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Starting OL as per Thursday practice photos


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Wasn't pagano quoted in an interview saying, "All I know is with Mcglynn at center, good things happen"?

So obviously he has seen the same thing as us, but yet he still starts Satele in a crucial game like this? This makes no sense to me at all. Satele plays even worse with McGlynn next to him. If he insists on starting Satele why wouldn't he at least put in Reitz (or Nixion) and Thornton at guard? This is by far the worst line up we have.

nope. That never happened
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Here is the problem, these guys probably excel in practice, and the coaches think that when they perform badly in game it is just a matter of execution.


That just doesn't translate to on-the-field success.

Yeah, we have been fooled in the past by good 'practice' players who can't play worth a darn in real games.

It is a fairly common phenomenon which fools the sh## out of coaches who don't have a ton of experience and have not seen it many times before.

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nope. That never happened

Are you sure? I seen it on here a few weeks ago. I think it was when Kravitz was asking him questions about McGlynn and the Oline. I could be mistaken, or maybe the person who posted it was wrong?


Edit: Nevermind. I looked it up and Kravitz was the one who said that to pagano after he stepped down from the podium. My mistake. I would tend to agree with him though.

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 asked Chuck Pagano after the game, "Do you have any inclination to keep McGlynn at center?" He tap-danced around the question. Then I mentioned it again as he walked off the podium, telling him, "All I know is, when McGlynn's at center, good things happen." He gritted his teeth, managed a wry smile and walked off without saying a thing.




From the Indy Star article by Bob Kravitz December 16th at 2:22pm east....Its not letting me copy and paste the link for some reason

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LT: Costanzo

LG: Thornton

C: Satele

RG: McGlynn

RT: Cherilus


Lots of shots showed that to be the lineup.  Link was at 2nd team RG.  Nixon seemed to be at 2nd team RT, and Holmes was at center.  No shots of the left side of the 2nd team, but I imagine Reitz was at LT...


So, bottom line is that McGlynn is back at RG...


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....Coach....Chuck....stubborness...............and inexperience.



I'm not saying that Pagano is an * but don't coaches get fired very year at every level ? Why would that be ? ... Uhh maybe because they make mistakes ? Why do players suddenly "break out" after sitting pine for sometimes 2-3 years ? Sometimes they develop late sure.... but sometimes they never were given a fair shot at playing time. I just read where the NY Giant owner asked why it took them (coaching staff) 3 years to figure out that Jerrel Jernigan was good at football. 


In my humble opinion , I think whatever person that thinks McGlynn is a better guard than Reitz has his noggin up his coulee. 

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Hummmm, so you can draw this conclusion from looking at a series of photos?

Do you know at what point of the practice they were taken?

Maybe the team censored the release of photos that may give a true indication of who was starting,


I looked at the photos relating to the line a few times each and the only thing obvious was Satelee and McGlyn in quite a few

but maybe this was subterfuge in case KC staff was to see this.


This is a stretch, but so is the presumption of who is going to be starting.

Why don't we wait until game time and see what happens?


Extreme Overreaction! IMHO

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Hummmm, so you can draw this conclusion from looking at a series of photos?

Do you know at what point of the practice they were taken?

Maybe the team censored the release of photos that may give a true indication of who was starting,


I looked at the photos relating to the line a few times each and the only thing obvious was Satelee and McGlyn in quite a few

but maybe this was subterfuge in case KC staff was to see this.


This is a stretch, but so is the presumption of who is going to be starting.

Why don't we wait until game time and see what happens?


Extreme Overreaction! IMHO


Go ahead and Keep the Faith.... But do you really expect any other lineup besides Satele and McGlynn?

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Guys, we are extremely hot right now, and unless a team loses an extremely valuable player, they're not gonna randomly stop being hot. Our O line has been playing relatively well the past few weeks, and slightly altering the line up ( as proven before) won't affect the play of the line as whole. The offensive line gets better as a unit, not as individuals. 

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Guys, we are extremely hot right now, and unless a team loses an extremely valuable player, they're not gonna randomly stop being hot. Our O line has been playing relatively well the past few weeks, and slightly altering the line up ( as proven before) won't affect the play of the line as whole. The offensive line gets better as a unit, not as individuals. 

To get better as a unit those individuals that make up that unit must get better

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To get better as a unit those individuals that make up that unit must get better

that is true, what I'm trying to say is that, If  our O line is playing well, slightly altering the lineup won't affect it's level of play. We've had different line ups in the O line for the past 4 weeks, and all 4 of those weeks, the O line has played well.

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Forget it, they're on a roll. They know more than the coaches, and some of them have already conceded the game.

I just have to laugh at some of these comments.

"They know more than the coaches'




I get a chuckle every time someone uses that line anymore

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