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Colts High on Khaled Holmes


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One thing that's become evident in the past hour w Pagano: he is very high on Khaled Holmes. There's gotta be something there


Another area that stood out during Pagano breakfast was his constant praise of Khaled Holmes. We'll see if Holmes can beat out Phil Costa


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It's so self-serving. Nothing but lip service. We didn't hear a peep about Holmes from Pagano all last year, now he's raving about the guy. I also tend to not put much stock in anything Pagano says. He overhypes everybody we draft, sign and trade for initially. My guess is, he's probably just playing good solider and speaking positive of Holmes because Grigson didn't make an aggressive push to upgrade the center position through free agency

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It's so self-serving. Nothing but lip service. We didn't hear a peep about Holmes from Pagano all last year, now he's raving about the guy. I also tend to not put much stock in anything Pagano says. He overhypes everybody we draft, sign and trade for initially. My guess is, he's probably just playing good solider and speaking positive of Holmes because Grigson didn't make an aggressive push to upgrade the center position through free agency

Have you been watching his off season workouts, or are you speaking from total speculation?

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Have you been watching his off season workouts, or are you speaking from total speculation?

You know it's coach speak, but keep lying to yourself if you need to. I'm not saying Holmes won't be good, I just think the timing of his sudden praise is mighty convenient

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You know it's coach speak, but keep lying to yourself if you need to. I'm not saying Holmes won't be good, I just think the timing of his sudden praise is mighty convenient

I tend to wait and see. I haven't seen the kid play or practice, Pagano has.

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Grigson has stated how much he does not like starting rookie O-lineman, maybe with Thornton already having to start (last season) there was no way he was going to throw Holmes into the fire and have two rookies starting on the O-line. This could explain why Holmes was never given a chance to start at center, and as bad as they were, the powers to be could have been more comfortable with Satele or Mcglynn at center, because of their veteran presence, instead of starting two rookie., Whether this is the case for their praise of Holmes or not, looks like we will see this season.  "GO COLTS"

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I will as well. Still doesn't change the fact that the timing of this comes off self-serving, regardless of whether or not Holmes plays well

I'm guessing he was answering questions. I highly doubt he was running around singing his praises without being asked about it. I'm sure a lot of questions were raised about the center position

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It's so self-serving. Nothing but lip service. We didn't hear a peep about Holmes from Pagano all last year, now he's raving about the guy. I also tend to not put much stock in anything Pagano says. He overhypes everybody we draft, sign and trade for initially. My guess is, he's probably just playing good solider and speaking positive of Holmes because Grigson didn't make an aggressive push to upgrade the center position through free agency

What the fun do you expect him to say, "Khaled Holmes is a piece of %. I can't believe Grigson screwed me over by not signing a proven center!"?

Part of a coaches job is to blow smoke up the medias butt, especially when he's talking about his players. Get used to it.

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What the fun do you expect him to say, "Khaled Holmes is a piece of %. I can't believe Grigson screwed me over by not signing a proven center!"?

Part of a coaches job is to blow smoke up the medias butt, especially when he's talking about his players. Get used to it.

So coach speak, basically. Thank you

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I'm guessing he was answering questions. I highly doubt he was running around singing his praises without being asked about it. I'm sure a lot of questions were raised about the center position

That's a fair assumption. We don't know the context of what was asked or how it was asked. I guess I still have too many "Pagano-isms" fresh in my memory that turned out to be a load of crock

"..A rolling ball of butcher knives"

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That's a fair assumption. We don't know the context of what was asked or how it was asked. I guess I still have too many "Pagano-isms" fresh in my memory that turned out to be a load of crock

"..A rolling ball of butcher knives"

Except he believed that "Pagano-ism" at the time. As did many of us, as did much of the media who thought we screwed over the Browns in the trade, as did our GM who made the trade.

From what I've gathered on Pagano is he loves all his players and he's kind of like a parent bragging about his kids. I think for the most part he believes what he says but we must take it with a grain of salt.

