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According to an NFL source, the Colts were negotiating with Sean Payton reps while Pagano talks were also happening. Talks broke down.


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7 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

I guarantee you he would have traded for Payton.  The Saints requests for a 2nd had been out all day long and Irsay was reportedly talking ot them through the afternoon.  A 2nd isn't that high a commodity, especially for a proven NFL head coach.  Probably where things started going south is when NYG started entering into the conversation.  It probably increased the price and the Colts were on the wrong end of a bidding war.  So I disagree with you that the colts would not trade for Payton.  I do agree with you that the price ultimately was higher than the Colts were willing to pay given Pagano and Grigson, despite their faults, were not the worst option out there. 

Sorry I just dont see it.  Payton is a combined 14-18 the last two years. He caught lightening in a bottle with Breeze and all the momentum from Hurricane Katrina. I tend to believe water is finding it's level with Payton.  I could be wrong but there would have been a huge uprising against Irsay to mortgage our future for him.

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27 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You either believe the writer or you don't.   


Typically fans believe the writer when they like what has been written.    And they don't believe the writer when they don't.


But using anonymous sources has gone on for decades.   This isn't something that changed recently.   If people are revealing sensitive information,  they most typically don't want their name to be revealed as the source.


It's pretty common.     You may not like it,  but that's the way information typically works.    You have to decide for yourself.



Did you seriously just waste your time writing that?


Come on Man!

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Just now, Blindside said:

Sorry I just dont see it.  Payton is a combined 14-18 the last two years. He caught lightening in a bottle with Breeze and all the momentum from Hurricane Catrina. I tend to believe water is finding it's level with Payton.  I could be wrong but there would have been a huge uprising against Irsay to mortgage our future for him.

Sending a 2nd is not "mortgaging" your future.  What the Bucs gave up for Gruden is mortgaging.  What the Redskins gave up for RGIII is mortgaging.  We're talking about 1 pick.  The greatest liklihood is that a 2nd round pick is going bring you either a good role player, but not playmaker if you hit on him.  If you miss, he'll be a depth guy or off your roster in 3 years.  Could you get a star player?  Sure, but that happens once in a blue moon and not even once every draft across all teams.

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9 minutes ago, tfunky14 said:

Ah Hello false claims people



CBS Sports' Jason La Canfora reports the Colts did not have conversations with Sean Payton or his agent before re-signing Chuck Pagano.

This refutes a report from The Tribune-Star's Tom James, who said talks between the Colts and Payton broke down before owner Jim Irsay decided to re-sign Pagano. Either way, the Colts have already committed to Pagano for the long term, and Payton likely remains available for the right offer.

It doesn't really matter if it's true or not.  It's meaningless.  On Black Monday, everyone is calling everyone.

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4 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Did you seriously just waste your time writing that?


Come on Man!


I have no idea what you're talking about?     None.


And I'm starting to wonder if you do?


What's your issue?    I was a member of the media for 30 years,  I simply explained how it works.    It's your choice to believe the writer or not.


But when you read these forums here,  most posters will believe a writer if they like what he wrote,  and they won't if they don't.


Yeah,  I really wrote that....


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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I have no idea what you're talking about?     None.


And I'm starting to wonder if you do?


What's your issue?    I was a member of the media for 30 years,  I simply explained how it works.    It's your choice to believe the writer or not.


But when you read these forums here,  most posters will believe a writer if they like what he wrote,  and they won't if they don't.


Yeah,  I really wrote that....


Just don't even try.  Dude is out in left-field.  I'm convinced you can say one thing and he reads/hears something entirely different.  Like an old person who's hearing aid is going out.

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This is why I like the decision. Fans evaluate different options solely in terms of their possibilities, like Sean Payton, Saban, etc. But Jim (and his staff) evaluates different options in terms of viabilities. I'm sure they tried hard and checked many options, more than fans can think of, sometimes. And to be honest, there are few really great coaches available...


IMHO this is probably the best result. Pagano is a good coach and loved by players. Of course it is not perfect but life is not ideal...

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23 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

Holy smokes, the backlash that these guys are getting is crazy. 


If you are referring to local media then Good.   Serves them right for creating this circus. Dont they know by now that Irsay may be intentionally planting false information just to make them all look like fools.

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8 minutes ago, Blindside said:


If you are referring to local media then Good.   Serves them right for creating this circus. Dont they know by now that Irsay may be intentionally planting false information just to make them all look like fools.

Fans are tearing them up on social media like FB and twitter.   Dan dakich seems safe. 

