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Why is Andrew Luck nitpicked to death by certain fans?


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When most fans criticize Luck on here its not really in a mean, nasty way IMO. Never really heard anybody say "Luck sucks", maybe have heard overrated. Contrary, most people gush over Luck. Luck was the #1 overall pick in the draft, the cant miss once every generation QB. Maybe he should be put up on a higher pedestal as you will, maybe he shouldn't. All I`ve heard from the beginning was "how smart Luck" is, cerebral. And he is but..he seems to make the same mistakes over and over. Luck is frustrating to watch sometimes, like somebody else already commented about. He is so freaking good at times, fearless and a modern day warrior. But then he throws some highball floaters, refuses to take a sack and wings the ball across an open field. The 2 plays vs the Giants that stand out to me as bad decisions was the lock down on Reggie with a wide open Bradshaw and a pass to Bradshaw over the middle when the Colts were down at their own 10 yard line. If Bradshaw hadn't caught it, which he did, there were 3-4 Giants defenders with an easy pick 6. These plays don't negate all the awesome plays he makes or make him not good at all, but keep him from being the top dog QB in the NFL which he has the talent to be, which is what we all want him to be. 

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We (me) often forget that he's just in his 3rd year despite the enormous success and expectations. Very few of the top QBs in this league had Luck's expectations and responsibilities from Day 1.  Rogers got to sit and watch behind Favre, Big Ben and Brady had championship defenses and top running attacks.  Drew also sat early on and got a chance to learn. Peyton had a brutal rookie season although we could see that he was for real.  Marino is the real outlier in that he delivered a SB appearance as a rookie where he carried the team.


Pagano stated that he's going to ride Luck, the ground and pound seems to be a thing of the past.  We will have to live with the bonehead plays that you get from a young QB.

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What it's like to have a QB with actual deficiencies.

Manning had his own deficiencies. Some that luck does not have. My issues with him are something that he should have improved on by year 3. For instance he can't seem to lead ty with the ball sometimes to save his life. This is the primary cause of most of his interceptions, throwing high and/or behind. He has worked with ty since day one and he still can't read his speed?

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Manning had his own deficiencies. Some that luck does not have. My issues with him are something that he should have improved on by year 3. For instance he can't seem to lead ty with the ball sometimes to save his life. This is the primary cause of most of his interceptions, throwing high and/or behind. He has worked with ty since day one and he still can't read his speed?

A lot of Luck's INTs have come from tipped passes and guys running the wrong route. He has great chemistry with TY so I don't know where you are getting that he can't read TY's speed. He does throw high sometimes, I'll give you that.

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A lot of Luck's INTs have come from tipped passes and guys running the wrong route. He has great chemistry with TY so I don't know where you are getting that he can't read TY's speed. He does throw high sometimes, I'll give you that.

He hits ty dead on a lot. But he has also made ty have to reach back or fall down backwards to get the ball a lot. Even in space. He hasn't done it as much this year, however ty was non - existent through the first few games.

His in the dirt throws are now the seeming issue for him this season, rather than high or behind. It's an improvement as it won't lead to interceptions as much.

Many of his tipped balls interceptions were because he was throwing high or behind.

I'll give that he has improved over previous years, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have more room to improve on the easy throws he misses.

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If the poor decisions didn't cost us, wouldn't need to complain.

Every QB makes mistakes, but for some reason Andrew's really come back to bite.

Whether it's locking on Reggie Wayne & missing a wide open WR due to locking on Wayne or a bad overthrow that gets picked. Never fails they come at the worst time or just hurt us the most

C'mon, TK! You make him sound like he goes all Brandon Weeden out there! Put down the red kool-aid and come back to your apple juice.
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We want him to win superbowls and be the best ever.

What's the problem with that? Nothing.


Okay, first you agree with a post that states fans want Luck to be better than Peyton and then you like the post below that says the opposite.

I actually think it's the opposite. 


Certain people want Peyton to remain the best Colts QB ever. They are stuck on him forever. So they nitpick Luck "to death" as the OP says.

Just curious, which is it?

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I think part of it is that some people already think Luck is better than Peyton and no, no he's not.  And there's nothing wrong with that at all.  He may wind up as good or even better than Peyton some day.  We'll just have to wait and see.  Even if that never happens, 1) there's nothing at all wrong with that and 2) we're still really lucky to have him as our QB. :)

He is better than Peyton was at the midpoint of his 3rd year.

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I actually think a part of it may be from a deep rooted feeling generated from only getting just one Superbowl win, and that while having 12 years of elite QB play from one of the greatest QB's to ever step on the gridiron.  We know how hard it is to get a Lombardi.  And the level of QB play required against the best competition in the most pressurized of situations.  Even one tiny measly mistake can take you from possibly winning that SB game to losing it  { IE: Tracy Porter stepping in front of a Manning to Wayne pass and running it back for a TD.  14 point swing}


So while that kind of lapse(s) can be tolerated, made up for, or covered up in the regular season, the post season exposes those flaws.  Often, that ends with an L in the Win-Loss column.  So folks are looking for potential weaknesses, and looking to see if there is improvements in these areas.  Luck himself takes blame for mistakes, even if they aren't of his making.  So he's used to it and wants to improve and get motivated from it.  And I think he'll stand up to any pressure from any game, and any situation.