Why does it bother you so much?

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Except he believed that "Pagano-ism" at the time. As did many of us, as did much of the media who thought we screwed over the Browns in the trade, as did our GM who made the trade.

From what I've gathered on Pagano is he loves all his players and he's kind of like a parent bragging about his kids. I think for the most part he believes what he says but we must take it with a grain of salt.

Why does it bother you so much?

Because sometimes "daddy's love" clouds his judgement on business matters. Which is partially why we had to sit through watching Satele, McGlynn, Richardson and DHB stink it up last year (when there were more capable players sitting behind them who could've contributed sooner) until the owner all but called the coaching staff out and forced a change. That's why it bothers me

Stop trying to be everyone's friend and just coach..

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That's a fair assumption. We don't know the context of what was asked or how it was asked. I guess I still have too many "Pagano-isms" fresh in my memory that turned out to be a load of crock

"..A rolling ball of butcher knives"


Since TRich is a bruising runner who is very hard to bring down, that "ism" is actually very accurate....


however, its incomplete.  He meant to say that he is "A slow as shxx rolling ball of butcher knives". :D

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Grigson and Pagano both feel Holmes can get the job done... if they didn't we would of signed a better center than Costa, end of story. Based on what I saw from him in college though, Holmes can be a very good center, better than both EDS and BDLP who people here loved

Yeah, who both went undrafted. Also who have a few years under their belt. There was no need for Holmes to come in when not ready last year.

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When stating he didn't like starting O Lineman I believe Grigs talked about the  C position directly. They have to call line adjustments etc while dealing with bigger faster strong players than they have ever seen and much more exotic blitz schemes. I am not a believer in Holmes in fact I believe Costa will start day 1 and be a pleasant surprise to all on this board. However Holmes was hurt during training camp I could see not throwing him to the wolves toss McGlynn to them instead. Let Holmes remain confident and build strength and knowledge of our system. Hopefully he is out of the teens in bench press by now and ready to roll give Costa a run for his money. Maybe we can salvage him at guard the position he played before moving to C at USC. or at the least he turns into a 3 position back up not a total loss for a 4th rounder.

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Yeah, who both went undrafted. Also who have a few years under their belt. There was no need for Holmes to come in when not ready last year.

The list of C's who went undrafted and played very well in the league is long. The top 8 every FA C's this yr except Goodwin and Mack all  went undrafted as did Jeff Saturday. C is as much about intelligence as it is about athletic ability. I for one am glad we did not give mack a truck full of money for a position history shows you don't have to spend like that to be good. One more atta boy for Grigs. The only thing that scared me more was signing Decker and his reality show  to a boat load of cash. The Jets getting him off the market might have been my best day in free agency.


Last years scouting report states that many teams looked at Holmes as a G in the NFL also questioned his dedication to the game but did state he excelled in the class room. At least he is smart. It also said he excelled in the zone blocking scheme and could struggle in a man blocking scheme. Grigs master plan may have been to red shirt him all along the injury in camp was just the opening he was looking for. Who knows time will tell. Costa is not horrible by any means.. . promise

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Grigson has stated how much he does not like starting rookie O-lineman, maybe with Thornton already having to start (last season) there was no way he was going to throw Holmes into the fire and have two rookies starting on the O-line. This could explain why Holmes was never given a chance to start at center, and as bad as they were, the powers to be could have been more comfortable with Satele or Mcglynn at center, because of their veteran presence, instead of starting two rookie., Whether this is the case for their praise of Holmes or not, looks like we will see this season. "GO COLTS"

Not what Grigson said, but thanks for sharing in the propagation of misinformation. Don't take it too personally, though. You are far from the first, and I find it hard to believe you will be the last.

He was saying OLinemen have a steeper learning curve than DBS, not that he doesn't like starting rookie OLinemen.

May be among the most frequently misinterpreted "quote" in the history of misinterpreted quotes. Unless you want to share a source that I haven't seen...

