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"How The Other Half Lives": My Experience in Foxboro


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Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the loss we can only hold our heads up and smile.


Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.


I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.


Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.


At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.


Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.


I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.


Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?

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I am not a fan of anywhere on the east coast, and now I remember why.  Interesting story, thanks for sharing.  I've never been to a sporting event out there, but I used to fly from Chicago to Boston, LaGuardia, Newark and Philly for the airline I worked for, and the passengers we encountered tended to be the worst in the nation.  I don't miss those days at all.....

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This is why the NFL is losing its ground at people attending events. The product at home is far superior, and you don't go through crap like this to watch a game.

Yeah that was the most annoying thing about it-- I was soaked from the pregame rain and beer, and had spent good money to get to the game.... and so did the Patriot fans who would rather look at me than Brady. I kept thinking to myself,  "Man I could be in my living room right now and not miss a play, drinking beer in my pajamas". But like I said, it made me appreciate our fans and Lucas Oil Stadium that much more. Thanks for the responses guys!

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I have been to quite a few away games and never really had a bad experience. Stadiums I have been to are Tennessee, Cincinnati, Detroit, Tampa Bay, St. Louis, Green Bay, San Francisco and Kansas City. We always have a fun time with the friendly banter and no one has really gotten outta hand. You just have to go in there with a fun frame of mind. Ignore the *s and always remember its just a game and most if not all stadiums have a number you can text if you feel someone is getting outta hand. I try not to sit in the upper levels of away games coz that's where most of the trouble is. Maybe people spent too much on their alcohol and couldn't get better seats.

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Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the loss we can only hold our heads up and smile.


Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.


I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.


Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.


At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.


Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.


I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.


Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?



I did a lot of business with guys from Boston and had to bite my tongue anytime the conversation was Cots and Pats. Just arrogant rock heads that annoyed me to death. My son used to be a jets fan and went to the Bills _Jets all the time and is lucky to still be alive. I found Buffalo to be brutal.. not sure what your opinion was. Funny you say NY and 51/2 hours . Do you live around Syracuse as that's how long it took me to drive to Boston when I lived there.

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I did a lot of business with guys from Boston and had to bite my tongue anytime the conversation was Cots and Pats. Just arrogant rock heads that annoyed me to death. My son used to be a jets fan and went to the Bills _Jets all the time and is lucky to still be alive. I found Buffalo to be brutal.. not sure what your opinion was. Funny you say NY and 51/2 hours . Do you live around Syracuse as that's how long it took me to drive to Boston when I lived there.

Ah nice! Actually up in the Adirondacks, near Lake Placid region. My dad is from the Syracuse area though.

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I did a lot of business with guys from Boston and had to bite my tongue anytime the conversation was Cots and Pats. Just arrogant rock heads that annoyed me to death. My son used to be a jets fan and went to the Bills _Jets all the time and is lucky to still be alive. I found Buffalo to be brutal.. not sure what your opinion was. Funny you say NY and 51/2 hours . Do you live around Syracuse as that's how long it took me to drive to Boston when I lived there.

I've noticed a lot of that even from visitors from the Boston region out here. Just arrogant as all hell. Every single thing revolves around Boston and how great this is or that...

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Were you wearing Colts gear? It's not clear in your post.


Every team has their share of rude and/or drunk fans. I've only ever seen the Colts on the road in New York or Philadelphia, and the nobody has ever bothered me. The fact that I've never been foolish enough to wear Colts clothing there might have something to do with it.


Sure you have the "right" to do it, but it's not surprising that home fans see it as a challenge. You are sticking your chest out and making a statement whether you open your mouth or not. Most fans I've seen wearing Colts gear at away games seemed to be enjoying the attention - some even strutting around the tailgating section grinning and eagerly anticipating every inevitable reaction. Nobody was treated with remotely the intensity that you describe, but you do read the occasional article.


