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Colts kick tires on Mikel Leshoure... again


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He was a really good player before he tore his Achilles tendon.     He never come back fully.


I don't get it...   L Blount was there and Indy showed no interest knowing they NEED a power guy.   


Give Tipton a chance...       i liked what little I saw in PS.       

>217 carries

>career long 16 yard carry

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If its power back we are looking for then Delone Carter is out there, Worse case scenario is fumbles his way out of town but he could provide a good goal line Back, Personally I'd sign another scat back, Kenjon Barner, Chris Thompson (who I wanted late in the draft 2 years ago), Ben Malena, Onterio Mccalebb

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Didn't we sign Demps to the practice squad in October? I'd rather see what he can do if they are going to kick any tires.


Yes, and the coaches have seen what he can do, so far, and they're kicking other tires.

Never hurts to look around. You never know when you may need to hire.

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If its power back we are looking for then Delone Carter is out there, Worse case scenario is fumbles his way out of town but he could provide a good goal line Back, Personally I'd sign another scat back, Kenjon Barner, Chris Thompson (who I wanted late in the draft 2 years ago), Ben Malena, Onterio Mccalebb


God no to Delone Carter.

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The only type of RB that will succeed with our offensive line talent right now is a slasher.  Like Boom. Power backs would be worthless.  Because we can open up so few holes against better teams.   Boom is fast enough to get there.

I would have agreed a few months ago but every other back has had success is it the line or is Trent just really bad . I'm leaning to Trent being that bad .

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He was a really good player before he tore his Achilles tendon.     He never come back fully.


I don't get it...   L Blount was there and Indy showed no interest knowing they NEED a power guy.   


Give Tipton a chance...       i liked what little I saw in PS.       


I'd love to get just *one* GM's take on what happened with L.Blount. Literally every team (New England included), passed on him in waivers. Then, New England signed him. Immediately after signing, Blount looks like a beast (just like he did with New England). It worked to New England's benefit so effectively, people are throwing rumors New England manipulated the system somehow and pulled some strings. It could be Blount even purposefully acted out with Pittsburgh because he knew New England would sign him.

Before Blount was signed with New England for the 2nd time, he had an impressive resume. Blount is now averaging 6.18 yards through his first 22 Patriots games. There are tons of teams who needed a RB. So 31 teams were too afraid to sign him due to character concerns!? This is why New England is such a good team: They're not afraid to take chances with controversy. Chad Johnson, Albert Haynesworth, Tim Tebow, Jeff Demps (the renowned track & field guy), Randy Moss. Lots of them had question marks. New England didn't hit on all of them, but it pays to try.


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I'd love to get just *one* GM's take on what happened with L.Blount. Literally every team (New England included), passed on him in waivers. Then, New England signed him. Immediately after signing, Blount looks like a beast (just like he did with New England). It worked to New England's benefit so effectively, people are throwing rumors New England manipulated the system somehow and pulled some strings. It could be Blount even purposefully acted out with Pittsburgh because he knew New England would sign him.

Before Blount was signed with New England for the 2nd time, he had an impressive resume. Blount is now averaging 6.18 yards through his first 22 Patriots games. There are tons of teams who needed a RB. So 31 teams were too afraid to sign him due to character concerns!? This is why New England is such a good team: They're not afraid to take chances with controversy. Chad Johnson, Albert Haynesworth, Tim Tebow, Jeff Demps (the renowned track & field guy), Randy Moss. Lots of them had question marks. New England didn't hit on all of them, but it pays to try.

And Aaron Hernandez

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I'd love to get just *one* GM's take on what happened with L.Blount. Literally every team (New England included), passed on him in waivers. Then, New England signed him. Immediately after signing, Blount looks like a beast (just like he did with New England). It worked to New England's benefit so effectively, people are throwing rumors New England manipulated the system somehow and pulled some strings. It could be Blount even purposefully acted out with Pittsburgh because he knew New England would sign him.

Before Blount was signed with New England for the 2nd time, he had an impressive resume. Blount is now averaging 6.18 yards through his first 22 Patriots games. There are tons of teams who needed a RB. So 31 teams were too afraid to sign him due to character concerns!? This is why New England is such a good team: They're not afraid to take chances with controversy. Chad Johnson, Albert Haynesworth, Tim Tebow, Jeff Demps (the renowned track & field guy), Randy Moss. Lots of them had question marks. New England didn't hit on all of them, but it pays to try.


A good post RMDY. I was thinking the exact same thing as in how did Blount barely land in Pittsburgh with a job, get busted by HC Tomlin for smoking an illegal narcotic, & then NE says sure why not invite him back for round 2 like an ex girlfriend or something? Bill probably just wanted some insurance in late December if Vereen goes down. That's my guess anyway. 


