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Luck and the long ball


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Before anyone starts going beserk. I'm as big a Luck fan as there is but, he seems to be having a problem throwing the long ball. I think it is something he can correct but, he seems to try to take a little something off the ball or something when he throws long and everything is coming up short. I think maybe he is pressing to hard and just needs to let it rip. I'm sure he will get the kinks worked out but, he is definitively having some problems throwing long downfield.

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He's thrown 3 deep in 2 games (everything else I'd classify as intermediate). 1 picked on a should've been free play, 1 picked in desperation time. We have no real sample size. It is a curious topic though, and I don't blame you for bring it up because he seems to err on the side of touch. He has an effortless motion, and that exaggerates the feeling that he's never letting it rip, but until he overthrows guys a few times, he won't get get properly calibrated. At this stage in his development, getting the ball down on his shorter throws is a bigger issue than getting the deep ball right - both will come.

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Before anyone starts going beserk. I'm as big a Luck fan as there is but, he seems to be having a problem throwing the long ball. I think it is something he can correct but, he seems to try to take a little something off the ball or something when he throws long and everything is coming up short. I think maybe he is pressing to hard and just needs to let it rip. I'm sure he will get the kinks worked out but, he is definitively having some problems throwing long downfield.

His arm has been hit as he was throwing on some of the deep passes that have come up short. His arm is fine, his protection is another story.

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I think he threw a pretty decent deep pass to Avery yesterday. I'll have to keep watching, but I don't think he has as much arm strength as RG3 can put on the deep ball. I do think he will show that he can throw them though. Stay tuned!

I think the deep ball to Avery was still a lil' short, if you remember, Avery is turned back for the ball. Would've been a little safer a little deeper and him catch it in stride, all the same, I'll take the TD. It was a good throw. I agree with the other poster as well. His long touch can be acquired, or at least I think so. All around, he has some things to improve, but dang, give the kid some props! He's playing on a completely re-structured team that anybody we play against already wants to chomp to bits. He has some talent around him, and some gaps too. He seems to be able to handle the pressure and I think he is going to do nothing but improve. I think the deep ball with come......stay tuned Colts fans, the best is yet to come! :D

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I think Luck's arm strength is better than most are willing to give him credit for. The biggest problem is he is under constant pressure and can't step into his throws the way he needs to. Couple that with the fact that he's a rookie that has played in 2 regular season games. Certainly don't think he is being given a fair chance to get things working for him yet. The kid led the Colts in a game winning drive in under a minute yesterday, most rookie's could not have done what he was able to do. Once this kid gets a good line protecting him, he is going to be flat out dangerous.

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The pass he made to Reggie when rolling out to the left with ~30 sec left on the clock was a thing of beauty......straight laser, no arc, dead on. I'm not worried about his arm strength. Give him protection, give him time to acclimate himself to the speed of the game, and let him continue to get his timing and motions down. Those long balls will start to look like a thing of beauty sooner rather than later.

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I think Luck's arm strength is better than most are willing to give him credit for. The biggest problem is he is under constant pressure and can't step into his throws the way he needs to. Couple that with the fact that he's a rookie that has played in 2 regular season games. Certainly don't think he is being given a fair chance to get things working for him yet. The kid led the Colts in a game winning drive in under a minute yesterday, most rookie's could not have done what he was able to do. Once this kid gets a good line protecting him, he is going to be flat out dangerous.


I don't really think he has enough time to throw the deep ball since the pocket is constantly collapsing. He won't know what do with himself if the O-line ever protects him! :)

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The pass he made to Reggie when rolling out to the left with ~30 sec left on the clock was a thing of beauty......straight laser, no arc, dead on. I'm not worried about his arm strength. Give him protection, give him time to acclimate himself to the speed of the game, and let him continue to get his timing and motions down. Those long balls will start to look like a thing of beauty sooner rather than later.

That throw you're talking about showed that he has no arm strength problems at all. Like you said, it was a laser with pin point accuracy, all while running to his left. A very hard throw to make for a lot of QB's and yet, his was strong, accurate, and perfectly thrown.

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That throw you're talking about showed that he has no arm strength problems at all. Like you said, it was a laser with pin point accuracy, all while running to his left. A very hard throw to make for a lot of QB's and yet, his was strong, accurate, and perfectly thrown.

