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Declaration of Support


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Here we are. As fans, we are on the brink of watching a vastly different team and coaching staff from the one we watched last season. Last year we experienced a severe change in the win column...going from an average of 11 or 12 wins a year, to 2. We were reminded of what it is like to not be the team that is talked about on every website, or be feared by defensive coordinators, or to not be a "get" for prime time television.

Because of injuries and timing, the team moved on from a QB who redefined the position....to be able to select another who may do his own defining someday.

Yet amidst this fan shaking decision, changes.....wholesale changes needed to be made. While our owner was receiving hate mail, death threats, and everything else imaginable, he still had to make key decisions regarding the future of this franchise. He had to first select a GM to lead us not only into the future, but to redefine what Colts football stood for. He wanted a different stamp on the product that we all have the luxury of rooting for. He selected Ryan Grigson.

I remember the epic threads about the firing of Mr. Polian. The division among fans about his abilities as the Colts GM are still strongly divided. But no where do I remember the mention of Mr. Grigson's name as a possible. What I now know is that this guy eats football. It is his life and passion. You could not hide a guy on your practice squad from Ryan if he had a face change operation. He will hunt that player out and put them in the proper spot on his big board. For all the years that fans thought that we were not doing enough outside of our own draft selections, there should not be any complaining about our team trying to get better. Plain and simple, this guy gets it.

Then, along with the owner, they selected Chuck Pagano as the new head coach. Again, this was not a name on anyone's list. But after 8 months, here is what I see. I see a man with conviction, determination, pride, fire, class, and smarts. He can deliver a speech when its needed. He can ask a rookie to give more than he ever thought possible. I think he can even convince a veteran to rekindle his youthful beliefs. This is what I see. I also see a coach that looks good, like he wears the part well. He is young enough to have his spunk and fight, yet aged enough to deliver his message with validity. In short, he is at the perfect time in his career for this job.

What this all comes down to, is our owner. He made these choices. These were not popular picks. In fact, he was, and still is to some, an unpopular figure. But from the perspective of a Colt fan since 1970, this owner has far exceeded my expectations since the whistle sounded at the end of last season. He has hit a home run, in more ways than one. Andrew Luck was not the focus of this article, because he doesn't need to be. His pick was a no-brainer. It is all the other decisions that Mr. Irsay has done which deserve my unwavering support.

So on this eve of NFL 2012-13, I pledge my support of this team and staff, and of the owner. I also vow to not change my position on this, regardless of what injuries may happen, or what the teams record is at the end of the season. Thanks, Jim....may things work out well.

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Here we are. As fans, we are on the brink of watching a vastly different team and coaching staff from the one we watched last season. Last year we experienced a severe change in the win column...going from an average of 11 or 12 wins a year, to 2. We were reminded of what it is like to not be the team that is talked about on every website, or be feared by defensive coordinators, or to not be a "get" for prime time television.

Because of injuries and timing, the team moved on from a QB who redefined the position....to be able to select another who may do his own defining someday.

Yet amidst this fan shaking decision, changes.....wholesale changes needed to be made. While our owner was receiving hate mail, death threats, and everything else imaginable, he still had to make key decisions regarding the future of this franchise. He had to first select a GM to lead us not only into the future, but to redefine what Colts football stood for. He wanted a different stamp on the product that we all have the luxury of rooting for. He selected Ryan Grigson.

I remember the epic threads about the firing of Mr. Polian. The division among fans about his abilities as the Colts GM are still strongly divided. But no where do I remember the mention of Mr. Grigson's name as a possible. What I now know is that this guy eats football. It is his life and passion. You could not hide a guy on your practice squad from Ryan if he had a face change operation. He will hunt that player out and put them in the proper spot on his big board. For all the years that fans thought that we were not doing enough outside of our own draft selections, there should not be any complaining about our team trying to get better. Plain and simple, this guy gets it.