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6 minutes ago, Dustin said:

Adam Schefter confirmed this to be true.....so who knows at this point.


Either way we still shouldn't care as much as they want us to. Like I said before:

2 hours ago, bababooey said:

As an owner he has to do his due diligence and look anywhere he can to make his team better. There is a lot of evidence pointing to Chuck being a great coach, and a lot of evidence pointing the other way. Pagano could have already been contacted by another team (don't know if this was legal or not but just saying) then Irsay would be forced to give up a pick, break up the locker room, and lose the continuity he established.


If you are thinking of moving you are gonna look at other places before you ultimately decide maybe it's not the best time to move. This "story" tries to make it seem like Irsay didn't get his guy all day so he kept Chuck in limbo and eventually just extended him as a consolation. I disagree and see an owner who is exploring all avenues to get better and chose what he felt was best for the team. Heck, he could have said to Chuck and Grigson "you are both gone if I give up this 2 for Payton so work it out now". It's made to sound like talks broke down because Indy didn't want to give up a pick, not because the HC and GM talked it out like men and reconciled.


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10 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I may be in the minority here, but I'd rather have Pagano than Payton

So would I. Lose a second round pick, lose the chemistry in the locker room, lost the continuity, ailenate players including FA's to be. Bring in a guy with a reputation for being thin skinned, a tyrant, and has a major scandal on his resume. Who also had a terrible record as of late.

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There was no contact between the Colts and Sean Payton or his agent, contrary to a report. Irsay's decision had nothing to do with Payton...

— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora)

January 5, 2016


There was not a single conversation between Irsay and Payton's agent, Don Yee. Payton's situation with Saints still in flux

— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora)

January 5, 2016


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3 hours ago, Narcosys said:

Holy smokes, the backlash that these guys are getting is crazy. 

You ain't lying. In an earlier post some nit wit suggested that cancer should have won over Pagano. That is about the lowest and most ignorant thing I have ever witnessed in this forum.

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7 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

You ain't lying. In an earlier post some nit wit suggested that cancer should have won over Pagano. That is about the lowest and most ignorant thing I have ever witnessed in this forum.


I meant the local media saying that "sources" were telling that pagano was getting fired.  But that's pretty horrible.

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5 hours ago, bababooey said:

You wouldn't just be spending a 2nd round pick, you are spending a badly needed pick, breaking up the locker room chemistry and alienating our pending FA's to be, and disrupting our continuity, adding a third offense Luck has to learn in 5 years.

Just so you know Luck already knew the offense we were running. He ran it in college....and it could very likely be the cause of his stunted growth. If we move on to a new offense (and I think there definitely need to be some changes to how we coach/run both sides of the ball) then that will be the second offense we have run. Now some of the hold overs it will be different but I think it is imperative we get some new blood in to teach Luck and help the offense and defense.

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I have no idea what you're talking about?     None.


And I'm starting to wonder if you do?


What's your issue?    I was a member of the media for 30 years,  I simply explained how it works.    It's your choice to believe the writer or not.


But when you read these forums here,  most posters will believe a writer if they like what he wrote,  and they won't if they don't.


Yeah,  I really wrote that....



Please stop taking everything everyone says so seriously. Not everything is meant to be dissected. And people surely do not need to be spoken to like children. We have had enough conversations to know that each other gets what 2 + 2 is. It is time to put our Johnson's back in our pants and stop trying to see who has who beat by a few hairs. 


Let's stop the pointless drivel and just start assuming the person we are talking to has a brain. It should not hurt our egos too much to give each other that much credit. 



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3 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

You ain't lying. In an earlier post some nit wit suggested that cancer should have won over Pagano. That is about the lowest and most ignorant thing I have ever witnessed in this forum.


It was the most disgusting thing I have ever read on a Colts board. And I have been on these boards for 20 years. That Bott dude is unstable. 

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27 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Please stop taking everything everyone says so seriously. Not everything is meant to be dissected. And people surely do not need to be spoken to like children. We have had enough conversations to know that each other gets what 2 + 2 is. It is time to put our Johnson's back in our pants and stop trying to see who has who beat by a few hairs. 


Let's stop the pointless drivel and just start assuming the person we are talking to has a brain. It should not hurt our egos too much to give each other that much credit. 




Thanks so much.


And I STILL have no idea what you're talking about.


And I'm now more convinced that you don't either.


But thanks again.


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


Thanks so much.


And I STILL have no idea what you're talking about.


And I'm now more convinced that you don't either.


But thanks again.



I really do not know what your issue is. 


At this point, I don't care to know.

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