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Colts to Interview McDaniels on Thursday


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21 minutes ago, Horse Shoe Heaven said:

Having him play this year, when he was operated on in January of the same year IS VERY AGGRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!! The at this time statement, that you keep bringing up is thats what he thinks and knows now. Look all surgeries our dangerous, hell people have died having plastic surgery! We will know by then, I am not worried based on what I saw in the press conference, as well as personal experience with these types of surgeries! I play major travel softball all over the US, and have thrown again twice, with set backs during the rehabs its part of the territory.


No.   The timeline was NOT aggressive at all.     Everyone said so.


The timeline for an Average Joe like you or me is one thing.    The timeline for a world class athlete is completely different.


Everyone thought he'd be back.   The worst case prediction was he might miss a few games in September.     That was the worst case.  And we know what happened.


Luck hasn't even thrown a football since being shutdown...   bad sign.   A red flag.


To be clear...   I am NOT predicting any kind of gloom and doom for Luck.   I'm only saying that for right now there is little reason to be optimistic..


We are in wait and see mode...


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1 hour ago, Happy2BeHere said:

According to my sources (namely my cat) McDaniels will be the next head coach of the Colts. According to my same source MeowMix is a poor choice for food. 


So so...now that we have a source (albeit unreliable) we can now move on to who the defensive/offensive coordinators will be. My source does not have any further input on these particular does anyone’s cat or dog or other species of animals have some sources on these matters?


no I am not drunk, it’s too early to be drunk.

Are you sure you’re not drunk?  Sounds like you’re hitting the source pretty hard.  

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4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No.   The timeline was NOT aggressive at all.     Everyone said so.


The timeline for an Average Joe like you or me is one thing.    The timeline for a world class athlete is completely different.


Everyone thought he'd be back.   The worst case prediction was he might miss a few games in September.     That was the worst case.  And we know what happened.


Luck hasn't even thrown a football since being shutdown...   bad sign.   A red flag.


To be clear...   I am NOT predicting any kind of gloom and doom for Luck.   I'm only saying that for right now there is little reason to be optimistic..


We are in wait and see mode...


Could of fooled me on the doom and gloom! i think you are wrong quoting Luck as saying "at this time". I think that was Irsay. He is what SB is quoting him saying and also what I heard him say. "Among other things, Andrew Luck stated that he doesn’t feel he needs another surgery, and that he has no issues with the Colts organization. " He did not add "at this time" and this seems to be important to you.

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19 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

Could of fooled me on the doom and gloom! i think you are wrong quoting Luck as saying "at this time". I think that was Irsay. He is what SB is quoting him saying and also what I heard him say. "Among other things, Andrew Luck stated that he doesn’t feel he needs another surgery, and that he has no issues with the Colts organization. " He did not add "at this time" and this seems to be important to you.


I agree with you. Adding conditions to fit a narrative doesn’t bode well at all. 

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8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No.   The timeline was NOT aggressive at all.     Everyone said so.


The timeline for an Average Joe like you or me is one thing.    The timeline for a world class athlete is completely different.


Everyone thought he'd be back.   The worst case prediction was he might miss a few games in September.     That was the worst case.  And we know what happened.


Luck hasn't even thrown a football since being shutdown...   bad sign.   A red flag.


To be clear...   I am NOT predicting any kind of gloom and doom for Luck.   I'm only saying that for right now there is little reason to be optimistic..


We are in wait and see mode...


I thought it was aggressive, I thought the VERY best scenario was end of Oct, and then hes got guys tackling him bad. I never was convinced he would be back sure hoped, but again unless you have been threw it you don't know. Andrew looks bigger now or back to normal, because he didn't have all his strength back. He has it now IMO, When you start throwing again there is a lot of scar tissue, if any is in there it hurts which is unavoidable, you have to break it up. I had my last surgery in November 2016 and its just starting to feel normal based on the day. Its a time and healing issue weather your a world class athlete or an average Joe. Andrew being who he is people hoped for the best. Even though I don't play professional football, average Joes haven't played D-1 baseball and football, or travel and play softball all over the United States. Average Joes play rec leagues in there home towns and quit when the have such surgeries. Yes its a wait and see mode, IMO based on what I saw in the press conference and having been threw the surgeries multiple times I think he will be fine. I choose to see the glass almost completely full. In March or April we will find out and for sure and we will remember this discussion! I fully expect to be right, but if not I will be the first to acknowledge it. Now if we draft a QB in the first or second round someone lied!!

