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Mr Grigson, were you watching?


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1 hour ago, Feardaneard said:

Don't let Wade Phillips sweet old man appearance fool you. He is a horrible head coach but excellent coordinator. Also Grigsons draft picks aren't as horrible as many people here make them out to be. 

Agreed. Grigson can certainly be criticized for things, but he hits on usually 3-4 picks a draft. Which is pretty good. Yeah he has misses but what GM doesn't? 

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31 minutes ago, coltsfanatic24 said:

Cole sucks, Mathis is old, and Werner is a bust. Jackson is up there in age and Freeman is inconsistent. The Panthers have 7 blue chip front 7 players. Anderson is all we have in the front 7. We need more blue chip front 7 players to compete with the elite teams. 

Langford and perry are pretty good.

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23 minutes ago, coltsfanatic24 said:

Both are good but not blue chip like some of the Panthers front 7. Anderson looks legit but we need more defensive play makers.

Besides Star Lotulelei who was a blue chip prospect? They draft players who fit their scheme well. That's why they've been successful. 

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1 hour ago, COLTS449 said:


If he hits the open market he'll go wherever offers him the best contract. That's what I mean when I say if that happens we should by any means necessary make him a Colt. And we would actually be one of the better teams to choose from if he's available. Denver may be headed downhill from here on out. It all depends on Osweiler. But I'm sure Miller had rather come here than somewhere like Oakland. And like I said if he hits the market we should just out bid everybody else IMO. Having a difference maker like him can be the difference in winning SB's or getting beat in the 1st or 2nd round of the playoffs. And we don't have any OLB on our team who I think can come in and be a game wrecking 16 sack guy next year. Von Miller can. But most likely its all a mute point. But who knows?

I get that you want Miller...and I can see that your rational side knows it's not happening.  I can barely hear that side in most of what you write but I can hear it.


I simply don't know how anyone could watch Miller's impact on the game today and believe there is any universe that exists where the Bronchos would let him get away....




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3 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Agreed. Grigson can certainly be criticized for things, but he hits on usually 3-4 picks a draft. Which is pretty good. Yeah he has misses but what GM doesn't? 


Part of Grigson's problem is that he has basically missed on the ENTIRE 2013 draft.


That certainly does NOT happen to every GM. 


The lack of any talent from that draft (except Thornton and it's still not clear just how good he is?)  has been very costly to the team.  


Then, the 2014 draft has only yielded two real talents...   Mewhort and Moncrief.     The jury remains out on Newsome.      


Combine those two drafts with the spottiness of Grigson's Free Ageny signings and you begin to understand why and how and we're where we are.....



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6 hours ago, coltsfanatic24 said:

Kawann Short, Luke, Star, and the LB Shaq looks legit as well. 

And how many years have the Panthers been sorry? Don't you think that plays into the amt of so called blue chip players they have? We would have those too if we were winning just 3 to 6 games a year.

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Yeah that Denver D completely overwhelmed the Pats much like the Giants did in their first Super Bowl matchup.


Miller is not leaving Denver. All they have after him is an aging Ware and Shane Ray.  They'll find a way to keep him.


What the Colts need is a stud young pass rusher in the draft and they're in position to draft one. Rumors are that Grigson wanted Shane Ray last year so maybe this is the year we get our pass rush of the future.

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9 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

"No more" as in he wasted it on a WR last year and he better not do it again this year. 


You admit Dorsett season didn't work out but then say he is showing lots of potential.  He was largely a non factor.  Disappointing as a kick returner and had to be replaced due to fumblitis.   Flashed a play here and there as a receiver but nothing close to what you would expect to see from a first rounder.  Didn't blow the lid off of defenses like people were chirping he would.  He couldn't even beat out an old declining Andre Johnson.  Heck Griff Whalen was more visible than Dorsett was this season.  Hopefully he will come into his own more next season...if he can stay healthy.  He is a pretty small guy.  


But I digress.  We need more pass rush and offensive line help this year please. We are so deficient in those areas that we really don't have the luxury to spend a first round pick on a skill position this off season.  


