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Irsay quotes in USA Today (merge)

The Old Crow

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The irony about some of these posts, of course, is that the Colts defense carried Peyton to his first /only SB win.

3 TDs/9 INTs rarely nets a SB win.

Go back and watch that playoff run.  Peyton did a wonderful job doing what we want Luck to do now be a game manager.  Honestly I think we won that Super Bowl because Manning didn't have to carry the load by himself.  He could make a mistake and be okay.  The one half where they had to have him be great he was.  It's a lot easier to win a Super Bowl if you need the QB to do that in one half vs. every half you play.  The defense and running game were huge during that playoff run but so was Manning even if the numbers don't reflect that for Manning.  The Ravens game really sticks out.  If you look at Manning's numbers from that game he was not very good.  However if you watched you realize just how good he was at picking up key third downs to keep the Colts on the field and have long sustained drives vs. a really talented Ravens defense.  That playoff run was a case where numbers lie a little bit. 

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You've got it backward. You're the one being dogmatic, insisting that it absolutely could NOT have happened.

I'm sorry you can read my mind now. I had no a idea a statement online qualified as sworn court testimony or absolute proof. Is this a graduate philosophy class? Prove you exist. Oh goodie. 

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If Manning wants to take it as a slap in the face then so be it. Who cares??? Nothing Irsay said was wrong, Manning had great regular season stats and many more times than not choked in the playoffs. I hated to admit that for yrs., but it's the absolute truth. Manning may get some revenge this weekend but I'll take our future over Denver's everyday of the week and twice on Sunday's.

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John Fox defends Peyton Manning


Obviously the Broncos are taking Irsay's comments as a direct insult to Peyton. I personally do not know what Irsay meant but I wish this week would have been drama free. I guess we can all speculate and only Irsay himself knows the truth.

Good for him if he did coaches look for anything they can find to fire up their team.  Like I said before there is enough here if you wanted to take it as a shot at Peyton you could.  With that said I really don't think Peyton needed this to get his A game on Sunday.   

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There is absolutely nothing controversial in what Irsay said so much less something that would demean Peyton's merits.

For the people in the media or even more, for coaches such as John Fox to make it controversial is a disgrace. It shows ignorance and even a lack of intelligence to not be able to understand what a person says, especially when it's all transcribed in black and white.

However, I can understand the use of anything as what is commonly called "bulletin board" material because it exploits the ignorance of the players who don't even care to check for themselves of what is presented to them as an affront of some sort.

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I think Irsay's comments are being taken out of context by the media already. NFL Network was discussing it, and Charlie Casserly defended Irsay by bringing up the huge payroll that ultimately decided the future of Manning and the Colts.

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There is absolutely nothing controversial in what Irsay said so much less something that would demean Peyton's merits.

For the people in the media or even more, for coaches such as John Fox to make it controversial is a disgrace. It shows ignorance and even a lack of intelligence to not be able to understand what a person says, especially when it's all transcribed in black and white.

However, I can understand the use of anything as what is commonly called "bulletin board" material because it exploits the ignorance of the players who don't even care to check for themselves of what is presented to them as an affront of some sort.


I do not agree. 



"We've changed our model a little bit, because we wanted more than one of these," Irsay said, pointing to his Super Bowl ring.


"(Tom) Brady never had consistent numbers, but he has three of these," he continued. "Pittsburgh had two, the Giants had two, Baltimore had two and we had one. That leaves you frustrated."


"You make the playoffs 11 times, and you're out in the first round seven out of 11 times. You love to have the Star Wars numbers from Peyton and Marvin (Harrison) and Reggie (Wayne). Mostly, you love this [pointing to ring]"



These can all be understood as shots on Peyton, and quite appropriately.  Denver is one of the least dramatic teams in the NFL.  Coach Fox plays the humble and 'avoid answering controversial issues' card just like Peyton does, so for him to publicly defend Manning, it obviously got to someone there.


There werre good reasons to go with Luck over Peyton (like age).  But this was a cheap shot. 

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I know hes the owner and everything, but maybe he shouldn't be throwing out quotes that could be interpreted as "Peyton cant win championships" or "Tom Brady is better". I mean I have moved on and LOVE Andrew Luck, but I will love Peyton forever and I've seen him motivated and angry and the last thing we need is an angry motivated Peyton Manning....

