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Indy fans should be pulling for the Pats next weekend


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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.


Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.


Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.


Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)


We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

Yes, I am with you here. Will be rooting for Pats. If we have to go on the road to beat either the Pats or Broncos are chances are not great. Anything to help us get closer to the #1 seed but honestly that loss yesterday to a lousy Steelers game was brutal. Just brutal. We are most likely looking at 3 or 4 seed and I still expect the Texans to be around for the division at the end as well. Only a game up on them so I am not counting my chickens yet that we take the South not as long as #99 is roaming around.

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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.


Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.


Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.


Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)


We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

Agreed. However, it will not be a very vocal rooting. Still wearing Colts blue.

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It's not really a dilemna at all.

As dgambill said, it's more likely that we finish with the 2 seed than the 1 seed, no matter what happens with the Patriots. We're already three games back of the Broncos, and they don't look interested in losing three games. If the Pats lose to the Broncos, and then we handle the Pats, it strengthens our chances at the 2 seed. If the Pats beat the Broncos, it weakens our chances. Pats record, common opponent tie breaker, AFC record, etc.

Second, I personally am a Peyton Manning fan. I will never root for him to lose to the Patriots. The only time I'm conflicted on this is in the days leading up to a game against the Colts, but once the game starts, I'm all about the Colts winning. (I'm surprised by how clear my feelings are during the game.) So if the Broncos beating the Patriots means the Colts can't get the 1 seed, so be it.

Third, Foxboro in January is harsher than Denver in January, and Brady in cold weather is tougher to beat than Manning in cold weather.

I'll take Broncos over Pats and a first round bye for the Colts, even if that relegates the Colts to the 2 seed. It's not even a hard choice, personally.


With nine games to play, you're basing this on the fact that the Broncos "don't look interested" in losing three more games? I'm not surprised at your answer but I am surprised at how you're getting there. 


What you're basically saying, then, is that even if the Patriots do win on Sunday, you're that convinced that there's:


1. No way Denver ends up 12-4, even though they have a couple tough ones left, and...

2. That the Colts have a 0% chance of running the table?



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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.


Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.


Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.


Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)


We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

Nice try...  ;)  

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Our chance of getting a bye week is best served while having another team with 3 losses against which we have a head-to-head remaining. That would be the Patriots losing to the Broncos.


Having said that, I expect the Patriots to edge out the Broncos in a close one 34-31 or something like that.

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With nine games to play, you're basing this on the fact that the Broncos "don't look interested" in losing three more games? I'm not surprised at your answer but I am surprised at how you're getting there. 


What you're basically saying, then, is that even if the Patriots do win on Sunday, you're that convinced that there's:


1. No way Denver ends up 12-4, even though they have a couple tough ones left, and...

2. That the Colts have a 0% chance of running the table?




What's the likelihood, in your mind, that the Broncos lose three of their nine remaining games? Oh, and not only that, but the Colts have to win out at the same time. It's possible, but the odds of both of those things happening aren't great. Anything is possible, but probability is more pertinent than possibility at this point of the season.


The odds are much greater that the Patriots finish 12-4 than that the Broncos finish 12-4, and then the Colts still have to finish 7-1, including a win over the Pats in Week 11. Still not great odds, but much better than the Broncos going 6-3 and the Colts going 8-0. To me, the #1 seed is gone, barring major unforeseen developments, like Broncos' injuries. And if those major developments occur, then who cares if we have to go to Denver in January? They would be that much more beatable. 


I don't think it's strange to say that it's easier for us to catch the Pats than it is to catch the Broncos. And since both teams are ahead of us right now, I'd rather see the team we're closest to take a step back than take a step forward, especially since the Broncos would probably still be out of our reach. 


And of course, there's the overriding factor of me NEVER rooting for Manning to lose to the Patriots, no matter what it means for the Colts standing or chances. I could logically defend that, as a Colts fan, but it doesn't matter. Whether it's logical or not, I want Manning to beat the Pats every time he plays them. The only exception I could foresee would be if a Broncos' win eliminates the Colts from playoff contention. But that's obviously not the case here (and probably never will be, since the NFL never schedules Manning v. Brady that late in the season). 

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We can beat Denver in Indy but not in Mile High. If we are healthy.


The Pats we will see how that shakes out in a couple weeks. I think we can hang 40 on them in Indy but not in Foxborough.


I like our  odds against any team at LOS.


I think we can too.  It's all about matchups.  I think we can compete and overcome.

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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.

Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.

Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.

Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)

We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

We have a better chance of getting a bye if Denver beats the patriots.