Blount never seemed to run that hard for the Steelers to me, but he always has an extra gear of intensity in NE. Just when I think Blount's career is near the end, somehow at the last second, he gets picked up again. He's lucky that way. It's uncanny really. 

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Whoever we pick up, I'm just glad that Grigs is kicking over every stone looking for improved production. I may not care for his cryptic press conferences, but I love his negotiation/scouting tenacity. 


Please God can we find a back that can run between the tackles & punch through the darn hole. I like Herron BTW. I wasn't slamming him either. 

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I wonder if it might be too late in the season to bring in a new RB... Would they even be able to learn the playbook and protections in time to really make an impact?  It seems we run a pretty complex offensive scheme so I would imagine sticking with the RBs we have would be the most prudent decision. I'd rather look for a CB to bring in to help sure up the secondary.

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A good post RMDY. I was thinking the exact same thing as in how did Blount barely land in Pittsburgh with a job, get busted by HC Tomlin for smoking an illegal narcotic, & then NE says sure why not invite him back for round 2 like an ex girlfriend or something? Bill probably just wanted some insurance in late December if Vereen goes down. That's my guess anyway. 


Blount never seemed to run that hard for the Steelers to me, but he always has an extra gear of intensity in NE. Just when I think Blount's career is near the end, somehow at the last second, he gets picked up again. He's lucky that way. It's uncanny really. 

Players want to play for Belicheck.  Blount got a taste last year, left for a pay day and what he thought would be a better opportunity.  NE is the right place to rehab your reputation.

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Players want to play for Belicheck.  Blount got a taste last year, left for a pay day and what he thought would be a better opportunity.  NE is the right place to rehab your reputation.

Meh, the Patriots know they can handle a meathead like Blount in the short term because he was just there....they will probably let him walk after the season.

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I'd love to get just *one* GM's take on what happened with L.Blount. Literally every team (New England included), passed on him in waivers. Then, New England signed him. Immediately after signing, Blount looks like a beast (just like he did with New England). It worked to New England's benefit so effectively, people are throwing rumors New England manipulated the system somehow and pulled some strings. It could be Blount even purposefully acted out with Pittsburgh because he knew New England would sign him.

Before Blount was signed with New England for the 2nd time, he had an impressive resume. Blount is now averaging 6.18 yards through his first 22 Patriots games. There are tons of teams who needed a RB. So 31 teams were too afraid to sign him due to character concerns!? This is why New England is such a good team: They're not afraid to take chances with controversy. Chad Johnson, Albert Haynesworth, Tim Tebow, Jeff Demps (the renowned track & field guy), Randy Moss. Lots of them had question marks. New England didn't hit on all of them, but it pays to try.



A good post RMDY. I was thinking the exact same thing as in how did Blount barely land in Pittsburgh with a job, get busted by HC Tomlin for smoking an illegal narcotic, & then NE says sure why not invite him back for round 2 like an ex girlfriend or something? Bill probably just wanted some insurance in late December if Vereen goes down. That's my guess anyway. 


Blount never seemed to run that hard for the Steelers to me, but he always has an extra gear of intensity in NE. Just when I think Blount's career is near the end, somehow at the last second, he gets picked up again. He's lucky that way. It's uncanny really. 


I think you two are over thinking it a bit. Pitt signed Blount with the plan of rotating him and Bell with more frequency. Bell has been too good this year to work in a rotation. Blount was getting more and more upset with his lack of touches, climaxing in leaving the field early and subsequently getting cut. 


No team picked him up off of waivers because there's no reason to bring in a RB who is unfamiliar with your system this late in the year, unless you are completely desperate because of injury (or suspension) and/or the player potentially factors into your long term plans. Tate  fit that criteria for the Vikings. Blount didn't fit that criteria for any team. 


NE signed him back because he knows the system and could come in play immediately. They didn't put in a waiver claim because they are towards the bottom and by not doing so saved $. 


Not everything needs to be looked at so speculatively and/or as a conspiracy. 



On topic: I think the ML workout is just due diligence in case there is another RB injury. Have to keep players in the back pocket and it had been a while since they had taken a look. If TRich or Boom go down, ML will be signed. 

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I don't like this if it means what I think

Tipton is gonna be the one who goes which is wrong seeing as how Trent is the disappointing RB

Tipton honestly can't be any worse. Gotta hate the business part of the NFL. Stubborn coaches scared to admit they were wrong on Trent so others who actually contribute/could contribute get cut

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The only type of RB that will succeed with our offensive line talent right now is a slasher.  Like Boom. Power backs would be worthless.  Because we can open up so few holes against better teams.   Boom is fast enough to get there.

You are correct!  As much as I like Trent he wont succeed or be at his best until our young guys get experience.

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