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Should Indy sign Ray Rice? [Merge]


Ray Rice play for the Colts ?  

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  1. 1. Ray Rice to indy?

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I think we will end up drafting a RB.


agreed. They could sign one but Bradshaw and Ballard as much I like them can't stay healthy and Trent is not the answer. Boom shows flashes but needs to protect the ball better. Something needs to be done at running back this off-season.

With that said if they don't improve the line in terms of run blocking it will not matter what they do at running back.

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Just because there's a drastic size difference that doesn't make her hitting him any more ok if she did hit him.

So if a 5'4 105lb woman hits a 5-8 208lb dude it's going to cause a lot of damage? Even if she hit him there is no excuse for physical retaliation. I never said it was okay, but there is a major difference in a punch from her and a punch from him.

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So if a 5'4 105lb woman hits a 5-8 208lb dude it's going to cause a lot of damage? Even if she hit him there is no excuse for physical retaliation. I never said it was okay, but there is a major difference in a punch from her and a punch from him.


I said nothing about "causing alot of damage". So, as long as a hit doesn't cause alot of damage we should just dismiss it as "no big deal"? Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a female. I don't care how much damage it caused.  Besides, a womans punch or slap can hurt a great deal if she gets a clean shot. If you put your hands on somebody and you get hit back, I have zero sympathy for you. Keep your hands to yourself next time. 

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I said nothing about "causing alot of damage". So, as long as a hit doesn't cause alot of damage we should just dismiss it as "no big deal"? Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a female. I don't care how much damage it caused. Besides, a womans punch or slap can hurt a great deal if she gets a clean shot. If you put your hands on somebody and you get hit back, I have zero sympathy for you. Keep your hands to yourself next time.

Tone deaf for sure, are you color blind also?

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I said nothing about "causing alot of damage". So, as long as a hit doesn't cause alot of damage we should just dismiss it as "no big deal"? Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a female. I don't care how much damage it caused.  Besides, a womans punch or slap can hurt a great deal if she gets a clean shot. If you put your hands on somebody and you get hit back, I have zero sympathy for you. Keep your hands to yourself next time. 

No a woman hitting the man is not the same thing as hitting a woman. It's not in the same ballpark, or same zip code for that matter. He's a pro athlete, she's not. It's not complicated at all. If you have zero sympathy for her that's on you dude. I don't agree with you, and I have no respect for your opinion in that regard.

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I found humor in your response. 

I've found nothing but a lack of common sense with your responses. I'm for second chances in certain situations, but all he got was a slap on the wrist and another possible big contract. Scumbags like Rice deserve nothing but the worst.

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No a woman hitting the man is not the same thing as hitting a woman. It's not in the same ballpark, or same zip code for that matter. He's a pro athlete, she's not. It's not complicated at all. If you have zero sympathy for her that's on you dude. I don't agree with you, and I have no respect for your opinion in that regard.


I didn't say I had zero sympathy for her. I don't know if she hit him first or not. I was talking in general when I said that. I said I have zero sympathy for ANYBODY man or woman that put their hands on somebody *hit them* and then get hit back. You don't have to respect my opinion, I don't respect yours either. My stance is simple. If you don't wanna get hit then don't go around hitting people. Once you attack someone, what you get is what you get and you only have yourself to blame.

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To be honest I'm not sure there are many backs at all ON someone's roster that could help our run game let alone a free agent. If we were talking AP here or something yes he could make a difference....I've not seen anything from Ray Rice over the past couple years and a guy thats sit out all season to suggest he could find holes and make something out of nothing. To me its a high risk low reward situation....I don't think it would cause an uproar or anything bad in the locker room but there also isn't anything to suggest he would help us much either. Honestly I think we should be fine with what we have. Bradshaw was helping us more in the passing game than the run game so really I would much rather have a back that has good hands out of the backfield with a burst than anything.

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I've found nothing but a lack of common sense with your responses. I'm for second chances in certain situations, but all he got was a slap on the wrist and another possible big contract. Scumbags like Rice deserve nothing but the worst.

I don't think it's right that he beat her down like that but do think pepole should get second chances in life...if this was a one time occurrence, that is.

Now I am curious...how would you feel if AP was signed by the Colts, or any other team for that matter? As bad as beating a woman is...child abuse is much, much worse.

