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Article: "Are the Denver Broncos Still a Playoff Team?"


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Interesting article about the state of the Broncos this off-season and the talent they have lost - Orlando Franklin, Terrance Knighton, Rahim Moore, Jacob Tamme and Julius Thomas. At the same time the Chiefs have gotten Jeremy Maclin and Ben Grubbs, and kept Tamba Hali and Mike DeVito on pay cuts.


The writer also mentions the Bronco offensive line which looks like this right now - Ryan Clady, ?, ?, Manny Ramirez and Louis Vasquez.


I think we all know that if Manning is up to form the Broncos are a playoff team and will win the West but when you look at the amount of talent they have lost it does give pause for just how good they will be. It has been strange to me how quiet Elway has been given the Broncos are well under cap and Manning gave him $4 mil with his new contract.

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I would bet money the Broncos take a Tackle with their first pick in the draft. They may take a Guard later on as well. There are a lot of people that are surprised on how quiet the Broncos have been in Free Agency. With this being Manning's last year on the Broncos (and maybe the last year of his career), I figured Elway would go balls to the walls and give it one last chance before rebuilding completely with Osweiller.


Of course if they don't do this, It's better for the Colts and it's better for your Pats AmFootball.

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Orlando Franklin, Jacob Tamme, Rahim Moore and Julius Thomas were among the most severly criticized Broncos during the last couple of

years for various reasons..

..they had their virtues..but mnaany fans did nto see them...

.....didn't they lose Knowshon Moreno, Eric Decker Champ Bailey and a few other the year before?

But one truth is self-evident..the mighty raiders will again one day rule the NFL:!!

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time. 



I know how you feel.


In 2003 for some odd reason, Saints fans jumped the band wagon to Carolina because Jake friggin' Delhomme got traded. He was a backup QB that did nothing for us while Aaron Brooks had a few stellar seasons. They didn't want Aaron Brooks over a local boy (and the funny thing is, as much as they bash Brooks still to this day, his 2003 stats were better than Delhomme's when he went to the SB; not Brooks fault the Saints were average back then). Of course, they conveniently forgot about this when the Panthers lost the SB, and we acquired Brees a few years later. 

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they can be a playoff team, but thats about it. they are no longer contenders even with peyton. elway gave peyton a defense and a running game last year and the result was one and done. not much else left elway can do to help this team

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time. 


I hope they lock the doors to LOS and drench them if they get too close. you bet on the wrong horse. go pay the price

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I think they have to go through us to get where they want to be.  I just think it's Lucks time, and Peyton has had his opportunities.  Especially with where the Colts are at now, I don't have much fear of Denver.    If Peyton doesn't do it this year I think that's it.

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The pay cut was a way of daring Peyton, IMO, a daring ploy by Elway to get it done when it matters. Elway, even in his home stretch, would use his legs to keep a play alive. So, thinking Peyton will get it done in his home stretch is in fact a STRETCH, IMO. 


The first year of a new coach with the same team (Mora to Dungy, Dungy to Caldwell) has normally been good for a horse that needed to learn new perspectives and tricks :). Maybe it is co-incidence. But given Peyton's history and Wade Philips' first year history with defenses, I would not be shocked if Peyton wins a playoff game.


Winning the SB, I still doubt Peyton wins another one (unless he is a #6 seed and gets to the SB, because since 2004, only a #6 seed that won its 3 pm conference championship game won the SB - 2005 Steelers and 2010 Packers, all other instances the night time winner won the SB :)). 2015 season, the AFC plays the 3 pm AFCCG, that is why I felt 2012 should have been the Broncos' year (with a young Kaepernick, young Russell Wilson led Seahawks and a Patriots team without Gronk). To me, Peyton and Brady are like the Raiders and Steelers of the 70s. One of them broke through once while the other one was part of a dynasty that won 4 SBs.

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The pay cut was a way of daring Peyton, IMO, a daring ploy by Elway to get it done when it matters. Elway, even in his home stretch, would use his legs to keep a play alive. So, thinking Peyton will get it done in his home stretch is in fact a STRETCH, IMO. 


The first year of a new coach with the same team (Mora to Dungy, Dungy to Caldwell) has normally been good for a horse that needed to learn new perspectives and tricks :). Maybe it is co-incidence. But given Peyton's history and Wade Philips' first year history with defenses, I would not be shocked if Peyton wins a playoff game.


Winning the SB, I still doubt Peyton wins another one (unless he is a #6 seed and gets to the SB, because since 2004, only a #6 seed that won its 3 pm conference championship game won the SB - 2005 Steelers and 2010 Packers, all other instances the night time winner won the SB :)). 2015 season, the AFC plays the 3 pm AFCCG, that is why I felt 2012 should have been the Broncos' year (with a young Kaepernick, young Russell Wilson led Seahawks and a Patriots team without Gronk). To me, Peyton and Brady are like the Raiders and Steelers of the 70s. One of them broke through once while the other one was part of a dynasty that won 4 SBs.

I think this a rebuild by Elway and somehow he got Manning to buy in at a discounted rate.

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time.

There's the old 'You can only be fans of one team, dammiitt!!! religious cult

....... some of us were Brocnos fans all the way back to when Tom Jackson played

You can like the Broncos...and the Colts.....(and the Raiders!!)

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They'll be in the playoffs, but I could honestly see San Diego overtaking them for the West. I'll still be pulling for a Colts/Broncos AFC Championship, mostly because I have no doubt we are the better team, but also because if the Colts don't make it to the SB, I sure couldn't stomach another Pats SB.

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First few games this year will tell us if it was father time last year in the end or the injury for the performance Peyton had.


If it was indeed the injury, Broncos were foolish to let Peyton play. He looked horrible and turned into a joking stock.