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Manning had his own deficiencies. Some that luck does not have. My issues with him are something that he should have improved on by year 3. For instance he can't seem to lead ty with the ball sometimes to save his life. This is the primary cause of most of his interceptions, throwing high and/or behind. He has worked with ty since day one and he still can't read his speed?

See but you're greatly exaggerating the issue. Does he have problems with accuracy sometimes? Yes. But it's not every pass like posters make it out to be. Every facet of his hand has improved every year. If he has such a real problem hooking up with TY, why are they both having their best years to date?

People want Andrew to be as good as Peyton was in his prime. Which was darn near perfect. So if Andrew struggles or makes mistakes repeatedly. He's hounded instead of people understanding that he won't be perfect overnight, and neither was Peyton.

Luck has always been judged harshly since being drafted. First he had a weak arm. Then he couldn't throw the deep ball. Now it's whatever flavor of the month mistake he's making. He's a great young QB and while he is far from perfect, he also isn't as flawed as many make him out to be.

If we had gotten an actual bad QB, this board would have melted down.

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Everyone has deficiencies. The extent of them is another manner.

I'm glad we have a QB where you can nitpick his deficiencies as opposed to one who's deficiencies are too long and extensive to list.

Deficiencies that actually cause a QB to be unserviceable. Colts fans haven't had to deal with that in almost 20 years.

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Deficiencies that actually cause a QB to be unserviceable. Colts fans haven't had to deal with that in almost 20 years.


True, but when someone has that amount of deficiencies they just say that guy sucks they don't nitpick them.


No one nitpicks a terrible player.  When we talked about Satele no one talked about little things he needs to do to improve.  There was no discussions about say his stance or his footwork or anything like that.  It was just "Satele sucks"


The fact that people are finding little things that Luck can do better shouldn't be taken negatively.  

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True, but when someone has that amount of deficiencies they just say that guy sucks they don't nitpick them.

No one nitpicks a terrible player. When we talked about Satele no one talked about little things he needs to do to improve. There was no discussions about say his stance or his footwork or anything like that. It was just "Satele sucks"

The fact that people are finding little things that Luck can do better shouldn't be taken negatively.

It's never been just the little things since he's gotten here. It's every thing. And most who "nitpick" almost never seem to acknowledge the good he does.

He's far from perfect, but many posters go overboard on their "nit picks" of Andrew. Most because they're spoiled, some because he's Peyton's replacement.

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C'mon, TK! You make him sound like he goes all Brandon Weeden out there! Put down the red kool-aid and come back to your apple juice.

Not at all,just the bad decisions. Like the TD to Hilton, terrible decision. Just better play by Hilton to make up for it. The kid is great, just bonehead moves kill him/us at times.

Forcing passes to Reggie when others are open. Thought not having Reggie for the last half of the season last year would help but he still does it

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Really.....every QB makes mistakes but Andrew's are worse and come at the worst times ??? Jesus....

Kinda makes him sound like a choker and that really doesn't match up with all those 4th quarter comebacks (2012&2013) playing on teams with a horrible O line and bad D's. I guess you could say the int in the Philly game was a choke and cost us that game but IMO there was obvious PI on Hilton.

*Points to his post above*

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I think part of it is that some people already think Luck is better than Peyton and no, no he's not. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. He may wind up as good or even better than Peyton some day. We'll just have to wait and see. Even if that never happens, 1) there's nothing at all wrong with that and 2) we're still really lucky to have him as our QB. :)

I think Luck is better than 3rdthey year Peyton. Mostly beacause of his athleticism. He can move out if trouble or shake off defenders when the pocket collapses. Peyton used to fall on the ground in the fetal possision. Would drive me nuts
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Not at all,just the bad decisions. Like the TD to Hilton, terrible decision. Just better play by Hilton to make up for it. The kid is great, just bonehead moves kill him/us at times.

Forcing passes to Reggie when others are open. Thought not having Reggie for the last half of the season last year would help but he still does it

More of a misplaced throw than a bad decision. Jmo

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I think Luck is better than 3rdthey year Peyton. Mostly beacause of his athleticism. He can move out if trouble or shake off defenders when the pocket collapses. Peyton used to fall on the ground in the fetal possision. Would drive me nuts


that's true.  Luck definitely has the athletic advantage, there's no question about that.  He still has a ways to go as far as consistent accuracy and timing, but again I can't remember how good Peyton was at those things at the same point in his career. 


As to the falling to the fetal position, that was simply to protect the ball and eliminate any chance of a turnover if he knew there was no way to get a pass of in time because of an unblocked rusher.  If it were at all possible, he would try to make a play or throw it out of bounds, but on occasion it's simply not possible to do that.  It's just living to to fight on the next down.   Not much different from throwing the ball out of bounds except for the loss of a couple of yards.

