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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Sean Payton had no knowledge of bountygate, not to mention the fact this is not the first offense.

Hey I would be all for the league to discipline BB as yes this is not his first offense. I just doubt anything will happen that is all I am saying. Especially since he was not included in the report as a person of knowledge of this incident.

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I don't know. There weren't any deflated balls used against the Seahawks. If anything this public shame is going to motivate the Patriots even more.


I don't think the balls had anything to do with the outcome of the AFCCG. But it still appears that these attendants were deflating balls purposely under the direction of Tom Brady. That's really the point.

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Yeah I came across those tweets last night and thought I'd share today prior to the report coming out.


It really did have me concerned that the Colts brass were going to come out of this with egg on their faces. I even browsed around and realized something that that I hadn't given any thought before: Grigson was with the '01 Rams and the '04 Eagles teams that lost Super Bowls to the Pats, AND he had to watch the Colts get dismantled by the Pats in the playoffs 2 years ago, and the AFCCG last year. It's safe to say he has an axe to grind, and a deep hatred for New England.


So needless to say, a lot of folks (especially in New England) were just chalking this up as Grigson carrying a grudge.

I didn't know Grigs was on that Rams team.
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they still won 11 games. at the end of the day, they still won and almost beat us in the regular season

You may be right, who knows I guess we will see if they suspend Brady or not and we might find out just how good they will be with Garoppolo.

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I don't think the balls had anything to do with the outcome of the AFCCG. But it still appears that these attendants were deflating balls purposely under the direction of Tom Brady. That's really the point.

I get that. I'm just dispelling the notion that they cheated to win the SB. To get there, yeah, but not to win it. I just think it would be obtuse to assume they can't get there again without deflated balls.
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My major point of disagreement is that I don't think this reflects on the NFL at all. I think that's a micro criticism that doesn't even register with most people. I don't care that ESPN scooped this before it was on the league's website.


Also, NFL.com is generally slow about posting news. Big headlines are usually on other sites before they're on NFL.com. I believe in this case, the site was directed not to post this until they had the accompanying statement from Goodell.



It doesn't have to register with ANY PEOPLE here or elsewhere.


I'm talking about the people at NFL.com/Network and the league office.


They should not be scooped on their own big story.    Ever.


I shared in another post that you may not have seen yet.   A few years back the assignment desk overnight was not staffed.   And a big NFL story broke overnight.      The NFL Network had nothing.   ESPN had the story for hours.


Owners were furious...  and made sure the staffing was changed.   They don't want to be scooped badly on their own stories....


Professionally speaking,  this is a big deal for those who work at the NFLN.   I'm sure they're not happy with how this unfolded.


The NFL may love ESPN,  but if their own network isn't first on big stories,  then what's the point?   

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The sad thing about this is that the Pats needed trick plays and a whole lot of luck to get an undeserved (and very improbable) win over Baltimore the week before the AFCCG.  If they gained anything at all from this sort of cheating (or any of the other twenty ways they were probably cheating), then they shouldn't have been hosting the AFCCG.  Colts s/h been hosting Baltimore (who they beat handilly in the regular season).  ...never mind, let's forget the "what-ifs" - they can drave you crazy...

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Perhaps Gramz but this is the most ridiculous part of the report - the entire organization from Kraft to Bill and personnel to the equipment manager were completely exonerated. The fall guys appear to be the two part-time ball guys and a "probable" Brady. And this just after the league sent Brady a letter asking him to come to the SB MVP ceremony at next year's Super Bowl. To be honest, this report smells to high heaven. IF something happened here, something of which Brady may be culpable then how can Bill and the org be completely exonerated??

It's probable because they can't subpoena all the information they need to make a judge, and still a report but if Kraft wants to clean the Brady's name he needs to file the NFL for defamation but then all the info needed to complete this "report" would be subpoena then i can't see Kraft suing the NFL because if they find evidence that the Patriots have been doing this for a while then the punishment should be way higher, so all is probable but the Patriots will accept any punishment.


