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The Colts are NOW ranked dead last in the league on defense!


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The colts D line wasn't good yesterday but they were due for a bad game, but they aren't the problem. Problem is everyone behind the D line outside of Mathis, Adams, DQ and Vontae just haven't been very good this year. Lowery has been better than Landry though. But overall the back 7 of the D has been bad outside of a few plays a game by Davis DQ or Adams. Our secondary is also terrible playing zone.

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If our Defense is dead last they have our sorry Offense to thank for continually keeping them on the field, putting them behind the 8 ball consistently, and utterly exhausting them.  Good looking out O!   The defense doesn't have as much talent as our offense suposedly does but has shown much more heart and grit this season. 

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I wouldn't use the Saints game for defensive evaluation, for the first 20 minutes of the game the Colts had the ball 5 min while the


Saints had it 15 (not exact but pretty close) the defense was winded and exhausted before the middle of the 2nd quarter otherwise


we have been an average defense at best.  Injuries in the secondary have not helped along with the scheme why are we playing


zone and giving up the quick 5 to 7 yards playing off the WR then tackling after the catch rather than press coverage?  Is it the


personal or the coordinator not sure?  Would love some input.  Also our run defense before this game was much improved over last


year and the year before so I see the potential we have just feel we need better scheme and more pass rush to get to the


quarterback.  Thoughts?

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id say it's not ALL their fault. The offense is a train wreck and they are being asked to do way too much as a result but the defense has some clear issues. The secondary has been a mash unit all year and add in the zone defense they still won't get out of no matter how clear it is these guys aren't built for that and you have a bad secondary. The pass rush outside of Mathis is none existent. Heck even today you have the Saints pinned on the three needing a stop to get the ball back and they give up a 50 yard pass. Make no mistake, while Its not all their fault they aren't blameless,

The missed tackles were shameful.

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Ah, I see the problem. Try watching the games and THEN post an opinion.  The Colts defense has gotten stops...quite a few actually.  If I remember correctly, there was only ONE SINGLE DRIVE last night that culminated in a Saint's score that did not come directly off of a Colts turnover that gave the Saints good to great field position.



I'm not so sure about that...my couch is fairly comfortable but could be better.  Having said that, I'm not the one moronically calling out the defense for getting gassed and giving up points after being on the field way too long.  On my couch, I know the difference between REAL LIFE and playing MADDEN WITH FATIGUE TURNED OFF.



Not every former player is qualified to be an analyst.  John Lynch made a fool of himself on the broadcast last night, as have each writer that has submitted an article talking about how the defense didn't show up until the 4th quarter.  The defense was playing well in the first half and, as was already pointed out, only gave up points AFTER GETTING A STOP but then being forced right back on the field after a turnover.  Oh and I'm going to nip this in the bud before you go there...they have not given up a score EVERY SINGLE TIME they've been forced back on the field because of a turnover.



I agree with pretty much everything you said about the offense.   That's really not relevant to the conversation though. 



Both of those teams had the luxury of playing against the Colts' offense.  Give the Colts defense a game to play against the Colts offense and they'll shoot up a few spots on that list. lol  ok that was a joke.  More seriously, if you can't see the difference in talent level between the Bills' defense and the Colts defense then I feel bad for you.  Also, both the Jags and Bills, despite having more 3 and outs, are doing better in terms of time of possession, though admittedly not by much.  Still, there are more situational factors that are also going to come into play.  One that immediately comes to mind would be, have the Bills and Jags suffered as many injuries in the secondary as the Colts have?  


Bottom line, no the Colt defense is not great, but they're definitely improving, and no where near as bad as you're trying to make them out to be.

Let me start by saying I'm getting a lil sick of your personal shots and trust me it's a lot easier to do so hiding behind a keyboard!!! If you don't like my post then move on but I guess you feel entitled to take shots because you have nearly 8,000 posts. Agree or not I see a problem with this scheme and I also said that if Wade Phillips had this bunch they would probably be a middle of the pack type of defense. We all know the offense is playing bad but that does not mean the defense gets a pass for missed tackles and blown assignments. So let's just agree to disagree....


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When they are on the field almost the entire game, they will get tired and miss tackles.

If you're missing tackles, next man up.  That's why there is a depth chart.  Fresh legs are better than no legs.  In one game, they went from 30th in the league in rushing to 22nd compliments of the Colts.