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Seeing a lot of good commentary on Steve Wilks.   Not sure I'd totally count him out as having a good shot at being our HC



What others are saying about Wilks: "I knew he had it in him. He has a big presence about him. Even the way he speaks and everyone gravitates toward him. He's not a normal coordinator where no one really talks to him. Everybody is always asking him things. He's a smart, smart man. I learned more from him this year than I did in a long time. One thing I learned about him real quick by sitting in his office the day they signed me was, he said, 'I'm holding everybody accountable. Everybody is going to be accountable. We're going to play fast. We're going to play aggressive. We're not going to play not to make any mistakes, but we're going to be accountable for everything we do on the field.' It was the truth. There was no lying in him. He calls guys out. It's not out of disrespect, but it's out of love because he wants to win." -- Current Carolina and former Colts safety Mike Adams.





Definitely like the blitzing and the 50 sacks the Panthers got this year.  Not sure about who he'd pick for a staff but he has the right makeup it seems.

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Tom Curran from Boston article above.  He leads with "...the session, I'm told, went "very well." 


It apparently happened Wednesday night too, not today.  Interesting to read Josh has a younger brother on the Bears staff - I was unaware of that.  Not sure it matters one way or the other. 

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Luck has been 100 percent wrong about almost all of his public comments since the surgery.


So,  why should anyone put much stock in what he says now?     Not when he says things like....  "at this time"...


Nothing has gone according to plan.     And they weren't aggressive at all.    Ballard started saying last April that they weren't going to rush Luck and if he had to miss the whole year,   that's what he'd do.     And then he'd add,  but I don't think that's what will happen.       And it did.   


Nothing has gone right,  and very little encouragement was offered at the presser.    


Luck might eventually be fine.   But I sure hope we know by March or April....    because BIG decisions have to be made then...


I could not have agreed more with what you said. I give you a thousand likes on that post. I've been hoping and praying for Lucks return But the fact of the matter is we just don't know until he throws and says how he feels. He needs to start throwing very soon so if there is a set back they still got some time to address it. But with free agency coming up in two months and then the draft they need answers way in advance. So if another surgery is needed and it going to be long and drawn out again. It will definitely change there plans about what they want to do in free agency and the draft. 

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3 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

Could of fooled me on the doom and gloom! i think you are wrong quoting Luck as saying "at this time". I think that was Irsay. He is what SB is quoting him saying and also what I heard him say. "Among other things, Andrew Luck stated that he doesn’t feel he needs another surgery, and that he has no issues with the Colts organization. " He did not add "at this time" and this seems to be important to you.


It is important to me....    Important enough that I went back and listened to the entire presser conference again...   and, my ears did not hear those words...    you are right...


Oddly enough....     the printed story on Colts.com DID use those words and, in a way,  attributed them to Luck... (my read)        Here is the link....     aboout halfway down there are bullet points on the story aobut the press conference and the 2nd bullet point uses those words...    "at this time..."    it's an odd phrase to use if the words were not said....






Thanks for the correction...


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


It is important to me....    Important enough that I went back and listened to the entire presser conference again...   and, my ears did not hear those words...    you are right...


Oddly enough....     the printed story on Colts.com DID use those words and, in a way,  attributed them to Luck... (my read)        Here is the link....     aboout halfway down there are bullet points on the story aobut the press conference and the 2nd bullet point uses those words...    "at this time..."    it's an odd phrase to use if the words were not said....






Thanks for the correction...


No problem. I have always appreciated your post on here but found these recent posts to be more negative than past posts. 

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19 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


It is important to me....    Important enough that I went back and listened to the entire presser conference again...   and, my ears did not hear those words...    you are right...


Oddly enough....     the printed story on Colts.com DID use those words and, in a way,  attributed them to Luck... (my read)        Here is the link....     aboout halfway down there are bullet points on the story aobut the press conference and the 2nd bullet point uses those words...    "at this time..."    it's an odd phrase to use if the words were not said....






Thanks for the correction...


question for you.


what about lucks press conference bothered you?  i didnt gather much of anything from it myself, it just seemed like he wanted to get away for a bit.  




