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DHB to visit Colts


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Did you read the comments on this thread or just presume everyone was badmouthing him? Because the vast majority of posters are very much for bringing him in.

I even took the high road Anton :)  I like the 6'2" 210....and I kind of like what Schefter said....and I am not a fan of 'salty Schefty.'


Per ESPN's Adam Schefter, Heyward-Bey could visit as early as Monday. It's DHB's first known looksee since getting cut loose by the Raiders. Heyward-Bey wouldn't be signed as a starter, but as a replacement for deep-threat Donnie Avery. DHB was always miscast as a starter in Oakland, but could thrive in a situational role where he's deployed to take the lid off of opposing defenses.

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huh. cool.  I'm alright with DHB.   He struggled mightily with drops, but from what I've seen (not using any stats, just a simple eye test) I think he's improved every season.  Also, his QB's have been awful, like some have said. He's had solid #2 numbers since Palmer got there.  Maybe we can get a bit more out of him?  Either way, this shouldn't cost too much.

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According to unreliable sources(Wikipedia) he was seen with Stevie Johnson of the Bills



Does this mean he has interest from the Bills


Seeing that at one point Namdi was a Jet and Revis was an Eagle on wiki. I think it's safe to assume the Bills interest is fluff.

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I think this could really help his career and I'm sure DHB knows it, he has yet to have a real NFL QB throwing to him(Russell, Palmer, Campbell). I think he would be a great #2 if Reggie can teach him to catch. I still would prefer drafting someone at 1st/3rd round though, I really like Hopkins/Hunter(1st). But picking up DHB would make it a for-sure BPA draft for us, which is what Grigson wants.


Interesting point, everytime Colts.com has given an article/post about a free agent visiting the Colts, we have signed him, so I this signing happening fairly quickly.

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I even took the high road Anton :)  I like the 6'2" 210....and I kind of like what Schefter said....and I am not a fan of 'salty Schefty.'


Per ESPN's Adam Schefter, Heyward-Bey could visit as early as Monday. It's DHB's first known looksee since getting cut loose by the Raiders. Heyward-Bey wouldn't be signed as a starter, but as a replacement for deep-threat Donnie Avery. DHB was always miscast as a starter in Oakland, but could thrive in a situational role where he's deployed to take the lid off of opposing defenses.


What I like most about this is that it is another clear indication that we will be going BPA in the draft, because we are taking care of every possible hole on the team (perhaps with the exception of RG). I love this policy, even if everyone does not work out.


I have been a big proponent of DHB since he was cut, I think the enigmatic nature of his talent is what interests us all so much... he clearly has upside but could not produce in a bad organization... very exciting stuff.

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What I like most about this is that it is another clear indication that we will be going BPA in the draft, because we are taking care of every possible hole on the team (perhaps with the exception of RG). I love this policy, even if everyone does not work out.


I have been a big proponent of DHB since he was cut, I think the enigmatic nature of his talent is what interests us all so much... he clearly has upside but could not produce in a bad organization... very exciting stuff.

BPA is what I have said since ALL of these free agency transactions....good point.  Makes it easier in the war-room!!!

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DHB is a upgrade of Donnie Avery:


drops: DHB = Avery

height: DHB >> Avery

speed: DHB > Avery

QBs: Luck (Avery/2012) >>> (DHB) JaMarcus Russel/Jason Campbell/Carson Palmer


There's a LOT more to it than that.. Route-running, effort, knowledge of the game, first-step quickness, agility, confidence, chemistry, toughness, instincts, savviness, awareness (no this is not a Madden attributes list), etc... I'm not saying he won't pan out. Hey, he could end up being fantastic.. who knows? but we can't just say he's bigger and faster (which is debatable btw) so he will be better.

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What I like most about this is that it is another clear indication that we will be going BPA in the draft, because we are taking care of every possible hole on the team (perhaps with the exception of RG). I love this policy, even if everyone does not work out.


I have been a big proponent of DHB since he was cut, I think the enigmatic nature of his talent is what interests us all so much... he clearly has upside but could not produce in a bad organization... very exciting stuff.

very true

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I like DHB.


The guy has gotten better year after year with catching the ball. 


He has great speed and size, just needs to learn to stay healthy and just play within the system rather than just run streak routes.


I think DHB will be a good addition to the team.



he numbers went down last year but that was do to a new coaching staff

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Sure why not?  No one is exactly busting the guy's doors down.  IF we can get him on a low-risk contract then go for it. 


If DHB comes in and works hard, learns from Reggie, he could still be a decent WR in this league.  In Oakland, his QBs have been atrocious.  Maybe he's one of those guys who just needs a change of scenery to break-out.

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Going from the Raiders to the Colts might involve a good ole fashioned cryin from relief.


Thanks again Mr. Irsay for keeping us in the loop. Shaping up to be the most active, interesting, and aggresive Colt offseasons in 40 years. BTW, that Grigson hire wasn't too shabby.... :scoregood:

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Sure why not?  No one is exactly busting the guy's doors down.  IF we can get him on a low-risk contract then go for it. 


If DHB comes in and works hard, learns from Reggie, he could still be a decent WR in this league.  In Oakland, his QBs have been atrocious.  Maybe he's one of those guys who just needs a change of scenery to break-out.

I've stated this several times, but it falls on deaf ears and blind eyes.
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There's a LOT more to it than that.. Route-running, effort, knowledge of the game, first-step quickness, agility, confidence, chemistry, toughness, instincts, savviness, awareness (no this is not a Madden attributes list), etc... I'm not saying he won't pan out. Hey, he could end up being fantastic.. who knows? but we can't just say he's bigger and faster (which is debatable btw) so he will be better.

But everything you just said, he could improve by working with someone like Reggie in practice, I say sign him

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I think G is our biggest need now




Me too. We need to give this guy a call. DHB would be an OK signing, but a young up and coming guard would be better IMO.





Free agent OG Lance Louis is visiting an unidentified team on Wednesday night.
The Bears have wanted Louis back, but he's one of the top young guards on the market with Andy Levitre gone to Nashville and Louis Vasquez in Denver. Best available guards, per Nick Mensio's rankings: 1) Brandon Moore 2) Louis 3) Willie Colon 4) Kevin Boothe 5) Eben Britton 6) Jake Scott 7) Geoff Schwartz. Mar 13 - 6:07 PM
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I think G is our biggest need now

Still wouldn't mind getting another speed rusher. But I agree G seems to be the weakest spot right now. If Reitz could stay healthy or Ijalana comes back.... Then again, we all know about those IFs.

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Judging by the comments in that article, it sounds like DHB's work ethic is fantastic and that his attitude is team-centric. That's worth money alone.....prototypical size and speed and an apparently high ceiling make the signing a no-brainer in my  head. Hopefully the FO feels the same way. 

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