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I don't think the balls had anything to do with the outcome of the AFCCG. But it still appears that these attendants were deflating balls purposely under the direction of Tom Brady. That's really the point.


Which is what EVERY NFL QB who commented on the matter said.


They all said the same thing....    that NO team ball boy or locker-room guy would EVER do this without the specific direction of the Quarterback.     He's the guy who benefits from this the most. 


Troy Aikman said it...   so did Steve Young and Mark Brunell.    And some current NFL QB's did too.


I think Brady thought if he confessed to it he might get suspended for the Super Bowl.    So, he didn't confess.   He'll gladly take the hit,  but wasn't going to chance missing the game.

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Another reason I don't think any punishment they receive will be very severe.  Other players in the past have talked about altering the footballs including inflation to fit their QB's preferences.


The NFL might conclude that Brady just got caught doing the NFL equal of breaking the speed limit.  Nearly everyone does it and everyone knows that nearly everyone does it. 


This could be a $10,000 fine or something to Brady and that's all. 

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The sad thing about this is that the Pats needed trick plays and a whole lot of luck to get an undeserved (and very improbable) win over Baltimore the week before the AFCCG.  If they gained anything at all from this sort of cheating (or any of the other twenty ways they were probably cheating), then they shouldn't have been hosting the AFCCG.  Colts s/h been hosting Baltimore (who they beat handilly in the regular season).  ...never mind, let's forget the "what-ifs" - they can drave you crazy...

They completely knew that the whole eligible/ineligible thing was illegal. We went back after and saw there were plays that shouldn't have counted, even the Solder TD that should have been called back in our game. Bill knew that the refs wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace of the game and know that certain players wouldn't be correctly taking a play off before coming back in like they should have so it kept going (in Balt) to the point where Harbaugh got the penalty instead of the Patriots lol. Bill knew he wouldn't get caught, or if he did the 15 yard penalty would be worth whatever gains he got up to that point and then of course the NFL makes a rule change relating to this in the offseason. but WE look stupid for suggesting ways to improve the extra point.

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It doesn't have to register with ANY PEOPLE here or elsewhere.


I'm talking about the people at NFL.com/Network and the league office.


They should not be scooped on their own big story.    Ever.


I shared in another post that you may not have seen yet.   A few years back the assignment desk overnight was not staffed.   And a big NFL story broke overnight.      The NFL Network had nothing.   ESPN had the story for hours.


Owners were furious...  and made sure the staffing was changed.   They don't want to be scooped badly on their own stories....


Professionally speaking,  this is a big deal for those who work at the NFLN.   I'm sure they're not happy with how this unfolded.


The NFL may love ESPN,  but if their own network isn't first on big stories,  then what's the point?   


I've seen you share that story before. I get that.


Thing is, the NFL wasn't scooped on this. To my mind, they had this info and chose not to post it until they were ready, regardless of what ESPN was doing. They weren't understaffed and missed the biggest news of the day. This appears to be a deliberate decision not to post.


Also, to my mind, being first isn't that important. Sharing good information, as much as you can, is much more important. I don't care if I get beat by 30 minutes if what I put out is more accurate and more complete. 

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Another reason I don't think any punishment they receive will be very severe.  Other players in the past have talked about altering the footballs including inflation to fit their QB's preferences.


The NFL might conclude that Brady just got caught doing the NFL equal of breaking the speed limit.  Nearly everyone does it and everyone knows that nearly everyone does it. 


This could be a $10,000 fine or something to Brady and that's all. 

That seems likely as it was only Brady and the two ball boys. If they found Kraft/Bill culpable different matter altogether ...

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Oh, by the way, we're back to "everyone does this" in the NFL media. That's what irritates me the most.



Could you tell me why posts that ask for an apology from the members of this forum that inferred that those that gave any credence to the reports are being deleted ? They pretty much went way over the line to begin with. Calling us and our whole organization everything for crybabies to *s. I called out no one on particular and it was deleted and I see the responses to that post were also deleted . 