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I do not agree. 



"We've changed our model a little bit, because we wanted more than one of these," Irsay said, pointing to his Super Bowl ring.


"(Tom) Brady never had consistent numbers, but he has three of these," he continued. "Pittsburgh had two, the Giants had two, Baltimore had two and we had one. That leaves you frustrated."


"You make the playoffs 11 times, and you're out in the first round seven out of 11 times. You love to have the Star Wars numbers from Peyton and Marvin (Harrison) and Reggie (Wayne). Mostly, you love this [pointing to ring]"



These can all be understood as shots on Peyton, and quite appropriately.  Denver is one of the least dramatic teams in the NFL.  Coach Fox plays the humble and 'avoid answering controversial issues' card just like Peyton does, so for him to publicly defend Manning, it obviously got to someone there.


There werre good reasons to go with Luck over Peyton (like age).  But this was a cheap shot. 




Or, it could just mean that resigning Manning for the salary he was going to demand meant that they still couldn't put a respectable team around Manning and would lead to more playoff failure's. This IMO makes much more sense and is a completely understandable thought from Irsay. The Colts would have been God awful if they would have had to pay Manning the salary he was looking for. They would have had nothing to build on the rest of the team. Manning was not the only free agent that yr. and money needed to go to many more places than just the QB.

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You've got it backward. You're the one being dogmatic, insisting that it absolutely could NOT have happened.



What are you on about, guy?


This is just too much.


Dogmatic: "inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true." My exact quote was "SW1 just can't take that preposterous leap of faith. Not in a million years Superman." 
It is my personal belief based on friends that I have seen emotionally burned & devastated by an unforeseen circumstance that they never saw coming." Does my belief carry any more weight than a sports reporter in INDY or working directly with Irsay inside LOS? No, of course not. However, scarred people do not usually give up information willingly to the person who unleashed the damage directly. 
Not in million years could also be interpreted as if I were in his shoes I would have never done it as well. Careful on your mind reading assertions there Superman. I never said my belief was absolute. You falsely assumed that it was. I don't have to prove a darn thing to you anymore more than I have no right to demand proof from you. It was only meant to illustrate that I can flip your argument right over on it's head. 
Too much you say...First, I say that I don't buy the 100% forgiveness routine & that I have no proof that Manning gave no seal of approval to Luck. Then, I ask you to offer up an alternate version of events that might explain how the split led to a departure of Manning & the start of the Luck era in INDY. I just don't respond well to people who can't defend their position or they say "that's your opinion" when that is exactly what they themselves did in identical fashion. 
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Ah coach Fox, one of the dullest, more conservative coaches in the NFL. Peyton is fortunate he encountered people on that staff such as Mike McCoy (one of the best NFL coaches in my opinion) last year and Adam Gase who is with him this year. Actually this year he doesn't really any of them because he took over that franchise like he did in Indy. I just hope Fox doesn't get in his way with stupid calls such as asking him to take a knee in the playoffs with enough time on the clock to score. 

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Neither has any regrets about what they've chosen........but they both want to win now.  There will be 1 winner and 31 disappointed teams.

That's why it's tough to be a sports fan. Your team likely will leave you disappointed every year in every sports team you root for. Because there is just one happy team at the end of the year in every sport.

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Dogmatic: "inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true." My exact quote was "SW1 just can't take that preposterous leap of faith. Not in a million years Superman." 
It is my personal belief based on friends that I have seen emotionally burned & devastated by an unforeseen circumstance that they never saw coming." Does my belief carry any more weight than a sports reporter in INDY or working directly with Irsay inside LOS? No, of course not. However, scarred people do not usually give up information willingly to the person who unleashed the damage directly. 
Not in million years could also be interpreted as if I were in his shoes I would have never done it as well. Careful on your mind reading assertions there Superman. I never said my belief was absolute. You falsely assumed that it was. I don't have to prove a darn thing to you anymore more than I have no right to demand proof from you. It was only meant to illustrate that I can flip your argument right over on it's head. 
Too much you say...First, I say that I don't buy the 100% forgiveness routine & that I have no proof that Manning gave no seal of approval to Luck. Then, I ask you to offer up an alternate version of events that might explain how the split led to a departure of Manning & the start of the Luck era in INDY. I just don't respond well to people who can't defend their position or they say "that's your opinion" when that is exactly what they themselves did in identical fashion. 