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More of a misplaced throw than a bad decision. Jmo

Bad throw, but respect your opinion

Hilton isn't out jumping DRC. Wasn't until the way down Hilton got the ball. Now if that was Megatron, I wouldn't have minded that throw. But a 5'9 (something like that) WR..... No

That's a pass that Nicks (if he would play like his old self) or Fleener (if he was more aggressive) should get, not our smallest WR

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It's never been just the little things since he's gotten here. It's every thing. And most who "nitpick" almost never seem to acknowledge the good he does.

He's far from perfect, but many posters go overboard on their "nit picks" of Andrew. Most because they're spoiled, some because he's Peyton's replacement.


I suppose we arn't thinking of the same people.  I've pointed out where he's made some mistakes but I've also been among the first to point out the ridiculous numbers he's putting up this year.

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See but you're greatly exaggerating the issue. Does he have problems with accuracy sometimes? Yes. But it's not every pass like posters make it out to be. Every facet of his hand has improved every year. If he has such a real problem hooking up with TY, why are they both having their best years to date?

People want Andrew to be as good as Peyton was in his prime. Which was darn near perfect. So if Andrew struggles or makes mistakes repeatedly. He's hounded instead of people understanding that he won't be perfect overnight, and neither was Peyton.

Luck has always been judged harshly since being drafted. First he had a weak arm. Then he couldn't throw the deep ball. Now it's whatever flavor of the month mistake he's making. He's a great young QB and while he is far from perfect, he also isn't as flawed as many make him out to be.

If we had gotten an actual bad QB, this board would have melted down.



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Luck has always been judged harshly since being drafted. First he had a weak arm. Then he couldn't throw the deep ball. Now it's whatever flavor of the month mistake he's making. He's a great young QB and while he is far from perfect, he also isn't as flawed as many make him out to be.

If we had gotten an actual bad QB, this board would have melted down.

I don't think it's that much of an exaggeration. I believe there may be some residual criticism, from me, from last year that when I see it happen it stands out more, but it's not false either. His overthrows seem to have become under throws now.

And ty makes excellent moves. It is more the side to side throws he had issues with than the post/fade/fly routes.

I never personally believed the weak arm critics. Not after seeing that 70 yard in air bomb at his pro day.

Last part is funny.

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I was listening to I think it was Conrad Brunner, and he made an awfully good point in addition to some already mentioned (i.e. every QB does it in just about every game ever played). Conrad made the point that it's the double edged blade with Andrew and "the devil you know and the devil you don't". But just take the pass to Reggie, for instance, it was a throw that he shouldn't have made, but Luck, being the competitor he is and having the ability to do it, made that play and got a TD out of it. The guy was in his face, he threw off balance, and had it not been thrown perfectly out of the defenders reach and in Reggie's hands, it would have been intercepted.


So if you're willing to take those plays, accept them and applaud them, then you have to accept the reality that some of those plays are going to be intercepted. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, "No one is going to take those risks and make them all, but not many QBs do take those risky throws at all and do it as well as Andrew does.  Better that reality than the one where he throws all those passes away as an ultra conservative QB because Andrew Luck is a dynamic playmaker, you want him in there to do what needs to be done to score when you need to. He can do that and more, but it comes at the risk of making throws that, depending on the result, we're either criticizing it as a dumb decision or praising it as one hell of a play."  It's an unfair analysis, but he's right.  Luck can make the plays as good or better than anyone else with DL draped all over him like this past Monday where he constantly had people in his face - but there will be times where it comes back to haunt you.  We've seen him play perfectly when he has time to throw, but I still like the guy under center who can make things happen despite poor blocking.  That puts him in a category of QB that only a handful of guys are a part of and he's done it his whole career.  Not to mention Luck is at 26TDs and 9INT. Yeah, his interceptions are higher than we'd like high, but a near 3 to 1 TD/INT ratio is pretty darned good.  If he continued that pace through the end of the season, I'd be pretty hardpressed to find someone disappointed with 46 TDs and 16 INTs.

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See but you're greatly exaggerating the issue. Does he have problems with accuracy sometimes? Yes. But it's not every pass like posters make it out to be. Every facet of his hand has improved every year. If he has such a real problem hooking up with TY, why are they both having their best years to date?

People want Andrew to be as good as Peyton was in his prime. Which was darn near perfect. So if Andrew struggles or makes mistakes repeatedly. He's hounded instead of people understanding that he won't be perfect overnight, and neither was Peyton.

Luck has always been judged harshly since being drafted. First he had a weak arm. Then he couldn't throw the deep ball. Now it's whatever flavor of the month mistake he's making. He's a great young QB and while he is far from perfect, he also isn't as flawed as many make him out to be.

If we had gotten an actual bad QB, this board would have melted down.

Brilliant post.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 7, 2014 - rude
Hidden by Nadine, November 7, 2014 - rude

If the poor decisions didn't cost us, wouldn't need to complain.

Every QB makes mistakes, but for some reason Andrew's really come back to bite.

Whether it's locking on Reggie Wayne & missing a wide open WR due to locking on Wayne or a bad overthrow that gets picked. Never fails they come at the worst time or just hurt us the most

I thought your posts would improve as you matured. I was wrong.

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