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19 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

question for you.


what about lucks press conference bothered you?  i didnt gather much of anything from it myself, it just seemed like he wanted to get away for a bit.  





Luck is, by nature,  a very private person.    He does not like to talk about himself.   He's typically gracious and classy when he deflects credit and is willing to take the blame for things that went wrong that were probably the fault of a teammate or two....    I love that about him.


And I have said to a number of posters here who have wanted more info from Luck,  that Luck is not obligated to give out much medical information.    He can say as much or as little as he wants....    So I have defended him on that.


I just think after 11 and 1/2 months where pretty much everything went wrong,  and nothing went according to plan,  that to come out and face the media and say,  roughly...     That he went to the Netherlands to rehab and workout and not offer more details is not acceptable.     He wouldn't name the trainer,  though he did say the trainer has a facility in The Netherlands.     He wouldn't describe the treatment beyond just "soft tissue" work...     he did say there were no injections of any kind.    I found his answers very guarded at a time when I think the fans DESERVE as much information as he can give.  


The fans were promised Andrew Luck would be ready and good to go in 2017.   And despite Luck assuring fans back in July or August that he wouldn't miss any games,   he missed an entire season.      And the season went to Hell.


I think in thise case,  the fans are owed more.    And I don't think Luck would agree with that.     He's a sharp, intuitive young man.    He gets it.     But I think his presser was tone deaf.     When you intereview some athletes,  you can see the wheels spinning in their eyes....   "How can I answer this question without really saying very much?"    Some athletes are like that.     Most notably here in So. Cal,  Marcus Allen was like that at USC and with the Raiders.    He guarded every word he ever said.     Luck is like that.   


I thought if there was ever a time to break out of his mold and give the fans a full accounting,  this would be it.    And I  was disappointed it didn't happen.


I have often said here that controlling your own message is hugely important in these days of 24/7 media.    And that if you don't control your own message,  someone else will likely control it for you,  and not do as good a job as you can.     They might not have your best intentions at heart.    And that's where I think we are now...   The Indy media seemed to openly question Luck's answers.   I don't think that's happened before.    Luck does not have control of his own message and I think he's smart enough to know better...


Sorry this went so long....


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10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Luck is, by nature,  a very private person.    He does not like to talk about himself.   He's typically gracious and classy when he deflects credit and is willing to take the blame for things that went wrong that were probably the fault of a teammate or two....    I love that about him.


And I have said to a number of posters here who have wanted more info from Luck,  that Luck is not obligated to give out much medical information.    He can say as much or as little as he wants....    So I have defended him on that.


I just think after 11 and 1/2 months where pretty much everything went wrong,  and nothing went according to plan,  that to come out and face the media and say,  roughly...     That he went to the Netherlands to rehab and workout and not offer more details is not acceptable.     He wouldn't name the trainer,  though he did say the trainer has a facility in The Netherlands.     He wouldn't describe the treatment beyond just "soft tissue" work...     he did say there were no injections of any kind.    I found his answers very guarded at a time when I think the fans DESERVE as much information as he can give.  


The fans were promised Andrew Luck would be ready and good to go in 2017.   And despite Luck assuring fans back in July or August that he wouldn't miss any games,   he missed an entire season.      And the season went to Hell.


I think in thise case,  the fans are owed more.    And I don't think Luck would agree with that.     He's a sharp, intuitive young man.    He gets it.     But I think his presser was tone deaf.     When you intereview some athletes,  you can see the wheels spinning in their eyes....   "How can I answer this question without really saying very much?"    Some athletes are like that.     Most notably here in So. Cal,  Marcus Allen was like that at USC and with the Raiders.    He guarded every word he ever said.     Luck is like that.   


I thought if there was ever a time to break out of his mold and give the fans a full accounting,  this would be it.    And I  was disappointed it didn't happen.


I have often said here that controlling your own message is hugely important in these days of 24/7 media.    And that if you don't control your own message,  someone else will likely control it for you,  and not do as good a job as you can.     They might not have your best intentions at heart.    And that's where I think we are now...   The Indy media seemed to openly question Luck's answers.   I don't think that's happened before.    Luck does not have control of his own message and I think he's smart enough to know better...


Sorry this went so long....


