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Gruden/Shanahan interested in colts HC job [Merge]


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51 minutes ago, Dustin said:


Wasn't Gruden notoriously hard to work with/get along with? Or am I just misremembering?


honestly i dont really know, i wasnt exposed to gruden besides the SB year because my elementary gym teacher was a bucs fan.  i have very little to go off of, but i feel that he is a football guru with QBs being his strong-suit.  


he also coined "the sheriff" for peyton after that miami MNF game IIRC ;)

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21 minutes ago, ThorstenDenmark said:



Gruen explains whats wrong with the colts in 2 min.


Could he work with andrew luck... oh yes he could.


Could he work with Grigson... I dont think so.


why....??? Watch this clip and listen to his critique. 


Go Colts

Any blind , non football fan could have told you everything he said....

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Gruden won the year after Dungy was dumped.  It was bascially Dungy's team.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Shanahan won two SBs with Elway and Terrell.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Seems more like the "grass is greener" type scenario to me.  I'd rather keep Pagano.


Honestly, the only ex-NFL coach I'd really get excited about is Cowher, and I don't see that happening.

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40 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Why? Convince me


why i think he likes the colts or why he would be a great fit?


1) perfect team to hop on to

edit: the way he broadcasts, it just sounds like hes been dying to come back and coach


2) experience. i think hes a game film nerd, atleast with QBs, or it atleast appears that way and im just jumping to conclusions... lol

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5 minutes ago, cbear said:

Gruden won the year after Dungy was dumped.  It was bascially Dungy's team.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Shanahan won two SBs with Elway and Terrell.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Seems more like the "grass is greener" type scenario to me.  I'd rather keep Pagano.


Honestly, the only ex-NFL coach I'd really get excited about is Cowher, and I don't see that happening.

Lol and what has Pagano done? We just want proven winners; guys that went to the big game and won it instead of blowing their load early in the playoffs.

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GRUDEN????!!!!!!!!!   Quick, Hire Him before he changes his mind,..... OMG !!!!!!!!   Super Bowl here we come.  There is NO better candidate !!!!!!  If we hire him ASAP, he can already be going over draft prognosis and such !!  (Fire Pagano tonight if necessary,,,, ok, you can wait till tomorrow, but call gruden tonight), This would make up for this lost season.  Please do it JIMMY!!!

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4 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

GRUDEN????!!!!!!!!!   Quick, Hire Him before he changes his mind,..... OMG !!!!!!!!   Super Bowl here we come.  There is NO better candidate !!!!!!  If we hire him ASAP, he can already be going over draft prognosis and such !!  (Fire Pagano tonight if necessary,,,, ok, you can wait till tomorrow, but call gruden tonight), This would make up for this lost season.  Please do it JIMMY!!!


 I'm giving this sarcastic post the "Chucky stare". haha

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1 hour ago, cbear said:

Gruden won the year after Dungy was dumped.  It was bascially Dungy's team.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Shanahan won two SBs with Elway and Terrell.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Seems more like the "grass is greener" type scenario to me.  I'd rather keep Pagano.


Honestly, the only ex-NFL coach I'd really get excited about is Cowher, and I don't see that happening.

Shanahan made the playoffs with guys like Jake Plummer and Brian Griese....with one playoff win over the Patriots.


He made the playoffs with RG3....that alone should get him into the HOF.

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2 hours ago, Jules said:

IMO Gruden slowly ruined the great team Dungy built in Tampa Bay.


I think we could get even worse if any of these potential coaching names hold any substance in rumors. We could be 6-10 next year instead of the 12-4 we dream of.

Completely false. He walked into a terribly managed team with a horrible GM who let the team fall apart. Gruden took a lot of unnecessary blame.


People always say that he won a Super Bowl with Dungy's team as if winning a Super Bowl is easy if you have good players.

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8 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

If this franchise hires Mike Shanahan we will likely be in for an extended period of mediocrity.  He was absolutely horrible as coach of the Redskins. Colts would be stupid to hire that man. He already ruined RG3.  Keep him the **** away from Luck!

How can you ruin what is bad already?

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10 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

If this franchise hires Mike Shanahan we will likely be in for an extended period of mediocrity.  He was absolutely horrible as coach of the Redskins. Colts would be stupid to hire that man. He already ruined RG3.  Keep him the **** away from Luck!

RG3 ruined RG3 and no one else.