Reggie Wayne didn't exactly light the league on fire his rookie year either....matter of fact, it was what, 2 or 3 years before he became a factor......



That said, I agree that we need OL help and push rush help in a big way.  I think our DL is good to go with a Healthy Anderson, Parry and Langford, we seem to have decent depth there too.  Its our LBs that need upgrading, heavily.

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13 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

We need to make every effort to sign Von Miller and then take the best pass rusher available with our first round pick.  No more first round wide receiver disappointments.  

Grigson already whiffed badly, almost historically, on his first round pass rusher he graded out and chose or us.  Anyone remember Mr. Werner?  Who trusts him not to whiff again.  

As for Von Miller, with needing to sign Luck, deal with out TE's etc. money isn't going to be that plentiful anymore and he'll cost a fortune, and it wouldn't surprise me if Denver didn't franchise him if he really doesn't want to resign with them.  


I agree we need rush help for sure, and O-line which can usually be found later in the draft.  What I haven't seen is a clear cut Pass Rusher who will still be on the board in Round 1 when we draft 18th.  If there isn't one worthy of that pick, I still think we should consider Ezekiel Elliot from Ohio State.  Sure, don't draft RB's in the first round, only this is not an ordinary RB.  His rushing skills speak for themselves, but his blocking and pass catching skills are just as impressive and unusually developed for a college back.  There aren't any other backs I could see drafting in any round, but if he's still on the board, it would be hard to pass him up.  IF, a pass rusher is still on the board which seems to be a far more secure non bust than Mr. Werner, then sure, go that way.  There are a few O-Linemen who may be in play around that pick but I am not studied up on them yet to really know who is worth a first round.  So if no O-Line or PR is there, we should take Andrew's Edgerrin.  

Edited by JPFolks
Put in wrong name, sorry!
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12 hours ago, Jules said:

I wasn't on the o line bandwagon as much until THIS season. Now I get it, oh boy do I. We killed both Luck and Hasselbeck. 


I would be happy with drafting nothing but o line lol.


Pass rush can wait........I am not as worried. People have been screaming about pass rush more often on forums since the 2007 Giants.

They both got hurt on scrambles, trying to outrun defender with good angles. And none of those scrambles were result of pass rush but nothing open. I mean i want us to improve our OL but it isnt as bad as we have been led to believe. I feel with one good C we should be good. We add a new starting RG and would be pretty good. 


I just hope we dont waste all our draft ammo on OL when this team needs sooooo much talent at Defense. We have 1 cb, 0 ILB (freeman is not signed), 0 pass rush. We need playmakers there, not only OL.

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12 hours ago, gacoop1 said:

Grigson must be salivating right now wishing the Colts were in Broncos place.  That's what happens when you suck at draft picks and free agent pick ups.  If you(Grigson)maintain or stay with that mentality you're never going to the big Dance.  Hopefully someone can put some sense into Grigson nuggins and pick some franchise or impact players.  As I said before, should have hired Wade Phillips as the HC.  He's going to the Super Bowl in only his first year as a DC in Denver, imagine that.  Colts Coaches and Mgmt can take note of this and learn from their bonehead mistakes....

Broncos are screwed after this season. Their QB is going to be Brock Osweiler, and basically their entire defense is up for free-agency. I'm sure not in envy of their situation, and don't forget, they haven't won anything. Sure, they've been the AFC champs twice now, but how'd that work out for them last time?

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12 hours ago, Jules said:

I wasn't on the o line bandwagon as much until THIS season. Now I get it, oh boy do I. We killed both Luck and Hasselbeck. 


I would be happy with drafting nothing but o line lol.


Pass rush can wait........I am not as worried. People have been screaming about pass rush more often on forums since the 2007 Giants.