NCF,not to be on your case but you do sound exactly like the local press. i don't think Luck owes any of us all the details of his treatments. Ii think he owes us the truth of where he is at but beyond that I think he owes us no more. Did he have treatments that is illegal in the US? None of our business. Only fodder for the local and national press to take shots of him and personally I think this is his own personal business. I think Andrew is a very honorable guy and I take him for his word. He may never play again but it is not that he is trying to deceive us.


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2 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

NCF,not to be on your case but you do sound exactly like the local press. i don't think Luck owes any of us all the details of his treatments. Ii think he owes us the truth of where he is at but beyond that I think he owes us no more. Did he have treatments that is illegal in the US? None of our business. Only fodder for the local and national press to take shots of him and personally I think this is his own personal business. I think Andrew is a very honorable guy and I take him for his word. He may never play again but it is not that he is trying to deceive us.



I don't think Luck is trying to deceive anyone.    And I'm certainly not accusing him of doing or taking anything illegal.


But when the local media which has loved Andrew since the day he became a Colt begins to openly question what you're saying,  then I think Luck has a problem that Luck himself made.    


I think it's fine that you don't think you're owed more.    But a number of fans do,  and for the first time,  I agree with them.  


As you noted,  this is all fodder for the local and national press.    And I don't think that's a good thing.    It's unnecessary.      It could've been handled better IMO.      And I'm surprised that it wasn't.


By the way,  to be fair to Luck,   I did like that he defended Irsay and said his comments about Luck and his injury were taken out of context and that he loves that Irsay is very supportive of him.     And Luck also said he loves Indianapolis and has no desire to leave as some rumors had stated.     He pretty much laughed that one off.     That was good.   Props to Andrew for doing that.


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4 hours ago, Dirty Mudflaps said:



Tom Curran from Boston article above.  He leads with "...the session, I'm told, went "very well." 


It apparently happened Wednesday night too, not today.  Interesting to read Josh has a younger brother on the Bears staff - I was unaware of that.  Not sure it matters one way or the other. 


Thanks for the link, for awhile there I was worried this thread about Josh McDaniels was turning into just another Andrew Luck speculation thread.

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4 hours ago, Dirty Mudflaps said:



Tom Curran from Boston article above.  He leads with "...the session, I'm told, went "very well." 


It apparently happened Wednesday night too, not today.  Interesting to read Josh has a younger brother on the Bears staff - I was unaware of that.  Not sure it matters one way or the other. 


Excited to see this possibly happen. I liked the part that talks about Dungy possibly advocating for McDaniels to Ballard and Irsay.

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't think Luck is trying to deceive anyone.    And I'm certainly not accusing him of doing or taking anything illegal.


But when the local media which has loved Andrew since the day he became a Colt begins to openly question what you're saying,  then I think Luck has a problem that Luck himself made.    


I think it's fine that you don't think you're owed more.    But a number of fans do,  and for the first time,  I agree with them.  


As you noted,  this is all fodder for the local and national press.    And I don't think that's a good thing.    It's unnecessary.      It could've been handled better IMO.      And I'm surprised that it wasn't.


By the way,  to be fair to Luck,   I did like that he defended Irsay and said his comments about Luck and his injury were taken out of context and that he loves that Irsay is very supportive of him.     And Luck also said he loves Indianapolis and has no desire to leave as some rumors had stated.     He pretty much laughed that one off.     That was good.   Props to Andrew for doing that.


We disagree on what Andrew owes us as fans . I think that some things are personal no matter how muhk one is in the spotlight and I will never understand why one thinks his personal affairs are everyones business. He told us where he was and how he feels  but didn't give everyone his personal info and I am fine with that. What does everyone want from him?

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40 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

We disagree on what Andrew owes us as fans . I think that some things are personal no matter how muhk one is in the spotlight and I will never understand why one thinks his personal affairs are everyones business. He told us where he was and how he feels  but didn't give everyone his personal info and I am fine with that. What does everyone want from him?


Never understand why?


OK...     I'll try to explain....


People bought 2017 Colts season tickets with the expectation of seeing Andrew Luck play QB.    And they were told he would.      And he didn't.     And the season was terrible.


Most everything Andrew Luck said about his injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.

Most everything Chris Ballard said about Luck's injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.

Most everything Jim Irsay said about Luck's injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.


I don't think these people were lying,  but they were wrong never the less.


