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Defensive minded coach or an offensive minded coach?


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Preferably a coach with a background in both but above all else an innovator who is not afraid to tell it like it is who not only preaches fundamentals but also carries that preaching out, If I had to pick an offensive minded or defensive minded head coach I'd go offensive...This depends more on the coaches ability to carry out basic game management skills however

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Unless the Colts go after OC Hue Jackson as HC, I don't see many great options for offensive minded guys that are already in the NFL. NE assistant coaches can't be trusted, Gase benefitted from Manning, and Shanahan isn't exactly wowing me in Atlanta. College I'm a little unsure as to who may be available, but I like Mark Dantonio, Harbaugh, and Saban from the college ranks.


I have a feeling Chud will work out as OC since he did wonders with Cam in his rookie year and when he was at Cleveland he really coached up Jason Campbell given the bad circumstances there. Plus back in 2007 he made Derek Anderson relevant and once they separated Anderson was never heard from again.


That being said, I would still like to look at Nick Saban as an option at HC, coaching up the defense and being a good X's and O's coach that can properly prepare this team. Then I'd like to keep Chud as OC if Saban likes him on his staff.

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because its obvious im kidding. why the heck would I give 5 first round picks for anything?


why would anyone want to bring Bill Polian back?  Why would anyone think that Griff Whalen will be an upgrade over TY Hilton?  There are a lot of people on this board that have a serious love affair for Bellichick and it would not surprise me if one, or multiple, would seriously be willing to do what you suggested.  So again, I've seen far more stupid suggestions proposed than what you said, so without knowing you on a personal level, and without YOU doing YOUR job representing your intentions in your post by giving some indication that you're being sarcastic or joking, then people simply have to choose whether they think you are indeed just joking or if you are just...ignorant.  

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I'd love Josh McDaniels..

Absolutely NOT!!!!


I live in Colorado and He Gutted the Broncos... the fans out here couldn't wait for him to get canned...


Show me a successful coach from the BB Tree in the NFL...


IMO they will keep him in NE to replace BB and for that I would be very thankful...


I think we should wait and see what happens the rest of the year... If Grigson is meddling with the coaches decisions as we have all seen from numerous sources then he needs to go... If Chud helps the team and Pagano has us showing up ready to play from the first snap then we need to think twice before cutting him... I for one do not believe he will have us ready, but after a few weeks with Chud as OC one can hope

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Absolutely NOT!!!!


I live in Colorado and He Gutted the Broncos... the fans out here couldn't wait for him to get canned...


Show me a successful coach from the BB Tree in the NFL...


IMO they will keep him in NE to replace BB and for that I would be very thankful...


I think we should wait and see what happens the rest of the year... If Grigson is meddling with the coaches decisions as we have all seen from numerous sources then he needs to go... If Chud helps the team and Pagano has us showing up ready to play from the first snap then we need to think twice before cutting him... I for one do not believe he will have us ready, but after a few weeks with Chud as OC one can hope

When Mangini had good QB play he did well. Actually, they all probably did about as well as Belichick when Belichick didn't have good QB play. Moral of the story.....find a good QB.

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because its obvious im kidding. why the heck would I give 5 first round picks for anything?


Posters make real suggestions that are that bad frequently on here ... surely you have been here long enough to see serious posts that are that level of bad or even more outrageous. I mean seriously there is more than one poster here who really believes that there's a good possibility Manning retires only to come here and become HC. The Redskins gave three 1st rnd picks for RG3; is it really that hard to believe that some delusional posters might think BB is worth 5 ???  I have almost no doubt that there are some people on here who read your original post and seriously entertained the thought or even agreed. 

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