I only responded to you in the first place because your comments suggested that there was absolutely no way Manning possibly could have said what Irsay claims he said.


By the way, there are several different definitions for the word "dogmatic." Seeing as how I'm the one that used the word, allow me to present the one that fits:



characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts



Put another way, you are so convinced that your opinion is true that you've taken to calling the opposing viewpoint a "preposterous leap of faith" that you couldn't wrap your mind around in a million years. You've done everything but call Jim Irsay a liar. And the only way you could possibly see this happening is if Peyton Manning calls you personally. 


And look, end of the day, I don't care about this. I can think of a dozen different ways / contexts in which Manning and Irsay had a conversation about Luck in which Manning suggested that the Colts should draft him. Both before and after the final decision had been made to release Manning. I can dream them up, but that doesn't mean they happened. I obviously don't have proof. We're not in a court of law, and Irsay's comments weren't made in a court of law, which is why it's kind of ridiculous of you to even mention sworn testimony. You're just taking this waaaaay too far.


Last thing, I don't think Manning 100% forgives Irsay. I think he's got every motivation to want to prove to Irsay that he should have kept him and taken another shot at winning with him at QB. I don't think that Manning is going to walk on the field without having a chip on his shoulder. This is his Gladiator moment, and I think he's going to do everything in his power to make Irsay regret not keeping him. That said, I don't think he hates Irsay, nor do I think he is going to spite the Colts' attempts to reconcile once his career is over. 

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I 'm sorry care to show me definite proof of your thesis Superman? I will accept a personal phone call from Peyton Manning to end this little controversy. Let me know if you can arrange it. SW1 has been wrong before, but your hypothesis is equally as flawed or as plausible as mine is with all due respect.

What proof do you have at your disposal to document your version of events as you believe they unfolded exactly? Where you on the plane sitting next to Peyton Manning & Jim Irsay? I'd love to hear that tale word for word. Go ahead...

it was in usa today. Reporters will ask him about it. Pretty simple to come to the conclusion that the facts will come out

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Trainwreck, Irsay knows anything he says the media goes all bat guano frenzy over it. It's all in the eyes of the beholder and the way the media interprets it. Apparently the media and many others see it as a cheap shot @ Manning, thus causing a Tropical Crapstorm, Denver responds and the Tropical Crapstorm is now full blown Hurricane Sandy Crapstorm......

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Anyone who honestly believes Irsay took a shot at Manning please self-check into the insane asylum.


IF anything it's a shot at Polian and even then that's a stretch. Honestly all Irsay was saying was changing our game plan. He believes the best way to win a Super Bowl is with a team that can play great defense, be great running the ball, and still be able to throw the ball as well (like the Pats, Ravens, Steelers SB years). Instead of solely relying on the passing game.


Stop this nonsense.

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Anyone who honestly believes Irsay took a shot at Manning please self-check into the insane asylum.


IF anything it's a shot at Polian and even then that's a stretch. Honestly all Irsay was saying was changing our game plan. He believes the best way to win a Super Bowl is with a team that can play great defense, be great running the ball, and still be able to throw the ball as well (like the Pats, Ravens, Steelers SB years). Instead of solely relying on the passing game.


Stop this nonsense.


for one of the few who actually gets it:





**sorry, I'm out of likes so this will have to do :)

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I don't see anything wrong with what was said. Clearly Irsay, Peyton, Pollian, the entire organization, and us as fans where disappointed with just 1 super bowl win, but we went to 2 and could have won that ball game. It is a whole different game now with rookie salary cap. If we have success, you have to pay you guys, will Grigson do so will be intrusting when the time comes. If anyone, I think was, or is mad about the article it should be Pollian. Kinda through him under the bus there. I do know this though without Peyton we NEVER win a Super Bowl let alone go to 2, or go to the Playoffs year in year out. Something many fans would kill for & quite frankly never thought I would see in my life time. A Championship!! I think Irsay thinks this team now has arrived hmmm not sure if he just watched SD kick our butt?

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It is unfortunate that Irsay said what he said, and I am sure the writer took the liberty of making into a controversy. 