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Honestly, I don't think the defense is as bad as their ranking would indicate. The Saints game was a prime example. They consistently got put in bad spots between Luck's INT and Whalen's turnover on top of the offense going 3 and out a lot. I believe in the 2nd half there was a point where the defense forced 5 or 6 three and outs yet the offense couldn't do anything. ANY defense having to play that long will wear out eventually. That's not to say the defense has been great by any means but they aren't as bad as people are making them out to be.

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Let me start by saying I'm getting a lil sick of your personal shots and trust me it's a lot easier to do so hiding behind a keyboard!!! If you don't like my post then move on but I guess you feel entitled to take shots because you have nearly 8,000 posts. Agree or not I see a problem with this scheme and I also said that if Wade Phillips had this bunch they would probably be a middle of the pack type of defense. We all know the offense is playing bad but that does not mean the defense gets a pass for missed tackles and blown assignments. So let's just agree to disagree....


Well, let me start by saying that I'm getting a little sick of people posting complete nonsense about the team.  And making excuses for the offense while blaming the defense is complete and utter nonsense.  Again, as I said before, this is not going to be a top 5 defense the way it is, but they're heading in the right direction.  I fully believe that with even a remotely competent offense that our defense can be in the top 1/3 in the league.


Oh, and my calling out this kind of nonsense has nothing to do with the number of posts I have and everything to do with this simply being nonsense.  But you keep on making excuses for the offense.  I don't know if it's out of an already established deep hatred for Manusky and/or Pagano or hero-worship of Andrew Luck, but the biggest problem with this team is not the defense...it's the offense and it's not even close.

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Well, let me start by saying that I'm getting a little sick of people posting complete nonsense about the team.  And making excuses for the offense while blaming the defense is complete and utter nonsense.  Again, as I said before, this is not going to be a top 5 defense the way it is, but they're heading in the right direction.  I fully believe that with even a remotely competent offense that our defense can be in the top 1/3 in the league.


Oh, and my calling out this kind of nonsense has nothing to do with the number of posts I have and everything to do with this simply being nonsense.  But you keep on making excuses for the offense.  I don't know if it's out of an already established deep hatred for Manusky and/or Pagano or hero-worship of Andrew Luck, but the biggest problem with this team is not the defense...it's the offense and it's not even close.

What are you talking about?! I've had MANY posts about Pep's putrid offense and Luck's bad play as of late but this post was about the defense being ranked dead last in the league!!! I didn't make their ranking up nor am I the one on national tv pointing out the poor play by allowing chunk plays or the bad tackling displayed! I guess you don't read the paper either because NONSENSE about the team is ALL around you and until they start looking like a contender people will continue to point out the deficiencies. I welcome anyone's opinion or thoughts. You lose me with the personal shots that I GUARANTEE wouldn't be taken if not hiding behind a keyboard. I now you want to go round and round but I'm not in the mood for you to decide which posts are nonsense etc. so I will be the BIGGER person and just avoid conversation with you period.

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What are you talking about?! I've had MANY posts about Pep's putrid offense and Luck's bad play as of late but this post was about the defense being ranked dead last in the league!!! I didn't make their ranking up nor am I the one on national tv pointing out the poor play by allowing chunk plays or the bad tackling displayed! 


Your post in this thread, #37 is the reason I said what I did about blaming the defense while making excuses for the offense.  


I guess you don't read the paper either because NONSENSE about the team is ALL around you and until they start looking like a contender people will continue to point out the deficiencies. I welcome anyone's opinion or thoughts



No, I do not read the paper.  Never have.  I do read articles on NFL.com and other sports sites from time to time, but they're nonsense more often than not as well.  Many "experts" or "analysts" simply look at the box score instead of studying film when they're writing these articles.  I watch the games for myself and make up my own opinions.



. You lose me with the personal shots that I GUARANTEE wouldn't be taken if not hiding behind a keyboard. 



lol..your guarantee is comical.  Hey, I guarantee the next lottery ticket you buy will be a winner.


I now you want to go round and round but I'm not in the mood for you to decide which posts are nonsense etc. so I will be the BIGGER person and just avoid conversation with you period.



You are wrong again. I do not want to go round and round.  I want to dispel the nonsense and false information that gets posted on here.  

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The defense are fighters. They showed a lot of heart out there. They left it all on the field. They're gritty. Never been more proud of a group of men.

I realize this is probably a shot at Pagano, but if you understood how the offense puts them in that situation, you can understand why we are dead last!  The defense isnt really that bad.  It's like going to run a marathon when you were just shot in the leg.  It makes things difficult.

