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So, Who Wants To Guess The 2012 Record Now?

Blue Horseshoe

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with Manning in your rookie season we made 3-13 (he had a best roster that today. Last year was 2-14 without #18 e with a bad roster...

hummmmm... with Luck and so much luck we will make 4-12.

I say this because I think Luck will have best rookie season that Manning.

Look.... I said best rookie season... don't said best carreer. Only time will say!

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Rookie coach with no head coaching experience at any level

Rookie quarterback (well, you know how I feel about this one)

Almost all veteran leadership discarded

Well, No one knows about how good (or bad) the new coach or new QB will be.

But, as far as the "veteran leadership" that you mention, it only got us 2 wins last year. My guess would be 4 wins!

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Rookie coach with no head coaching experience at any level

Rookie quarterback (well, you know how I feel about this one)

Almost all veteran leadership discarded

It is much, much too early to predict our 2012 record in March. Let's see how we do in the draft and free agency first.

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This really cannot be answered until we see what the 53 man roster looks like. At this point we have no idea who we are resigning FA wise, who we will draft, who we may pick up in free agency, etc. Seeings that Peyton's rookie year the team went 3-13, I would say we need to be patient with our expectations, but you never know. People thought the Bengals were going to be awful last year and they went to the playoffs. Lets hold off judgment and see what kind of team Grigson puts together first (hoping for the best here).

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Luck will be a par QB at best for Colts. Goodness, Ryan Leaf was considered an immortal pre-draft. I think Colts will go 2-14 again. High expectations by a lot of you will just lead to your major disappointment. Colts I believe under new GM will not reach playoffs for several years. They will be battling the Jags for cellar dwellars in the AFC South for long time. The Colts of yester year is over and there will not be one again. Sorry but that is my opinion only.

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Rookie coach with no head coaching experience at any level

Rookie quarterback (well, you know how I feel about this one)

Almost all veteran leadership discarded

I predict 8-8 or close to it. This new team will surprise a lot of people. They're smart to clean house.

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More wins than last season....

I don't know. We're going to have a lot of rookies in a lot of positions and coaching staff new to their positions. The teams that were only slightly better than the Colts this/last year aren't scrapping the majority of the veteran players and getting all new staff. I think we'll get another 1st overall pick next year.

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the way it looks right now, we wont be able to afford many/any free agents THIS year...next year we will be able to....

So, the only improved position for this year from last year is likely going to be QB...but several other positions may be temporarily worse....

Take that, and add the fact that no QB taken #1 has ever had a winning record (or even 8-8) in his rookie season, and i expect a very bad record, but we will play with lots of effort. So my guess would be another 2-14 season, 3-13 AT BEST...and likely will have the #1 pick and the rights to Matt Barkley next year...so we can trade that for a bevy of picks and start to turn the corner with another good draft plus money to use in free agency.

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Luck will be a par QB at best for Colts. Goodness, Ryan Leaf was considered an immortal pre-draft. I think Colts will go 2-14 again. High expectations by a lot of you will just lead to your major disappointment. Colts I believe under new GM will not reach playoffs for several years. They will be battling the Jags for cellar dwellars in the AFC South for long time. The Colts of yester year is over and there will not be one again. Sorry but that is my opinion only.

We are all very sad and heartbroken about losing Peyton (and in many ways wish it didn't happen), I want to preface with that. But in defense of the guy who will presumably be our new quarterback, I think it is a bit unfounded to compare him to Ryan Leaf. If anything, if we look back to the 1998 draft, Ryan Leaf was more analogous to RG3 this year. Peyton was the one with the sound fundamentals, the smarts, the size, etc. He was largely considered the #1 prospect. Ryan Leaf was considered the athletic specimen, who could have a really high cieling. He had great combine performances, and made a late push at Manning to be #1 prospect because of his raw athletic ability. What I just described is RG3 this year, not Luck.

This is not to suggest Luck with be the next Peyton Manning, because I firmly believe Peyton was the best to play the position and he will never be matched. However, Luck is also the guy in this year's draft that is scouting closer to the way Manning was his draft year, i.e. he has the size, fundamentals, arm strength, intelligence, etc. No one thinks he is immortal, but I am willing to give him a chance before assuming he will just be a flat out bust. A lot of scouts have said some really great things about this kid, lets give him a chance before we just assume he will be terrible and the team will be terrible because it will have more unfamiliar names than we are used to.

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Take a look at this past years record...it will repeat itself for the next couple of years.....LIKE FATHER LIKE SON!!!! Nice move Irsay...by letting everyone go will only make the Colts the laughing stock of the NFL!!! Born in Baltimore I have been a loyal fan through the good times and bad, including the move out of Baltimore...I will still follow the Colts but you better believe if and when Peyton comes back to play the Colts I will enjoy the whipping he will inflict....I feel bad for the city of Indy.

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We need Draft picks. It would be nice to have a high draft pick next year that we could get some good value in trading down with. Similar to what the rams just did.

Well, then if the above posters are correct about our record, we may be able to do exactly what the Rams did this year next year since we will not be in need of a franchise quarterback. We need to stop grumbling about trading the pick. It didn't happen, and now it would be a dumb decision to do that since we let Peyton walk. It is what it is, but lets give the future team the benefit of the doubt and do not let raw emotions carry the day.

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Luck will be a par QB at best for Colts. Goodness, Ryan Leaf was considered an immortal pre-draft. I think Colts will go 2-14 again. High expectations by a lot of you will just lead to your major disappointment. Colts I believe under new GM will not reach playoffs for several years. They will be battling the Jags for cellar dwellars in the AFC South for long time. The Colts of yester year is over and there will not be one again. Sorry but that is my opinion only.

Luck is not leaf. Luck is not manning. Luck is not elway. Luck is not newton. Luck is not carr.Luck is luck. It's stupid to say he will be a bust because he has so much hype. There have been great qbs with great hype. Give the guy a chance before u start saying he will be a bust. I'm sure u haven't even watched the guy play.

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My guess would be 2-14 at best, Luck will be under a lot of scrutiny, Big Big shoes to fill. Best scenario woul be to win the last 2 with a lot of improvement seen at QB and then the number 1 pick next year to make Washington like trade. I actually like Barkley better than Luck so I think their could be a lot of value for that pick. Hopefully by year 3 for Luck we start to roll again.

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Without seeing the roster. Without knowing order of games etc. All this is tenative.

















7-9.....With wins aganinst Jax(2), Clev, Chi, Buff, Minn, Tenn........

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Some people are crazy if they think we will beat teams like Jacksonville and Tennessee twice! We got swept by Jacksonville this year and should have lost to Tennessee both times. I also don't see us beating the bears or buffalo both teams that continue to get better. You never know until you play the games but I would think we will be lucky with 3 wins. We would need some real difference makers in FA to win more than that...and I don't see us making a big splash there since we just worked so hard to open cap space. I look at the team trying to beef up the O-line to protect their investment and work on our line backers since they will be the difference makers in our new defense.

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We really have to see what the final roster looks like. We have to see what the draft looks like. We have to see if they look decent in preseason too. Preseason is more important this year then with the old squad.

Having a competitive season is NOT out of the question. Teams win games.......we have to see what sort of team we have later and what the new staff is made of.

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