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So How Did You Really Feel About Peyton Manning's Return?


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This is not a question if your a Colts or Broncos fan are who you were pulling for, but what was your emotional feelings about his return, when it finally happened? Care to share? 

The only reason I ask and don't know if the question has been ask around here point blank, but how did you feel? This is not a bash anything question just what was your reaction when it finally took place? So for me I must admit I myself and some may know I'm not your all out Manning fan I'm just 

a Colts fan pretty much the same with all players past and present. But I also have to say I had a little tear in my eyes for this return of Peyton!!  When they did the little honoring him they did.OK I admit it.








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I really had mixed feelings that sort of went on a roller coaster ride.

Leading up to the game, I was so sick of hearing about the Broncos that I really wanted the Colts to just kick the crap out of them.

Then, when they played the tribute video and Peyton acknowledged and waived to the crowd, I'll admit, I almost got a little misty.

But, once the game was on, I actually jumped off my couch cheering when Mathis hit him with the strip sack for the safety.

Now that its over with, I'm left with a feeling of not being able to wait until he retires, comes back to enter the Ring of Honor, and is "ours" again.

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I felt like I typically do when I watch the Colts play. I just really wanted to beat the Broncos. Just like I really wanted to be the Seahawks, and the Niners.

Big games make for a fun experience. Peyton was the Denver QB so I didn't pay him much mind lol.

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This is not a question if your a Colts or Broncos fan are who you were pulling for, but what was your emotional feelings about his return, when it finally happened? Care to share? 

The only reason I ask and don't know if the question has been ask around here point blank, but how did you feel? This is not a bash anything question just what was your reaction when it finally took place? So for me I must admit I myself and some may know I'm not your all out Manning fan I'm just 

a Colts fan pretty much the same with all players past and present. But I also have to say I had a little tear in my eyes for this return of Peyton!!  When they did the little honoring him they did.OK I admit it.





I was strongly rooting for the Colts. But the victory was kind of bittersweet because of my feelings for Peyton. 

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I really had mixed feelings that sort of went on a roller coaster ride.

Leading up to the game, I was so sick of hearing about the Broncos that I really wanted the Colts to just kick the crap out of them.

Then, when they played the tribute video and Peyton acknowledged and waived to the crowd, I'll admit, I almost got a little misty.

But, once the game was on, I actually jumped off my couch cheering when Mathis hit him with the strip sack for the safety.

Now that its over with, I'm left with a feeling of not being able to wait until he retires, comes back to enter the Ring of Honor, and is "ours" again.

Sounds like your a great fellow hoosier. Because most ppl even hoosiers don't know what it means to be a hoosier. 

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I got very emotional during the pregame festivities.

The lights came on, and while I still had affection for him I wanted like hell for us to pick him off and sack him on every play.

@ this. I pretty much almost teared up during pregame but once the game was on, all Colts. I loved that Mathis hit against him for the saftey.

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Up until kick-off, I hated it.  It was dreadful.  It didn't feel right to be playing against #18.  I started rehashing all of the scenarios that should have kept him here. It was sad to see him during the pregame warmups..  Moreover, I felt guilty about enjoying the development of our own Andrew Luck during 18's absence.

When the game started, I felt no sympathy.  In fact, I would have been disgusted if he had orchestrated a comeback.  Remember how Peyton always has that one team that is a bugaboo for him?  In college, it was Florida State.  In his early NFL career, it was New England.  Then at times, it has been San Diego.  Well, I hope the Colts are now that team!

It is unfair this man doesn't have more championship rings.  I sincerely believe he is the greatest of all-time and for many complicated reasons, he hasn't gotten all of the accolades he deserves.

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Loved this team before Manning arrived and I will love it after Luck leaves. For me it has always been about the :blueshoe: and nothing else. Don't get me wrong, Manning is the 2nd best QB I have ever seen. By far my favorite. However Luck is our QB now. Every Sunday I root for the teams in our division to lose. There is 2 teams I root for on Sunday. 