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I didn't say I had zero sympathy for her. I don't know if she hit him first or not. I was talking in general when I said that. I said I have zero sympathy for ANYBODY man or woman that put their hands on somebody *hit them* and then get hit back. You don't have to respect my opinion, I don't respect yours either. My stance is simple. If you don't wanna get hit then don't go around hitting people. Once you attack someone, what you get is what you get and you only have yourself to blame.

Complete ignorance on your part. I'm happy you don't respect my opinion. I would be disgusted and disappointed with myself if we agreed.

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I don't think it's right that he beat her down like that but do think pepole should get second chances in life...if this was a one time occurrence, that is.

Now I am curious...how would you feel if AP was signed by the Colts, or any other team for that matter? As bad as beating a woman is...child abuse is much, much worse.

You are correct about child abuse being worse. He would most likely be in jail if he beat his child the way Rice beat his fiance. I think AP will be signed somewhere because of his talent. I think that is very much an instance where talent shouldn't matter. I don't want him on the team. As a father myself I'm disgusted with what he did. I was spanked with a belt as a child and I don't agree with it. It made me resent my father and not respect him. I'm not a supporter of physicality for disciplinary reasons.

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Complete ignorance on your part. I'm happy you don't respect my opinion. I would be disgusted and disappointed with myself if we agreed.


Nothing ignorant about my post. Keep telling yourself that tho. I think its pretty ignorant or "stupid", for lack of a better word, to go around hitting people and expect them not to hit you back. 

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agreed. They could sign one but Bradshaw and Ballard as much I like them can't stay healthy and Trent is not the answer. Boom shows flashes but needs to protect the ball better. Something needs to be done at running back this off-season.

With that said if they don't improve the line in terms of run blocking it will not matter what they do at running back.

You said something very important! Improve the O Line witch I believe should be done in FA. We have plenty of young lineman besides at RT.

A good offensive line can make a below average back look great!

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Smh you guys are kinda annoying tbh..he's more proven than T-rich can run catch and block..for those who blame the line Yeah the line is bad yet everyone who runs does a better job getting through bc they sprint unlike Trent who jogs..and also for those who are judging him based off his mistake which clearly ppl make everyday he was punished hes apologized he deserves a second change and in my opinion id take him in a heartbeat over Trent especially since he's now cheap

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I didn't say I had zero sympathy for her. I don't know if she hit him first or not. I was talking in general when I said that. I said I have zero sympathy for ANYBODY man or woman that put their hands on somebody *hit them* and then get hit back. You don't have to respect my opinion, I don't respect yours either. My stance is simple. If you don't wanna get hit then don't go around hitting people. Once you attack someone, what you get is what you get and you only have yourself to blame.

Nah that's not how it works with women and children. What are you going to lay out a little kid because he "hits," you?? I've been hit by women before and it doesn't really hurt bad, nothing like getting slugged by a guy. Hence no reason to retaliate and bare knuckle slug a woman in the face.

There are a couple options, just leave or subdue her physically. Men can physically subdue a woman without having to knock her out or throw a hay maker. I've had to assist in subduing a woman when she attacked her boyfriend with a sharp object. We simply got her on the ground, took the sharp object and told her to go outside, leave or calm down. This was literally about as rabid as any non homicidal woman on the planet could've been acting.

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I have my doubts but not because I don't believe he deserves a second chance. He does imo. But does he have enough left to offset the bad publicity that could become a distraction to the team? If he does, I'd sign him in a second. He did not commit the unpardonable sin, and there is nothing in his background that I read that makes me think this was indicative of a pattern of anti social behavior.

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Meh, what he did really wasn't very bad honestly, compared to other players it's pretty run of the mill It's just that we saw it. He'll be back. But yeah not sure how good he'll be.

Knocking a women out with a right cross then dragging her out of an elevator like a rag doll isn't very bad? OK!

Compared to what?

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I'm not sure why any woman would, that being said I know some couples who have been in very violent relationships and for some reason they always end up back together. Both parties involved are very violent, it's a match made in the bowels of what one could imagine as the darkest underworld. Both parties have physically abused each other, talking about broken bones...

That is really terrible -- broken bones??!! I don't get it, but I have to remind myself that until I have walked in that person's shoes, it is not fair for me to judge... To save space, I did not quote your entire post, but it sounds like you and others have made yourselves available to help these individuals. That's good to know.

As for Ray Rice, I don't think he will play for an NFL team this year. He may have a better chance of playing for a Canadian team, now that he has been reinstated by the NFL.

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I think we should give him a shot...

