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Caesar Rayford Traded


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He also pointed out that Rayford did all his damage in the pre-season against other teams second and in some cases third string guys.



Well, I do know that one of Rayford's sacks was against Justin Pugh, the Giants first round pick and their starting RT (and the Cowboys first opponent this year), so ALL of his sacks weren't against 2nd or 3rd stringers.  Still, Pugh is a Rookie and has some learning to do, I'm sure.


You're right though when you say Rayford did one thing well, and that is rush the QB.  He was never going to be a complete OLB for you guys, and I don't blame the Colts at all for getting a conditional pick for the guy rather than just cut him loose for nothing.  Cam is a much more complete OLB and while his pass rush isn't as good as Rayford's, every other aspect of his game (including special teams) was better for a 34 defense like the Colts.


It was a good move by your front office, plain and simple.  It made no sense for them to keep a guy like Rayford.  Had you still played in a 43, well it would have been a different story.  But you don't and Cam made WAY more sense.


In any event, we are talking about guys that are like the 51st or 52nd players on a 53 man roster, so really, there's no reason to be out on the ledge about this anyway.  Either of them will be lucky to even see any time on defense in the regular season.

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This thread is like a train wreck--I don't want to look but I can't help myself. I really hope the regular season brings a shift to the forum.


I question the football intelligence of anyone who is genuinely upset about Grigs trading CR. The preseason production of any player needs to be put into context. It's great he led the team in sacks; it's not that impressive when viewed in the context of who he was competing against and how much he struggled against Cincy; it's even less impressive if you actually analyze his overall play as an OLB. By that, I mean athletic ability, fluidity, ability to play the run, pass, and rush the passer, and general awareness on the field.

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Per the lead writer for the Cowboys official website, Mickey Spagnola, the trade goes like this:


Cowboys get a free 5 week look at Rayford.  If at the end of 5 weeks, he is still on the team's 53 man roster, Dallas will give a 7th round draft pick in 2015 to the Colts.



A Dallas area media guy who used to be a scout for the Cowboys says this about Rayford:


Broaddus .. .he was a bad scheme fit for the Colts. He's 6'7 270 lbs. He looked terrible in coverage, but when he was allowed to just rush he showed up. He put Joe Thomas in bad spots. He battled him. The problem he has he can't bull rush. He has to get around the edge and then use his long arms to reach back to the QB. As good as Selvie was in the Dolphins game, Rayford had 4 games like that. 36 inch arms. He almost blocked 4 kicks in preseason with his long arms. He got his sack on Pugh because he's arms were a half a foot longer. He's starting as a designated pass rusher. Maybe someone you bring in on 3rd and 15.

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Like others have said, loved his pass rush but he loomed akward and lost out in space. No reason to jam a square peg In a round hole. Swapped Johnson for rayford. Younger guy projected to go in the second round who plays the position better. Some people just don't get it. They get caught up on the players and not the uniform.

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Rayford looked good in preseason play, Cam Johnson looked just as good... like others have said, its a lateral move, but I have no issues with churning the bottom of the roster to look for better fits/more talent. I know that we Colts fans are not used to all of the roster turnover and have an innate sense of loyalty to out guys because in the past, we were stuck with them regardless, but this trade isn't a major roster shake-up. It will look like a bad move if Rayford tears it up in Dallas and Johnson barely sees the field here, but that is unlikely, IMO. Neither are future pro-bowlers, but Johnson is 23 while Rayford is 27...

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After years of no moves from Polian, Grigson can almost frustrate you by never stopping.


You are frustrated because he is trying to find players to make the Colts a better team?  Or you are frustrated because he makes trades you don't believe are good for the team? 

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.

^This is your brain on offseason.

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.

put the pabst down and step away from the keyboard

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.

Pagano and the other defensive coaches saw everything you saw and a whole lot more. They were still willing to ship rayford to Dallas. Why do you think they would do that?

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.

Punctuation is your friend. And mine. Damn near suffocated trying to read all that.

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As long as there are improvements that can be made to the roster then there's no such thing as too much

Constant change is bad. Let the guys settle in know there role, grow into it & Perseid forward. injuries are a another thing of coarse. My hope is there are no more moves unless we bring in a Tarik Glynn ability Tackle or Guard such.