If you enjoy all that, dress up and shout. If you don't, dress down and shut up. Either way frankly I MUCH prefer watching the games on TV. I'd love to go to a home game at some point. The fun of being in a sports crowd comes from sharing a experience, not arguing/fighting with 80,000 people simultaneously.


By the way, "a 5 and a half hour car ride with family" as you describe would likely seen like far more of a challenge to many people than getting picked on at a game.  :P 

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ITT: Confirmation bias.


Your anecdotal account is in no, way, shape or form an indicator of Colts fans being any "classier" than Patriots fans. Drunken, rude behavior isn't endemic to one specific fanbase.

I have been to 5 different stadiums....wearing the oppositions team gear. There are vast differences in the way some fans treat the opposing fans. Seattle Seahawks were so rude, so in my face, that I will never go to an away game again. Local police saw the fans shout such obscenities at me and my family that it made my younger son cry and did nothing. I was shouted at and threatened at four different levels on a spiral staircase by four different sets of people. It was not isolated. They made Raiders fans seem mild.


Fans are not all the same.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - name calling
Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - name calling

I have been to 5 different stadiums....wearing the oppositions team gear. There are vast differences in the way some fans treat the opposing fans. Seattle Seahawks were so rude, so in my face, that I will never go to an away game again. Local police saw the fans shout such obscenities at me and my family that it made my younger son cry and did nothing. I was shouted at and threatened at four different levels on a spiral staircase by four different sets of people. It was not isolated. They made Raiders fans seem mild.


Fans are not all the same.

didn‘t we play at indy this year? But i agree, chickenhawks are nasty though.
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I have been to quite a few away games and never really had a bad experience. Stadiums I have been to are Tennessee, Cincinnati, Detroit, Tampa Bay, St. Louis, Green Bay, San Francisco and Kansas City. We always have a fun time with the friendly banter and no one has really gotten outta hand. You just have to go in there with a fun frame of mind. Ignore the *s and always remember its just a game and most if not all stadiums have a number you can text if you feel someone is getting outta hand. I try not to sit in the upper levels of away games coz that's where most of the trouble is. Maybe people spent too much on their alcohol and couldn't get better seats.

Yeah it was a case of where we got tickets mid-week, and they were the cheapest available.


Also, another poster asked if we were wearing Colts gear-- I had a Colts hoodie and hat on. I know what you mean about advertising it, but my biggest qualm was knowing that if the shoe were on the other foot, those fans would not have experienced NEARLY the amount of torment at Lucas Oil. Jeering another team's fans is one thing (to an extent), but throwing things and threatening a fight in the bathroom (to the point of surrounding us) is entirely different. The only stadium personnel that were around were beer vendors as well; I equated it to throwing water on a grease fire haha


I think people are spot on-- Boston attitude compared to the Midwest hospitality.

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I have been to 5 different stadiums....wearing the oppositions team gear. There are vast differences in the way some fans treat the opposing fans. Seattle Seahawks were so rude, so in my face, that I will never go to an away game again. Local police saw the fans shout such obscenities at me and my family that it made my younger son cry and did nothing. I was shouted at and threatened at four different levels on a spiral staircase by four different sets of people. It was not isolated. They made Raiders fans seem mild.


Fans are not all the same.

Man I'm sorry to hear about that experience-- I hope that it hasn't ruined football games for your son :( 


I can definitely relate to it not being isolated; if anything, the few fans that ignored us or talked nicely to us around the complex were isolated. Fans (and complexes) are definitely not all the same, indeed. Like at the Luke, the regularly display the code of conduct and even have messages from the players to the fans to behave themselves (I remember Andrew Luck in one of them at the Denver game). In these messages they display numbers to report negligent or abusive fans. There were no such messages or contact numbers at Gillette. As for police, I only saw police in the parking lots.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, January 13, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by 21isSuperman, January 13, 2014 - inappropriate

Yeah it was a case of where we got tickets mid-week, and they were the cheapest available.