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Probably in the minority from what I'm seeing but I don't think last year's draft was a failure at all

Bjoern Werner was solid even with the injury setback. And people fail to realize that was his first time EVER playing OLB & he had similar if not BETTER stats than Dion Jordan who was a Top 10 pick playing a position he played his whole life basically

And then the other picks were projects. Actually this whole draft was project players. And it was smart but who honestly saw the :colts: having 15+ players on IR? Grigson's plan backfired only cause of the injury bug. If we don't lose Reggie Wayne; Greg Toler, Dwayne Allen, Donald Thomas, Vick Ballard etc etc there's no doubt in my mind we don't win 12-14 games last season.


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Of course Pagano is going to hype his players, but I feel like without even outwardly saying it, some people are dismissing Khaled Holmes. I get that isn't not a comfortable decision to gamble on Costa and Holmes, but if the coaches think they can play I'd rather not spend money to bring someone else in. It's fair to speculate whether Grigson or Pagano's assessment of Costa and Holmes is right, but for now I'm convinced they feel pretty good about it. If it turns out one of these guys is a capable starter you won't see me complaining about not breaking the bank to pick up Mack. Especially when, you know... that money might be more wisely spent on some future re-signing.

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Some of you guys kill me.   So because Holmes didn't play much last year he is trash and this is all just lip service huh?  So Grigson and Pagano are going to put their jobs on the line, since a mandate is to protect Luck, just so they can not lose face on a wasted draft pick?  You ever consider what they see in practice and in the film room impresses them but his ankle wasn't ready.  I considered him the Josh Chapman of last year. I know, he wasn't hurt as bad as Josh.  But he was hurt.  It was basically a red shirt year for him.   


If the coach and GM think he is ready, then I have to believe he is ready and that is why another center wasn't brought in other then Costa, who is a good backup.

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That's a fair assumption. We don't know the context of what was asked or how it was asked. I guess I still have too many "Pagano-isms" fresh in my memory that turned out to be a load of crock

"..A rolling ball of butcher knives"



Since TRich is a bruising runner who is very hard to bring down, that "ism" is actually very accurate....


however, its incomplete.  He meant to say that he is "A slow as shxx rolling ball of butcher knives". :D


Indeed I do think he is a "rolling ball of butcher knives" in that he's a nightmare to bring down, the problem is the ball is constantly rolling around behind the line of scrimmage :P

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 My guess is, he's probably just playing good solider and speaking positive of Holmes because Grigson didn't make an aggressive push to upgrade the center position through free agency


Or maybe it's the other way around.  Maybe they weren't agressive at upgrading the position because they're genuinely optomistic about Holmes.

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It's so self-serving. Nothing but lip service. We didn't hear a peep about Holmes from Pagano all last year, now he's raving about the guy. I also tend to not put much stock in anything Pagano says. He overhypes everybody we draft, sign and trade for initially. My guess is, he's probably just playing good solider and speaking positive of Holmes because Grigson didn't make an aggressive push to upgrade the center position through free agency



You know it's coach speak, but keep lying to yourself if you need to. I'm not saying Holmes won't be good, I just think the timing of his sudden praise is mighty convenient



I will as well. Still doesn't change the fact that the timing of this comes off self-serving, regardless of whether or not Holmes plays well



So coach speak, basically. Thank you

ok ok ok.... so you think that Pagano knows Holmes is not very good but is just saying he is because we didnt sign someone better?????


maybe... just maybe... we didn't sign another C (besides Costa) because we actually think Holmes IS good.   

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Or maybe it's the other way around. Maybe they weren't agressive at upgrading the position because they're genuinely optomistic about Holmes.

That very well may be the truth. I hope it is, and that their optimism isn't misplaced, for the sake of the offense

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Of course he's going to believe in his players and have full confidence that they can get the job done. I think Holmes is probably capable of being the starting center this year and may just be a pretty darn good one. For some reason, and I'm guilty of this as well, the majority (or it seems) wants to sign FA to fill voids when we may just have what we need already on the roster. Holmes and Howell as prime examples

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