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Love this Pep offense/We're bad (Official blame thread) (MEGAMERGE)


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I've been a colts fan since I came out of the womb, sir. It's called not being a blind homer. You're like one of those Jacksonville fans that knows their team is playing terribly but tries to argue that the jags are the best... Lol.

Yeah yeah you're #1 colts fan... But all I see is wah wah boo hoo.. Grow a pair, sir

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Would people please quit blaming injuries. Every team has injuries at this point in the season. The Colts are just one pathetic dumpster fire. I don't doubt the Colts will make it to the playoffs, but I promise you that it is 1 & done. There won't be any of these fancy miracle comebacks against a team when it really counts. Today the Colts were 100% out played and out coached. You couldn't even start a developmental league with the the Colts roster it is so intramural.

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Ding Ding Ding, people don't like to blame things on injuries but you can only take so many body blows like the Colts have on the injury front before it knocks you out.

Yep.  You can only say "next man up" so many times before you have no one left.  This team isn't impervious to injury.  Tough year.  That's all you can really say.  We're still good, but it doesn't take a genius to understand why we come up short.

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Yep.  You can only say "next man up" so many times before you have no one left.  This team isn't impervious to injury.  Tough year.  That's all you can really say.  We're still good, but it doesn't take a genius to understand why we come up short.

Like I said before the best line I've heard since Reggie went down was the Colts offense is broken and the Colts are out of spare parts.  We are building one heck of a team on IR.  On top of it most of these injuries came in the first half of the season for the season.  Sooner or later you just can't over come that. 

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We had problems before Reggie Wayne went out. Not buying that as an excuse as to why the caliber of play has imploded. We lost a good cover man but other than that most of our starters on defense are playing. We have no pressure on defense and we cant defend the run. Offensively we cant run the ball and really haven't been able to since the SF game. 


Its ok to say we arent a very good football team right now. If anything this should lower peoples expectations. To me this shows that although Griggs tried you really cant skip rebuilding a team after it was gutted. Especially when IMHO we downgraded a very good offensive coordinator for an unimaginative and predictable one. (Good for you the BA - No one blames you for making the most of opportunity.)

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So you can't be a die hard fan and complain about a team's game performance. My friend, you're not a Die Hard Fan, you're a groupie.


Hell, a diehard fan praises the team when it plays well and is hard on the team when it loses.  Especially if the loss is due to poor play.  Yet this diehard fan remains a fan and watches the next game hoping for a win. 

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If Pep is not gone next year, I will be and I will follow Denver and the heck with the vanilla Colts. BA took them to 11 wins and a playoff spot last year with less talent. At this rate we will be lucky to win 9. This O has no imagination. Luck is really showing the strain of trying to work under this system, he can not throw or run.

what a horrible fan. Not sure i can call you that
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Arians is experienced enough and smart enough to run an offense that gets the most out of the players he has.

Pep is totally clueless on how to do this...he is a 'system' man with zero imagination.

Maybe that is true or maybe he is limited by management. He talked about some read option plays during the spring but Irsay and Pagano said they would not let Luck run those plays.

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I don't think most fans would be taking the loss as hard if it had been a close game ... but when in the last 4 games the 2 games we should have easily won, we barely won, and could have just as easily lost.  And the other 2 games against just average teams, they both give us embarrassingly bad beat downs(to put it mildly); people start looking for a reason/someone to blame.

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“…play to our strength on offense.”

What strengths on this offense do you see? O-line run blocking? O-line pass blocking? WRs? RBs? Colts have very little strengths and that strengths don’t cooperate with each other. For example, go-route is Hilton’s strength. It’s a pity pass blocking more than 2 seconds is not Colts’ O-line strength. Richardson is a power in-between tackles back with little burst. It’s a shame, that our weakest o-linemen are C and G. DHB’s strength is his speed, but he can’t catch a football over his shoulder to save his life. Well, you get the idea.

“…let the star QB turn mediocre targets into stars.”

Luck is not a star. Not yet. Even Manning can’t turn mediocre targets into stars. He can turn bad target (Blair White) into mediocre target ONLY with help from the other targets (Wayne, Garcon). Luck doesn’t have ANY help from other targets.

“…turn up the speed in the second half.”