Also, another poster asked if we were wearing Colts gear-- I had a Colts hoodie and hat on. I know what you mean about advertising it, but my biggest qualm was knowing that if the shoe were on the other foot, those fans would not have experienced NEARLY the amount of torment at Lucas Oil. Jeering another team's fans is one thing (to an extent), but throwing things and threatening a fight in the bathroom (to the point of surrounding us) is entirely different. The only stadium personnel that were around were beer vendors as well; I equated it to throwing water on a grease fire haha

I think people are spot on-- Boston attitude compared to the Midwest hospitality.

i always found it quite amuzing that they would call us hicks and so on, when their fanbase are foul mouth arrogant chouda‘ heads.
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I went to the Pats/Colts game in 2006 and had no issues. So I am sorry to hear it was so bad for you. I even had a light hearted smack talk feast in jest with a few men in Rodney Harrison jerseys while buying drinks before the game.  They had a sign that said "Cut that meat" with Peyton being sacked by several Patriots players.


The Peyton jersey thing you mentioned is interesting since I saw a guy in a Manning jersey get heckled as well in the 2006 game. A guy literally yelled to him after the game, "Hey loser. We will see you in the playoffs you choker."


So while I personally did not have issues and most men treat female sports fans better IMO I have seen men get into fights or harassed. Tis the life of a sports fan.......especially in a night game when many are well oiled up. Being a Saturday night game I kind of expected this to be a rabid crowd at times. I would have rather we played in the Sunday game but so be it.....water under the bridge now.


I will say this though, online I have felt there are more Pats fans then less who seem complimentary of Luck and our new era. Not all but more then expected and more then in the Manning days. I have a few buddies in NE too who really seem to like Andrew.

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I've been to 3 away games (2 Colts and 1 falcons) and lots of games in indy(1st year season ticket holder). Never had any issues at any games. The falcons game was in st. Louis the year after the teams won the superbowl. At kickoffs I was standing paying for a beer when the kick was returned for a td. Guy behind me #itched that I blocked his view. I jokingly said if the rams ever score he can block my view. On falcons kickoffs the Rands returned it for a td (only game with back to back tds returns). The behind me dais he'd never seen anything like that and we high fived and enjoyed the rest of the game.

The 1st road Colts game was in Chicago. I had my Peyton jersey on and got little to not attention till the game started and the Bears jumped up 23-0 in 1st half. Fans around yelled pointed and laughed at me. It was all in fun. The final score was 23-21. The 2nd half was fun, but no more talk from bears fans till the game was over and that was in fun to.

Other road game was on a Thursday night in Jacksonville. Wife and I had Colts hear on and game was close with Colts winning. This was the year the Colts and Saints played in SuperBowl. Seating I don't of us was 4 guys heading to Cowboys/Saints game that Saturday. They were Cowboys, Saints, bears, &a Panther fan. They were a blast entry time the jags scored the Saints fan said there only be 1 14-0 team after Saturday and it would be the Saints. After the Colts scored the Cowboys fan say there only l 14-0 team after Saturday and it be the Colts. The Cowboys fan did have security called on him by jags fans in front of him cause he was shaking his pom poms (the ones teams give out on seats) in their faces. We Had no problems with any jags fans.

At last week's chiefs game in the section next to ours the Colts fan and chiefs fan got into a good shouting match every in the game after and chiefs score. The Colts fans was standing yelling at the chiefs fan. Chiefs fan's buddy was trying to calm things down. Colts fan yelled that if 1st guy would shut his mouth there would be no trouble. after that they were calm to each other.

Guess you get good and bad fans at any Stadium. Fans should be able to wear their teams colors any where they want without fear. I do, but I make sure I don't egg any one on. Not saying the op was. the language can be pretty rough for kids to hear, but that's going to happen any where. More so if there's booze around.

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To many people, this is the most important thing in their lives; it's all they have. 