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I think I misunderstood. I thought you were saying you would rather have Gronk out rather than Brady.


BTW, are we on for our avatar bet when the Pats/Colts play in two weeks? Loser has to put the avatar of the winner's choice for one month?

I was just pointing out that the pats offense is a different animal when Gronk is playing.


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What's the likelihood, in your mind, that the Broncos lose three of their nine remaining games? Oh, and not only that, but the Colts have to win out at the same time. It's possible, but the odds of both of those things happening aren't great. Anything is possible, but probability is more pertinent than possibility at this point of the season.



I guess I'm just surprised at how many of you have already conceded the top seed in the conference to any other team.


The Broncos have only played two games on the road to this point. They lost to Seattle (different Seahawks team a month ago, I'll give you that) and had a very tight road game against the Jets, where NY had a chance for a game-tying drive when Talib got a pick-six on Geno Smith. I know the Patriots squeaked by those same Jets only four days later, but the Thursday night game and in-division factors kind of throw off the dynamic there. 


Six of their remaining nine games are on the road. Denver still has to go to New England, KC, SD, and Cincy. There is certainly a possibility at this point that they drop three. 


Last year there was a similar playoff pciture at the mid-point... Denver ended up losing enough games for the Patriots to overtake them, but NE failed to capitalize and ended up losing to Miami on the Sunday after the Broncos lost to the Chargers. To me, that was the whole season right there. Had the AFC Championship Game been played in NE, I would have liked their chances, especially seeing as how it was such a beautiful and unseasonably warm day in Colorado.


Whatever though, I guess... aim low if that's what works for you!  :thmup:

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I guess I'm just surprised at how many of you have already conceded the top seed in the conference to any other team.



I don't think we are conceding the top seed. We just feel we can control the head-to-head at home vs the Patriots team if we win against them.


Lets say the Broncos and Patriots have 2 losses and Colts have 3 losses, even after we beat the Patriots, we need the Broncos to additionally lose 2 more times AND for us to run the table. While any given Sunday and anything can happen is true, I can see the Patriots losing to the Chargers and Packers on the road later as well. Between the Patriots and the Broncos, I feel more confident playing the Broncos on the road in the playoffs, most Colts fans would agree.


It is more likely for us to give the Patriots a 4th loss and have the margin of error of 1 more loss to maintain the advantage for HFA for a 2nd seed. Besides, history has not been kind to the #1 AFC seed, who has not won the SB since the 2003 Patriots. So, I still like the chances of a Colts team seeded at #2 in the AFC.

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I don't think we are conceding the top seed. We just feel we can control the head-to-head at home vs the Patriots team if we win against them.


Lets say the Broncos and Patriots have 2 losses and Colts have 3 losses, even after we beat the Patriots, we need the Broncos to additionally lose 2 more times AND for us to run the table. While any given Sunday and anything can happen is true, I can see the Patriots losing to the Chargers and Packers on the road later as well. Between the Patriots and the Broncos, I feel more confident playing the Broncos on the road in the playoffs, most Colts fans would agree.


It is more likely for us to give the Patriots a 4th loss and have the margin of error of 1 more loss to maintain the advantage for HFA for a 2nd seed. Besides, history has not been kind to the #1 AFC seed, who has not won the SB since the 2003 Patriots. So, I still like the chances of a Colts team seeded at #2 in the AFC.


I hear you... I get it... this is just usually talk you hear in week 14, 15, 16... not with half a season to go. 


The bold part still surprises me though. It's a nod to the Patriots that most of you feel more confident with the Colts going into Denver in January than coming here. 

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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.


Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.


Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.


Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)


We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

Colts have already lost to Denver but they are yet to play the Patriots.


So if Denver beat the patriots this week and Colts beat the Patriots later, Colts have a good shot at No 2 seed.


Pats have to play Colts in LOS and if Colts win they can go to Denver.


Better option for Colts all around.

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We'll know more in a few weeks but past history says we match up better against the Broncos that the Pats . I know teams change every year and that opinion could change in a few weeks but I think that is why most Colts fans would rather see them play the Broncos in playoffs . You also have to factor in all of Peytons terrible playoff games when he looked amazing all season then just fell apart in the big games .

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Colts have already lost to Denver but they are yet to play the Patriots.


So if Denver beat the patriots this week and Colts beat the Patriots later, Colts have a good shot at No 2 seed.


Pats have to play Colts in LOS and if Colts win they can go to Denver.


Better option for Colts all around.


Yes, this has been explained many times in this thread, although I had a pretty firm grasp of it prior to. 

