes practice agonizing.

You can make excuses that it was too hot. It's the 1st preseason game. Yada, yada, ya .... I watched this game 3 times now with many stops in between. Not good. Not good at all. The only consistent bright spot was Luck. (as short as it was)

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There's no way to really sugar coat it. Sanchez and Tebow especially, would not be able to make another NFL roster. Barkley maybe so because of his upside. He actually looked the best yesterday out of the three. But they all suck!


All 3 looked better than what we run out after 12 sits I don't really care it was the first preseason game but if you want to see poor back up QB play look no farther than the Colts. Hasselbeck is stealing money at this point in his career.

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Uninspired play by the Colts, secondary slept, poor tackling and pursuit by the defense. The Eagles looked more like a regular season game so overall I point the finger of doom on the entire coaching staff so Pagano takes the hit. This is not a run-of-the-mill team playing for respect but a repeating champion looking for the next step for the trophy. While there were some good things someone needs to light the fire if they are to play in February. It was sweet to Andre catch one from Luck, I could get used to that.

That's the word, right there. "Uninspired". Really thought our 1st, 2nd, 3rd stringers would've given a better effort. I know the Colts usually do not win preseason games over the last many, many years. However, the effort has been there for the most part. I saw hardly any of that yesterday. Polish it up, guys. It'll go a long way when the regular season hits.

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My evaluation from yesterday's game to all 3 phases of play ... You guys got clocked! Period. Hope Coach makes practice agonizing.

You can make excuses that it was too hot. It's the 1st preseason game. Yada, yada, ya .... I watched this game 3 times now with many stops in between. Not good. Not good at all. The only consistent bright spot was Luck. (as short as it was)

Josh Robinson had a good game

Varga had a good game

Toure had a good game


All on limited touches of course


Sylvestre had a good game 2 sacks 2 TFL's 2 QB hits

Okine had a pretty good game 2 of his 3 tackles were for loss and he had 1 sack

The O Line(1st, 2nd and 3rd stringers) held up in pass protection well with the exception of a coverage sack which he had plenty of time to avoid and 2 lanes to run through......Yes I know the run blocking was not good, Also the O Line only allowed 1 QB hit

Herrera had a solid game including a int


We had some bright spots. We had 4 turnovers....3 of which were on a QB who might be lucky to make the PS....especially if he has another game like the 1st one, we shot ourselves in the foot

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 That starting O-Line had a familiar look. Gore could help that.

 Dorsett may actually make some plays This season. chuckle. CB`s are gonna respect his speed Now!


 Lowery played fast

 Not sure how well Parry will be at nose, but he tracks the ball like a baller/playmaker.
 Okine and Quarles were disruptive. ++
 Favorites Hughes and Kerr had a play but were generally Stuck at the line and not doing much.

 Our D won`t get it done if these two don`t become difference makers in the rotation. JMO
  Robinson had moves and strength. ++
   Lots of younguns, R, 2nd and 3rd year players must get better and be playing good ball come playoff time.
  Go Colts!

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Josh Robinson had a good game

Varga had a good game

Toure had a good game


All on limited touches of course


Sylvestre had a good game 2 sacks 2 TFL's 2 QB hits

Okine had a pretty good game 2 of his 3 tackles were for loss and he had 1 sack

The O Line(1st, 2nd and 3rd stringers) held up in pass protection well with the exception of a coverage sack which he had plenty of time to avoid and 2 lanes to run through......Yes I know the run blocking was not good, Also the O Line only allowed 1 QB hit

Herrera had a solid game including a int


We had some bright spots. We had 4 turnovers....3 of which were on a QB who might be lucky to make the PS....especially if he has another game like the 1st one, we shot ourselves in the foot

I'm with ya, Gavin. Yeah, we had some bright spots. I just felt they were not consistent ones. I just didn't see the effort I'm accustomed to. Lackluster, IMO.

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Josh Robinson impressed me alot, i was not high on him as others in this Forum were but now i am rooting for him to win a job on this team. Geathers was all over the field and almost came down with an interception. i missed most of the game but from what i saw those two impressed me. 

