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Possibly Trade Jerry Hughes for 2nd & 5th round draft spots?

Jerry Hughs Trade Bait?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Is possible, should we trade J.Hughes for 2nd & 5th round pick?

    • Trade Him
    • Keep Him, make him earn his keep

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Im not sure what the clauses, or stipulations are in Jerry Hughes contract, but he's a former 1st rounder. Having been on the roster for 3 years now, he obviously is not bound to any ERFA (Exclusive Rights Free Agent) regulations, or the like, and will become an unrestricted free agent in 2015. I'm watching, very closely, looking at the caliber/type of players that Grigson is signing, and i have to say that im starting to lose faith in what J.Hughes can provide for "our" team. Hughes spent most of his career, having conditioned himself as D.Freeney "style" of player. He was picked up to replace Freeney, but looking at Walden, and Sidbury, Hughes may find himself on the bench for another 3 years. What i'd like to know from you guys thinking in the realm of possibilities, but taking a realistic view of Jerry Hughes current value after signing these new free agents,....could we possibly trade Hughes for a 2nd round, and a 5th round pick?

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Im not sure what the clauses, or stipulations are in Jerry Hughes contract, but he's a former 1st rounder. Having been on the roster for 3 years now, he's obviously is not bound to any ERFA (Exclusive Rights Free Agent) regulations, or the like, and will become an unrestricted free agent in 2015. I'm watching, very closely, looking at the caliber/type of players that Grigson is signing, and i have to say that im starting to lose faith in what J.Hughes can provide for "our" team. Hughes spent most of his career, having conditioned himself as D.Freeney "style" of player. He was picked up to replace Freeney, but looking at Walden, and Sidbury, Hughes may find himself on the bench for another 3 years. What i'd like to know form you guys thinking in the realm of possibilities, but taking a realistic view of Jerry Hughes current value after signing these new free agents,....could we possibly trade Hughes for a 2nd round, and a 5th round pick?

no way you get that much for him

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If someone would actually give us a 2nd rounder for Hughes I'd take that trade in a heartbeat.  I don't even need the 5th for that.


But realistically I don't think anyone is going to give us a 2nd rounder for him.  


Shoot I'd trade him for a 3rd.  

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Everyone wants to trade our first round pick for a 2 and a 5. Why not trade a former first rounder for a 2 and a 5? This draft is deep and has alot of playmakers.


I think a lot of people would love to pull the trigger on that trade, but I just don't see anyone willing to give us a 2nd and a 5 for Hughes.  


It's not a question of if we're wiling to give him up for that, it's a question of who would give up that for him.


Shoot if we could dump Hughes for a 2nd and a 5, I will throw a party.  

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I'd be very surprised if Hughes gets traded.  He's the only true pass rusher we have behind Mathis, and there's no guarantee we get a quality replacement at #24 in the first round.  Chances are there'll be someone there but we can't count on it and if there's not then Mathis is our only Rush LB.  Who's going to spell Mathis and moreover, what would we be left with if Mathis gets hurt?


I can't see Hughes getting stuck on the bench and not getting any playing time.  He'll most likely be 2nd on the depth chart at Rush LB whereas Walden and Sidbury will be 1-2 on the depth chart at Sam LB.  I could see Walden and Sidbury on the field together in short yardage and Mathis and Hughes on the field together in known passing situations.  Hughes will still get his shots this year.


The ONLY way I'd consider a trade for Hughes at this point is if a team in the 8-15 range wanted to swap 1st round picks, moving us up into the 8-15 range and them back to #24 and we also get their 2nd and preferably a 5th or 6th.  Moving up to the 8-15 range should ensure that we could get one of the better rush LBs.

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I think a lot of people would love to pull the trigger on that trade, but I just don't see anyone willing to give us a 2nd and a 5 for Hughes.  


It's not a question of if we're wiling to give him up for that, it's a question of who would give up that for him.


Shoot if we could dump Hughes for a 2nd and a 5, I will throw a party.  

Yeah I agree with you. But the NFL is littered with bad decisions lol

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I'd be very surprised if Hughes gets traded.  He's the only true pass rusher we have behind Mathis, and there's no guarantee we get a quality replacement at #24 in the first round.  Chances are there'll be someone there but we can't count on it and if there's not then Mathis is our only Rush LB.  Who's going to spell Mathis and moreover, what would we be left with if Mathis gets hurt?