I took my sons to the Colts-Chiefs game.  Many, not all, Chiefs fans were completely obnoxious-interrupting the national anthem.  Shouting all the way around the stadium.  My son looked uncomfortable as he heard obscenities being shouted from behind him.


"They're going to have to win this game, son. You realize that, right?  As loud as the fans are, the Chiefs have to win now." 


They didn't and my son got the pleasure of "listening to" silence from all in red by the time there was four minutes left in the fourth quarter. 


We didn't say a word to the fan taking off his jersey.  We walked to the car and discussed what it meant to have and show class. 

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ITT: Confirmation bias.


Your anecdotal account is in no, way, shape or form an indicator of Colts fans being any "classier" than Patriots fans. Drunken, rude behavior isn't endemic to one specific fanbase.

I don't think the OP was posted as scientific, empirical evidence. 


He was just offering an experience as a visiting fan. Boston has been known for sports riots BTW. Indianapolis.......not so much. 

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Man I'm sorry to hear about that experience-- I hope that it hasn't ruined football games for your son :( 


I can definitely relate to it not being isolated; if anything, the few fans that ignored us or talked nicely to us around the complex were isolated. Fans (and complexes) are definitely not all the same, indeed. Like at the Luke, the regularly display the code of conduct and even have messages from the players to the fans to behave themselves (I remember Andrew Luck in one of them at the Denver game). In these messages they display numbers to report negligent or abusive fans. There were no such messages or contact numbers at Gillette. As for police, I only saw police in the parking lots.

Sorry you had to go through that. I go up from Bama to an Indy game every year and meet my friends from Cleveland and Baltimore. My Ravens buddy always wears their gear and the Indy fans are always cool. It may have something to do with his size, but we never had a problem.

Hope you do well in the service! You sound like you're mature and respectful, you'll go far.

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Remember that study done just a while back that looked at the emotions of sports fans in cities all across the country? Like how depressed people get after losses...basically how much people invest their identities into their teams? Boston was at or near the top of that list. Indy was near the bottom. I have a sister in law (from Indiana) and her husband that live in Salem MA. They aren't big sports fans and not stereotypical "Boston fans" but some of their friends are. That mentality of arrogance is just ridiculous. No matter what the team...but especially the Pats. I am sorry for your bad experience, but I am sad to say it doesn't surprise me in the least. I've said it before. I've been to tons of games, both at the Dome and LOS. Sat in Club and nosebleed seats. And rarely do I see opposing fans get more than playful teasing. And you SHOULD be free to wear visiting teams' gear to a game without fear of violence. You can in Indy. I see opposing fans at every game I've gone to and only a few altercations. It's really sad how far we as a society have fallen when I read your story, or see a news article about a man stabbed/beaten bc he had the (gasp) audacity to wear a visiting team's jersey to a game. That's frigging pathetic. It makes me sick to my stomach...and glad our town by in large is better than that type of crap.

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Meh, I have been to the Giants games and have friends who have visited other stadiums across the country and your story is very common IMO. I think the behavior of fans is what it is. You mix alcohol with a violent game and you get an obnoxious environment especially for visiting fans. I witnessed many fights at Giants stadium as I used to attend the Redskins/Giants regular season game annually for about 10 years. I sat with the season ticket holders and saw awful behavior. I don't attend live football games anymore. It is far better at home.

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I've been a Pats STH for 20 years and have to agree with the OP. It's been getting worse at Gillette for years, as we have an entire generation thats never experienced a losing season. Heck, the boo the Pats off the field if there's multiple 3 n outs! Between that and the emphasis on most of the crowd on their smart phones, Ipads, etc, spending the entire game tweeting etc, it makes me sick to my stomach. Bunch of ignorant, arrogant crybabies.