Now, fans are being asked to buy 2018 season tickets.   I'm guessing decent seats for roughly $500-1000 per seat, maybe more?   And most people buy at least two seats,  some buy four and some buy more.     And they all want to see Andrew Luck.   And all he can say is he's confident he'll be playing this year.    Hey, he said that several times in 2017.   And he hasn't even thrown a football yet and can't tell anyone when he will be able to.    I'm sorry,  but I don't think that's acceptable.    It's just not fair to a very loyal fan base.


Again, I've supported Luck in his desire not to tell much information.   But I think we've reached a threashold were fans deserve far more than they are getting.    I appreciate that you disagree with that.   


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Seriously folks?! Stay on topic, go discuss the conspiracy theories surrounding Luck in the Luck mega thread. Not every thread has to be about what Luck/Irsay said or didn't say and what they owe fans. Yeah, Lucks situation is the key thing to the colts, anyone who doesn't get that is either high or something, but it doesn't have to be brought up on every single thread.  


I dont see how the mods can do this job, cause I'd be banning people left and right 




7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Never understand why?


OK...     I'll try to explain....


People bought 2017 Colts season tickets with the expectation of seeing Andrew Luck play QB.    And they were told he would.      And he didn't.     And the season was terrible.


Most everything Andrew Luck said about his injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.

Most everything Chris Ballard said about Luck's injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.

Most everything Jim Irsay said about Luck's injury/surgery in 2017 didn't happen.


I don't think these people were lying,  but they were wrong never the less.


Now, fans are being asked to buy 2018 season tickets.   I'm guessing decent seats for roughly $500-1000 per seat, maybe more?   And most people buy at least two seats,  some buy four and some buy more.     And they all want to see Andrew Luck.   And all he can say is he's confident he'll be playing this year.    Hey, he said that several times in 2017.   And he hasn't even thrown a football yet and can't tell anyone when he will be able to.    I'm sorry,  but I don't think that's acceptable.    It's just not fair to a very loyal fan base.


Again, I've supported Luck in his desire not to tell much information.   But I think we've reached a threashold were fans deserve far more than they are getting.    I appreciate that you disagree with that.   



8 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

We disagree on what Andrew owes us as fans . I think that some things are personal no matter how muhk one is in the spotlight and I will never understand why one thinks his personal affairs are everyones business. He told us where he was and how he feels  but didn't give everyone his personal info and I am fine with that. What does everyone want from him?


9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't think Luck is trying to deceive anyone.    And I'm certainly not accusing him of doing or taking anything illegal.


But when the local media which has loved Andrew since the day he became a Colt begins to openly question what you're saying,  then I think Luck has a problem that Luck himself made.    


I think it's fine that you don't think you're owed more.    But a number of fans do,  and for the first time,  I agree with them.  


As you noted,  this is all fodder for the local and national press.    And I don't think that's a good thing.    It's unnecessary.      It could've been handled better IMO.      And I'm surprised that it wasn't.


By the way,  to be fair to Luck,   I did like that he defended Irsay and said his comments about Luck and his injury were taken out of context and that he loves that Irsay is very supportive of him.     And Luck also said he loves Indianapolis and has no desire to leave as some rumors had stated.     He pretty much laughed that one off.     That was good.   Props to Andrew for doing that.



9 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

NCF,not to be on your case but you do sound exactly like the local press. i don't think Luck owes any of us all the details of his treatments. Ii think he owes us the truth of where he is at but beyond that I think he owes us no more. Did he have treatments that is illegal in the US? None of our business. Only fodder for the local and national press to take shots of him and personally I think this is his own personal business. I think Andrew is a very honorable guy and I take him for his word. He may never play again but it is not that he is trying to deceive us.



10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Luck is, by nature,  a very private person.    He does not like to talk about himself.   He's typically gracious and classy when he deflects credit and is willing to take the blame for things that went wrong that were probably the fault of a teammate or two....    I love that about him.


And I have said to a number of posters here who have wanted more info from Luck,  that Luck is not obligated to give out much medical information.    He can say as much or as little as he wants....    So I have defended him on that.


I just think after 11 and 1/2 months where pretty much everything went wrong,  and nothing went according to plan,  that to come out and face the media and say,  roughly...     That he went to the Netherlands to rehab and workout and not offer more details is not acceptable.     He wouldn't name the trainer,  though he did say the trainer has a facility in The Netherlands.     He wouldn't describe the treatment beyond just "soft tissue" work...     he did say there were no injections of any kind.    I found his answers very guarded at a time when I think the fans DESERVE as much information as he can give.  


