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Philbin as line coach


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5 minutes ago, TDewar1987 said:

The offensive line has actually played pretty well the last several games. It takes time for it to gel especially when it is a different starting combo every single week it seems. 

Completely agree.  With young players and injuries every week I would say Philbin has done pretty well.  We have a rookie center who has shown promise plus guys selected late like Haeg who could become a great Guard.  I would say they have been coached rather well.

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Just now, DaColts85 said:

Completely agree.  With young players and injuries every week I would say Philbin has done pretty well.  We have a rookie center who has shown promise plus guys selected late like Haeg who could become a great Guard.  I would say they have been coached rather well.


I suppose it's easier to write off the offensive line because the media enjoys throwing the sack stat out every 5 minutes lol. Which of course was really really bad for about half the season, but it has greatly improved. 

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As TD mentioned, the line has improved immensely this year. If you looked at the first 8 games vs the last 8 games, I'd say they have improved more than any other positional group by far. I think they'll be one of the team's best strengths going into 2017. 

I think we've found our starters on the right side (Haeg, Clark) and another offseason of weight training and development will do wonders for them. 


I think most expected the improvement of the line to be a gradual thing. I commend Philbin for making such improvements in what has turned out to be about half a season with 3 rookies playing meaningful time.

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Just now, TDewar1987 said:


I suppose it's easier to write off the offensive line because the media enjoys throwing the sack stat out every 5 minutes lol. Which of course was really really bad for about half the season, but it has greatly improved. 

Yea the beginning of this year was definitely not the strong part and they clearly struggled.  But as you said we had a new line combo every game almost.  Even against the Raiders we still did not look that bad.  Obviously we need to improve but I can see that happening.

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Philbin has been a wonderful addition. It started off bad when we were using guys like Good and Reitz, but once Haeg came in and made an impact, that's when the line started to improve. Harrison has been solid at G, and now Clark is making a very good impact and I believe he will be the starting RT next year. Philbin has been a saving grace this year.

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When you consider this is the best they have played since the start of lucks career and more, there is little to complain about. The line was also injured for majority of the year. Along with that it's his first year. Give the guy a break he hasn't shown any reason to get rid of him. 


Colts fans know know what a bad oline looks like and his looked decent, for mostly a rookie oline and oft injured what do you expect?

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I totally agree with most of the statements on here saying the o-line had vastly improved from the first 8 games of the season.  Having said that, I am hoping they continue on this success and that the injury big doesn't hit us again.  Really looking forward to what this o-line can do next year.

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Philbin is bringing these guys along wonderfully, imo.   Even when we started bad, you could still see glimpses of the line forming a pocket around Luck.   Before that, they would fire right through our line, destroy the pocket immediately and be right in Luck's face.  So even that was progress.  But the last few weeks?   Whew, they look downright good...and they are mostly rookies.

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The line is by no means perfect but has several young/talented players. I think we have seen improvement and will continue to do so with Philbin coaching them.


I still feel that getting rid of the ball quickly needs to be emphasized with Luck. Whether that is different play calling or personnel it would go a long way to helping the line.

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I have coached offensive line. Picking up a twist is very simple. Our Rookies have been playing football for at least  10 years. The guard has to recognize that the DT is attacking our OT in hopes that the our guard will get out of position while the end wraps around the DT. We should be able to recognize that by now. We run twists and other teams pick them up. We fail repeatedly. These are not physical mistakes these are mental mistakes. Our O-line makes a lot of repeated mental mistakes. That is coaching.

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22 minutes ago, JMichael557 said:

I have coached offensive line. Picking up a twist is very simple. Our Rookies have been playing football for at least  10 years. The guard has to recognize that the DT is attacking our OT in hopes that the our guard will get out of position while the end wraps around the DT. We should be able to recognize that by now. We run twists and other teams pick them up. We fail repeatedly. These are not physical mistakes these are mental mistakes. Our O-line makes a lot of repeated mental mistakes. That is coaching.


I agree. Also, there is a lot of technique development needed. For example, Denzelle Good was a good run blocker, but poor pass blocker. Why? I think it takes time to reduce the mental aspect to a natural read and react using good technique. That takes practice, communication and teamwork. It seems there needs to be more "team"-work to avoid what seems to be mental mistakes - like being induced out of position to cover bad OT play. Talent, yes, but consistency is needed for the O-line to gel.


Oh, and a new HC that wasn't confused would probably help, too.

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You can tell the runblock has improved leap and bounds. I am still woried whoever is on the OL cant seem to pick up stunts etc but you can see that when given more talent in Kelly/Haeg/Raven the OL looks better vs the other guys who are not so talented

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2 hours ago, JMichael557 said:

I have coached offensive line. Picking up a twist is very simple. Our Rookies have been playing football for at least  10 years. The guard has to recognize that the DT is attacking our OT in hopes that the our guard will get out of position while the end wraps around the DT. We should be able to recognize that by now. We run twists and other teams pick them up. We fail repeatedly. These are not physical mistakes these are mental mistakes. Our O-line makes a lot of repeated mental mistakes. That is coaching.


Really you coach offensive line in the NFL? 


Don't compare your coaching of a high school or middle school or pop warner team to pick up twists to picking it up in the NFL.  