I still have my tickets but don't go to many games anymore. Those fans have taken any pleasure I used to take out of the gameday experience. It is much worse in the upper deck, since security doesn't go into the stands until there's a fight, unlike the lower levels where they are out in force. For years, I used to host opposing fans at my tailgate and took great pleasure in doing so.


My apologies to you and any other fans that have had to put up with such crap in trying to support your team.

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We always treat Colts fans great in Baltimore. We are the friendly hub of the mid-Atlantic , and always give a warm welcome to our mid-west friends, unlike those barbarians in the Northeast. How dare those chowder heads throw beer on you !

i don't think so.

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First of all, thank you, ConBro, for your impending military service. Be safe, wherever you go, and God bless. As the son of a 30+ year USMC veteran I offer my civilian solute! 


Secondly, what you experienced at Gillette is not cool. I'm fine with some friendly ribbing but the guy trying to pick a fight with you for no reason is obviously not representative of the millions of fine, civil, educated people who live in New England. 


It happens everywhere in the NFL to some extent. A few years back, a Pats fan was attacked and beaten by a crowd at Ralph Wilson Stadium as his pregnant wife watched. Earlier this season, in NY, a male Jets fan punched a female Patriots fan in the face.


People lose their heads. 


Also, Gillette is in one of the most inconvenient places a football stadium could be in. There's one road in and out, and gridlock for hours before and after games. As a result, people tend to get there early (especially for night or 4 o'clock games) and get all liquored up. It's tailgating like you'd see anywhere in the country, but with a bit of a twist since it's so difficult getting in and out of there. 


Anyway, if you ever get back to NE again, I hope the experience is better than this one!

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Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the loss we can only hold our heads up and smile.


Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.


I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.


Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.


At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.


Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.


I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.


Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?

Sorry you had a rough time but you are making a generalization that just isn't true. On average every stadium in the NFL holds at least 60,000 people, you put 60,000 people together from anywhere and I promise you there's at least 10,000 complete *s in the group.. simple logic but there's a lot of truth to it, except for Jets and Eagles stadiums, they have 70% *s or more.

Edited by Nadine
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Sorry that happened to you. But, I guess at least you got some stories out of it...


I've been to several away games, my most enjoyable experience was Lambeau a couple years back. Nice people there. They also dominated us, so I think that may have helped. 


I was at the 4th and 2 game, and saw some pretty ridiculous stuff from Colts fans who were rightfully amped up. Walking down the street seeing a Patriots guy getting yelled at, and eventually getting attacked by 4-5 Colts fans....After he ran away some of his stuff was on the ground, which Colts fans then attempted to burn. I was able to snag the hat (a brand new white throwback), which still has burn marks under the bill....Its in my memorabilia room at the house. A reminder. 


I was also at the game, when about half the stadium booed a Punt/Pass/Kick girl who couldn't have been 13, because she was wearing a Pats jersey. 


Moral of the story, *s are everywhere. 

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My wife's college friend and her husband went to the game but sat much much closer...probably spent at least a grand a piece on the tickets...their experience while just as wet and miserable (watching the Colts throw away a great opportunity) was actually quite the opposite. The fans were cordial and even told them the best places to eat and go and visit so clearly there are both kinds. I think sitting in those type of seats your going to get a lot of trash regardless. Think about it...these are people that often never get to a game because I'm sure they are mostly sold out and with the rain etc many season ticket holders probably passed on their seats (thus how you got your tickets). People that probably don't go to many games nor understand how to act....add the alcohol to that fire and probably little security up there...yikes I would never sit that high and announce myself as the opposition.


Regardless thats classless etc..but I'm sure par for the course in most stadiums. A good razzing is one thing...but verbal and physical confrontations I would expect someone to step up and say something (from the home crowd etc.) I've been all over and witnessed people from all over NY, CAL, CHI and so on and very very glad to live where I do...where everyone waves at you when you drive by (not just your neighbor) you can have a friendly chat with the checkout lady or bank teller without someone rushing you and your home security is your next door neighbor keeping an eye out for you when your on vacation. Yes mam and yes sir and a sweetie or hunny isn't sexual harrassment...I know I can find that in other places but I'm certainly found of my neck of the woods.

