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If Pep Hamilton leaves, do you want us to go with Zone Blocking and Kubiak as OC?


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Let assume Pep Hamilton leaves for Vanderbilt. If they do give him $4 mil. a year, it would be very hard for him to stay.


Do we run a zone blocking scheme and get the most out of our investment in Trent Richardson and hire Gary Kubiak as OC?


Lets not forget, when Andre Johnson was at his best, there were a lot of shots taken down the field with Kubiak and the ZBS tends to get a lot out of lesser RBs too as Kubiak's time (along with Mike Shanahan) in Denver and time in Houston has shown us. Kubiak liked to use his TEs a lot too.


Edgerrin James was never a home run hitter in our ZBS/stretch play offense but he got solid yardage CONSISTENTLY in that scheme, so why not do the same with Trent?


I think it will work. Thoughts???

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To answer this question tho:


No. Because we'd probably lose him to a HC position in 2-3 years anyway.


Unless you get that older guy with no ambitions on being a HC, that's just the situation. If Pep suddenly "gets it" and our offense takes off, he'll get hired away eventually. If we can find the older guru like Tom Moore, great. But I doubt that happens any time soon. 

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Unless you get that older guy with no ambitions on being a HC, that's just the situation. If Pep suddenly "gets it" and our offense takes off, he'll get hired away eventually. If we can find the older guru like Tom Moore, great. But I doubt that happens any time soon. 

That's pretty much what is going to happen to any offensive coordinator who works with Luck.

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Hell no to Kubiak and NO to zone blocking. If Richardson can't learn to run behind power man blocking then he needs to go. You don't change your scheme to fit one player. You change the player who don't fit the scheme.

change the scheme because it is easier to find olinemen that can do it
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change the scheme because it is easier to find olinemen that can do it



People seem to be under the impression that the power run game is Pep's idea. The power run game is Pagano and Grigson's vision. They have said that since day one of them getting here. They just need to put in the work to find the right guys to do it and I think they will. 

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People seem to be under the impression that the power run game is Pep's idea. The power run game is Pagano and Grigson's vision. They have said that since day one of them getting here. They just need to put in the work to find the right guys to do it and I think they will. 

You can have a power run game with a zone blocking scheme.....Seattle does it pretty well

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People seem to be under the impression that the power run game is Pep's idea. The power run game is Pagano and Grigson's vision. They have said that since day one of them getting here. They just need to put in the work to find the right guys to do it and I think they will. 


It may have been Grigson's and Pagano's idea....   but Pep did not oppose it.


That's what Stanford has run for years now and been very successful with it....    Pep likes that system whether it was his original idea or not...


Just for what it's worth....  that's all....

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I think I am misunderstood for my "let pep go" entry. If we install zone blocking, we need to keep some elements of a gap and pull technique or whatever they "term it". I love it when we run the football. I love the use of a fullback.

I don't really know enough to say that we need to implement a zone blocking scheme, but why not both? You see lots of gap & pull plays from primarily zone blocking teams. It seems a lot of teams use zone blocking now, but you gotta be able to surprise LBs or they'll key on which guy is coming down hill.. Linebackers, and defenses are very smart at reading their keys, so if you don't keep them off balance, your run game is going to be in for a long day. They already know based on the alignment (under/over) and which technique his big boys up front are playing which lineman is likely to be the guy who rubs off the block and comes for him.

I don't watch a whole lot of pro football, but almost every team I see on TV is running primarily zone blocking.

So basically, sure, lets install zone blocking, but don't get away from the gap and pull run plays.

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imo stay with pep ,as for zone blocking, the coaches try to do what is best for the o-line we have, our guys may not be suited for it.i see on here it seems to be the forum rage now. lots of posters are talking about it. imo a line is only as good as its talent level no matter the system, but it may work for us.

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If Pep were to leave I wouldn't mind Kubiak.  I think he's done a good job as an OC in the past and frankly his QBs tended to over achieve more times than not when he was in Houston as a Head Coach.  I think he could do a lot with an extremely talented QB like Luck.  I still would rather Pep didn't leave though.  I am not a fan of the idea of Luck and the other young players on offense being in a third different offense in as many years.  It's hard for guys to get better and progress when they are always relearning the basics of the offense. 

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imo stay with pep ,as for zone blocking, the coaches try to do what is best for the o-line we have, our guys may not be suited for it.i see on here it seems to be the forum rage now. lots of posters are talking about it. imo a line is only as good as its talent level no matter the system, but it may work for us.

I remember when he was coming into the league, they talked of Castonzo and said he could thrive in a ZBS. I may be mistaken but I believe the same may be true of Holmes. I'm not sure about the other linemen but if that is what turns Richardson into a star then lets do it.

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If Pep does leave, Kubiak is one of the options/directions the Colts can go with.


Personally, I'd like to see the Colts stay in a west coast offense, because I don't want to see Andrew play in 3 different systems in 3 years. 

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If he leaves(I hope he dont), I'd like to take a look at Texas Tech Red Raiders O Coordinator Eric Morris.

I am not as well versed in college coordinators as you clearly are Gavin, but I do appreciate how you always come up with vacancy options that no one else thinks about. What I'm trying to say Gavin is that SW1 likes your ability to think outside the box & come up with an OC that isn't even on many peoples radar screens.  


Keep doing it man! Just to broaden my horizons if nothing else.  :thmup:

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Kubiak no. I read on here a while a go a comparison of Alabama RBs running a doing well in a ZBS as opposed to a man blocking scheme. If it will help Trent, I would be all for it. 


We all want Trent to do well, but the team is not going to be constructed with the sole purpose of squeezing production out of him.

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Kubiak is a better offensive coordinator then Pep and he would improve the run game. I would rather have Kubiak then Pep but i still would try to get someone from the Saints or Bears coaching staff. 


The Saints have the best offensive sets and do a great job of getting the best out of their RB's and TE's. The only thing that's missing from that offense is someone that can take the top off the defense but we have that in T.Y. 


The Bears with Trestman are great at getting their WR's open with multiple sets and the best combination of routes. Marshall was already great but some of the routes they designed made it so much easier for him and is one of the reasons Jeffrey had a break out year. They also have one of if not the best offensive line coaches in the NFL. If Pep leaves the Bears QB coach would be a good option.

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