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I get that. I'm just dispelling the notion that they cheated to win the SB. To get there, yeah, but not to win it. I just think it would be obtuse to assume they can't get there again without deflated balls.


I think a more accurate description would be Seattle lost the game (potato-potato) :)

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Another reason I don't think any punishment they receive will be very severe.  Other players in the past have talked about altering the footballs including inflation to fit their QB's preferences.


The NFL might conclude that Brady just got caught doing the NFL equal of breaking the speed limit.  Nearly everyone does it and everyone knows that nearly everyone does it. 


This could be a $10,000 fine or something to Brady and that's all. 



I don't think it's the crime....   I think it's the cover-up.    The report says Brady wouldn't even give the investigators his cell phone to check for texts.... 


If you're not cooperating with the investigation,  that's a big deal.


I'm expecting a 6-figure fine...   certainly for the franchise,  and I think for Brady as well.


Can he afford it?    Sure.   It's chump change.    But the point has to be made....

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I get that. I'm just dispelling the notion that they cheated to win the SB. To get there, yeah, but not to win it. I just think it would be obtuse to assume they can't get there again without deflated balls.

That's kinda the whole silly point, the didn't even need to do this yet they do, why they get such a negative reaction as a franchise... It's just not good sportsmanship. Not saying any team, including the Colts, are angels but here we are again with the Pats in the middle of a 'gate.

Besides it's the hubris shown by the Pats fans and media that really annoys people. Grow up and admit they did a bad thing rather than dodge/deflect or just even go with the "we won so we don't care" childishness. Maybe then you can salvage some creditbility and respect from this whole situation.

Note no one thinks it played a hand in beating us, but when you do something wrong you say sorry, simple as.

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Which is what EVERY NFL QB who commented on the matter said.


They all said the same thing....    that NO team ball boy or locker-room guy would EVER do this without the specific direction of the Quarterback.     He's the guy who benefits from this the most. 


Troy Aikman said it...   so did Steve Young and Mark Brunell.    And some current NFL QB's did too.


I think Brady thought if he confessed to it he might get suspended for the Super Bowl.    So, he didn't confess.   He'll gladly take the hit,  but wasn't going to chance missing the game.


Mark Brunell was convincing to me. He didn't buy Brady's story at all. 







“I did not believe what Tom Brady had to say," said Brunell, in a segment where he nearly choked up. “Those balls were deflated. Somebody had to do it. And I don’t believe there is an equipment manager in the NFL that would on his own initiative deflate a ball without the starting quarterback’s approval.”

“It just doesn’t add up to me,” said Brunell, who played 17 seasons as a quarterback for the Jaguars, Redskins, Saints and Jets before retiring in 2011. “The balls were deflated and in my experience with equipment guys is they have one job: Take care of the personal preferences of each player, especially the quarterback. It just didn’t add up and that’s why I was surprised.”


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Is it wrong that I am happy with the report?


No, and at least you're admitting it, which is a lot more than most will do/say!  :thmup:


I haven't read a page yet, but knew from Day One that it wouldn't really matter what the report said unless there was definitive, rock-solid evidence either way. No perceptions will change either way. 


It is what it is. Punish Brady if necessary. They'll keep winning games and people will hate them even more. Circle of life. 

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Well, I'm sure this has been a deflating day for the Patriots. They were probably hoping the Wells report was just a lot of hot air.

don't you mean, the "report" LOL, but schefter just said on TV they have no PROOF! it's only relevant to pats haters like you, 100 days and still nothing but assumptions, zero evidence, nothing but "probably" and "generally" written everywhere, no proof stop sipping the haterade

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Could you tell me why posts that ask for an apology from the members of this forum that inferred that those that gave any credence to the reports are being deleted ? They pretty much went way over the line to begin with. Calling us and our whole organization everything for crybabies to *s. I called out no one on particular and it was deleted and I see the responses to that post were also deleted . 


Please PM. 

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