Then, along with the owner, they selected Chuck Pagano as the new head coach. Again, this was not a name on anyone's list. But after 8 months, here is what I see. I see a man with conviction, determination, pride, fire, class, and smarts. He can deliver a speech when its needed. He can ask a rookie to give more than he ever thought possible. I think he can even convince a veteran to rekindle his youthful beliefs. This is what I see. I also see a coach that looks good, like he wears the part well. He is young enough to have his spunk and fight, yet aged enough to deliver his message with validity. In short, he is at the perfect time in his career for this job.

What this all comes down to, is our owner. He made these choices. These were not popular picks. In fact, he was, and still is to some, an unpopular figure. But from the perspective of a Colt fan since 1970, this owner has far exceeded my expectations since the whistle sounded at the end of last season. He has hit a home run, in more ways than one. Andrew Luck was not the focus of this article, because he doesn't need to be. His pick was a no-brainer. It is all the other decisions that Mr. Irsay has done which deserve my unwavering support.

So on this eve of NFL 2012-13, I pledge my support of this team and staff, and of the owner. I also vow to not change my position on this, regardless of what injuries may happen, or what the teams record is at the end of the season. Thanks, Jim....may things work out well.


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What I loved about this off-season was how Irsay went from being the greatest owner to the worst owner in the NFL on a daily bases. When he fired Polian he was great! When he hired Grigson he was bad for taking a gamble. When at first it looked they were keep Caldwell he was horrible. Then when he did fire Caldwell and hired Pagano he was great again. Then he cut Peyton Manning and the bottom feel out in terms of him being horrible to the point I think people take the smallest thing in the world to take a shot a Irsay.

The one thing I've always said about Irsay is that he will never be happy with putting a bad product out there to turn a profit which is about all you can ask for in an owner as a fan. There is no promise the rebuild he did is going to work but the one thing I know about Irsay is that if it doesn't he will tear it down and do it again and again and again till he gets it right.

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Here we are. As fans, we are on the brink of watching a vastly different team and coaching staff from the one we watched last season. Last year we experienced a severe change in the win column...going from an average of 11 or 12 wins a year, to 2. We were reminded of what it is like to not be the team that is talked about on every website, or be feared by defensive coordinators, or to not be a "get" for prime time television.

Because of injuries and timing, the team moved on from a QB who redefined the position....to be able to select another who may do his own defining someday.

Yet amidst this fan shaking decision, changes.....wholesale changes needed to be made. While our owner was receiving hate mail, death threats, and everything else imaginable, he still had to make key decisions regarding the future of this franchise. He had to first select a GM to lead us not only into the future, but to redefine what Colts football stood for. He wanted a different stamp on the product that we all have the luxury of rooting for. He selected Ryan Grigson.

I remember the epic threads about the firing of Mr. Polian. The division among fans about his abilities as the Colts GM are still strongly divided. But no where do I remember the mention of Mr. Grigson's name as a possible. What I now know is that this guy eats football. It is his life and passion. You could not hide a guy on your practice squad from Ryan if he had a face change operation. He will hunt that player out and put them in the proper spot on his big board. For all the years that fans thought that we were not doing enough outside of our own draft selections, there should not be any complaining about our team trying to get better. Plain and simple, this guy gets it.

Then, along with the owner, they selected Chuck Pagano as the new head coach. Again, this was not a name on anyone's list. But after 8 months, here is what I see. I see a man with conviction, determination, pride, fire, class, and smarts. He can deliver a speech when its needed. He can ask a rookie to give more than he ever thought possible. I think he can even convince a veteran to rekindle his youthful beliefs. This is what I see. I also see a coach that looks good, like he wears the part well. He is young enough to have his spunk and fight, yet aged enough to deliver his message with validity. In short, he is at the perfect time in his career for this job.

What this all comes down to, is our owner. He made these choices. These were not popular picks. In fact, he was, and still is to some, an unpopular figure. But from the perspective of a Colt fan since 1970, this owner has far exceeded my expectations since the whistle sounded at the end of last season. He has hit a home run, in more ways than one. Andrew Luck was not the focus of this article, because he doesn't need to be. His pick was a no-brainer. It is all the other decisions that Mr. Irsay has done which deserve my unwavering support.