1. Colts.


2. Whomever is playing the Patriots. (The agony of rooting for the Jets).

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If it were last year I think it would have been harder to watch. But honestly, some of Peyton`s passes with no zip just reaffirmed for me that Jim Irsay did what was best. Wish Peyton the best but just not against the Colts

being in the stadium and seeing him come out sent chills down my back as most has stated once sthe game started I was all for the Colts .We all know Irsay made the right choice but I don't know if you have noticed Peyton Manning is on pace to break some records including most Tds . Get the man credit he is in beast mode this year. More yards and touch down then most correct? Maybe just me but Peyton never threw a pretty ball. And don't mistaken me I love me some Luck and the Colts
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I really had mixed feelings that sort of went on a roller coaster ride.

Leading up to the game, I was so sick of hearing about the Broncos that I really wanted the Colts to just kick the crap out of them.

Then, when they played the tribute video and Peyton acknowledged and waived to the crowd, I'll admit, I almost got a little misty.

But, once the game was on, I actually jumped off my couch cheering when Mathis hit him with the strip sack for the safety.

Now that its over with, I'm left with a feeling of not being able to wait until he retires, comes back to enter the Ring of Honor, and is "ours" again.


^ This.


And this. ^

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How did I really feel about Peyton Manning's return?


I must admit....different than I feel now.


Prior to the game I felt that any tribute should wait until he was retired....as we did for Marvin. He's the Denver Broncos QB, so for me it was cut and dry.....sorry, but you just don't pay tribute to a Colts opponent.


Once Jim Irsay decided we'd do it....then it was simply going to happen. The tribute was tastefully done for 2-3 minutes and the good and decent Colts fans present at LOS gave him the thanks and respect he deserves. At that point I was saying "okay....its over with, now can we play the game please?"


But now I'm glad we DID do the tribute....if it helped win the football game....so now let's revisit the underbelly.


Some sort of acknowledgement of Peyton Manning was conveniently unavoidable thanks to the "NFL Royalty" tag he's been blessed and cursed with.....which last Sunday night turned out to be both.


He'd probably never admit it but it is my own and others opinion that there was a healthy dose of gamesmanship on Jim Irsay's part, which amidst all the false outrage and criticism he got from die-hard Manning sycophants in the media who've slapped Peyton with that royalty tag....was played just about perfectly.


In fact....if Irsay did intend to rattle the cage....then a media corps hopelessly addicted to hype and controversy was happy to oblige, and judging by many of their post-game opinions, were manipulated like obedient organ-grinder monkeys.


Oh....we could say that it was Jim's quirky way of communicating that accidentally put him at odds with the media and Manning-lovers with his "one-and-done" comments and references to Tom Brady, and I could be completely wrong about Irsay's motives...but either way it worked.


And let's be honest...conspiracy theories can sometimes be fun. After all....how often did we really hear Andrew Luck's name leading up to the game once Jimmy started hitting send?


Think about it....


An owner whose Tweets usually sound like someone on a bad mushroom trip trying to decipher Pink Floyd lyrics, helps to psyche out a straight-shooting legendary NFL QB with his own legend. Any way we slice this, it clearly took Manning past the first half to have the Denver offense looking anything like it had in weeks prior. And even THAT was with a couple of pretty hairy catches on Wes Welker's part.


Huge kudos of course go to our defense, their pressure and opportunism, and that side of the Pagano (of "fire Pagano" fame) game plan. Once we saw that distressed face we've all seen on Peyton and the half time score...I knew we had an excellent chance.


I also knew Peyton is very well deserving of the positive side of that royalty tag and that he could pull a "Monday Night at Tampa Bay" on us.


Horseshoe-first Colts fans are especially delighted with the final result....minus Reggie's injury. In fact, had it not been for Reggie's injury....this game, on its own merits, would instantly leap into the Top 5 of my favorite Colts victories.