And the line has been getting better late in the season, sacks have gone way down, Luck is getting more time, and that's even with losing Mewhort and having Haeg play in like 3 different positions on the line as a rookie.


Plus Frank Gore's YPC is up a bit.   


Also Clark who was a project player looks like he might be able to be a decent starter in the NFL.  



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11 hours ago, UKColt13 said:

Props to Philbin and the players. When they've been able to put the same line out there a few weeks in a row late this year they've done pretty well. Cohesion is important. But Philbin has been great for the development of Kelly, Haeg and Clark

Agreed. Been in deep need since our last great O-line Coach Howard Mudd left. And I for one am grateful for Coach Philbin. JMO

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On 12/28/2016 at 9:29 AM, JMichael557 said:

Why can't the line pick up simple twists?



The last two games of the season......        0 sacks.


The two games before that?                       2 sacks total.


The two games featuring Luck before that?    4 sacks total.


I think at one point this year we were on pace for more than 60 sacks.    We're now going to finish with a total in the 40's.       In short,  your memory is playing tricks on you.     Besides,  you weren't expecting perfection in the first year, were you.       


This recent stretch of line play is the best we've had in the Andrew Luck era.      The best,  by far,


And you're not happy with it.............     (Sigh.....)


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2 hours ago, JMichael557 said:

The play calling has lessened the sacks. The pressure is the same. 

True. Clark has had some good plays, but he's been beaten a lot.  Mostly he appears to push his player wide.  Play calling has schemed so Andrew has stepped up, passed quicker, or ran sooner.  


No doubt, we're running more, and more successfully. OLINE has to get credit for that. And Pass Blocking, even with the breakdowns- is light-years better than against the Chiefs, for example.

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On 12/28/2016 at 11:22 AM, JMichael557 said:

I do not understand why everyone likes Philbin . The line cannot pick up stunts or blitzes off the edge. I am not impressed with his work  at all.

Maybe because they've only gave up 9 sacks total in the last 6 games, and 0 the past 2 games?



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On 12/28/2016 at 11:38 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

Philbin has been a wonderful addition. It started off bad when we were using guys like Good and Reitz, but once Haeg came in and made an impact, that's when the line started to improve. Harrison has been solid at G, and now Clark is making a very good impact and I believe he will be the starting RT next year. Philbin has been a saving grace this year.

If changes are made, I hope Philbin is kept as OL coach


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2 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

If changes are made, I hope Philbin is kept as OL coach


Same here, he's been the one guy that has proven his worth this year. Made the rookie o-line looked like champs. When Mewhort comes back next year, and the rookies get a 2nd year under their belt, the line should be even better. If Moncrief stays healthy and Dorsett picks it up as well,, the Offensive side of the ball could be fixed finally.

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3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Same here, he's been the one guy that has proven his worth this year. Made the rookie o-line looked like champs. When Mewhort comes back next year, and the rookies get a 2nd year under their belt, the line should be even better. If Moncrief stays healthy and Dorsett picks it up as well,, the Offensive side of the ball could be fixed finally.

One of the best things Paganos done was hiring Philbin. I wish his other hires were as good as that hire, this team would go places.

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Just now, RockThatBlue said:

One of the best things Paganos done was hiring Philbin. I wish his other hires were as good as that hire, this team would go places.

Definitely agree. We'll have to take our victories where we can get them at this point. Hopefully we can improve somewhere on the coaching staff during Black Monday, and especially during the draft. I was looking at a rookie report through week 15, and 5 Colts were ranked in the top 50 (not even counting Ridgeway). So this year is the start to something good I hope.

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2 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

If changes are made, I hope Philbin is kept as OL coach


I agree but I think it's going to depend on who comes in, in that scenario.  Do they know Philbin?  Do they have any previous experience with him?  etc.  I think it would be a shame if he weren't retained but that is part of the risk you take by changing the front office.

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9 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

I agree but I think it's going to depend on who comes in, in that scenario.  Do they know Philbin?  Do they have any previous experience with him?  etc.  I think it would be a shame if he weren't retained but that is part of the risk you take by changing the front office.

Very true. This current regime kept Clyde as QB coach for a couple years, so its possible the next one could keep Philbin.

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On 12/29/2016 at 8:57 AM, JMichael557 said:

I have coached offensive line. Picking up a twist is very simple. Our Rookies have been playing football for at least  10 years. The guard has to recognize that the DT is attacking our OT in hopes that the our guard will get out of position while the end wraps around the DT. We should be able to recognize that by now. We run twists and other teams pick them up. We fail repeatedly. These are not physical mistakes these are mental mistakes. Our O-line makes a lot of repeated mental mistakes. That is coaching.

Pretty easy to teach kids to block the 3rd grader across from them.   

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On 12/28/2016 at 11:22 AM, JMichael557 said:

I do not understand why everyone likes Philbin . The line cannot pick up stunts or blitzes off the edge. I am not impressed with his work  at all.

You know what fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.


Stunts giving big issues for our OL right now and it has resulted in first interception for Luck. Lots more work to do for this young OL for consistency.

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On 12/28/2016 at 11:22 AM, JMichael557 said:

I do not understand why everyone likes Philbin . The line cannot pick up stunts or blitzes off the edge. I am not impressed with his work  at all.

1 sack in last 3 games shows the line is improving 

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