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I was pleased with Price, Geathers, Sylvestre and particularly Robinson. I can't see Tipton taking up a roster spot at this point. Between Gore, Boom & Robinson we have the talent at RB. I was pleased with the pass protection for the most part as well. First team run blocking is still subpar IMO (I realize they were stacking the box). We have to do a better job at either setting up, checking out of or just executing run plays. Bottom line- still very little pass rush and with the exception of Robinson's success later in the game, just utter futility in the run game. The defense was out of sorts on several occasions- not getting adjusted to the timing of the play or not making the appropriate adjustments. In general, I would rate the team performance as a C-/D+ even considering the highlights by Robinson and others.

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If you wanted to witness a team that looked like they have not practiced you had to look no further than this game. On second thought, wait, most of the guys out there have not practiced. It's trial by fire, that is why you have UDFA's. Bennett just got thrown to the dogs and the RB's were on their own.... whatever they produced or not was without any blocking. The Robinson TD, the Eagle Girls Tackling team was out for that play so lets not get in line with the media frenzy. Speaking of tackling, this is what I think of our tackling ... I have seen grade 6 girls tackle better than we tackle! But there was some bright spots .... there were a few punts that pretty much reached the nose bleed level. Unfortunately, even that hang time did not help the cover team.


Stars of the game .... Dorsett minus the fumble that he coughed up like a little girl, I hate his size but the kid can run .... Porkchop Robinson, on the TD run only ... I don't like the kid but I have to give him the one run, Varga, most polished looking back and only one to break a run outside, also hustle award on special teams, Toure, kid ran scared but has potential.


Busts of the day .... OL run blocking was highschool level, Sirloin Tipton is as slow as my grandmother (why he was fed the ball for a whole half can only be explained by one thing. Matt Hasselbeck ... well I wont even go there.


Hero of the Day .... Bryan Bennett, the kid ran for his life out there with zero help. Everything that happend was zero his fault!


Zero of the Day ... Pep Hamilton and Charlie Williams, the use of the runningbacks and QBs is absolutely biased and or r**ist!

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 I watched every play of U John and would give him a + grade.

The 2nd string O-Line was very solid as a whole. Promising. Goode++

our back up O-Line played a heck of a lot better than last year's pathetic bunch those guys were horrible John as well but in my opinion he has improved a lot

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1-Herremans was horrible, he was slow to his blocks and got beat often, lets hope this doesn't continue.                                                                                                                                                                                               2-Trent Cole looked slow and old, I hope he was not going all out as he did not looked explosive at all.                                          
3-Montori Hughes showed nothing and we really need him to step up and make plays.                                                                         
4-Tipton seems a step slow, did a good job in the pass game though.                                                                                                  
5-Hassleback did not look good and was a disappointment.                                                                                                                   
6- Was expecting a lot more out of Carter, but I think it was just 1st game jitters and still expect good things from him.                          
7-Winston Guy didn't look good and looks to be our #6 safety at best                                                                                                       

The good                                                                                                                                                                                                     
1- Robinson looks like a steal and could push Boom for the #2 RB spot, the TD run was all him and he looks real explosive.                

2-Denzelle Good looked really comfortable and I could see him being a starter after a couple of years exp.                                     
3-Dorsett is going to be a star and already looks more polished than Moncreif,I think he will be the #3 WR. He will be a real weapon and has a chance to be real special.                                                                                                                                                      
4-Adongo was giving great effort, he didn't make a lot of plays, but he didn't leave anything on the field, if he continues with that effort the plays will come.                                                                                                                                                                                   

5- David Parry really impressed me and got good penetration, he looked a lot better than Hughes.                                              
6- Anderson got a lot of penetration too, and he and Parry looked like they are ready to be a part of the rotation now.                         
7- Werner looked a lot more comfortable in his new position and I think he will push Walden for playing time.                                       

8- Dewey MacDonald looks more comfortable and ready to battle Colt Anderson for the #4 safety spot. I really like his potential.
9- Geathers is real active and looks like he will just get better and better as the season goes on. He and MacDonald look like future starters.
10- Herrea looks like he could be a real solid player and a steal for the 6th round, I would put him ahead of Muamba now.
11- Zack Hodges looks like he could be a real player with time, I hope he makes the practice squad as he shows a lot of potential.