Welcome to the bandwagon Jules   , That swiss chesse line was  at its worst point Grigson has failed miserably ex O-lineman can't field a decent line how in the world does that happen consistently , I expect this is job 1 this off season a new O-line coach & new pieces to protect the franchise ,


The Colts squandered 18's years as a Colt 12 deserves better give Andrew Luck protection a 100 rusher & a top 10 defense and watch him shine instead running for his life trying to carry the team on his shoulders , :coltslogo:

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14 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


Welcome to the bandwagon Jules   , That swiss chesse line was  at its worst point Grigson has failed miserably ex O-lineman can't field a decent line how in the world does that happen consistently , I expect this is job 1 this off season a new O-line coach & new pieces to protect the franchise ,


The Colts squandered 18's years as a Colt 12 deserves better give Andrew Luck protection a 100 rusher & a top 10 defense and watch him shine instead running for his life trying to carry the team on his shoulders , :coltslogo:

The Broncos O-line is terrible, far worse than Indy's. Yet they managed to be the #1 seed in the AFC, and are now the AFC representative in the Super Bowl.

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Just now, Steamboat_Shaun said:

The Broncos O-line is terrible, far worse than Indy's. Yet they managed to be the #1 seed in the AFC, and are now the AFC representative in the Super Bowl.


Far worse than Indy's ?  Really  they protected a 39 year old QB pretty well & ours let the franchise QB  & his back ups get  injured & or out for the season

the proof is in the pudding Offense draws crowds Defense wins games .

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4 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

If I'm Andrew Luck,  there is no way I sign a multi yr deal to stay w/ these dullards.  Andrew has now watched Russell Wilson and Cam pass him in the best qb talk.  

Good lord. Really? Cam's team won 8 games last year, remember that? Sure, this was his breakout year, and now he's headed to a Super Bowl, but everyone thought he was a bust as recently as last season. And EVERYONE in Carolina (much like in Indy), wanted their HC to be fired. As far as Wilson goes, his o-line is the worst in the league, like not even close to being as good as the line Luck has in front of him. I doubt Luck's looking at that thinking "wow, I wish I had that in Indianapolis."

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4 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


Far worse than Indy's ?  Really  they protected a 39 year old QB pretty well & ours let the franchise QB  & his back ups get  injured & or out for the season

the proof is in the pudding Offense draws crowds Defense wins games .

Yes, they are far worse than Indy's. Also, they didn't really play that well yesterday. Manning got sacked 3 times, and was also hurried and forced out of the pocket quite a bit. As a CO resident, I've seen every single Denver game this season, their o-line sucks, bad.


And let's not forget that Luck got himself injured by trying to take on 2 LBs. It's not the offensive line's job to make sure the QB slides instead of trying to run guys over.

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24 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

If I'm Andrew Luck,  there is no way I sign a multi yr deal to stay w/ these dullards.  Andrew has now watched Russell Wilson and Cam pass him in the best qb talk.  


But somehow Russell Wilson signed a multi year deal with his Swiss Cheese Oline!  Give us some real posts sometimes YNGM.

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Part of Grigson's problem is that he has basically missed on the ENTIRE 2013 draft.


That certainly does NOT happen to every GM. 


The lack of any talent from that draft (except Thornton and it's still not clear just how good he is?)  has been very costly to the team.  


Then, the 2014 draft has only yielded two real talents...   Mewhort and Moncrief.     The jury remains out on Newsome.      


Combine those two drafts with the spottiness of Grigson's Free Ageny signings and you begin to understand why and how and we're where we are.....




Hopefully, and I mean that sincerely, we engage Pagano, Chudzinski, and Monachino input along side of Grigson this year. I'm not quite sure if Ryan consults anyone beyond Irsay during the drafts. And yeah, I get the scouts. I get the engaged personnel. Input from these coaches should weigh heavily in our picks, IMO. 


If I'm wrong about RG, I'd be very happy. Let's see how it rolls ...

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15 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

The playoffs are showing how important a pass rush is.  ESPECIALLY with this quick passing game.

remember the freeney/mathis days?  Thats what i saw watching Miller and Ware today.

i know we keep talking OL in draft/FA, but perhaps OLB is as important.  It would sure make our CBs and safeties look better too.

anyway, i hope you took note, Mr Grigson.  I think it was the key to beating Brady yoday.


A #1 defense is pointless without an offense that can put up points. Priority #1 keep luck upright, off the turf and HEALTHY

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2 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

Yes, they are far worse than Indy's. Also, they didn't really play that well yesterday. Manning got sacked 3 times, and was also hurried and forced out of the pocket quite a bit. As a CO resident, I've seen every single Denver game this season, their o-line sucks, bad.