It is rather odd, I think.  If Peyton Manning came out and said "I really don't care about if I break any passing records this year.  What I care about is winning the Super Bowl", he would be acknowledged as a guy who was out for the best of the team.  But if Jim Irsay says essentially the same thing, then it is a cheap shot?  The fact is, 10 out of 11 playoff years, we came up short.  We had the talent to win more than that.  I think Irsay is saying he would rather have more rings then big statistics.  What is wrong with that?  I am sure Peyton would agree.  I don't think that is a shot at any of the players. 


But I guess if that is fodder for a story before the game, the media will jump all over it. I am sure Jim "The Mad Twitter" Irsay will tweet something about how it was taken out of context or changed the meaning. 

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"And if/when Peyton hangs 50 on the Colts, he can grab the game ball, cram it into Irsay’s midsection, and tell him to stick this in his trophy case." "Success is the best revenge." --Frank Sinatra. 


"He said, 'You've got to take Andrew,'" Irsay recalls during an interview with USA TODAY Sports. "'You have to. You're crazy if you don't.'"


What? Peyton wanted to retire a Colt. I highly doubt he would suggest his own replacement in INDY. It sounds completely unfounded to me Jim. Do you care to revise that ludicrous statement Mr. Irsay? Just admit that you were looking 15 years ahead as opposed to the next 4-5.  I have no problem with the shift to Luck as long as you are honest with yourself & your fanbase Jim. 




I'm not so sure this conversation couldn't have happened.  The NFL is a business, first and foremost.  Both men know that.  


I just have a hard time believing that Peyton Manning would willingly offer his recommendation of his INDY replacement Jvan. I will admit that I have no proof on this. I wasn't in the room that's true. However, if your boss is about to fire you from the only NFL job you have ever known, do you seriously think you would offer your boss genuine feedback about what person should replace you? I highly doubt that.


I don't think it was a recommendation.  It was probably a grudgingly-given endorsement.  This is how it goes in my head.  Irsay says "I can't justify keeping you on the team for that amount of money with your health in question.  Even if you accepted a pay cut, it's not acceptable to me to pay you less.  You're worth more than that."  Maybe another conversation happens a different day.  "I'm sure you've had some idea of the direction I want to take the team.  It's a rare opportunity to get the a number one draft pick.  Especially with the talent in this draft.  We've decided to use it to take Andrew Luck."  And the response?  "You've got to take Andrew.  You're crazy if you don't."


Even the great Peyton Manning is not that magnanimous. Forgiveness has it's limits & so does offering feedback on your NFL successor. Next, you're gonna tell that there is such a thing as an "amicable divorce" too. Yeah right. Nice try Franklin. Pride does matter. We're not talking about Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa here. Thank you. 


It wouldn't be the 1st time that an owner expressed a desire for revisionist history or a recollection of a distinct event in their favor. Are both the Colts & Broncos better off? Sure they are, but don't tell me with a straight face that after a tearful cry Manning said "Jim, take Luck if you don't want me running the show in INDY anymore." LOL! 


Of course, it may not have happened anything like that.  I'm sure I'm being overly sentimental and optimistic or something.  Man is a creature of pride and ego, and many of them live in the NFL.  I'd just rather not assume that everything Irsay says about the situation is a lie. 


And about the amicable divorce...one of my girlfriends is in her forties.  Her parents married, divorced, remarried, divorced again, and now they just live together and have for at least the 16 years that I've known her.  Her dad just doesn't want to get remarried again.  So I would say an amicable divorce is possible.


And so now that I've wrecked my brain thinking about this so hard after a horrible loss in San Diego, I'm going to leave this and go watch Colts vs. Texans, week 17, 2012.  That game always makes me happy.

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Here's the video of the interview: http://www.nfl.com/videos/indianapolis-colts/0ap2000000264250/Jim-Irsay-discusses-Peyton-Manning-s-return-to-Indy


If you honestly think he was bashing Manning you are insane.


Yeah, that guy clearly resents Peyton Manning, and blames him for the fact that the Colts didn't win more than one Super Bowl. It's obvious....