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The D forced the Saints to punt 9 times and only gave up 14 pts that werent the result of turnovers....they did their job

Oh so we have somebody in here that doesn't just look at the stat sheet?  You're kind is not wanted in here!  That just makes too much sense.  We can't be having that :)




Although it wasn't on the same play the Fake FG was technically on the ST unit IMO

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Oh so we have somebody in here that doesn't just look at the stat sheet? You're kind is not wanted in here! That just makes too much sense. We can't be having that :)


Although it wasn't on the same play the Fake FG was technically on the ST unit IMO


Well just saw a post on stampedeblue that showed that roughly 60 or so of the 174 given up this year is the result of turnovers from the offense.....thats over 33%...the D hasnt been bad....the O is killing this team.

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Well just saw a post on stampedeblue that showed that roughly 60 or so of the 174 given up this year is the result of turnovers from the offense.....thats over 33%...the D hasnt been bad....the O is killing this team.

LOL were a bunch of SIN(ers)!  All those darn self inflected negatives!  Another thing is all of the penalties that have stalled drives!  Throw that in the mix, our defense is trying to prevent the other team from scoring, and our own offense is helping the opponent out!  I'm starting to get skeptical of who is actually on our team.  Don't Trust Anybody!



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If you're missing tackles, next man up.  That's why there is a depth chart.  Fresh legs are better than no legs.  In one game, they went from 30th in the league in rushing to 22nd compliments of the Colts.

playing the colts has been a good way for teams to boost their stats the last few seasons.


except for the bengals

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When the Defense is out there for 3/4 of the game, because the offense can't score in the first half, it's hard to really fault them. 



That said,  


Greg Toilet is a horrible CB, and Vontae isn't playing up to his standards lately (except for the tow tapping INT which was beautiful) 


Mike Adams being out isn't helping. 


The only OLB's we have are Mathis and Walden. Cole isn't doing much of anything. Werner is garbage. Newsome was a healthy scratch yesterday.......ummmmm??? 


Continuing to play zone is the dumbest thing we could possibly do. Yet, we keep doing it. 


Dropping DE's into coverage over and over.......dumb. 


DQ is playing out of his mind against the run. He's not good against the pass. Stop dropping him into coverage!!! 


The Langford & the Stanford boys are doing their job, but they can't make all the plays. 


 DQ gives up numerous nice runs every game because he overruns the play and because he can`t get off blocks.

 He is mediocre.

 Watch Carolina and learn.


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lmao and you are the exact opposite of what my post was just talking about.  Everyone loves to see big names on defense because Manning had them, but no one bother to even look that the defenses Manning had to play with the last 7 years here had 0 depth and one dimensional with a flawed fundamental system.  But like I told the other guy don't let the facts get in the way of your story lol.


 Good grief, they spent to much of their $$ and #1 draft picks on weapons for Manning.

 Like NE did for Brady. lmao


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The defense is not the problem. If the offense doesn't produce, you can't expect the defense to be monster when they are playing 55 minutes of a 60 minute game. It's tiring.

I believe it's a top 10 defense. The offense needs to get it together.

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 DQ gives up numerous nice runs every game because he overruns the play and because he can`t get off blocks.

 He is mediocre.

 Watch Carolina and learn.



You are describing Freeman to a T.


DQ does sometimes get swallowed up, but against the run, he's more than solid. He also happens to lead the league in tackles. In coverage he's garbage. We all know this. 





And come on man......Nobody is trying to compare Kuechly to DQ. 

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 This fact alone should give Pagano his walking papers. He was supposed to be the "defensive" guru we brought in to clean this up.

I agree. This defensive failure is all his fault. If you would've told me in preseason that they would be LAST in defense, I would definitely laugh. How unfortunate for the Colts. This team definitely deserve a good defensive coordinator.

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If our Defense is dead last they have our sorry Offense to thank for continually keeping them on the field, putting them behind the 8 ball consistently, and utterly exhausting them.  Good looking out O!   The defense doesn't have as much talent as our offense suposedly does but has shown much more heart and grit this season. 

Very good point. The offense has had so many 3 and outs its killing the defense for sure. That and a lack of pass rush really kills this defense.


I just checked. Our offense has the 3rd most 3 and outs in the league only behind Jacksonville and Buffalo.

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Very good point. The offense has had so many 3 and outs its killing the defense for sure. That and a lack of pass rush really kills this defense.


I just checked. Our offense has the 3rd most 3 and outs in the league only behind Jacksonville and Buffalo.

That from an offense with the potential to be one of the best in the league is inexcusable. 

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