So on this eve of NFL 2012-13, I pledge my support of this team and staff, and of the owner. I also vow to not change my position on this, regardless of what injuries may happen, or what the teams record is at the end of the season. Thanks, Jim....may things work out well.

That.........was..........so...........beautiful!!!!!!! :tears:
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I started following the Colts in about 2000 (when I started watching football seriously) - so this is a new experience for me. The wholesale turnover from top to bottom is actually rather exciting for me.

I am a Colts fan, that is not going to change. I've now been through "one and dones", Super Bowl wins and losses, surguries and loss to my favorite player, roster moves, cuts etc..., a deluge of injuries, highs, lows, and the like.

I am ready to cheer for my team through this very interesting time! Thanks Jim!

Great post!

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Outstanding post, Warhorse! I'm with you on the unwavering support for this team. I've been a fan since 1969 (ugh, that year) and, really, in a lot of ways this year is even more exciting , due to the huge turnover, than those i can remember in the past. i do have to caveat that, though, as it was pretty difficult to get real news on the Colts prior to the internet and post late 70's.

Regarding Jim Irsay; is he the only GM that has gone on to own an NFL team outside of Al Davis? I don't believe there have been many others, though i could be mistaken here? Even though he didn't have a stellar record as GM, it does give him that added knowledge base over other owners. I really like the guy. I think he's been great for the NFL, and surely for the Colts, and I'm sure for Indy as well, regardkess of anyone's like or dislike for him.

Looking forward to this Monster's first year of implementation. GO COLTS!!

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Here we are. As fans, we are on the brink...

(bunch of brilliant stuff, edited for brevity)

Thanks Warhorse! That is a very well considered and beautifully written summary of how many of us feel about our team, and I enthusiastically endorse your positive views.

For what it's worth, tho, I'm starting to understand that having a critical eye, or "keeping it real", is just the way some fans roll. I think it may be their way of feeling like they are contributing to the team... That they are somehow helping the FO and coaching staff with their insights.

Whatever the reason, I think the crowd of "negative nellies" are buying in too, just not in a way that most of us "wearing our rose colored glasses" can really understand.

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Well said! Jim Irsay is visionary as an owner. This had to happen and he had the guts to stand in the fire and do it. I`ve been a Colts fan since about 7 years old or about 35 years now. I`ve seen the worst of the worst and the best of the best by being a Colts fan and never had another favorite team..never will! C-O-L-T-S..GO COLTS!

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Thanks Warhorse! That is a very well considered and beautifully written summary of how many of us feel about our team, and I enthusiastically endorse your positive views.

For what it's worth, tho, I'm starting to understand that having a critical eye, or "keeping it real", is just the way some fans roll. I think it may be their way of feeling like they are contributing to the team... That they are somehow helping the FO and coaching staff with their insights.

Whatever the reason, I think the crowd of "negative nellies" are buying in too, just not in a way that most of us "wearing our rose colored glasses" can really understand.

You know, for the last 14 yrs. while the Colts were really good, I use to find all the negatives on the Colts roster or in the games, probably because I started expecting perfection from the team. I think I had such high expectations because I knew the team was capable of doing better than they did, especially in the playoffs. Being such a great regular season team gave me unrealistic expectations, but I still expected the team to live up to those expectations.

Now that the team is in rebuild mode, I have found myself being very patient with the team, Front office, and coaching staff. I do not expect them to be perfect on every play and I don't expect every player to be perfect every snap. It's funny what all that success does to a fan over the yrs., but I have been able to temper those unrealistic expectations for this new team we have. I guess there are a lot of other fans that haven't been able to lower their expectations yet. Maybe they are the younger fans that haven't really had to deal with bad teams yet and this is their first taste of rooting for a team that isn't expected to win a lot of games.

I think the new regime(front office and coaching staff) have done a great job with what they inherited. I don't think this team is going to be as bad as many think they will be. Im excited for the future of this team and I am certainly willing to be more patient with them.

