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Will Carolina go perfect?



24 members have voted

  1. 1. Who could the Panthers lose to

    • @ Saints
    • vs Falcons
    • @ Giants
    • @ Falcons
    • vs Buccaneers

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Looking at their remaining schedule, it is quite possible.


@Saints:  31st in Pass and Run Defense


vs Falcons: 16th in Pass Defense, 10th in Run Defense


@Giants: 32nd in Pass Defense, 20th in Run Defense




vs Buccaneers: 15th in Pass Defense, 12th in Run Defense.



This looks to be a cake walk, even with Cams Sub 60% Completion rate.  I think the Giants or Tampa could provide the upset.

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I don't know if they go perfect, but I have got this feeling that once they get their first loss, their momentum will be lost. Like if they lose to Buccaneers, their first play off game will be a mess no matter who they meet.


Their confidence is sky high, but once you tamper with that, I'm not sure how good they truly are.

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Poll is misleading. Initial question is a Yes/No, but all the answers assume "No."

To answer the initial question, yes, I think they can go undefeated into the playoffs. It's a crap shoot after that.

Sorry I didn't provide the undefeated option for you. But that's why you don't vote.

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I know there's no direct link between the past in this year but the Falcons, Giants, Buccs and Saints are possibly the 4 biggest upset/spoiler/trap teams or whatever you want to call it ever!!!!!!

Falcons - used to give the 49ers, Cowboys and Packers all kinds of problems in the 90s.

Giants - you know

Buccs - always stole 1 from the Packers. Always...not just when Dungy made them good, and they reminded the Packers about that as recently as 2009. They've scored some less dramatic upsets this year too.

Saints - also gave the 49ers problems in that old division and scored a W recently in the Harbaugh years. Plus they got a blowout over Green Bay recently.

Even if they go 16-0, I don't think they'll go 19-0. It's just impossible, and this is coming from a guy who isn't on the Carolina hatewagon.

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I wouldn't mind seeing them go undefeated.  I like them

Part of me likes seeing Cam & company go undefeated just to have Mercury Morris change his tune for once, but no the Panthers won't do it because with each victory the tension mounts & it's easier to lose 1 regular season game, take the pressure off the teams shoulders, & reset for a SB run. Perfection is overrated. 

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13 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

I vote "Undefeated in regular season". If I must choose one game they will lose, it would be the Bucs game, as I could see Carolina resting players once they have clinched HFA.

(Let's see if my first post following the upgrade works. Lol)

Wow! Undefeated regular season in quotes. Now that's being sure of yourself, NFLfan! They really do have a good chance. It's just so tough to accomplish that. Good point about the Bucs game. Do you think the Panthers would rest them if they had a chance to go 16-0? 

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4 minutes ago, ColtRider said:

Wow! Undefeated regular season in quotes. Now that's being sure of yourself, NFLfan! They really do have a good chance. It's just so tough to accomplish that. Good point about the Bucs game. Do you think the Panthers would rest them if they had a chance to go 16-0? 

Haha. I think they have a good chance to go undefeated but they will lose in playoffs. They have only mediocre teams left on their regular season schedule. 

Rivera seems like a conservative guy who may (big "may") rest his guys. I am more confident that they will win the rest of their games in the season. 

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15 hours ago, Narcosys said:

Poll is misleading. Initial question is a Yes/No, but all the answers assume "No."

To answer the initial question, yes, I think they can go undefeated into the playoffs. It's a crap shoot after that.

Sorry I didn't provide the undefeated option for you. But that's why you don't vote.

Well yeah, but then they aren't counted in the poll which is why it's misleading.  If you took all the forum members and just counted non-voters, it would be like 95% "Yes" and then the other 5% are divvied up.  It's not that big of a deal.  I'm just saying, the results of the responses as it currently is can't be seen as accurate without having to either reword the question(s) or simply adding the last option.  That's all.

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14 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

The media is going to smother Carolina with attention if they approach 16-0..That's an X-factor that makes it tough

Man, is it ever OUM! Just hope it doesn't bother them in the Playoffs if they do go 16-0. I want anyone, & I mean anyone, to beat the Pats if they make it to SB50. Carolina has the best matchup against New England to do just that IMO. Dunno. Maybe if the Panthers lose a game or two, it would definitely take a lot of the pressure off for them to do so, providing they cruise through the Playoffs unscathed.

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23 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I wouldn't mind seeing them go undefeated.  I like them

I love watching them. They are an old school beat you up type team. Great punishing defense with a good/effective run game (mostly cause of Cam) and a pretty good all around offense. Fun team to watch IMO.

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I don't look forward to Carolina going perfect because teams down the stretch are going to play them tougher for this final run, and that is the main trap of being undefeated so late in the season. 


I remember when the Saints had the streak going in 2009, everyone played us lights out as if it was the Super Bowl. I still remember two teams that gave the Saints the biggest fits; St Louis and Washington. Both of them always play the Saints tough and give them problems, but that year, both of them could have and probably should have beat us at the end. 


It's very hard to go undefeated, and that same year, when we lost to Dallas, I felt relieved. There is so much pressure on the team when they're undefeated, and it's really not even worth it in the end. What counts is to get the #1 seed, and Carolina is in a position like the Saints were in 2009 where we had to race Minnesota and edge them out for the #1 spot. Carolina could easily lose it to Arizona, if they slip up some games, and if Arizona don't slow down. 


I'm very surprised though that Carolina is undefeated. They've played one of the easiest schedules in the league, and while their defense has been very impressive, I'm not that impressed with their offense. The Colts could have beat these guys back on that MNF game, it was like they were begging to lose that night.