At any rate, for a young Colts team....this was all a valuable learning experience for the ridiculous pre-game hype we know WILL happen before the Super Bowl.

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when peyton pointed to his heart and then the crowd was just so touching, 

Yes it was my friend,and was a heartfelt ovation from the fans,one he would get anytime in our house,but when the game went down it was a loud raucas crowd and cut him no slack.The great thing is Peyton would expect nothing less from these fans.This guy is a class act anyway you look at it,absolutely love him,but my heart bleeds blue and white always will always has.Hopefully this will silence any differences fans have over QB issue.I love the QB we have here now hopefully he gets his chance for accomplishments here as well.After Peyton realized he was leaving here is when he said he would take Luck,he was still looking out for these fans,and will always have a place in his heart for them.I would love for him to come back here and retire probably wont happen but who knows. :thmup:

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I was all Colts all the way. I cheered 18 pregame, but as soon as it started I wanted to pound him in the ground. Definitely glad things turned out the way it did and hopefully that victory can serve as a bit of a stepping stone for people to move on a little bit more and get attached to 12.


Glad it is over and glad we got the W

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My eyes welled up pretty good when he took his helmet off, but overall I hated it and wished we never played him. I miss Peyton and wish he would have been a Colt for life. Seeing him play every week for another team wasn't bothering me until last week when it was against us. That's when it really set in for me.


 Don't get me wrong I am a super Luck fan, love this kid and can't wait to watch him every week. But Peyton will always have his place, and just because I'm happy with Andrew doesn't make the face of this franchise playing for another team any more comfortable for me, and by the sounds of it for him either.

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Loved this team before Manning arrived and I will love it after Luck leaves. For me it has always been about the :blueshoe: and nothing else. Don't get me wrong, Manning is the 2nd best QB I have ever seen. By far my favorite. However Luck is our QB now. Every Sunday I root for the teams in our division to lose. There is 2 teams I root for on Sunday.

1. Colts.

2. Whomever is playing the Patriots. (The agony of rooting for the Jets).

this is me Every week but not just Patriots add on Houston Texans and Tennessee Titans
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How did I really feel about Peyton Manning's return?


I must admit....different than I feel now.


Prior to the game I felt that any tribute should wait until he was retired....as we did for Marvin. He's the Denver Broncos QB, so for me it was cut and dry.....sorry, but you just don't pay tribute to a Colts opponent.


Once Jim Irsay decided we'd do it....then it was simply going to happen. The tribute was tastefully done for 2-3 minutes and the good and decent Colts fans present at LOS gave him the thanks and respect he deserves. At that point I was saying "okay....its over with, now can we play the game please?"


But now I'm glad we DID do the tribute....if it helped win the football game....so now let's revisit the underbelly.


Some sort of acknowledgement of Peyton Manning was conveniently unavoidable thanks to the "NFL Royalty" tag he's been blessed and cursed with.....which last Sunday night turned out to be both.


He'd probably never admit it but it is my own and others opinion that there was a healthy dose of gamesmanship on Jim Irsay's part, which amidst all the false outrage and criticism he got from die-hard Manning sycophants in the media who've slapped Peyton with that royalty tag....was played just about perfectly.


In fact....if Irsay did intend to rattle the cage....then a media corps hopelessly addicted to hype and controversy was happy to oblige, and judging by many of their post-game opinions, were manipulated like obedient organ-grinder monkeys.


Oh....we could say that it was Jim's quirky way of communicating that accidentally put him at odds with the media and Manning-lovers with his "one-and-done" comments and references to Tom Brady, and I could be completely wrong about Irsay's motives...but either way it worked.


And let's be honest...conspiracy theories can sometimes be fun. After all....how often did we really hear Andrew Luck's name leading up to the game once Jimmy started hitting send?


Think about it....


