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Luck "Tired of almost"

MR. Blueblood

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Like the article suggests, I'm very tired of the mistakes being made (dropped passes, missed tackles, penalties, missed blocking assignments) and that all falls on coaching. Make these players accountable for these mistakes by having harder practices to correct them. 

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3 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

Like the article suggests, I'm very tired of the mistakes being made (dropped passes, missed tackles, penalties, missed blocking assignments) and that all falls on coaching. Make these players accountable for these mistakes by having harder practices to correct them. 


I agree. I know everyone wants to can Grigson, but it's the coach who's supposed to get the most out of these players. That IMO has nothing to do with the GM. The fans and the owner all wanted o-line this past draft, he drafted o-line. The year before that, we needed d-line, he drafted d-line. Now we need pass rush, and I'm guessing that's what he'll draft next year.


But how those players perform on the field is all on the coaches. Grigson is far from a perfrect GM, but he's given the Colts decent classes from the past 2 drafts, and for the most part they all look like lost puppies out there. Even the veterans that we bring in look clueless. Has anyone seen Antonio Cromartie, throughout his entire career, play as badly as he played yesterday? I sure haven't. I mean, do these guys even watch film?

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18 minutes ago, Devildog said:

I'm just tired.

Andrew, believe us, we are tired just as much. To be honest I was already tired of "almost" in the past couple of years when we almost lost a lot of games and miraclously pulled out crazy cardiac wins. God, how much I miss the years when the Peyton lead Colts dominated the opponents from the first minute to the last...

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We don't have the power to fix it. We mainly just have the power to complain about it, but this guy Luck, he has ALL the power.


If he had the cahones he would walk into Irsay's office and demand that this get fixed right now. He probably wont do it though because he's too nice.

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"Almost" pretty much defines the Colts the past 5 years, i think he hit the nail on the head with that quote. It is mainly a coaching propblem in my opinion. Chuck is a good guy but should've stayed a coordinater. He is NOT a good head coach. Luck also needs to quit being the "nice guy". A good leader has to hold himself and others around him accountable and with that comes giving out constructive critisism from time to time. We didn't have these problems with Peyton because Peyton was a better leader and let his teammates know what was expected out of them and held them accoutable. Manning would praise his line when they did their job and would get on them when they did not. Mabey behind closed doors Andrew does the same thing (i doubt it though) but i have never seen him get on his teammates for screwing up time after time. Instaed, he takes the blame for them by telling them he will do better. He is a good player and great teammate but he tries to carry the whole team on his shoulders and that just cannot happen every week for the Colts to be great again instead of just mediocre.

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Chew on this since the AFC Championship game the Colts are 3-8 in games with Andrew Luck.  


I can see why he's tired of almost.  It's clear he's frustrated.  I just hope he can channel it right and doesn't go early Peyton on the Colts where he feels like he has to do everything because that tends to lead to more mistakes.  One thing both Dungy and Peyton have talked about is when Dungy got here he taught Peyton often you need to do less when things aren't going well and trust your teammates even if they aren't playing well.  I am not sure Andrew has learned this lesson yet and not sure he has the coaches around him to help him learn it.

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1 hour ago, Mr Coffee said:

I'm glad that Andrew is * off.  He hates losing.  He isn't content floating in mediocrity with the status quo.  Maybe his voice will be heard and some real changes will be made this off season.  

I don't think we have to wait until the off season to get better.

Players just require executing to their skill level.  I don't expect rookies to play like 5+ year vets, but I do expect 5+ year vets not to play and make mistakes like rookie's.

The team requires holding beach other accountable, not just Andrew or the coaches.  But in all fairness, it's usually the big bank player that makes the speech, and that is clearly A-Luck.

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3 hours ago, Gyworks said:

Andrew, believe us, we are tired just as much. To be honest I was already tired of "almost" in the past couple of years when we almost lost a lot of games and miraclously pulled out crazy cardiac wins. God, how much I miss the years when the Peyton lead Colts dominated the opponents from the first minute to the last...


Peyton Manning was'nt the Peyton Manning he ended up being it took years to get to domination & even then the defense let the team down many times blowing big leads & don't forget Manning had a much better supporting cast around him from day 1 . Faulk & the Edge just for starters . 

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3 hours ago, SilentHill said:

We don't have the power to fix it. We mainly just have the power to complain about it, but this guy Luck, he has ALL the power.


If he had the cahones he would walk into Irsay's office and demand that this get fixed right now. He probably wont do it though because he's too nice.


Luck should have used his leverage to get a new coach and GM while in contract negotiations.  

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5 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


Peyton Manning was'nt the Peyton Manning he ended up being it took years to get to domination & even then the defense let the team down many times blowing big leads & don't forget Manning had a much better supporting cast around him from day 1 . Faulk & the Edge just for starters . 


Agreed but Peyton benefitted greatly because the Colts didn't win early and were able to get higher draft picks.  Peyton also had a competent GM and coach and had the same coaches for most of his time here.  

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I feel sorry for Luck, most of this is not even his fault. His numbers actually aren't bad this year, hes just not getting help from the o line or from all the drops. And of course, poor coaching. Luck will blame himself like he always does because hes classy, but deep down I'm sure hes pretty angry with his teammates. 

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17 hours ago, deedub75 said:


Agreed but Peyton benefitted greatly because the Colts didn't win early and were able to get higher draft picks.  Peyton also had a competent GM and coach and had the same coaches for most of his time here.  

 I agree 


And Luck was so good right off the bat & surrounded by incompetence on & off the field he has alot to overcome .

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I can't believe how many drops we have had on wide open balls, let alone some mildly contested ones as well. When I see other teams play with guys who nobody knows or very little in terms of name recognition, you see how wide open these guys get. You see how these guys catch the ball and run 15-20 yards. Then you watch our guys. We have Luck throwing the ball to TY, Allen, Gore and a young Dorsett and these guys miss balls right in the hands with nobody contesting it (rarely are we contested) and then you watch and see how often our guys are blanketed play after play by no name cb's. It's painful to see. I expected better offense from the new coaching staff. New OC, new oline coach and new RB coach (I think) and we still look like a garbage dumpster fire most of the game. Something will give. We will either win this season and look more competent or they will get rid of Pagano this offseason and move into a new direction for the future. This group of coaches better figure out how to get more from the individual inside a system as opposed to expecting an individual to make the team win. 

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