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1-Herremans was horrible, he was slow to his blocks and got beat often, lets hope this doesn't continue.                                                                                                                                                                                               2-Trent Cole looked slow and old, I hope he was not going all out as he did not looked explosive at all.                                          

3-Montori Hughes showed nothing and we really need him to step up and make plays.                                                                         

4-Tipton seems a step slow, did a good job in the pass game though.                                                                                                  

5-Hassleback did not look good and was a disappointment.                                                                                                                   

6- Was expecting a lot more out of Carter, but I think it was just 1st game jitters and still expect good things from him.                          

7-Winston Guy didn't look good and looks to be our #6 safety at best                                                                                                       

The good                                                                                                                                                                                                     

1- Robinson looks like a steal and could push Boom for the #2 RB spot, the TD run was all him and he looks real explosive.                

2-Denzelle Good looked really comfortable and I could see him being a starter after a couple of years exp.                                     

3-Dorsett is going to be a star and already looks more polished than Moncreif,I think he will be the #3 WR. He will be a real weapon and has a chance to be real special.                                                                                                                                                      

4-Adongo was giving great effort, he didn't make a lot of plays, but he didn't leave anything on the field, if he continues with that effort the plays will come.                                                                                                                                                                                   

5- David Parry really impressed me and got good penetration, he looked a lot better than Hughes.                                              

6- Anderson got a lot of penetration too, and he and Parry looked like they are ready to be a part of the rotation now.                         

7- Werner looked a lot more comfortable in his new position and I think he will push Walden for playing time.                                       

8- Dewey MacDonald looks more comfortable and ready to battle Colt Anderson for the #4 safety spot. I really like his potential.

9- Geathers is real active and looks like he will just get better and better as the season goes on. He and MacDonald look like future starters.

10- Herrea looks like he could be a real solid player and a steal for the 6th round, I would put him ahead of Muamba now.

11- Zack Hodges looks like he could be a real player with time, I hope he makes the practice squad as he shows a lot of potential.


 We too often having blocking schemes our guys just can`t execute.

 It is like our schemes count on opponents lineman to just stand there.

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Herrea looked very good, good quickness, seemed to have excellent field awareness and solid tackling.  I could see him being the Colts nickle ILB this year and a full time starter next year.


Good looked good (see what I did there).  He is a massive human being and he needs to learn to get lower but other than that he looked comfortable in pass blcoking and if he gets lower, he will start moving some guys in the running game.  I said in the game chat that the Colts should move Mewhort back to LG (not that he did bad at tackle) and then put Thornton at RG and Good at RT. 


Dorsett is a good route runner already.  in two or three years he could be awesome.  Hold on the friggin' ball though.  This is the NFL if they see that ball riding high on the shouldpad they are going to punch it out.


Robinson the ball can get skinny through the holes and then runs with power after.  Nice combination.


Thornton looked really good at RG, just average at LG.  I had to chuckle on that one play where, from the LG spot he pulled to the right and Robinson got tired of waiting for him and just ran into the line for a couple of yards.


Lowery looked slow, perhaps it's because he's still learning the D, I don't know but I was not impressed.


Last year Tipton showed some burst and power and none of that was evident in this game.  I will be surprised if he gets another 1st half carry in the preseason and I don't see him making the 53.


Offensive line coach needs to go.  His scheme leaves too many defenders that can impact the play unblocked.

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 We too often having blocking schemes our guys just can`t execute.

 It is like our schemes count on opponents lineman to just stand there.

I don't like many of your posts but this one is right on the money.  I'have been saying this for a couple of years... it seems like a HS level blocking scheme that expects the defensive front 7 to not know what's going on.

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Does anyone have an offensive and defensive snap count available

Gavin, NCF posed this question to Kevin Bowen @Colts.com/news under "Trent Cole, Herremans Return to Philly ..." story.

Mr. Bowen answered in kind that the snap counts will be included each week from now on in the notebook.

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