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why all the complaining

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We are a way better team as a whole than we were as an 11-5 team last year by far!

plus if all u that are complaining n crying think ur so d*m smart,why aint u working for the team or any team in the war room or front office. Hell half of u prolly cried when they took bethea or mathis and they turned out pretty good. After last season n last years draft,we shouldnt doubt any of their moves!
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We are a way better team as a whole than we were as an 11-5 team last year by far!

Because most of the people complaining think if we don't draft every "big name" player, then they are trash. Also, this notion of drafting white players not being any good is a little ridiculous. That's like saying black quarterbacks aren't any good. That needs to be dropped immediately.

We've picked up several good players that I cannot wait to see playing.

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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect

Because most of the people complaining think if we don't draft every "big name" player, then they are trash. Also, this notion of drafting white players not being any good is a little ridiculous. That's like saying black quarterbacks aren't any good. That needs to be dropped immediately.

We've picked up several good players that I cannot wait to see playing.

White safeties not named John Lynch aren't any good, and I don't think I've ever seen a white CB in the NFL period as a reference...Didn't having Zibs at safety last year teach u anything?? Wasn't serious when I said it , but it is true...

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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect quote
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect quote

White safeties not named John Lynch aren't any good, and I don't think I've ever seen a white CB in the NFL period as a reference...Didn't having Zibs at safety last year teach u anything?? Wasn't serious when I said it , but it is true...

He can play. Who cares If he's black, white, orange, green, purple... Grow up dude. Do everyone a favor and stop posting here. Everything you say is ignorant and *ic.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 29, 2013 - personal argument/shot
Hidden by Nadine, April 29, 2013 - personal argument/shot

He can play. Who cares If he's black, white, orange, green, purple... Grow up dude. Do everyone a favor and stop posting here. Everything you say is ignorant and *ic.

Aweee....don't forget to change your kitty's box...

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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect

White safeties not named John Lynch aren't any good, and I don't think I've ever seen a white CB in the NFL period as a reference...Didn't having Zibs at safety last year teach u anything?? Wasn't serious when I said it , but it is true...

it is a fact i guess bout white cb or ss/fs, just happens to b that way although in the early 90's we had mike prior who was pretty good,not quite a pro bowler but solid.
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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect

it is a fact i guess bout white cb or ss/fs, just happens to b that way although in the early 90's we had mike prior who was pretty good,not quite a pro bowler but solid.

Yeah..forgot about him he was pretty decent i was a youngster then...did he play CB? I've literally never seen a white CB in the NFL modern era..

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We all know that you can't please everyone. Free Agency and the draft have shown that this year once again. I'm pretty sure people complained when we signed Redding last off-season. People always need something to complain about around here.

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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect quote
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect quote

White safeties not named John Lynch aren't any good, and I don't think I've ever seen a white CB in the NFL period as a reference...Didn't having Zibs at safety last year teach u anything?? Wasn't serious when I said it , but it is true...



:facepalm:        :wall:        :facepalm:       :wall:         :facepalm:       :wall:         :facepalm:        :wall:        :facepalm:       :wall:         :facepalm:       :wall:         :facepalm: 

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Posted · Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect (meant as humor)
Hidden by Warhorse, April 29, 2013 - race disrespect (meant as humor)

Yeah, those white guys can't play basketball either. Or box...or run...or apparently anything else.

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 I'm a member of lots of message boards(different sports teams and different musicians) and it's the same everywhere regardless of subject. Complainers and message boards go hand in hand. A lot of times I think it's just so they can get attention.

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I like the meat-n-taters statement this draft made. 


I honestly felt that if we walked out with just one 1st day starter, someone that's going to make an immediate (and long-term) impact, than I'd be happy.


We got that guy in Werner. I'm happy. Hopefully the other guys can get plugged in too and contribute on some level this season. We didn't give up a ton to reach forward...we didn't make any crazy moves or outright gambles.

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Oh hey, look, it's this thread again.


"I don't agree with your opinion, I am a better fan than you, my junk is bigger."




This place is a toxic environment anymore, and this thread is a shining example why.


Anyone remember 3, or 4 years ago or more where we had all kinds of discussions with differing opinions and we didn't just rage on each other and call out someone's fandom when they said something negative?


Yeah, most of you don't, you weren't here then. 


But those of us who do, gee, those were some fun days when we could actually have a mature discussion without immature internet rage arising from a disagreement.


This is seriously the most toxic community I've ever been a part of. Differing opinions just are not welcome by the vast majority.

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 I'm a member of lots of message boards(different sports teams and different musicians) and it's the same everywhere regardless of subject. Complainers and message boards go hand in hand. A lot of times I think it's just so they can get attention.


If everyone agreed with every move the Grigson/FO/Coaches made this would be a pretty boring place .... we would only need one thread where everyone could come and post there congratulations to the whole Colts organization for doing everything right and never making a mistake.


If someone can back there complaint up with logical reasoning or legitimate alternatives (whether you agree with them or not) I do not see a problem with it  ... if people would debate instead of attack than ideally the complaint would lead to interesting debate.

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If everyone agreed with every move the Grigson/FO/Coaches made this would be a pretty boring place .... we would only need one thread where everyone could come and post there congratulations to the whole Colts organization for doing everything right and never making a mistake.


If someone can back there complaint up with logical reasoning or legitimate alternatives (whether you agree with them or not) I do not see a problem with it  ... if people would debate instead of attack than ideally the complaint would lead to interesting debate.



 I'm mainly talking about the posters that are excessive with the complaining with nothing to back up why they are complaining. Where 80 percent of their posts are negative. Heck.....I've done my share of complaining on here. Especially when it comes to Polian and Caldwell:)

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I hate what's going on because none of the players we picked up are known names that have been discussed by nfl analyst and other forums.  I wished this team would have just spent all of its money on a handful of high profile players and should have taken known players in the draft instead of using their own judgments based off of tapes, interviews, and personal workouts.  After all the moves we have made, we will still suck because none of the players we have picked up will be any good.


*Takes off hater shades*

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 You nailed it smitty. Very few players even from the FIRST ROUND will be all that relevant in the NFL just four years down the road. It is a proven fact yet people get all bent out of shape about who we took or who we passed up. Truth is nobody knows. It's all pretty much a crap shoot. I trust Grigson even more that he doesn't get drawn in by the sexy picks and goes with his gut instinct based on countless hours of evaluation.

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