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I did a lot of business with guys from Boston and had to bite my tongue anytime the conversation was Cots and Pats. Just arrogant rock heads that annoyed me to death. My son used to be a jets fan and went to the Bills _Jets all the time and is lucky to still be alive. I found Buffalo to be brutal.. not sure what your opinion was. Funny you say NY and 51/2 hours . Do you live around Syracuse as that's how long it took me to drive to Boston when I lived there.

I live near Buffalo and you are correct...brutal.  Their stadium and location are just as brutal.

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TLDR version- Pats fans bought me beers and beat up other Pats fans who were being obnoxious.

I also live in New York and made the drive out to Gillette and while I can confirm that there are some rude fans, I'd say there were equal if not more nice ones.

I sat in section 127 row 27 so I was just below the deck for the 2nd level. I was the only colts fan in sight and I was wearin a luck jersey and colts beanie. The people in the immediate proximity just made some jokes and offered me high fives every time the pats scored and I played along and I did the same when we scored.

The people on the upper deck were more in line with your experience if not worse. They screamed on obscenities and called out "hey Andrew" followed by some "witty" line pretty much the entire game, I simply ignored them and wrote them off as drunkards that I expected to encounter. But not to be ignored they began throwing stuff at me, which I didn't even notice until the people a few rows back asked me to take off my jersey so they'd stop getting hit, luckily they had bad aim and hit all the patriots fans around me. When it got to the 3rd quarter though they struck the older gentleman standing next to me(a pats fan who bought me a beer) and he just about lost it and started yelling back at them, which got another patriots fan in front of me riled up and they started shouting back and forth before they threatened them and actually went up to the 2nd deck and I couldn't see what happened, but the fans who were throwing stuff were removed and shortly after returning back to their seats, the older gentlemen near me were apprehended by security as well.

Prior to leaving the Pats fans behind me asked me not to where my jersey next time so this doesn't happen.

I think it's a sad showing for the NFL and I hope the gentlemen who felt the need to take care of the obnoxious fans don't end up in legal trouble.

With the way everyone gets sued these days it makes me wonder if there wouldn't be the possibility of a lawsuit one day against the nfl from the fans for not doing enough to protect their fans.

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Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?


I was at the Colts vs Pats game in 09 when Bullit stopped Faulk on 4th and 1 and came back 35-34 and won. 


At halftime when we were down by A LOT, all the Pats fans were making it a point to scream in our faces and were belligerent and severely annoying. Almost all the Colts fans were really classy about it too. Even though on the inside I wanted annihilate the guy's face that did it to me. 

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I got to sit in the front row directly behind the Colts bench at the Titans/Colts game in Nashville. I wore every piece of Colts gear that I could throw on. The Titans fans were mostly fine. A couple of times I'd hear them heckle the bench, mostly about Andrew Luck's facial features. I got a couple snarky comments when we were down, but I got a chance to be really loud during the comeback. The nicest part about it was I wasn't alone. I had Colts fans sprinkled all around me. In fact, my car broke down in Louisville KY at a rest stop and I got some Colts fans to give me a jump. They were headed to Nashville for the game as well. Colts fans stick together it seems! Proud to be apart of this fanbase.

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Sorry for your bad experience as well. But it doesn't surprise me. The conduct on the old Colts board and numerous stories like yours don't surprise me at all when relating to NE area fans. If my favorite MLB team was not in the playoffs, I used to pull for the Red Sox out of sentimentality before they won a World Series, until i realized what type of fan their area has. I went to a Colts game in Charlotte a few years ago, and the fans were totally fine. I'm from NC, but they didn't know I was from NC, for all they knew I drove down from Indy, but they were great. And hopefully the NE type fan is not an example of NFL fans all over the country.

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