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Awesome post. I have been watching football since 1998 and that's when I was watching the Colts and I was 6 years old. I have only known one GM and one QB for the Colts. Polian and Manning.

Now I feel like a brand new fan again with a new kind of enthusiasm with Grigson making some smart moves with huge cap penalties and Pagano who actually looks and sounds like a NFL head coach. And with Andrew Luck at the helm, I feel confident that he could bring us as much success as the great #18.

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well said Warhorse.

I remember watching the press conference when they released Peyton and you could see the pain in Polians eyes. heck both him and Peyton were crying. I would not want to have a different owner. The man bleeds blue. I feel he lives and dies by this team. I also feel that he is not immune to mistakes and feel that he started realizing Polian was not adequate for the job anymore and did the right thing.

The man made some very tough/undesirable decisions and has come out clean as a whistle.

I've been cheering for the colts since I could remember and thats about 6yrs old. Been a fan for 24 years and bleeding blue in CA for life. Bringing up another generation of colts fans as well.

Long live the shoe!!!!!!

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You know, I really appreciate the responses. This team means a lot to me and I needed to reset my intentions before the season started. I know a great number of paths could occur this season..there are simply too many variables, too many new faces and approaches. But through it all, I wanted to put my energy out to the NFL universe, that I am fully behind them, no matter what happens.

I am as excited about Colts football as I can ever remember feeling. It feels so good to be free of worry and doubt, just ready to experience what unfolds. look out NFL, here we come!

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Personally, I like the moves this franchise made. Bill Polian's useful tenure here had certainly expired. Chris Polian has no business being within 100 mile radius of any NFL franchise. I will always have profound love and respect for Peyton Manning that will never change no matter how much time passes. Owner Jim Irsay deserves a multitude of credit for hiring GM Ryan Grigson, bringing in Coach Chuck Pagano, and for continuing to be willing to spend money to bring in athletic talent and change our entire defensive scheme. I'm still not all that happy about Mr. Irsay's twitter obsession, but I can overlook it due to his open embrace and welcoming demeanor with his Colts fanbase worldwide.

I will be patient and give Grigson and Pagano 3 years to turn this team back into an annual SB contender. How will I know when we are back to prominence again? When Tom Brady, Bill Belicheck, and Rich Einsen from the NFL Network start mentioning a renewed rivalry again on an equal footing. Then and only then will the Blue Horseshoe truly be back for good IMO. My critical analysis never stops though. They is no honeymoon period here. Perfection is never reached in the vacuum of complacency.

Nice piece WH!!!

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I gotta say, from the moment we hired coach Pagano I was looking very forward to having a complete team for a change. I think after next year's free agency and the draft we will have a much better defense. As with anything there will be growing pains, but i'm looking forward to seeing the Monster progress!

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Well said. The decisions that Irsay had to make, were tough decisions and I give him an A+ on all accounts. I have been a COLTS fan since 1967 through good times and bad. I don't think I have ever been as excited as I am about this season. I believe the new regime will build it the right way. Aggressive defense and balanced offense. What a great time to be a COLTS FAN

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Well said! Jim Irsay is visionary as an owner. This had to happen and he had the guts to stand in the fire and do it. I`ve been a Colts fan since about 7 years old or about 35 years now. I`ve seen the worst of the worst and the best of the best by being a Colts fan and never had another favorite team..never will! C-O-L-T-S..GO COLTS!

I have to say, I'm very happy with the course Irsay took. I think he's demonstrated that he expects the franchise to be consistent winners. If he had replaced a coach or a player I think we would've entered 'rebuilding' mode for years to come, but cleaning house and bringing in coaches and players that represent a more balanced team shows - in my opinion - the expectation to hang onto the winning tradition that was established during the Peyton years.

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FREEDOM!! reading that made me feel all braveheart :) ... been a Colts fans since they hit town. Not going to change anytime soon! I loved watching Manning and the guys who are no longer with the team and appretiate what they did while here. But I sure am giddy like a school girl with the changes and direction this team is going in. Strap in and lets enjoy this ride!

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