I think I've watched it 10-15 times already today......absolutely awesome pass.

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I don't have any problem with his arm strength I think his arm is plenty strong enough. I give him all the props in the world, I think he is playing great, considering all the pressure he's been under, He has been everything I hoped for but right now his long ball is a little off and its not a strength thing, he seems to be trying to take a little somethig off when he trows long. Like I said I'm very happy with Luck, wouldn't trade him for anyone

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The TD to Wayne was a little Wobbly, if that's what you mean?

The INT @ CHI was supposed to be a Free Play, so I don't really count that against him.

But all in all, if we Protect him, I'm sure that will look better. Hard to put it nicely if your Arm is getting Touched. But even with a poor O-line, he still manages to put it where it has to be

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Yesterday the NFL network replayed clips from afternoon games. One clip was the Eagle's O-line and how much time Vick had to step back and throw. That clip exposed how pitiful our o-line really is. Luck had to scramble a lot yesterday...hopefully this team will look a lot different at the end of the regular season.

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Yesterday the NFL network replayed clips from afternoon games. One clip was the Eagle's O-line and how much time Vick had to step back and throw. That clip exposed how pitiful our o-line really is. Luck had to scramble a lot yesterday...hopefully this team will look a lot different at the end of the regular season.

Eagles' O-line was awful last year and this year, Howard Mudd must have made some changes. A lot of the sacks Vick takes are coverage sacks anyway.

To me, the benchmark used to be the Pats' O-line. Matt Light retiring did put a dent in their O-line, IMO. The Falcons and Broncos both have good O-lines, and so do the 49ers.

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OMG give the kid a break, he won the game for us by driving us down the field in 23 seconds setting up Adam's long clutch field goal!!! Only Peyton could have done something similar to that!!! And btw Andrew can throw the long ball, before he was drafted, the Colts watched him practice at Stanford where he threw a ball 70 yards against the wind!!!!!!!! ANY QUESTIONS

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The pass he made to Reggie when rolling out to the left with ~30 sec left on the clock was a thing of beauty......straight laser, no arc, dead on. I'm not worried about his arm strength. Give him protection, give him time to acclimate himself to the speed of the game, and let him continue to get his timing and motions down. Those long balls will start to look like a thing of beauty sooner rather than later.

that was to avery i think no?

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Eagles' O-line was awful last year and this year, Howard Mudd must have made some changes. A lot of the sacks Vick takes are coverage sacks anyway.

To me, the benchmark used to be the Pats' O-line. Matt Light retiring did put a dent in their O-line, IMO. The Falcons and Broncos both have good O-lines, and so do the 49ers.

to me, before injuries devastated that OL, the Eagles had the best OL. then the 49ers, pats, broncos, ravens, bengals, saints.

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I don't think it's his arm.

I think it's his chemistry with Avery.

Avery missed a lot of preseason and is ridiculously fast. His speed is something Luck will have to get used to. Reggie and Collie are outstretched for those passes. For Avery, he's got to turn around and or wait for them. He's just silly fast.

All his deep balls have been to Avery. Correct?

All offseason I've sung the praises of Avery and the type of player he "could" be. So far he's looked fantastic, and looks like the steal of the off season.

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I think he threw a pretty decent deep pass to Avery yesterday. I'll have to keep watching, but I don't think he has as much arm strength as RG3 can put on the deep ball. I do think he will show that he can throw them though. Stay tuned!

That ball was tipped.
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that was to avery i think no?

No....last drive when he was getting us in position for the final field goal. I believe his final throw was to Avery. The one before was the rocket to Wayne. Go watch a decent recap on the game and you'll see it.

Unless I'm getting them reversed.....

EDIT: Yep, I am. Beautiful pass was to Avery. I must be getting old and forgetful.

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No....last drive when he was getting us in position for the final field goal. I believe his final throw was to Avery. The one before was the rocket to Wayne. Go watch a decent recap on the game and you'll see it.

Unless I'm getting them reversed.....

EDIT: Yep, I am. Beautiful pass was to Avery. I must be getting old and forgetful.

lol it happends to all of us.

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Good topic! I have noticed that as well. And if you go back and look, that was not a rocket to Reggie for the TD. The rocket was in the second pass on the last drive. Compare those throws. When he throws long, it is almost like he takes too much off the ball. Even the long pass to Avery was slightly under thrown and hung up there. But I do remember thinking similar things about Manning as a rookie. He always seemed to throw wobbly balls.