This very well might be the best Panthers team in their franchise history, but I want to see them contested against a serious opponent for once. Green Bay has proven to be overrated and mediocre as the year goes by, and that was supposed to be the team to take them out. 


Out of all the teams left on their schedule, I think Atlanta and Tampa Bay will be the teams to do it. Atlanta would have to beat them on the road in Carolina. The Panthers are a bit shaky at home, while on the road, they have been very dominating. I think if they lose one, they'll sit the starters vs Tampa Bay and let the Bucs beat them. I have then finishing 14-2. 


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7 hours ago, Bogie said:


I don't look forward to Carolina going perfect because teams down the stretch are going to play them tougher for this final run, and that is the main trap of being undefeated so late in the season. 


I remember when the Saints had the streak going in 2009, everyone played us lights out as if it was the Super Bowl. I still remember two teams that gave the Saints the biggest fits; St Louis and Washington. Both of them always play the Saints tough and give them problems, but that year, both of them could have and probably should have beat us at the end. 


It's very hard to go undefeated, and that same year, when we lost to Dallas, I felt relieved. There is so much pressure on the team when they're undefeated, and it's really not even worth it in the end. What counts is to get the #1 seed, and Carolina is in a position like the Saints were in 2009 where we had to race Minnesota and edge them out for the #1 spot. Carolina could easily lose it to Arizona, if they slip up some games, and if Arizona don't slow down. 


I'm very surprised though that Carolina is undefeated. They've played one of the easiest schedules in the league, and while their defense has been very impressive, I'm not that impressed with their offense. The Colts could have beat these guys back on that MNF game, it was like they were begging to lose that night.


This very well might be the best Panthers team in their franchise history, but I want to see them contested against a serious opponent for once. Green Bay has proven to be overrated and mediocre as the year goes by, and that was supposed to be the team to take them out. 


Out of all the teams left on their schedule, I think Atlanta and Tampa Bay will be the teams to do it. Atlanta would have to beat them on the road in Carolina. The Panthers are a bit shaky at home, while on the road, they have been very dominating. I think if they lose one, they'll sit the starters vs Tampa Bay and let the Bucs beat them. I have then finishing 14-2. 


Maybe the Saints will do it. Don't laugh.......sometimes bad teams rise up to beat a rival when they have nothing to lose.

Saints played them strong early this year without Brees.


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The Giants defense is AWFUL though. It's possible but their D is so bad.

So is the Saints D but the Saints at least have this rivalry thingamagig with Carolina along with Atlanta/Tampa Bay.

Actually Atlanta beating the Panthers would work too since they would live for this. Last year they lost the division by getting blown out by the Panthers. They would love to ruin their perfect season.

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1 hour ago, Jules said:

The Giants defense is AWFUL though. It's possible but their D is so bad.

So is the Saints D but the Saints at least have this rivalry thingamagig with Carolina along with Atlanta/Tampa Bay.

Actually Atlanta beating the Panthers would work too since they would live for this. Last year they lost the division by getting blown out by the Panthers. They would love to ruin their perfect season.

I think they will slip up somewhere. I just cant see that team going 16-0. Pats had a special team when they did it in 2007 and in 2009 we did too but unfortunately quit at 14-0 by benching Peyton. Panthers are Very Good but not near what those teams were.

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2 hours ago, Jules said:

The Giants defense is AWFUL though. It's possible but their D is so bad.

So is the Saints D but the Saints at least have this rivalry thingamagig with Carolina along with Atlanta/Tampa Bay.

Actually Atlanta beating the Panthers would work too since they would live for this. Last year they lost the division by getting blown out by the Panthers. They would love to ruin their perfect season.

I agree Jules. Atlanta is probably the best bet if Ryan can play well. I like TB for their defense but they will stuggle on offense. I don't see the Giants keeping it within two scores. I like Carolina though and would not mind seeing them go 16-0. It is hard to do and divisional games are no joke down the stretch but they have a great shot if they can manage all the pressure and media attention. It actually hurts them in a way that the Pats lost as at least they could share the undefeated season with another team and the attention but now it is all on them. It would be pretty cool if they can do it.

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Wow, looking at that schedule,  they could very well go 16-0. What a shocker, they weren't even on anyone's radar at season's beginning.

Even though they are 11-0, I'm still not buying into them.  They are by no means a dominate team. 

Today's NFL is weird compared to the NFL with which I grew up. 11-0 would have been a huge deal.  Now it's... meh...

I.predict right here and now,  they're not going to win the Superbowl

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9 minutes ago, SteelDragon said:

Wow, looking at that schedule,  they could very well go 16-0. What a shocker, they weren't even on anyone's radar at season's beginning.

Even though they are 11-0, I'm still not buying into them.  They are by no means a dominate team. 

Today's NFL is weird compared to the NFL with which I grew up. 11-0 would have been a huge deal.  Now it's... meh...

I.predict right here and now,  they're not going to win the Superbowl

I disagree with the bolded. They are definitely a dominate team. Cam Newton has grown leaps and bounds and it's not a stretch to say he's better than Andrew Luck now. The defense is incredible and I've put a lot of work into studying them as I've had them on my $500 football money league all year and am 10-2. 

My prediction is actually pretty interesting. I think we will face them in the SB this year and they will beat us. They aren't an unstoppable team, but they are good enough on offense and defense together to take on and beat anyone. If Cam gets hurt for the playoffs, they could easily lose. If they stay relatively injury-free, I don't see anyone stopping them.

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