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There is enough here if you want to take it as Irsay slapping Manning in the face you can.  The key is how you take it.  Honestly knowing Irsay the way he has been covered in Indianapolis I don't think he was trying to attack Manning.  He was saying what many of the members of the forum have said over the years.  That the Colts didn't win as much as we would have liked in the playoffs.  I don't think he holds Peyton as the only person responsible for that.  I think what he is doing as saying hey we got a second chance to do it again with another star QB so we are doing it a different way because the way we tried it last time didn't work.  You know what they say about the definition of insanity is?  To keep trying something that you know doesn't work hoping for a different out come. 

My only problem, is why say anything at all?  Why? 

The tribute would have been perfect, then game time.

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My only problem, is why say anything at all? Why?

The tribute would have been perfect, then game time.

because he was interviewed and answered. We don't know when this interview happened either it might have been recently as in this week or late last week but sometimes journalists will do an interview like this and sit on it till the perfect time to run it.
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because he was interviewed and answered. We don't know when this interview happened either it might have been recently as in this week or late last week but sometimes journalists will do an interview like this and sit on it till the perfect time to run it.

He should not only have walked away from the media, he should have ran ! The USA Today story and tribute do nothing for you. No owner, player, or team official should ever give the other team fodder if they can help it. You just keep quiet , and let the game be played. In most colleges , coaches ban tweeting because the kids say stupid stuff. What do you do with an owner that won't stop tweeting , and gives ill advised interviews when you know dang well any comments will be examined in a fish bowl. Why would you feel that this was a good time to do an interview any time within the last month on Manning or the Denver game ? It should be a no comment and quick trip to your owners box.

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He should not only have walked away from the media, he should have ran ! The USA Today story and tribute do nothing for you. No owner, player, or team official should ever give the other team fodder if they can help it. You just keep quiet , and let the game be played. In most colleges , coaches ban tweeting because the kids say stupid stuff. What do you do with an owner that won't stop tweeting , and gives ill advised interviews when you know dang well any comments will be examined in a fish bowl. Why would you feel that this was a good time to do an interview any time within the last month on Manning or the Denver game ? It should be a no comment and quick trip to your owners box.


I have just read through at least ten of your previous posts and am wondering, is this topic some sort of obsession with you?


Because you are seriously reminding of a dog with a bone. 



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I have just read through at least ten of your previous posts and am wondering, is this topic some sort of obsession with you?

Because you are seriously reminding of a dog with a bone.


Why, because I make sense. I can't believe all the posts where they would think these comments were a smart thing. It defies logic.

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Okay sure about their families, about their tenure together, & and about the role each person played in the other one's NFL Legacy...About who the next INDY QB would be...Sorry, SW1 just can't take that preposterous leap of faith. Not in a million years Superman. 

I get it, post after post after post you say the same thing.  You're  :deadhorse: .  Not only did Irsay and Manning have a really close relationship, let's not forget about Manning and Luck having a really good relationship too.  It was Luck's conversation with Manning that had him play his final year at Stanford.  It is Luck who has been to and an instructor at the Manning passing academy.  The Luck and Manning families go back for a long time. 


If you have a hard time grasping the fact that Manning would want Luck to go to a great organization with a great owner and a great city, instead of him going somewhere else, then I, much like everyone else who is seeing it that way other than you, don't have much else to tell you.  It's really not that hard of a concept for me to grasp, don't know why you're having such a hard time with it. 

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Why, because I make sense. I can't believe all the posts where they would think these comments were a smart thing. It defies logic.


Jim is that you? You don't have to spend all your time here pretending to be a Baltimore Colts fan and bashing yourself just to get compliments and to mess with us.



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Here's the video of the interview: http://www.nfl.com/videos/indianapolis-colts/0ap2000000264250/Jim-Irsay-discusses-Peyton-Manning-s-return-to-Indy


If you honestly think he was bashing Manning you are insane.


yah thanks for the link . . . I did not get that impression either . . . he sounded like an owner that is lamenting in the manner in which he build his team . . . which is fine . . . fans do it all the time as we get around each draft and FA time . . .


of coarse sometimes it tough to prove a negative . . . meaning would the team been as good had they gone the way in which he mentioned . . . maybe they would of been an 8-8 or 10-6 some years, but the way he built them helped them to be a perennial contender, perhaps they may not have been had he gone a different route . . . the exciting news is that with Luck is looks like you all have another decade + of fun to look forward too . . .  so that is great . . . time will tell if the different direction will help or not . . .

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