Crazy me, I was actually thinking you guys may be eyeing the top seed... didn't realize that you've all already settled for hypothetical second best in the conference.  ;)

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If Indy can compete with the Broncos, they can compete with the Patriots. ATM Denver is the clear-cut best team in the NFL.

True, but the Colts have beaten Denver in the last year, and had a chance to come back against them during the first game this year.Yet we seem to get dismantled by the Pats on a regular basis. Until I see that we can be competitive with the Pats, I think feel more comfortable playing the Broncos.

I know that logic says otherwise this season, but that's my gut feeling.

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Crazy me, I was actually thinking you guys may be eyeing the top seed...

Not an impossibility, but we're a lot more likely to take NE's spot over Denver's. We still have a head to shot opportunity to take it from them.


That opportunity went out the window with Denver. Not only are we two games behind Denver, but they own the tiebreaker. I see them dropping two games tops for the rest of the season. One of them may come against the Pats.

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I guess I'm just surprised at how many of you have already conceded the top seed in the conference to any other team.


The Broncos have only played two games on the road to this point. They lost to Seattle (different Seahawks team a month ago, I'll give you that) and had a very tight road game against the Jets, where NY had a chance for a game-tying drive when Talib got a pick-six on Geno Smith. I know the Patriots squeaked by those same Jets only four days later, but the Thursday night game and in-division factors kind of throw off the dynamic there. 


Six of their remaining nine games are on the road. Denver still has to go to New England, KC, SD, and Cincy. There is certainly a possibility at this point that they drop three. 


Last year there was a similar playoff pciture at the mid-point... Denver ended up losing enough games for the Patriots to overtake them, but NE failed to capitalize and ended up losing to Miami on the Sunday after the Broncos lost to the Chargers. To me, that was the whole season right there. Had the AFC Championship Game been played in NE, I would have liked their chances, especially seeing as how it was such a beautiful and unseasonably warm day in Colorado.


Whatever though, I guess... aim low if that's what works for you!  :thmup:


Not just any team. A team that has gone 13-3 the past two years, that was in the Super Bowl last year, is playing really good football, etc. Again, I'm just talking about probability, and the idea that the Broncos go 6-3 and the Colts go 8-0 is far-fetched.


That's not aiming low, but nice cheap shot. This entire thread is framed in such a way to try to force Colts fans and Manning fans to declare their allegiance for one side or the other. It smelled kind of funny to begin with.


Anyways, like I said, while the top seed would be nice, I don't think it's likely, whether the Broncos beat the Pats or not. The 2 seed is much more attainable, and getting it is easier if the Broncos beat the Pats. Plus the obvious satisfaction of seeing Manning beat the Patriots. Call it what you want.

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I hear you... I get it... this is just usually talk you hear in week 14, 15, 16... not with half a season to go. 


The bold part still surprises me though. It's a nod to the Patriots that most of you feel more confident with the Colts going into Denver in January than coming here.

Winter weather in Denver is fairly moderate

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Yes, this has been explained many times in this thread, although I had a pretty firm grasp of it prior to. 

Crazy me, I was actually thinking you guys may be eyeing the top seed... didn't realize that you've all already settled for hypothetical second best in the conference.  ;)


By rooting for one non Colts team to defeat another is settling for less than the best for our team?  No, all Colts fans realize that the arduous task in front of them is that to even think about the possibility of Home Field games in playoffs, that we must go 8-0.  Forget what other teams do.  Let those chips fall where they may.  If the Colts do a spectacular job and complete that 8-0 run, we'll be pumped to play whomever, wherever!  And we would love home field advantage for most or all in LOS.  But if not, I prefer to play at Sports Authority at Mile High than Gillette.

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The Colts have lost to Denver already. They are two games behind them in the loss column, so really three games back.


Meanwhile, Indy is one game behind NE, with a head-to-head match-up coming at Lucas in another three weeks.


Point is, if you're a Colts fan, you should be rooting for the Patriots next weekend. It will be much more beneficial from Indy's standpoint if Denver takes another loss. The Colts would then have a chance to knock off NE.


Strategically, it's hard to argue it any other way, unless home-field advantage in the playoffs isn't important to you. (And if it's not, I hope you've enjoyed watching your first full season of NFL football.)


We will welcome all newcomers aboard. All that said... my bet is that most of you are wearing orange on Sunday afternoon!

100% wrong...(with all due respect)

We're not going to catch Denver for the tie breaker reason you stated.

We can get the No. 2 seed..which is also a week bye.

If NE wins, and they beat us, we're done as far as the bye is concerned

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