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I think we need to set the guidelines as to what is deep and what isnt. My guess is <15 = Short, 15-39 = Intermediate, 40+ = Long. Thats just my guess though. Anyone else got 2 cents?

I wouldn't even assign titles to it.. Just let the yardage dictate it.

Statistically they are charted by Stats Inc/Elias by the following:

Behind LOS

1-10 yards

11-20 yards

21-30 yards

31-40 yards


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His wide receivers this year are probably a good .4-.6 sec faster than his best WR's in college. After watching all the touch passes in game one, to this week and him rifling the ball in there during many of the same situations, is exactly what we want to see. Dude has a cannon, it'll develop like Manning's had to his first year.

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Before anyone starts going beserk. I'm as big a Luck fan as there is but, he seems to be having a problem throwing the long ball. I think it is something he can correct but, he seems to try to take a little something off the ball or something when he throws long and everything is coming up short. I think maybe he is pressing to hard and just needs to let it rip. I'm sure he will get the kinks worked out but, he is definitively having some problems throwing long downfield.

Watch his pro day... arm strength is NO problem. Look at Peyton's first 4 or 5 games of his rookie year, he was tossing lollipops... and I was seriously concerned this kid can't throw the ball. BUT, I recall an interview he gave on local TV and Manning saying how the biggest difference from college ball to the NFL was speed. And how he could not get away with just lofting balls out there and letting the WR go get it. He said in the NFL "you have got to put PACE on the ball". On nearly every throw.

Manning got a lot better the second half of the season and his second year his arm looked totally different. Luck will be fine.

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No arm like Favre, Cutler, Rogers, Elway ----- has a weaker arm compared to many QB's but he has some running ability ( a little bit ) and I think that helps him. I noitice he comes off his back foot really weird and i'm not sure but i think that has something to do with his velocity or lack there of. One thing is for sure, it hasn't affected him compared to some of the other rookie noodle arms.

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Before anyone starts going beserk. I'm as big a Luck fan as there is but, he seems to be having a problem throwing the long ball. I think it is something he can correct but, he seems to try to take a little something off the ball or something when he throws long and everything is coming up short. I think maybe he is pressing to hard and just needs to let it rip. I'm sure he will get the kinks worked out but, he is definitively having some problems throwing long downfield.

Actually, this I sort of agree with. I think his deep throws that may be under thrown has nothing to do with arm strength, I do think it's Andrew maybe trying to be so precise and just making the perfect pass...just dropping it in there and giving the receiver a nice catchable ball. As a result, perhaps he trys to guide the ball at times instead of just throwing it. But it is just two games.....

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No arm like Favre, Cutler, Rogers, Elway ----- has a weaker arm compared to many QB's but he has some running ability ( a little bit ) and I think that helps him. I noitice he comes off his back foot really weird and i'm not sure but i think that has something to do with his velocity or lack there of. One thing is for sure, it hasn't affected him compared to some of the other rookie noodle arms.

You just named four of the strongest arms to play the game, not exactly a fair comparison. Also who are the "many" QBs you mention? Again, his arm strength is being nitpicked to death and is simply not relevent to his play thus far IMO.

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Did you watch the game? Long ball to Avery - completion! Rocket to Reggie for a TD! I think you are over analyzing after only two games during which Luck was scrambling for his life much of the time.


The long ball to Avery for a completion would have been a touchdown had it been thrown properly.... it was poorly under thrown.

And, what you call a 'rocket' to Reggie, was a lob. He soft tossed it. And he under threw it. It's why Reggie caught if off balance and couldn't keep his feet. It was not a great throw. It wasn't bad, but a year from now he'll throw that much, much better.

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His wide receivers this year are probably a good .4-.6 sec faster than his best WR's in college. After watching all the touch passes in game one, to this week and him rifling the ball in there during many of the same situations, is exactly what we want to see. Dude has a cannon, it'll develop like Manning's had to his first year.

Not true unless the smurfs and co are suddenly running sub 4 40’s. Owusu ran a 4.36 (official combine compared to the 4.34 T.Y. ran at his pro day). Last year Baldwin and Whalen ran 4.46 (pro day) and 4.53 (combine) respectively.

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