I can't see Hughes getting stuck on the bench and not getting any playing time.  He'll most likely be 2nd on the depth chart at Rush LB whereas Walden and Sidbury will be 1-2 on the depth chart at Sam LB.  I could see Walden and Sidbury on the field together in short yardage and Mathis and Hughes on the field together in known passing situations.  Hughes will still get his shots this year.


The ONLY way I'd consider a trade for Hughes at this point is if a team in the 8-15 range wanted to swap 1st round picks, moving us up into the 8-15 range and them back to #24 and we also get their 2nd and preferably a 5th or 6th.  Moving up to the 8-15 range should ensure that we could get one of the better rush LBs.


yeah after thinking about it a little more, I don't see any team in the 8-15 range valuing Hughes THAT much, they'd probably want an extra pick from us instead of the other way around. lol  Never know though I suppose.  Only teams I could see doing something like this would be Arizona or the Jets.  

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Im not sure what the clauses, or stipulations are in Jerry Hughes contract, but he's a former 1st rounder. Having been on the roster for 3 years now, he obviously is not bound to any ERFA (Exclusive Rights Free Agent) regulations, or the like, and will become an unrestricted free agent in 2015. I'm watching, very closely, looking at the caliber/type of players that Grigson is signing, and i have to say that im starting to lose faith in what J.Hughes can provide for "our" team. Hughes spent most of his career, having conditioned himself as D.Freeney "style" of player. He was picked up to replace Freeney, but looking at Walden, and Sidbury, Hughes may find himself on the bench for another 3 years. What i'd like to know from you guys thinking in the realm of possibilities, but taking a realistic view of Jerry Hughes current value after signing these new free agents,....could we possibly trade Hughes for a 2nd round, and a 5th round pick?


There's no where you'd get anywhere close to even a 2nd round pick for Hughes.  Not for a former 1st round bust that hasn't been producing.


Consider this: Anquan Boldin just got traded for 6th round pick.  Yeah, he's much older, but he's been infinitely more productive at his position than Hughes.


Bottom line is, you'd be lucky to even sniff a 7th rounder for Hughes.  That's pretty much makes him untradeable, because the options are 1) you release him, or 2) you keep him for roster depth.  And I don't see the Colts releasing him from his cheap rookie contract.

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There is not a good way to vote on the poll. It'a a loaded question. There is no way on earth any team would be dumb enough to trade a 2nd and a 5th for Hughes...so that renders the poll moot. Should have been a 3rd option for...This isn't fantasia where little fairies fly around spreading pixie dust, so this will never happen".

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As everyone else has stated, a 2 and a 5 is simply a fantasy.


Honestly,  it's not even clear if we could get just the 5 alone?


Values can plummet quickly in the NFL.     So getting more than a 6/7 for a player who hasn't distinguished themselves is very, very hard to do.


Hopefully, Hughes can begin to emerge this year.    This is really his time to shine.   Just don't bet on it.

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There's no where you'd get anywhere close to even a 2nd round pick for Hughes.  Not for a former 1st round bust that hasn't been producing.


Consider this: Anquan Boldin just got traded for 6th round pick.  Yeah, he's much older, but he's been infinitely more productive at his position than Hughes.


Bottom line is, you'd be lucky to even sniff a 7th rounder for Hughes.  That's pretty much makes him untradeable, because the options are 1) you release him, or 2) you keep him for roster depth.  And I don't see the Colts releasing him from his cheap rookie contract.


I understand that his value has dropped from his draft position, but IMO, he hasn't had been given a starters chance to showcase all of his tools. Im not implying in any way, that Hughes is a bust, my point is that his skill set doesn't fit Pagano's scheme, because he's crafted his game in the mold of D.Freeney. He can get to the QB, but his ability to cover is very questionable. He's a 3-4, hands in the ground DE, not the hybrid DE/OLB that the Colts new 3-4 attack is looking for.

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There is not a good way to vote on the poll. It'a a loaded question. There is no way on earth any team would be dumb enough to trade a 2nd and a 5th for Hughes...so that renders the poll moot. Should have been a 3rd option for...This isn't fantasia where little fairies fly around spreading pixie dust, so this will never happen".