Don’t fool yourself, that comeback attempts are not about Luck, they are about prevent defenses Luck faces in second halves and conservative, mistake-free (i.e. low scoring) offenses run by opposing teams in second halves. Sometimes that prevent defense prevents opposing team from winning. Not the case with STL and ARI.

Without their own playmakers (Wayne, Allen) Colts have to shut down opposing playmakers to have a chance to win. And when Colts can’t shut down opposing playmakers (Vaughn, Angerer against Fitzgerald, Floyd, Ellington) they are in trouble.

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But for now, I think we're punks who don't give a F. We're pretty sad as a team. As of right now, I don't expect anything except suicide from our team. I hope they are OK with their play. I would feel pretty bad knowing I let down millions of people, and my mama. Then again, people are pieces of poop who don't care anything. "As long as you get paid, playa!" 


I understand losing, but not THIS bad. Some heads need to roll.

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Like I said before the best line I've heard since Reggie went down was the Colts offense is broken and the Colts are out of spare parts.  We are building one heck of a team on IR.  On top of it most of these injuries came in the first half of the season for the season.  Sooner or later you just can't over come that. 

I'm starting to see a pattern here (and I use "starting" loosely).  The Colts are prone to injury.  Regardless of the coach, for the last 5 years, we have managed to lose our starters and key players.  We can't rebuild a team if the team we are rebuilding can't stay healthy.  I honestly don't see this changing any time soon.  Better luck next year I suppose.

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I can recall quite a lot of people complaining about Arian's offense last year, how it was too risky and too predictable, but you can reall only judge after the season in looking back. Maybe it's finally a big enough blow for them to tweek the playbook to make if workable.

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I can recall quite a lot of people complaining about Arian's offense last year, how it was too risky and too predictable, but you can reall only judge after the season in looking back. Maybe it's finally a big enough blow for them to tweek the playbook to make if workable.

I wish, but not likely. This staff probably won't change anything, this season at least

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I would say wildly inconsistent ... A fluke would have been beating one of SF, SEA, or DEN not all three.

I agree, you can't have those quality type of wins and be a fluke. What Colt fans need to concentrate on is winning the division , and getting the best seed you can for the playoffs. If you get into the dance, you have a chance, and maybe you get some injured guys back, get hot, and get some decent match ups. What is don't quite understand about the Colts is not the losses, but the blowouts and slow starts. That would concern me in the playoffs. I think the Colts problems are lack of depth and coaching. The lack of depth is showing up now with the injuries, and unfortunately I think Ariens is the better coach, although under the circumstances with Pagano last year, what could you do ? Luck helped you get Luck, but you may have drawn a bad hand in the coaching situation. Chuck is a great defensive coach, but I'm not sold on him as a HC yet.

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The Colts don't look inept or stupid or a team without talent but it looks like they are not reved up. Go back before yesterdays four quarters of looking flat and you see two quarters of Dr. Jekyll followed by two quarters of Mr. Hyde. This does not work and to me it is a coaching thing. They lie down for the first half then go in to the locker room and come and win the game. That is a motivation problem. Why do young professionals in the most intense game of all read the funny papers for the first half them come out with both barrels in the second half? If and I  say "if" this is the problem then what is the staff doing to fire the guys up for four quarters. If it is talent then why did they come back in previous games to pull out a win? It is one thing for this split personality to happen for one game but for it to be their "style" means there is a serious problem. Yesterday's game was very hard to watch and Pagano of all people going through what he did should have no problem being a motivator. It cannot be the game plan or the offensive coordinator or can it?

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The Colts don't look inept or stupid or a team without talent but it looks like they are not reved up. Go back before yesterdays four quarters of looking flat and you see two quarters of Dr. Jekyll followed by two quarters of Mr. Hyde. This does not work and to me it is a coaching thing. They lie down for the first half then go in to the locker room and come and win the game. That is a motivation problem. Why do young professionals in the most intense game of all read the funny papers for the first half them come out with both barrels in the second half? If and I  say "if" this is the problem then what is the staff doing to fire the guys up for four quarters. If it is talent then why did they come back in previous games to pull out a win? It is one thing for this split personality to happen for one game but for it to be their "style" means there is a serious problem. Yesterday's game was very hard to watch and Pagano of all people going through what he did should have no problem being a motivator. It cannot be the game plan or the offensive coordinator or can it?

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