And let's not forget that Luck got himself injured by trying to take on 2 LBs. It's not the offensive line's job to make sure the QB slides instead of trying to run guys over.

Yeah and Brady got sacked & smacked around pretty good his line did'nt protect him as well as 18's they both rushed for a first down all in all Brady was abused much more than Manning . Yeah & I watched every game my team played & yes our O-line sucked we Clip board Jesus for a starter it don't get any worse bringing in QB's off the street ,


The Hoodie defense has always played 18 very tough yesterday the Broncos played a very motivated New England team inspite of there shortcomings Denver surprised many me included so I don't care about how many games you watched I just saw the 1 & it was a WIN for the home team at the end of the day you got to be in it to WIN it .


2006 Colts DEFENSE sucked the worst in the league turned it on in the playoffs & won a Superbowl 


He don't need to slide if he can stay in the pocket instead of running for his life .

Obviously there O-line was good enough

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As for OLine help, I keep seeing the following FA's that we passed on:

Evan Mathis OG - going to SB50

Mike Iupati OG - played and lost in Conference Championship

Richie Incognito OG - has graded as #2 OG this year

All three were available and it appears that we didn't make an honest run at any of these 3.  Would have improved our OLine if we had one of these Guards.  IMO

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14 hours ago, SP_21 said:

It's interesting how well the Panthers o-line is playing. They have one good player in Turner. Maybe the problem with the Colts isn't necessarily the players but the coaching. We could use an infusion of talent at both OLB and OLine but it's not the entire problem. We could learn from the Patriots and Panthers. They acquire players that fit their scheme well and draft well. 


 Spot on
 Well, maybe the assoc. press & Sporting News 1st team All-Pro Center Ryan Khalil... is "good".

Center: Ryan Kalil

One of six first-team All-Pro selections out of Carolina, Kalil brings quickness to the pivot position and served as the glue to an overachieving line that kept Newton safe all season. Playing through a series of injuries, the Pro Bowl center also operated as a mauling force for one of the league's top rushing attacks.

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13 hours ago, SP_21 said:

Besides Star Lotulelei who was a blue chip prospect? They draft players who fit their scheme well. That's why they've been successful. 


   Get a grip. One mans pre draft "Blue Chip Prospect" don`t make it so.
     Here are 6 of them that are playing at a high level.

 9th overall pick  1st Team All-Pro Kuechly maybe.

 14th overall pick Thomas Davis
  1st rd pick  Shaq Thompson
 44th pick  Kawaan Short
 60th pick Kony Ealy
 3rd pick by the Panthers Charles Johnson has been a Blue Chip player in the league for many years, had some injuries this season

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15 hours ago, Jules said:

Also helps that the Pats o line was overrated this year, they threw too much this year and Brady can't take the big hits anymore.


If anything I take away wanting more o line help then anything. Especially since Denver pretty much almost killed Andrew Luck and any QB we had this year was doomed with injuries.


I remember reading an article earlier this year about Belichick's brilliance in revolutionizing the offensive line by having different combinations. Could not understand it at all. Injuries and revolving lines are not good things.

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16 hours ago, bigt said:

I'm feeling pretty good right now about next year.  We took the Panthers to OT with Pep calling the plays.  The very next week, we beat the Broncos with Chud in command of the offense.  Who knows what the team could have blossomed into if Luck would have not played his last game against the Broncos.  I have faith that Pagano, Grigs, and all their new assistant coaching talent will be able to figure out the missing pieces and get them through the draft and FA.  I think we're a lot closer to the promised land than most people think.  Everyone knows we need 1 or 2 upgrades at OLB, another NT for depth or upgrade (I like Parry), and a CB to pair with Vontae.  On offense, we need a feature RB to pair with Gore, and a C, RG, and RT for both depth and upgrade purposes.  That's 8 positions.  1st 5 picks in draft and 3 smart FA acquisitions should take care of at least 5 of them (I'm assuming 3 won't pan out).

I just love your post. Wish I could give it 100x likes

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