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In the two years following Gruden's Super Bowl win, the Bucs went 7–9 and 5–11 respectively, implying to many Dungy supporters that Gruden had simply taken over a strong team and driven it into the ground. However, the high draft picks sacrificed by the team to acquire Gruden, along with salary-cap issues and failed draft choices left by the former general manager Rich McKay (with whom Gruden had a bitter relationship) limited Gruden's ability to field the teams he wanted. With no emerging talent in the fold and no money to afford replacements, the team was decimated by injuries to many of the Super Bowl stars, including Joe JureviciusGreg SpiresShelton Quarles, and Brian Kelly, as well as acrimony with highly paid veterans such as Sapp, Keyshawn Johnson and Keenan McCardell.



And that's only half the story.

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Shanahan?  Is this a joke?  He has a great setup and wins two Super Bowls.  Then did nothing after that.  Bombed in Washington.  NO WAY!  Plus, Irsay said 4 years ago he doesn't want to recycle HCs or GMs.


I would prefer Pagano as HC, Chud as OC, a new DC, and a new GM.

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2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

How can you ruin what is bad already?

RG3 won the rookie of the year his first season so he obviously had a good start before Shanahan helped to ruin him by playing him while injured against Seattle in the playoffs.  He was never the same after that.


Outside of that the game has passed by Shanahan.  He is mediocre coach now as his tenure in Washington showed.  Colts can do much better in my opinion.   

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rmer Raiders general manager Bruce Allen joined the Bucs in 2004, Gruden finally had the general manager–head coach partnership he desired, and while the salary cap continued to plague the team (which spent the least money in the league between 2004 and 2009)[15] their 2004 and 2005 drafts yielded a few impact players, including 2005 Offensive NFL Rookie of the Year Award winner Carnell "Cadillac" Williams.

Also, 2005 marked a return to the playoffs, as the Bucs posted a surprising 11–5 record, despite the loss of starting quarterback Brian Griese and some controversial coaching decisions, including a two-point conversion in the final seconds to defeat the Washington Redskins, who would later return to Tampa and eliminate the Bucs from the wild-card round of the playoffs.



They didn't reach the Super Bowl again but neither did Dungy.

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7 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

Shanahan?  Is this a joke?  He has a great setup and wins two Super Bowls.  Then did nothing after that.  Bombed in Washington.  NO WAY!  Plus, Irsay said 4 years ago he doesn't want to recycle HCs or GMs.


I would prefer Pagano as HC, Chud as OC, a new DC, and a new GM.

I would also prefer retaining Pagano to hiring Mike Shanahan.  He is horrible.  Bad coach and poor locker room repoire.  Jim Caldwell has more life to him than that emotionless zombie. Lol

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3 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

RG3 won the rookie of the year his first season so he obviously had a good start before Shanahan helped to ruin him by playing him while injured against Seattle in the playoffs.  He was never the same after that.




No. Gimmick offense made Robert look good. 

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1 hour ago, cbear said:

Gruden won the year after Dungy was dumped.  It was bascially Dungy's team.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Shanahan won two SBs with Elway and Terrell.  Didn't do much after that as I recall.


Seems more like the "grass is greener" type scenario to me.  I'd rather keep Pagano.


Honestly, the only ex-NFL coach I'd really get excited about is Cowher, and I don't see that happening.

I agree on Cowher, but i'd add in Billick if he were to return to coaching...

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Everybody talking about how Gruden won with Dungy's players. True, but Dungy was let go because he could not get those players to the Superbowl. He did it the first year with Brad Johnson as his QB. With that QB, quite amazing. Also he would have had the Raiders in the SB the year before, if not for the terrible call on the field reversing Brady's fumble, the reason why the tuck rule was founded. He did that with Rich Gannon, who had a fantastic year. Also, remember the Buc's had to trade a first round pick to get Gruden.


What is undeniable is he can coach QB's while making teams very good according to the past!

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48 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

Shanahan?  Is this a joke?  He has a great setup and wins two Super Bowls.  Then did nothing after that.  Bombed in Washington.  NO WAY!  Plus, Irsay said 4 years ago he doesn't want to recycle HCs or GMs.


I would prefer Pagano as HC, Chud as OC, a new DC, and a new GM.


i like it.  I'd want Mike Pettine as DC (or possibly Eric Mangini as DC).


I'm not sure for GM, though  

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Shanahan automatically makes a team a great running team.  Gruden automatically makes a QB better.  Shanahan just likes to coach and that's why he would take the job.  Gruden, however, would only take a job that he thinks he can win it all.  He's turned down many offers over the years.    I am torn.  Both would be hard to get along with I think.

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