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I don't think the article is so much focused on Manning as Elway and the talent Denver has lost without re-loading yet. Of course there is still plenty of time and the draft but given how aggressive Elway has been with his moves in the past it is curious how quiet Denver has been with a lot of money to spend.

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I don't think the article is so much focused on Manning as Elway and the talent Denver has lost without re-loading yet. Of course there is still plenty of time and the draft but given how aggressive Elway has been with his moves in the past it is curious how quiet Denver has been with a lot of money to spend.

They haven't really been quiet...

Signed a TE, a left guard, a DE and a starting safety..admittedly not big names

...but other than Julius Thmas.they haven't lost any pro Bowlers..and they couldnt afford Thomas

....your point on the draft is key....with compensatory picks..Denver has 10 draft choices ..

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I don't think the article is so much focused on Manning as Elway and the talent Denver has lost without re-loading yet. Of course there is still plenty of time and the draft but given how aggressive Elway has been with his moves in the past it is curious how quiet Denver has been with a lot of money to spend.

They've replaced every position they have lost.

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time.

i think most people are like myself peyton fans...because of his class, how he plays the game, and how much pleasure he has given me watching football for the last decade and half. We are still colt fans...we root for the colts but we are very much interested in following peyton when he plays anyone but us. To me it's simply having two shots to be happy. We still root for our colts to win it all but 2014 was a great consolation prize to see peyton in the SB. We are fans of football and football being played at a high level and appreciate what peyton brings to the game. We don't cheer the Broncos rather admire a great professional in his twilight riding into the sunset. Knowing each game is potentially his last we never know when the magic will be over. I also appreciate how Brees and brady play or how mature and heady wilson plays but I wouldn't say I'm fans of those teams. I think people think you can't enjoy two things at the same time. This isn't a marriage...I love my colts and they are my favorite but don't confuse that with a monogamous relationship like with my wife. Football is like music...I can appreciate and enjoy more than one band or performer....that said I can have a favorite (colts). Listening to another isn't wrong...appreciating it is perfectly fine. I know very few that have stopped loving the colts...most just spread the love around. It's football...not a religion. It isn't an all or nothing thing. I wish people would figure that out. If you choose to feel that way...more power to you but I don't think it makes anyone else less a fan.

As for denver....if peyton and the main guys stay healthy they will be a playoff team. I don't know why other teams (pats) can rely on their young guys stepping in but ohhhh no way the Broncos can do that. They are a good team but will only go as far as peyton can carry them unless the rest step up and stop watching and start pulling some weight too. I think they win the west but I don't see them with a bye.

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They haven't really been quiet...

Signed a TE, a left guard, a DE and a starting safety..admittedly not big names

...but other than Julius Thmas.they haven't lost any pro Bowlers..and they couldnt afford Thomas

....your point on the draft is key....with compensatory picks..Denver has 10 draft choices ..


They could have afforded JT. They didn't want to pay him $9m/year, which is understandable. They're still somewhere around $10m under the cap, and that's after signing Owen Daniels and Virgil Green. He just wanted too much money.

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time.

I try to not take offense to comments like this. I've explained myself and my position more times than I want.

I never have, nor will I ever apologize or be made to feel guilty for still being a fan of Peytons. And its really not up to anyone else to say who can or can't be fans of the Colts.

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Here is a great article that breaks down how the offensive players fit into Kubiak's offensive system. Of note is the QBs with Manning grading out as an odd fit and Brock grading out as a good fit (description below). Also, it would seem the Broncos need to overhaul their offensive line as there were several odd to bad fits with their current roster and only Anderson appears to be a good fit at the RB spot.



Peyton Manning

It will be interesting to see how the Broncos adapt their new offense to what Peyton Manning does best. Gary Kubiak quarterbacks usually work out of a huddle, from under center and are asked to bootleg and roll out on play-action passes. Manning likes the no-huddle offense, works from under shotgun and lacks the athleticism to roll out much at all.

There will be compromises made to make this pairing work. We could see Manning work out of the pistol instead of from under center. Instead of bootlegging outside the tackle, Manning might only be asked to roll out to the edge of the tackle box. Manning may not audible that much this year, instead opting to run the play as designed.

Manning is one of the smartest quarterbacks to ever play the game. He’ll be able to figure out a way to work within the confines of the system. Kubiak has worked with several different quarterbacks during his coaching career, and I have no doubt he’ll be able to craft his system around what Manning does best.

Grade: Odd Fit


Brock Osweiler

When cornerback Chris Harris compares Brock Osweiler to Joe Flacco, you know his fit in this system is a strong one. Like Flacco, Osweiler has a rocket arm and the athleticism to keep plays alive with his feet while keeping his eyes downfield. Osweiler is in the final year of his contract, and the Broncos may lose him in free agency next offseason. For this year, Osweiler should look more comfortable than ever before. If forced into the starting lineup, Kubiak should be able to bring out the best in Osweiler.

Grade: Good Fit

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As has been already stated, if Peyton is healthy, they'll win the division and be a playoff team.  I think the addition of Wade Philips is a really underrated move.  He could really get the most out of the talent he has on defense.

imo wade Phillips will put the Denver defense among the top defenses in football in 2016. wish we had him.

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I just hope all the Colts fans that jumped onto the Manning/Broncos bandwagon stay Broncos fans when they start to suck again and don't come back acting like the were Colts fans the whole time. 

I'm one of those who jumped onto the Broncos bandwagon.   I always despised Elway and the Broncos organization for a few reasons.   However, I've been watching and rooting for them in recent years because of Manning.   I certainly don't feel guilty about it.   I also root for the Colts.   Can we not have 2 teams we root for?

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