An owner whose Tweets usually sound like someone on a bad mushroom trip trying to decipher Pink Floyd lyrics, helps to psyche out a straight-shooting legendary NFL QB with his own legend. Any way we slice this, it clearly took Manning past the first half to have the Denver offense looking anything like it had in weeks prior. And even THAT was with a couple of pretty hairy catches on Wes Welker's part.


Huge kudos of course go to our defense, their pressure and opportunism, and that side of the Pagano (of "fire Pagano" fame) game plan. Once we saw that distressed face we've all seen on Peyton and the half time score...I knew we had an excellent chance.


I also knew Peyton is very well deserving of the positive side of that royalty tag and that he could pull a "Monday Night at Tampa Bay" on us.


Horseshoe-first Colts fans are especially delighted with the final result....minus Reggie's injury. In fact, had it not been for Reggie's injury....this game, on its own merits, would instantly leap into the Top 5 of my favorite Colts victories.


At any rate, for a young Colts team....this was all a valuable learning experience for the ridiculous pre-game hype we know WILL happen before the Super Bowl.



Why this is the best written piece on this board, definitely a Top 5 in my book.

You`re no Kravitz! haha!

Thanks pa.


 PM afterwords said he got advice to make sure he took IT ALL in, to really enjoy the moment.

Watching him look up at the video, i felt i could see it soaking in and hitting him.

And as he stood there basking in the sound of His Fans showing him how they felt about him, for a moment he was once again My Quarterback. And it felt Damn good.

Then, I wanted to beat him Almost as much as I wanted to beat Belechik & Brady!!


 My 3rd fav Colts win, with a big separation to #4. NE, the SB, then this one. Truthfully, a good part (maybe 20%) of that because of them being undefeated and him so hyped.


 Loved all the fluttery passes and watching Peytons face in slo-mo as Mathis layed the wood to him. Beautiful Man!

 Me and Jimmy are way on the same page about PM, IMO.


 Him climbing the stairs to the plane with a BIG L on his back, $28M money hungry reasons why I like that. One & Done in Lucas?? :highfive2:

12 IS the New 18 and then some.

 I did save about a 15 second clip of his pouty face as he was walking away at the end of last seasons One & Done Playoff Loss.

lmao! Sooo Peyton.

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^ This.

And this. ^

The HUG ME BIG GUY, ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I"VE SEEN YOU Line!!!   Is a little something I thought would go with the Avatar I'm using till next game (then back to Johnny U)  that goes with pic, just in case someone didn't catch that.?




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It was definitely an emotional thing for me. I spilled a tear or two (discretely...). And after kickoff, I was all about the Colts.

I don't buy any argument that after kickoff this was just another opponent and just another game, though. The crowd at the game turned up to a whole new level I've never seen before in more than a decade of going to games. I can't help but believe that was, in its own way, a tribute to Manning.

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I really had mixed feelings that sort of went on a roller coaster ride.

Leading up to the game, I was so sick of hearing about the Broncos that I really wanted the Colts to just kick the crap out of them.

Then, when they played the tribute video and Peyton acknowledged and waived to the crowd, I'll admit, I almost got a little misty.

But, once the game was on, I actually jumped off my couch cheering when Mathis hit him with the strip sack for the safety.

Now that its over with, I'm left with a feeling of not being able to wait until he retires, comes back to enter the Ring of Honor, and is "ours" again.

this sums up my whole feeling

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It made me admit to myself, and everyone else,  what deep down  I've known all along.


I am a Manning Fan,  First and Foremost.    


Do what you want with that information,  but it is what it is, and I am at Peace with myself for how I feel.

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It made me admit to myself, and everyone else,  what deep down  I've known all along.


I am a Manning Fan,  First and Foremost.    


Do what you want with that information,  but it is what it is, and I am at Peace with myself for how I feel.

Hey, at least you're honest.

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It made me admit to myself, and everyone else,  what deep down  I've known all along.


I am a Manning Fan,  First and Foremost.    


Do what you want with that information,  but it is what it is, and I am at Peace with myself for how I feel.

I'm at peace with you too Gramz.

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