**Please re-read the post**...Im clearly asking about the possibilities....it's not loaded....Possibly, Realm of Possiblities, are the key words here. I don't have factual evidence of any team that has shown interest, but i refuse to believe that there are absolutely no GMs' in the NFL who wouldn't take interest in him, if the Colts offered him in exchange for a draft pick. Being a 1st rounder is worth considering, at least. In the same way that Grigson signed draft picks that few teams were considering as a good player who could help them win, so will a team who is looking to improve their pass rush, would most definitely look at him. So this forum is not fantasia,....nor is it the place to apply for the GM position with the Colts organization, that position has been filled. I fantasized, and sprinkled that same pixie dust around my house when i expected the Colts to keep Hall Of Fame, Pro Bowl QB, Peyton Manning....one bag of pixie dust only allows for one miracle per bag. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford it, but the fairies blessed us with Ryan Grigson & Andrew Luck.

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 What i'd like to know from you guys thinking in the realm of possibilities, but taking a realistic view of Jerry Hughes current value after signing these new free agents,....could we possibly trade Hughes for a 2nd round, and a 5th round pick?


who would want him?????


why would you think a player that has done nothing would have any value to another team? i will be back as soon as i go out and give people a penny for a dollar.

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**Please re-read the post**...Im clearly asking about the possibilities....it's not loaded....Possibly, Realm of Possiblities, are the key words here. I don't have factual evidence of any team that has shown interest, but i refuse to believe that there are absolutely no GMs' in the NFL who wouldn't take interest in him, if the Colts offered him in exchange for a draft pick. Being a 1st rounder is worth considering, at least. In the same way that Grigson signed draft picks that few teams were considering as a good player who could help them win, so will a team who is looking to improve their pass rush, would most definitely look at him. So this forum is not fantasia,....nor is it the place to apply for the GM position with the Colts organization, that position has been filled. I fantasized, and sprinkled that same pixie dust around my house when i expected the Colts to keep Hall Of Fame, Pro Bowl QB, Peyton Manning....one bag of pixie dust only allows for one miracle per bag. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford it, but the fairies bless us with Ryan Grigson & Andrew Luck.




Listen, my little joke wasn't a personal shot at you, I was just having a little fun with the poll question. I would however, have to disagree that some GM would give something for Hughes. He's essentially been awful for us the last 3 yrs. although he did show a little improvement last season. Trades in the NFL are pretty rare and even when they are made, teams get very little value for their players. Hughes IMO at most may garner a 5th or 6th rd. pick and even that is a stretch.

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I understand that his value has dropped from his draft position, but IMO, he hasn't had been given a starters chance to showcase all of his tools. Im not implying in any way, that Hughes is a bust, my point is that his skill set doesn't fit Pagano's scheme, because he's crafted his game in the mold of D.Freeney. He can get to the QB, but his ability to cover is very questionable. He's a 3-4, hands in the ground DE, not the hybrid DE/OLB that the Colts new 3-4 attack is looking for.

Original premise of the thread is flawed beceause there ia literally no GM who would give up that much for Hughes. Pure folly. A 5th rounder alone is a huge stretch. He has NO trade value. Further, though the descripion above is not close to an accurate description of Hughes. He is just simply not a 3-4 DE. That is not close to what he is. Maybe you ment a 4-3 DE? But then that is off base because he proved to be a failure as a 4-3 DE.
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Original premise of the thread is flawed beceause there ia literally no GM who would give up that much for Hughes. Pure folly. A 5th rounder alone is a huge stretch. He has NO trade value. Further, though the descripion above is not close to an accurate description of Hughes. He is just simply not a 3-4 DE. That is not close to what he is. Maybe you ment a 4-3 DE? But then that is off base because he proved to be a failure as a 4-3 DE.

Scouts pegged him a fit as a 3-4 OLB

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Hughes had a good season setting the edge, tackling, getting after the QB.
One less sack than the $14M dollar JOKE Freeney, while still playing the run.

PFF formula for pass rushing efficiency, Hughes rated 18th in the League for 2013.  
Freeney wasn`t on that top 20 list. Mathis 13.


probably get a front half of the 3rd round for him.

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