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If he ends up being a bust in Dallas it looks like a good move because we got a Pick out of selling a guy high when he wasn't as good as Dallas thought. If he ends up being serviceable in the rotation it looks good for both sides. If he ends up being the next DeMarcus Ware then it ends up being a bad deal for us and a great deal for the Cowboys. Until we actually see how he does this year in the regular season it isn't even worth trying to complain if it was a good or bad move.

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Read on ESPN.com that we got a 2015 conditional pick not 2014

The trade is as follows:


Dallas has the first 5 weeks of the season to determine if they want to keep Rayford on their team.  If they decide to keep him after that, they owe the Colts their 2015 7th round draft choice.  If they cut him before the 5 weeks are up, they owe Indy nothing.

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cause he was a pass rusher not a run blocker.  most players dont do both.  But we need some players that can press the qb.  We are hurting on that front.

if you cant stop the run then your pass rush is useless. Good teams would just run it at Rayford whenever he was in the game nullifying his pass rush.....Freeney 2.0

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cowboys will lead the nfl in sacks and roughing the passer penaties, we don't want that


If I may....  a respectful question....   Your internet name is....  Pagano is the Best...   Pagano is a defensive coach.  That's his background.    His trade by profession.    That's where he's made his mark in the NFL.


Why would you think the Colts aren't interested in a good pass rush simply because we traded Rayford away?    My guess would be Pagano signed off on the deal.


My guess would be Grigson did it before he was exposed during the regular season playing against the best players and his value would've gone down.      I doubt we got more than 6 and likely a 7.   But that's more than Rayford was worth a few months ago.     So, we bought low and sold high.   Or, at least that's what Grigson and Pagano think....


Again, I'm just wondering why you'd doubt the Grigson/Pagano team?

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Cam Johnson didn't have the same amount of sacks sometimes I think you people hear what you want to hear may I remind you I never say you have to respond to anything I post you don't like also I still say Rayford has more talent than cam Johnson but I will tell you this if Johnson does do better than Rayford then I will stop talking about how mad I am that the colts traded rayford but if not then I will still be mad if I want to be is that fair enough.


So what you're saying if this trade doesn't work out you'll crow on us, but if it does you won't be eating any corvidae? 


I'm sure I'm wasting my time as more eloquent and football savvy posters have tried already but you do get OLB is not just a pass rusher in our scheme and the whole issue with Freeney (you know legendary pass rusher and all round Colt legend) was he wasn't good enough against the run to fit our scheme. If they were happy to part ways with him, they won't lose sleep over Rayford, especially when you consider he wasn't actually,you know, the starter?


Don't get me wrong, I watched preseason, and yeah it was good to see him racking up the sacks. But as my man Gavin often calls for, watch the game back play by play on DVR/Gamepass and really look at what your seeing. He's almost a one trick pony in that he doesn't have "moves" per say just a huge amount of wingspan that he uses to it's fullest. Against the run he looked weak, in fact on any play he wasn't rushing the passer he looked lost. Remember too he was playing not against firsts, so his pass production would likely go down and his run exposure up.


In a nutshell, when there wasn't the Cam Johnson option, fine he's earned his roster spot but when a better option is there you can't be afraid to pull the trigger. In a nutshell we've swapped a 4-3 DE for a 3-4 OLB at the cost of moving a 7th back a year. It's more than likely not going to have a big impact either way but I'm happy our FO is actively seeking to make the roster better even if it's a minimal increase. 



are you still stumped on the quote feature?


I'm just showing off multi-quoting :P

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I'm happy that the roster spot give Dom. Jones a chance to start the season on the 53. He is a versatile TE who can play the FB position. I've always liked him over Saunders. While his number wasn't called often last season, it always seemed like he was good for at least 1 big catch when he saw snaps.


I was surprised when he was not on the original 53... I feel that he offers more in the passing game than Cunningham at this point, although Cunningham may be better than him by season's end... hard to tell with a 7th round rookie.


I don't think that Rayford was going to see the field much, anyway, barring injury. Same goes for Johnson, but maybe he showed more on ST with his blocked punt (I know that Caesar was a ST beast in the other leagues he played in, but preseason NFL is still a better indicator). Johnson is younger... It would be hard to justify taking Werner off the field in favor of a 27 year old, even if he (Rayford) is a rookie... he has a lower shelf life and less time to develop at this level than the 23 year old Johnson. (Hey, that should be a band name: "Viagra Blues" by 23 Yr. Old Johnson).

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