The man made his mistakes, embarrassed himself and his wife and fam, 

went thru the process and now has an opportunity to start over fresh, new team, new city, new life.

If we still are a people who believe in a God, we should not be judging or condemning him for he

has been judged, convicted and is serving his sentence so to speak, so why not the Colts??

If things dont work out you release him, I dont really see a negative....just sayin

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Nah that's not how it works with women and children. What are you going to lay out a little kid because he "hits," you?? I've been hit by women before and it doesn't really hurt bad, nothing like getting slugged by a guy. Hence no reason to retaliate and bare knuckle slug a woman in the face.

There are a couple options, just leave or subdue her physically. Men can physically subdue a woman without having to knock her out or throw a hay maker. I've had to assist in subduing a woman when she attacked her boyfriend with a sharp object. We simply got her on the ground, took the sharp object and told her to go outside, leave or calm down. This was literally about as rabid as any non homicidal woman on the planet could've been acting.


So now a little kid is comparable to a grown woman ? LOL, women are like children now? If I was a woman I would be insulted with that comparison. If women are in any way like children then we should stop with the whole "equal rights" campaign right now. You realize there are also guys that are WAY STRONGER than other guys right? 


So If a guy that is way weaker and smaller than another guy punches the bigger guy in the face, the bigger guy should just take it and walk away right? And you would also walk away if a smaller guy were to ever hit you right? Your argument is weak at best.


First of all, it doesn't need to hurt like hell for it to be assault or for it to be wrong. I've been hit in the face by guys and it didn't hurt much. So what, because it didn't hurt much I should just take it and let it slide?


Being a woman does not give you the right to go around assaulting people and then play the "I'm a woman so you can't hit back" card. Women that play this card get ZERO sympathy from me. Its men that defend these actions that are the problem with society. If you're gonna play the stronger weaker angle then you gotta play it across the board, not just when its a woman and a man. This is how I know you and other white knights with this mindset are full of it. 

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To follow up on my last post. My argument is this just to be clear, BEING WEAKER does not mean you can or should be able to get away with hitting a stronger person. I never ever understood this argument. You know the other person is stronger, yet you decided to hit them anyways. Now you live with the consequences. Comparing grown women to children is more of an insult to women than anything I've said. Women want equal rights, I'm treating them equally. Keep your hands to yourself there will be no issues. If you attack someone and you get attacked back, who's fault is it? The way some of you talk about women you would think they were too stupid to make correct decisions. Decisions like, keeping your hands to yourself if you want hands kept off you. 


In closing, the weaker arguments holds no water. A hit doesn't have to hurt a certain amount in order for it to be wrong or in order to anger someone so even bringing it up is irrelevant. Women are not children. If you want respect you give respect. Keep your hands to yourself and there will be no problems. Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a woman. Neither should be looked at as "more acceptable".

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I don't see what Vick did that makes him better than Rice.. Just that he went to jail? "Remorse" is bull.


Because he didn't get away with it. He didn't just walk away into the sunset knowing he got a slap on the wrist. And then after he got out he showed real class and poise, and you could tell the time away from football really matured him as a man. He didn't come back demanding to be picked up by a team, he just hoped he'd get a chance to play football again.


Ray Rice doesn't seem to have learned anything besides to not get caught on camera. Plus him and his wife seemed to do a cover up job. First the wife doesn't file charges. Okay, I'll let them get off with "she forgave him". But then they rush to get married, shortly after the incident. Then according to Harbaugh he and his wife gave him a "softer" version of the story from that night, and they're together in a press conference basically trying to make it look like everything is fine. And then once the footage hits, and the NFL and Ravens take action, they act like they're the victims.


He acted as if taking away football from him was a travesty, despite him having a daughter. If you ask me, a year or 2 away from football is what he needs.

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Ed Werder has a more up-to-date Tweet regarding Ray Rice and Indy:


I was told 10 days ago the #Colts had no interest in Ray Rice. Ahmad Bradshaw was already hurt. Whether opinion changed, I don't know yet

— Ed Werder (@Edwerderespn)

November 28, 2014


The conflicting reports are rather strange. The Colts have interest in Ray Rice (Schefter), yet won't sign him because of an earlier report that the Colts have no interest in Ray Rice (Werder).


Assuming both reports were accurate at the time they were reported, then surely Schefter's more recent report of the Colts having interest would nullify Werder's 12-day-old report claiming they don't, rather than vice versa, no?

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