The fans were promised Andrew Luck would be ready and good to go in 2017.   And despite Luck assuring fans back in July or August that he wouldn't miss any games,   he missed an entire season.      And the season went to Hell.


I think in thise case,  the fans are owed more.    And I don't think Luck would agree with that.     He's a sharp, intuitive young man.    He gets it.     But I think his presser was tone deaf.     When you intereview some athletes,  you can see the wheels spinning in their eyes....   "How can I answer this question without really saying very much?"    Some athletes are like that.     Most notably here in So. Cal,  Marcus Allen was like that at USC and with the Raiders.    He guarded every word he ever said.     Luck is like that.   


I thought if there was ever a time to break out of his mold and give the fans a full accounting,  this would be it.    And I  was disappointed it didn't happen.


I have often said here that controlling your own message is hugely important in these days of 24/7 media.    And that if you don't control your own message,  someone else will likely control it for you,  and not do as good a job as you can.     They might not have your best intentions at heart.    And that's where I think we are now...   The Indy media seemed to openly question Luck's answers.   I don't think that's happened before.    Luck does not have control of his own message and I think he's smart enough to know better...


Sorry this went so long....



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10 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

The hate for Josh is unreal on this forum lol you can use any excuses you guys want it's all because he's from the NE

....and it's silly because no successful head coach is ever identified with a team he was an assistant for.  If he comes here and wins, he'll be a Colt.

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3 minutes ago, #12. said:

....and it's silly because no successful head coach is ever identified with a team he was an assistant for.  If he comes here and wins, he'll be a Colt.

This is true! Everyone wants to bring up Den tho. Do you know how many people see that as a positive? It was a great learning experience according to a lot of people.

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4 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

The hate for Josh is unreal on this forum lol you can use any excuses you guys want it's all because he's from the NE

I dont hate him.  I'm only hesitant for one simple reason, I'm not sure his success is actually his and not that of Hoodie and Brady.  His flame out in Denver does worries me but not much. That said, I'm also ok with giving him another shot as he was only 32 at the time, a young, cocky OC with superbowl titles to his credit. It's not impossible for that situation in Denver to be the punch in the mouth needed to bring him down to earth. Its just as likely that he'll be a good HC this go around as it is he'll flame out again.  

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20 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

The hate for Josh is unreal on this forum lol you can use any excuses you guys want it's all because he's from the NE

That is freely admitted.   If he is hired here I’m sure it will subside but until then he is the evil enemy.  

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19 minutes ago, csmopar said:

I dont hate him.  I'm only hesitant for one simple reason, I'm not sure his success is actually his and not that of Hoodie and Brady.  His flame out in Denver does worries me but not much. That said, I'm also ok with giving him another shot as he was only 32 at the time, a young, cocky OC with superbowl titles to his credit. It's not impossible for that situation in Denver to be the punch in the mouth needed to bring him down to earth. Its just as likely that he'll be a good HC this go around as it is he'll flame out again.  

Bill runs the D if there was a coordinator to worry about I'd guess Matt Patricia cause I don't see him controlling the D much Josh on the other hand I feel really does control the offense seeing as how Bill is busy being the HC GM and running the D

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1 hour ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

This is true! Everyone wants to bring up Den tho. Do you know how many people see that as a positive? It was a great learning experience according to a lot of people.

Failing is part of the learning process.  Especially for a guy who by his own admission was too young for the job at the time.  Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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51 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Bill runs the D if there was a coordinator to worry about I'd guess Matt Patricia cause I don't see him controlling the D much Josh on the other hand I feel really does control the offense seeing as how Bill is busy being the HC GM and running the D


You can see both Patricia & McDaniels sending in the play calls from the sideline, but I do agree that Bill is much more involved with the defensive side of the ball. At any given time you'll see him pull defensive players aside on the sideline and draw things up on his dry erase board. I don't see him doing that with the offensive guys.

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2 minutes ago, Jaric said:

Failing is part of the learning process.  Especially for a guy who by his own admission was too young for the job at the time.  Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I agree I love that he has that learning experience plus like I said before he even went and got advice from Tony Dungy to help learn more that's great news imo 

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